
Love After Divorce: Marrying the Boss

Her husband did not give her much time and always came home late at night. One day she saw her husband with another girl, and after a brief fight, her husband Marcus asked her for a divorce. To take revenge on Marcus, she went to a bar and asked the bartender to find an escort who could satisfy her in order to make Marcus jealous. While drunk, she bumped into her would-be boss and had sex with him, mistaking him for an escort. The next day, she finds out that the guy she had sex with is none other than the new boss of her company.

ShadowXBlade · Urban
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12 Chs

Find me a men

"Great! Please help me in finding the most expensive, skilled, and attractive guy that is out there! I'll give him 3,000 dollars a month if you send him straight to my house," Emma spoke sweetly and fluttered her eyelashes flirtatiously.

The bartender's heart half melted as he faced the great beauty in front of him. "As you can see, what do you think about me? I'd even do it for free; there's no need to pay three thousand dollars."

"You won't work, in my opinion." Marcus's eyes flashed a chilly gleam.

Marcus looked at the bartender, making her shiver. "Let me find another suitable candidate here."

"It's better to let the experts at the bar handle this rather than risking anyone's safety."

"Await!" Emma pushed her glass in the direction of the bartender and called him back. However, her gaze remained fixed, defiantly, on Marcus. "I need something more potent to spice up my evening."

Marcus was furious about this. "Let's see if he shows up without permission after this."

Marcus stood up, took hold of her weak chin, and made her turn to face him. "Alright, Emma. Enjoy your fantastic evening!"

He then turned and walked away.

He had gripped Emma's chin, which she rubbed. It must be red; even without looking, she could tell.

This beautiful lady is certainly of my type, the bartender thought to himself, even asking for a man that can make her happy. He would give her one of his hidden stashes for free since he thought she was so beautiful.

"We have nothing stronger than this, my lady. For the first few hours, there is no effect, but after that, it becomes very strong," the bartender said, lowering the glass out of sight behind the bar.

He added an extra something to her drink.

He proceeded to locate a man for her.

Emma assumed the bartender was preparing a new drink for her and wasn't paying attention to his actions. "Gratitude."

Her entire attention had been on Marcus's back. She let go of her smug smile as she watched him go. Searching quickly for the bartender, she looked around.

He had vanished!

In a panic, she grabbed another bartender. "Please let your colleague know that I no longer require it. Do not ask him to find me a partner. Would you please, would you?"

The bartender had obediently searched for a suitable candidate for the beauty but encountered an obstacle midway. "Don't look for men for her." Marcus pushed a wad of cash into the bartender's hands, his brows furrowed in annoyance. "Tell her all of your men are booked for tonight when you return."

"Sir, I overheard you discussing your divorce with your partner earlier. Do you think it's appropriate to interfere with her personal affairs?" With a scowl, the bartender hurled the cash back at him.

Marcus let the money drop to the floor instead of taking it.

Roughly, he grabbed the bartender's collar. "What did you say?" He spoke in a cold tone.

"Simple, sir." The bartender took Marcus's hand and smiled a little. He stated righteously, "Women need to be controlled, or else who knows what problems they might cause? Fear not—I know what to do!

The bartender fled around the corner of the bar. He walked a few steps and sighed bitterly to himself. Do you really believe that you own the Pacific Ocean? interfering so heavily with her affairs!"

Though he wouldn't find the beauty a perfect partner, she would undoubtedly search for one on her own, thanks to the unique gift he'd given her.

It was the end of his shift when he glanced at the time. Ideal moment to disappear.

Emma had to wait a little longer for her legal colleague to arrive.

As soon as she caught her husband cheating last night, the woman began to complain. They recently got divorced after more than ten years of marriage.

Emma felt awkward now, talking about her personal issues. She consoled the woman and continued to drink.

With a tipsy expression on her face, Emma considered returning home and forgoing asking today. However, her coworker brought it up once more. "Yes, you are correct in wishing to end your contract. Every year, some people in your advertising department give it a try, but how many of them have taken the plunge? They all dutifully await the contract's expiration.

The Southeast Regional Headquarters of the sizable international jewelry company Starweaver Group is situated in Florida. Every year, the M Country headquarters examined staff retention.

Model turnover was also well known.

Thus, labor contracts for Starweaver's Southeast models included very high liquidated damages.

"Anne, you know the circumstances. I wanted to know if you could think of a solution because of this." Emma topped off the other woman's drink.

"What was your salary from the previous year?" Anne enquired.

Emma carefully counted as she raised her fingers. "I believe it's about eighty thousand dollars."

"Your liquidated damages will be nearly half a million, as per your contract, which stipulates six times the salary." Missing Emma's inebriation, Anne jabbed a finger at her forehead, coming dangerously close to her ear instead. "Are you really that stupid? With over half a year until it expires, you might be able to save $500k! Just put up with it, whether it's sexual coercion or a dumb boss. Contract breakers who lose half a million dollars are the only fools. There's no avoiding it."

Anne staggered out of sight.

Emma's hopes of an early termination were completely dashed when Anne said that.

It was uneasy in her stomach. She stumbled into the restroom.

Nothing surfaced after retching for a while.

Why was she feeling so lightheaded when she didn't think she had drunk that much? Her body felt hot, and her throat burned badly.

Marcus's voice echoed in her ears as she emerged. "Drank that much?"

The alcohol had caused Emma's face to flush red. She scowled. "Mr. Marcus, I've only had a few drinks. Remain calm. Are you not upstairs greeting the new vice president? Why do you still accompany me here?"

The new vice president wasn't here yet. The others were waiting upstairs.

Marcus had only descended to see how she was doing.

"It's pointless to drink your problems away. You ought to examine your own errors." Marcus's hulking figure came toward her. Instinctively, he extended his hand to support her, but paused.

"Mr. Marcus, are you really saying that I'm drinking away my divorce-related sorrows?" Emma noticed that she was starting to feel lightheaded.

"It's entirely up to you to decide whether or not that is the case. I'm too busy to speculate about your thoughts." Marcus cast a detached glance at her progressively shaky physique.

Emma is feeling very dizzy and confused right now. She'd been hit hard by the alcohol.

Marcus doubled in front of her.

She saw stars as she swayed and fell to the ground.

With a detached expression, Marcus observed Emma lying on the ground. "Next time, Emma, please drink more responsibly. When will you start exercising self-control?

Emma pushed open her eyes and glanced up at Marcus. "I, Emma, have always followed my heart," she said, a little tipsy. I never gave self-control much thought. Didn't I used to be like this? Are you forgetting?

Emma believed that her transformation for him had only occurred in the last few years.

Marcus's thoughts briefly went blank.

Suddenly, he remembered their first day of college, freshman orientation.

"School prince, my name is Emma," she declared. "It's good to meet you."

"Yes, that is correct. Emma, I always listen to her heart."

"Since I was a child, I have never given self-control any thought."

Marcus closed his eyes and brought his mind back to the here and now.

He could get past her generally rambunctious nature. It wasn't as if they hadn't engaged in combat in the previous few years—the longest cold war lasted for a month.

However, for her to bother him at this time, when he was overburdened with work...

He needed to correct her behavior!

Emma was lying on the ground and it felt like everything was upside down.

Marcus gave her a quick glance before turning to walk away.

After walking for a good while, almost to the corner, Marcus was suddenly embraced by a woman. "Mr. Marcus, are you also present?"

A normal person couldn't see clearly at that distance. However, Emma had always had exceptionally sharp vision. She discovered that it was the same woman who had previously shared wine with him in the quiet room.

Lying on the cold floor, she was ignored and alone while the woman cuddled up to Marcus, putting her chest up against his elbow as they laughed and talked.

Her eyes clouded slightly, but she refrained from crying. "He's just my worthless ex-husband," she muttered to herself with fierceness. I don't give a damn!

When Emma saw the scene, her stomach turned over with nausea. She averted her gaze and slowly got herself up, using the wall. The vertigo caused the entire world to spin wildly.

Her hand slipped on the wall as she was about to straighten up, causing her body to fall uncontrollably backward!

She believed she would fall hard once more.

Abruptly, though, she felt a light touch on her back that was firm enough to catch her.

A male voice, low and unfamiliar, cold and magnetic, said, "Be careful."

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