
Love Akeelah

Akeelah Jade Cutler gathered all her confidence to send a bunch of email to her past crush expressing everything she bottled up for five years. Would she ever get a response?

strawberia · Teenager
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13 Chs

Letter A

To: the.casgomezagmail.com

Subject: Letter A

First and foremost, this letter does not mean any harm. I know that you are happy with your relationship right now so I'm not expecting anything from you. Just let me send this letters then I'll finally go on with my life.

I like you. I like you, Cassius Gomez. I like you for five years now…

Well, according to my therapist, that's already considered love, but I beg to differ.

You're probably clueless how did I manage to harbor such feelings for five years. Well, it's all you fault. You made me feel special, You made me feel wanted– that I matter, You made whole, but later on break. I'm kidding, I'm not blaming you at all. This is all on me. I read onto your actions too much so I always end up assuming things between us.

Do you know how thankful I was for that Science groupings? That's when our friendship started and my feelings grow. At first, I was contented to be your friend, because it felt good to be your friend. You became constant to my boring life. As cliche as it sound but you bring thousands of colors to my life. You made me laugh my ass out for nonsense reason, You made me feel excited reading your messages, You made me see your fears­– that later on made me share mine. See, how close we've become.

Too bad it didn't last long. Because I was stupid…

I didn't know if it was really my doing or is it because you just simply grew tired of me? Is it too much to ask if you could shed some light to that? Did you stop talking to me because you thought I only saw you as a friend or am I still assuming things?

Cassius, believe it or not I just really wanted to be your friend, a best friend. But the more I get to spend time with you, the more I fell deeper. My therapist told me to tell you everything, so please bear with me for the next weeks. I'll be on your skin for quite some time. Yeah, I'm assuming you're wasting your time reading this.

That's it for this Saturday. This is a scheduled message so expect to receive one every Saturday.


Your friend