
Love After Divorce: Marrying the Boss

Her husband did not give her much time and always came home late at night. One day she saw her husband with another girl, and after a brief fight, her husband Marcus asked her for a divorce. To take revenge on Marcus, she went to a bar and asked the bartender to find an escort who could satisfy her in order to make Marcus jealous. While drunk, she bumped into her would-be boss and had sex with him, mistaking him for an escort. The next day, she finds out that the guy she had sex with is none other than the new boss of her company.

ShadowXBlade · Urban
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12 Chs

Emma seduced James

Everyone present was shocked at once when they heard this.

Marcus decided to separate from his wife.

Everyone turned to look at Marcus in an instant.

Marcus's razor-sharp eyes darkened. "How did Chairman James find out about my divorce yesterday when he didn't even know who I was?"

"Yes, that is correct!"

With a silent nod, everyone turned back to face the new vice president.

James had a serene look on his face that exuded an inner calmness that was tightly controlled and directed toward everything. "My friend happened to witness a man and a woman presenting their divorce certificates yesterday. She snapped a picture of the man because she was so taken aback by his appearance and told me all about it."

"Well, I see. That's it."

Chairman Marcus was known for his good looks, and people often tried to discreetly take pictures of him as he moved around.

Everyone was thinking to themselves, so Chairman James was surprised to see Marcus today and realized how ironic it was that he was the subject of yesterday's gossip.

Marcus relaxed his guard, knowing that James had just happened to find out by coincidence. "Chairman James, my wife and I had a big, impulsive argument yesterday because she was being temperamental with me. I was the one who had offended her. When she calms down in a few days, we'll make amends and be together once again."

John was seated directly beside James.

He felt as though the temperature had dropped significantly in that moment, making everything feel extremely cold.

James let out a small chuckle. "Be together again? Chairman Marcus, is he not oversimplifying things? It is difficult to repair a broken mirror."

Marcus grew gloomy. "What's between her and me is none of your business, Chairman James."

"Mr. Marcus, chairman! Eat rather than just talk." John cut Marcus short because he felt threatened.

Young people would fight after just a few sentences because of their ferocious tempers.

John shifted the conversation quickly. James, the 160 square foot apartment dormitory with a view of the river, is still available next to the business. Can you live with that for the time being?"

"I already applied for and received the key for the employee dorm, so there's no need."

John: Is he able to live in the other employees' tiny dorms? Though I'm not really sure why, it's positive if the youth are content.


With his suit jacket slung over his arm, James stood at the door.

He removed the key from his suit pant pocket and placed the luggage in his other hand.

Suddenly, there was a notification sound on his phone.

One after the other came through.

[Before I left, she was asleep.]

[However, she felt a little hot and seemed strange.]

When you get off work, go check on her and see if she needs to be taken to the hospital.

[I've reached my goal and am retreating!]

James closed his phone and turned the key in the lock.

The door opened, revealing darkness in his vision.

Trying not to wake the sleeping person, he quietly carried his luggage inside.

His tall, thin figure seemed even more out of place in the tiny, run-down apartment.


A faint groan emanated from the shadows: "Water..."

James felt his heart pound. He turned to face the sofa after hearing the sound.

Emma's body was lightly covered in faint moonlight that streamed in through the window onto the sofa.

It appeared as though she had just showered.

She was wearing only a thin towel, which was barely covering her boobs. It barely wrapped around her bouncy chest, bringing even more attention to her voluptuous, seductive curves.

As he got closer, he could see the water droplets glistening on her skin, emphasizing her curves even more. James's throat tightened as a wave of unease washed over him.

A faint sobbing tone could be heard in her voice as she half-sat up, hazily. "Water is what I want."

However, she was only able to sit up straight for a single second.

Abruptly, she lost her balance and collapsed ahead!

James's pulse pounded. With one arm, he swept her into his arms as he strode forward.

Emma's thin waist gave way, and she pressed half of her body against him, like she was willingly exposing herself to him. The weight of her body against his sent a jolt of electricity through him, making him feel alive in a way he hadn't in years.

Emma was barely hanging on to her towel after making this abrupt move. "I need Water... I am thirsty."

Half-hidden, half-exposed, the landscape swept into James's vision unopposed.

James's forehead veins pulsed fiercely; this was not the kind of scene he had expected to see.

She told him he looked easy to sleep with, and her eyes were charming and moist when I first saw her today.

She just threw herself at him like this the second time. James felt a rush of desire as she leaned in closer, her body sending shivers down his spine. He couldn't resist the temptation, pulling her into a passionate embrace.

She was pushing the boundaries of his patience and self-control, but he had returned with the intention of taking things slowly with her.

It was not supposed to be like this, bullying an honest man. agitated, writhing in his arms, saying, "Water, thirsty..."

James's large, strong hand easily lifted her, taking in her legs and waist before lowering her back onto the couch.

"Are you... easy to sleep with little brother from the bar?" Emma murmured as she quickly put her hands and feet around him and hugged his neck.

"Your memory has never been this good before." James's hands, which he was holding involuntarily, became increasingly tighter.

"Lie still and be good; I will get you some medicine."

He settled Emma down on the couch and was ready to step away.

As he turned to leave, Emma weakly grabbed his hand and said, "Don't leave..." Emma, however, caught hold of his shirt and yanked him in close to her, her eyes red and wet at the corners.

Her eyes were pleading for him to stay. James hesitated, his heart aching at the vulnerability in her gaze. Her tiny hand gripped his shirt and slowly slid down.

"I will not be able to handle it; don't seduce me," he whispered softly, brushing a strand of hair away from her forehead.

Emma's grip tightened, and she wispered in his ears softly. "Please stay with me, James." Her vulnerability tugged at his heartstrings, making it impossible for him to leave her side. He sighed, knowing he could not resist her plea.

There was a "click," and his belt came loose. He knew he was in too deep now, unable to resist her pull. As they embraced, he knew there was no turning back.

James raised his eyebrow in surprise. "If you keep doing it, I won't be able to control myself," he muttered, persevering.

Emma's voice was light and tremulous; her face and neck were drenched in sticky sweat. "You're really hot as well. You're not what I want." She knew she was playing with fire, but she couldn't help herself.

She teasingly waved him away after releasing her grip on her right hand.

"So empty, so hot, and so thirsty."

She was unsure of what she needed, though.

"You're not interested in me? Who are you wishing for?" James's voice was soft and a little raspy, and his gaze was searing.

Emma's phone, which had been resting on the coffee table, started ringing. Instinctively, she grabbed it and hit reply.

Marcus's voice carried repressed anger; he hadn't been able to locate her in a while. "I am worried about you. Where are you?"

James's eyes darkened with concern, a hint of worry creeping in. His heart began to sink.

James felt as if he had been transported back to her college days. Every now and then, she would kiss Marcus by the lake, their hands clasped together. James watched the wind blow through her hair, exposing her flushed face, and he always intransigently refused to leave, staring at them. As Marcus gave her a kiss, he observed her bashful expression.

Emma's heart raced as she struggled to come up with a response. She knew she had to choose her words carefully to avoid escalating the situation further.

Emma growled, "Get lost!" upon hearing Marcus's grating tone.

James "snapped" and ended the call on her behalf!

Emma's eyes met his, filled with a mixture of longing and uncertainty. James's resolve was slipping, and he leaned in and gave Emma a kiss the next instant. His lips were brushing against hers in a tender kiss. The moment lingered, suspended in time, as they both gave in to the undeniable chemistry between them. In that instant, they both knew that they were embarking on a journey that would change their lives forever.

She raised her chest to firmly press against him, imitating the way Marcus would kiss her with their hands pressed together. As they embraced, conflicting emotions swirled within Emma; relief mingled with guilt, grateful for James's unexpected intervention. Despite standing united against Marcus's aggression, a subtle tension lingered between them, hinting at unresolved emotions.

It felt as though they were not on the couch but rather by the lakeside, where, as a child, he had spent endless days and nights daydreaming about her.

A surge of overwhelming fullness and satisfaction flooded through his chest, engulfing him in a whirlwind of emotions. He became insanely dependent on this feeling of total control over her.