
Episode 3

Chapter 3: Finding, my savior.

Subtle noises coming out of children’s laughter playfully hum in my ears. Add to that is the melodious chirping of birds which soothes my being. It offers a tender and comforting warmth that lingers up in my chest. The light coming from the sunrise is also kissing my skin and it provides a golden glow that gives color to my paleness. It is truly refreshing to bathe under the sun and inhale the fresh breeze of the morning. I’ve always loved to walk under the mellow warmth of the rays and watch how the sun embraces the clouds and its azure curtains. It is a piece of my tranquility, a small everyday event that reminds me that every day is a new beginning.

I am walking in the aisle in between apple trees. The saccharine smell of the shiny red fruits never fails to excite me. I am casually taking a step while kicking those pebbles on the ground. I am only a few meters away from my home. Time seems to fly that fast. I remember leaving the Cildreth Demon Realm during the moon’s reign in the sky yet I arrived here at my hometown before dawn. I can somehow feel my legs starting to shake. I haven’t gotten any rest ever since I left my Pop’s home.

My stomach churns. I’m hungry. I also haven’t eaten anything because I forgot to bring some snacks with me. I was too ecstatic to go on a journey to meet the queen and ask for her grace which made me lost focus on everything. My knees started trembling and I can feel that the strength I have in my body is all gone.

“I’m tired.” I pouted. I started stomping my feet on the ground and crossed my arms against my chest. I didn't expect that an adventure like this would be so exhausting! If only I knew. I should have stayed in my Pop’s house and just lay in bed all day long!

With this, a sudden image of a silver haired man with piercing cerulean eyes pops out in my head like a bubble. I bit my lower lip as my heart started to race. I can feel my cheeks heat up. Up until now, I still can’t believe that a gorgeous man like him exist. Oh, sweet heavens, you bestowed such a precious gift on this land. He is way too beautiful!

My lips started curving into the shape of a half-moon. I am grinning like an idiot. I can’t stop thinking of him. His image is engraved on my mind and I’ll surely remember him for eternity. Oh, my goodness gracious, it will be a pleasure to bless my eyes with his ethereality. I’d love to see him again. Plus, I have to repay him. If it weren’t for him, I’d probably be dead and my Pops is surely mourning at my grave right now.

I literally owe him everything. That terrifying monster almost lashes out his fatal claws and fangs at me. Or worse, if he didn’t save me, I’ll surely be on the beast’s stomach. I am too young to become a monster’s menu! I am highly indebted to him and I’d like to show him my immense gratitude. Sadly, he didn’t give his name to me. I kept asking him but he did not answer me. It will be much easier to find him if I know who he is. All I know is that he has these strange cerulean eyes and long silver hair. I hope I can find him soon enough. I am willing to do everything just to show him how grateful I am that he saved me. But the question is, where will I start searching? I have no idea about his whereabouts.

In the midst of thinking where I will search, my stomach rumbled for the second time this morning. I pouted. I should head home first and feed this little crazy tummy of mine. I’m starving. I do hope Pops cook something all ready for breakfast.

I increased my pacing until I am running. I ignored everything and everyone whom I passed by. I know for sure that they are giving me some weird and sharp stares but I don’t care. My stomach is much more important and I have no time to mind them. By their looks, I am certain that they are thinking something foul about me.

I focused my eyes forward, towards the direction of my Pop’s house. While I am running, the cool wind is gently caressing me and it feels relaxing. After a span of several minutes, an image of an adorable wooden house came into view. The glass windows are open, an indication that my Pops is already awake. Upon reaching the doorstep, a savory smell lingered on my nostrils. He is probably cooking something delicious for breakfast.

I turned the knob and silently entered the house. I am very much careful to not make any sound. I tiptoed my way to the living room. I wonder what my Pops is preparing, just the smell of it makes my mouth water. I bite my lips to stop myself from giggling. It will only mess up my plan. I followed the aroma and it led me past the dining area, to the kitchen. There I saw my Pops dancing. He is wearing an apron while his back is facing me. He is also joyfully humming and it fills the entirety of the area. It made my heart leap in bliss and my lips curve into a huge sweet smile. He can definitely make me melt.

He is too occupied with what he’s doing. He is even swaying his hips as he sings a song. He is not noticing my presence and a sinister grin can be found on my face the moment I reach his place. I extended both of my arms sideward and quickly wrapped them around his hips.

“Oh my apples!” he shouted as I embraced him. He also jumped out of pure shock because of what I’ve done. He dropped the spatula he was holding and it created a noise when it hit the ground. I laugh hard when I see his reaction. I always play these kinds of pranks on him. He is easily startled and has the funniest expressions which make it more amusing and enjoyable.

His eyes darted on me, it is widely opened and his mouth was even agape. I met his brown orbs and smiled. He looks young despite of his age. There are some several wrinkles on his face but he doesn’t look that old. The freckles on his cheeks also made him look younger. There is nothing alike with our features. He has a tan skin while mine is as pale as an albino. He has mahogany-colored hair while mine is as dark as a coal.

“Popsie! I missed you!” I tightened my embrace on his hips and this made him laugh. It warms my heart and the sound of it resembles the chiming of bells. But this only lasted for a few seconds, he frowned and his brows furrowed. He lifts his right hand and gives me a soft smack on the head.

“You kiddo! Where have you been?” He started lecturing and put both of his hands on his hips. He looked like an enraged mother. “I’ve been looking for you everywhere!” he continued. To be honest, I forgot to tell him about my plans. I just sneaked out of the house and traveled straight to the Cildreth Demon Realm without even informing him. I feel kind of guilty. I was too excited to go on an adventure.

“Sorry, Popsie.” I pouted my lips and stared at the wooden floor. “I went at the Cildreth Demon Realm to ask the queen for her grace.” After this, I look up at him and throw him a puppy-looking eyes. I made sure I look adorable and cute. My pops breathed out a sigh as a sign of defeat. He shakes his head sideward as if he was disappointed and got the hot pot.

“Come on, kid.” He started walking towards the dining table with the pot in his hands. “Let us eat while you tell me about your adventure.” He tilted his head to look at my direction and beam at me. He has a playful smile and he even wink at me. I grin and clasp both of my hands together as I run at his direction.