
Odyssey of the Red Spider Lily


The rumour about me stealing the class funds somehow spread around in school.

This left me puzzled because I did not steal the money. Later, I learned that it was Elvis's girlfriend and her gang who spread the rumour.

Elvis's girlfriend, Rachel, was the leader of the art committee of the class.

Rachel had a pair of large attractive eyes. She formed a clique on the first day of the semester.

They also seemed to boss other classmates around. At first, the target whom they isolated was a very introverted girl.

The girl was just a little overweight. Since she had poor grades, Rachel and her gang mocked her by reading her grades aloud.

They also deliberately made fun of her at the New Year's Eve party.

I had helped that girl several times, and because I was Elvis's sister, most of the time Rachel and her gang reluctantly stopped bullying her.

Now Rachel became Elvis's girlfriend, and Elvis seemed to hate me badly.

As a result, they turned to bully me.