
Episode 2.2

“Ahhhh, Monster! Pops, help me! Save me wahhhh~”

There stood in front of the Cerberus is a young girl in her early adulthood. The beast is baring his fangs at her, ready to make her his next victim. It made her tremble in fear while tears were forming in the corner of her eyes. She is even biting her lips to stop the soft cries escaping from her mouth.

“Leave the young girl alone, Cerberus.”

The young woman’s eyes darted toward him and she pleaded with him to save her. His outburst also made the Cerberus spare him a glance and growl. The emperor is about to leash out his sword on the beast but unfortunately, it held the young girl captive in its front. He used its paw to trap it underneath him on the ground and he even pointed his claws at the young girl's neck.

“Let me go,” she said through muffled cries. Earlier, the emperor is determined to murder the beast but now that an innocent girl’s life is in danger, things have turned the other way around. He tightened his grip on his sword but this earned another loud growl from the beast.

The emperor gritted his teeth. “Free the girl. She has nothing to do with all these. She’s innocent.” He is clenching his jaw and is truly annoyed with what’s happening now. He should have ended the beast’s life earlier.

The beast dug his claws into the woman’s body and this made her cry harder. “No. Please no,” she begged the beast and started sobbing. Her voice is also breaking while speaking. “I still want to live. I have lots of dreams to achieve. I haven't thanked pops for raising me. I don't want to die being useless,” she bawled in agony.

Alois clicked his tongue. His job is to protect, bring peace to the world, and eliminate evil. He is thinking of killing the beast to save the girl's life. He just can’t let her die. He breathed a sigh, mustered all the courage he could get, and started to loosen his grip on the sword. He drops it down and the sound of clashing metals catches the attention of the beast and spares him another glance.

“I surrender," he declared. “Leave the girl harmless and you’re free to go.”

The beast is still baring his fangs but he started freeing the young girl. It started retreating and the girl hurriedly stood up and rushed towards the emperor. She grabs ahold of Alois’ arm and hide behind him. Her knees are still trembling, she’s probably scared because of this beast.

Alois and the girl stared at the retreating gesture of the Cerberus. The girl let out an exasperated sigh as the threatening aura slowly faded away and the beast is finally nowhere to be found. She released her grip on Alois’ arms and immediately bowed to thank him and she feel relieved for not dying too early. If she's only strong enough to defeat that monster she will probably beat him with her fangs too. But sadly, she doesn't know how to use magic or even martial art to fight back all she does is cry and ask for help. The reason she ventured in this place is to find the Legend of Ice Queen, to ask for her magnifying power. Unfortunately, things didn't go too well as she almost lost her life but thanks to the man who saved her.

“Thank you for saving me!” she said joyfully. Alois turned to her and looked at her.

“I’ll eternally be grateful. You saved my life. I owe you, my life. If it's not for you, I'll probably become his dinner,” she said sourly while frowning and glancing at him. Her savior just continued staring at her.

She put her right hand on her chest, right where her heart is located and it is beating fast. Butterflies seem to float around her eyes. It is somehow sparkling. She is too astounded because of the beauty she just witnessed.

'He's way too beautiful for a man.' She said at the back of her head while still staring at his savior. Her earlier sour expression turned into full amazement. She is gawking at him and still can't believe that a beautiful creature like him exists. She can stay in this spot and stare at him forever.

“What's your name?” she asked him, mesmerized by his unbelievable beauty.

The man just stared at her and it seems like he is just observing her moves. This leads her to take a step forward, along with this is the man's backward step to give himself some space. She pouted but this later then turned into a grin, "Our tribe has a rule that if someone saves us, we have to give back their good deeds. So, I want to ask your name and where do you live so that I can repay you." She keeps on insisting on the man and throws him a pleading look. She will not stop until the man gives his name.

The emperor did not respond and just walked away from her. This made Anastasia shout her lungs out, "My name is Anastasia! That's my name. Don't forget it! I vow to repay you!"

The oath made Aloi's smile a bit. The little girl is entertaining and funny. Earlier, she was crying and now she acts like nothing even happened. Alois cleared his throat and bent his body to reach for his sword. “No need. It is my duty to save the innocent.”

“But still, I owe you, my life!” the girl stuttered.

Alois shook his head and started turning his back on her. “You owe me nothing.” And with that, the emperor disappeared in the thin air, leaving the girl dumbfounded.

Anastasia pouted. She can’t believe of what her savior just said. For her, it is a huge blessing that he saved her. If it wasn’t for him, she would probably be torn in pieces by the beast. This made her determined and threw her right hand in the air.

“I promise to repay you! I’ll find you, my savior!”