
Love Across the Sands of Time

What happens when you are forcibly turned into a Genie and forced to serve the royal family for 200 years? How would you react when the Princess, next in line for the throne, Asks to be your friend instead of your Master?

AngelxYasutora · Anime und Comics
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1 Chs

Love Across the Sands of Time

It was another hot day in the desert of the kingdom of Millennia. But, within this dark cell you couldn't tell what time of day it was. A couple of days ago I turned eighteen. It's funny to think that my old childhood friend, Momo, will soon turn eighteen next week. She tells me that her only wish is to be my bride, yet I don't like her in a romantic way. I will admit she is pretty, but she falls into the "born with a silver spoon category", who will not take "no" for an answer. She is the daughter of the Sultan's Royal Advisor, Aizen. The royal guards called me a street rat whenever they saw me around the city. It doesn't bother me as much anymore, but I could go without the bruises. Whenever Aizen sees me, he takes it upon himself to punish me. He may be the Sultan's royal advisor, but he's also a very powerful sorcerer.

I heard him chuckle from the shadows outside of my cell. "I hadn't anticipated for you to be caught by my hands, Sado Yasutora."Aizen said. "You see my lovely daughter doesn't know this but. You are meant for something much greater than being a low life street rat. So I'm here to make a deal with you?"

I looked at him, from behind the bars. "What are you getting at?" I asked. He walked towards me with his hands behind his back.

"I want you to marry my lovely daughter Momo and in return I will appoint you as the new Sultan". He said"

I spit the blood out of my mouth and chuckled slightly. "And if I refuse your distasteful offer?". 

"Well boy, you'll be cursed under my rule for the next 200 years." He said. 

I Chuckled slightly, "I would rather die a painful death than marry your stuck up daughter".

"I figured you'd say that. Which is why I have no choice but to curse you". He holds out his hand with red glowing eyes making his staff appear with the eyes of a Komodo Dragon. "But fear not Sado for this will be the beginning of your journey to be something more" He said as he smiled and pointed his staff at me as the eyes on the Komodo Dragon head started to glow and a bright flash of white light blinded my eyes.

When I opened my eyes again I looked around as he stood there smiling at me, holding a fancy silver lamp with an image of my tattoo on the front. A long strand of navy blue smoke trailed out of the spout leading towards me. I looked down at myself as my skin is now a navy blue hue and from the waist down was nothing but the smoke, trailing back to the lamp. A pair of Silver wrist bands appeared. I stare at him in anger. "What have you done to me Aizen!" I demanded.

"I have turned you into one of the most powerful beings in the world. But just because you're powerful doesn't mean you can do whatever you want. There are rules that you must follow and must never break them. You have been the human, chosen to serve the royal family for all eternity as their Genie" He explains as his smile grows wider and more sinister.

Ever since then I've been summoned by my cruel and spoiled "Masters" and granted their three wishes to the best of my newfound abilities, without breaking the genie rules I'm forced to follow. Around 170 years later I was introduced to the newest Sultan, Marcello, The first master's great grandson. He was different from the previous Masters I've had. He was a kind young man and he didn't make his wishes for himself, but for his wife, Imari. Whenever I'm in the lamp I can hear everything that happens around me.

12 years later I overheard Queen Imari tell Marcello that she was pregnant with their first child and a future heir to the throne. Another cruel and spoiled child to boss me around once they turn eighteen. I have been given to the new Sultans on their eighteenth birthdays. The day they become of age to wed and to keep their royal bloodline flowing. Nine months later the new heir to the throne was born. A princess. Marcello used his second wish for the baby to be healthy. I granted his wish and the baby girl was born healthy. I watched as Imari held the new baby in her arms as she cried.

"What a sweet angel she is," Marcello says happily as he gently takes the baby from her.

"I was thinking of naming her Angeleena," She said.

"Princess Angeleena Yamamoto of Millennia! What a wonderful name my dear" He said. He turns and hands the new princess to me. "Can you hold her while I help the maids clean up"

I stared at him before I looked down at the new Princess I'm supposed to be given to next. She stops her crying and stares at me. Since the princess was born I was asked to help look after her while the queen rested in her chambers. I'm not sure why but she seems to be fascinated by me. Ten years later Marcello was called to war against an enemy country. Imari is about to give birth to their second child and I have been asked to help with the birth in Marcello's absence. He had used his final wish for the new baby to be healthy before he left to fight. Imari gave birth to another baby girl whom she named Rosaleena. But after the birth she lost too much blood and died. Everyone blames me for the death of the queen that I was forced to stay in my lamp until the elder princess becomes of age to become the new queen.

Late at night, I hear some rustling from the throne room where my lamp is being kept. I hear someone lift the glass from the safe before someone takes my lamp from its pedestal. I hear more rustling as if the thief is running on grass. Minutes later I hear water flowing as if we're near a river. I was summoned as they rubbed the lamp. When I opened my eyes I saw the princess looking at me as she held the lamp gently in her hands. "Don't worry Big Blue I didn't steal you to make any wishes....I only want to talk" I hear her say shyly. She sits down in front of a large pond glowing from the moonlight shining down on it from a large hole on the top of a large damp cave.

I float down beside her. "What is it that you wish to talk about Princess" I ask.

"First of all I know that everyone blames you for mom's death because you didn't do anything to save her.....But I don't blame you because daddy once told me of the strict rules you have to follow when granting wishes and since daddy wished for Rosa to be born healthy, He never anticipated for mom to die shortly after her birth." She explained. My eyes widened. Why doesn't she blame me for Imari's death?

"Why don't you blame me?" I asked.

"As I said Daddy told me about all those stupid genie rules you have to follow...Secondly You probably don't know this but Daddy told me that the Royal Advisor to my Great great Grandfather Found you and your lamp in this pond almost 200 years ago...That's the story that has been passed down from parent to child...But I know that's a lie" She said as she stares at the water. She then looks at me with soft, brown eyes. "So I want to hear the real story from you...You don't have to tell me anything about it now but I want to know more about you...And lastly...If you'll let me, I'd like to be your friend and not your master like daddy was"

She wants to be...My friend? None of my previous masters have ever asked to be my friend before. Should I trust her? Dammit I don't know what to do at this point! It took me a while before I finally responded to her. I looked at her and nodded my head. "As you wish, Princess," I said.

"And no more calling me Princess! When we're alone just call me Angel. Alright? And I can sneak you here so that you can come out of your lamp whenever I'm around! And no more saying 'As you wish mi lady' or 'your wish is my command' and 'If the princess wishes it then so it shall be' Sheesh that does get annoying you know" She said as she dramatically began to act like me when I granted wishes.

For the first time in what seems like forever, I laughed. "Alright then" I said as I calmed down to a chuckle.

She smiles cutely showing her pearly white teeth. From that night on, for the next three years she brought me to the secret cave and I told her stories of how I was once human and I told her the real story of how I became one of the most powerful beings in the world. The last night she brought me to the cave, she told me that she was to go with her grandfather, Genryusai Yamamoto, My third master, overseas to attend some royal delegations and won't be back for a few months. She asked me to wait for her and wait for her, I will.

Five. Years. Five long years since I've seen the princess since she went overseas with her grandfather. Her grandfather, Yamamoto, returned a few months after they left, but without her. He never told me where she was or if she's okay and for the first time I felt worried and afraid that something happened to her. I overhear Yamamoto and the new Royal Advisor, Ichigo, and his annoying blue parrot, Orihime, enter the room.

"Sire, is it true that the Princess is returning from overseas tomorrow" I hear Ichigo asked.

"Yes, it is true. She will be off the boat and heading towards the castle at noon tomorrow and I must say Rosaleena will be very happy to see her." He replied. Angel is alive?! And she's coming home tomorrow?! I let out a silent sigh of relief.

"Isn't her eighteenth birthday tomorrow Sire? That means that she will be receiving her three wishes from that.....thing" He said.

"Yes Unfortunately I have no choice but to give the genie to Angel upon her return....In my opinion I hope she gets rid of that abomination" He replied. Same old Genryusai. If only he knew the truth about me sooner.

Other than Marcello and Angel, Genryusai is a kind yet strict Sultan who gives everyone their fair share of responsibilities and a fair punishment if they've broken our country's laws. There was once a time where his royal advisor, at the time, turned another human, an orphan girl, no older than possibly ten, into a genie, like me, in order to replace me. He punished his Royal advisor by forcing him to turn the child back into a human, then stripped him of his duties as a Royal advisor, and exiled him from the city. That Royal advisor was Ichigo's Grandfather.

"Sire there is one more thing I would like to discuss with you about Princess Angeleena If I may." Ichigo begins to say.

"What is it, Ichigo?" He replies.

"If the Princess does not choose a husband by tomorrow....Might I suggest that I marry her" He asked. My eyes widened. A Royal Advisor asking to marry a princess?! Something like this has NEVER happened before!

"If Angeleena does not find a husband by tomorrow night then I shall give you her hand in marriage" Yamamoto replied with a chuckle. If it means that she won't have to marry Aizen's great great grandson and Momo's great grandson, I will do everything in my power to help her find a husband by tomorrow night...Even if it would mean breaking the Genie laws.

Late that night I hear someone coming into the throne room, take off the glass from the pedestal, and grab the lamp. I hear them running through the grass but then climb onto something like an animal of sorts. When we finally stopped, it was almost dawn "This should be far enough. Thanks for all your help getting us here Noba" I hear a young woman's voice. I rose from the lamp with my arms crossed as she rubbed it. I opened my eyes to see a young woman wearing a fancy yet tattered sari hiding her face with a vail leaning against a camel.

"You are either very clever or very stupid to steal a prized possession of the royal family" I said.

"Either that or I've lived in the castle for so long that I know all the secret passageways including bypassing the guards guarding your lamp" I hear her reply. She sounds so familiar but I can't see her face.

I glare at her meanly then sigh as I look off to the side. "If I am to grant your wish then I must first...know your....name" I started to say before my eyes slowly widened. I remembered eight years ago, just before Angel left overseas, I asked her how it was so easy for her to sneak the lamp every night for three years and not get caught. And she answered with those exact words. I looked back at her with my eyes Widened. It can't be! Can it?!

"Come on Big blue Surely you must remember Five years hasn't been that long for you has it" She asked as she took off her navy blue vail revealing her identity. Princess Angeleena Yamamoto. "Long time no see, old friend. I see you haven't changed a bit"

I look down, hiding my eyes with my hair as tears start to form. It's been over 200 years since I last cried. I quickly fly towards her, picking her up and spun her around as I hug her tightly while hiding my face from her. "Where the hell have you been all these years?! I was worried sick about you when you never came home with your grandfather!" I asked as I hugged her, secretly not wanting to ever let her go.

"I'm sorry Big blue, it turned out that the delegation was for me to enroll and take equestrian classes. As much as I love horses Riding Noba here is much easier even if he is as slow as a mule" She said with a small giggle as she hugged me back. "I thought that Papa would have at least told you why I was overseas"

I nodded my head no. "No one told me anything. I was never summoned by anyone until now. I overheard from Your grandfather and the new Royal Advisor that you weren't coming home till this afternoon." I said when I hesitantly released her from the hug.

When I released her from the hug, I noticed that she had grown much taller, about as tall as me even. Her beautiful long brown hair was once down to her shoulders, now it was down to her lower back. I never noticed it a minute ago, but she has grown into a beautiful young woman. She looks at me with confusion in her chocolate brown eyes. "New Advisor? You mean Isshin is no longer the Royal Advisor? What happened to him?" She asks.

I didn't notice that I was staring at her a little too long. I shook my head back to reality. "No. His son Ichigo took over after Isshin became ill about two years ago. From what I heard at least." I replied.

"Ugh I should have expected he would be the next Advisor. It was just a matter of time and don't get me started on his talking lovebird Orihime. I remember during my studies, She would always be the one to tell me when to start my lessons or where I needed to go. And if I didn't follow her as soon as possible then she would squawk at me telling me to hurry up and that I would be late....To be honest once I become queen I want to make some changes around that palace starting with the royal advisor positions." She explained.

I chuckle. Should I tell her what they have planned for her if she doesn't find a husband by tomorrow night? No. She has enough on her plate as it is with today being her eighteenth birthday and all. I don't want to put more stress on her. I'll tell her when the time is right. But for today she just needs to relax. "From the position of the sun it looks like it's about to become mid morning. Everyone should be preparing for the celebration soon" I said as I looked up at the sky.

"And unfortunately I have to take you back and place you back on your pedestal and with how slow Noba walks we won't be back at the palace till about nightfall. Not only that but We'll be passing through a couple of the villages before we reach the big city And just like every other city or village I went through I'm always being flirted with or trying to be led to a nearby brothel" She said. I looked towards her.

"You know, you can just wish to keep the unwanted men away from you. Right?" I said to her,

"I've heard the stories dad once told me about how the Sultans of the past would always wish for selfish things. So I don't want my wishes to be for my selfish gains like theirs....I want to use my wishes to help others who need them the most" She said as she looked at me and smiled. I'm not sure why, but her beautiful smile always makes my heart skip a beat.

"Out of all the masters I've had in the past, You are by far the kindest, and most loved out of all the ones I've ever been a slave to" I said as I smiled back. Am I...Starting to like her? I shouldn't be having these feelings for her. I practically helped raise her.

"A complete flip of the coin compared to my ancestors. Am I right?" She said as she giggled.

I chuckle. "Sweetheart you don't know the half of it But you are definitely a polar opposite from someone I used to know 200 years ago" I said.

"Back when you were human right?" She asked. I nodded my head in agreement. "If you could have any of your wishes granted, aside from wanting to be free from this curse. What would they be?"

I looked at her with eyes widened. No one has ever asked me about what I would wish for. "I-I...I'm not sure...No one's ever asked me that before" I said.

It's been a few hours since we started our journey back to the palace. We were making our way to the first village. She brought me a disguise so that I could stay out of my lamp and walk beside her but look human to the villagers. As soon as we entered the village I started to notice all the men stare at her. The way they were all looking at her made my blood boil. I know I have to help her find a husband by tonight, but I know that men like them will never love her the way she deserves to be loved. And they would never treat her the way a beautiful princess like her deserves to be. By the time we passed the village, She had used her first wish to make sure that all the homeless children in every village had a place to live where they would be safe and protected from sand storms. I couldn't help but feel protective of her when all the men stared at her. I guess they thought I was her older brother or some sort of lover.

When we passed through the second village, even more men were gawking at her. I gave them the cold stare as I wrapped my arm protectively around her shoulders. They quickly ran off. Am I getting.....jealous? What is wrong with me? I can't be getting jealous when I should be looking for a husband for her before tonight. And right now, neither of these men are passing any of my tests. She used her second wish on another selfless action, this time to help the stray animals find forever homes where they could be loved and taken care of.

As we were leaving the village a little girl with pink hair walked up to us. "Princess.....You're Princess Angeleena aren't you?" She asked. Shit! Has her cover been blown?! I glance at her as she stares at the child. She puts her finger to her mouth and winks at her.

"Don't tell anyone I'm on a secret mission for The Sultan And I can't have anyone blowing our cover. Can you keep my identity a secret?" She explains to the girl. I smile slightly at her. This woman's imagination is gonna be the death of me.

She looks at her with sparkles in her eyes as she quickly nods her head yes then runs off. "I take it this isn't your first time having a disguise" I asked.

"I've had to have a disguise with me at all times since I was a child. I even had to take one overseas with me. You can imagine how annoying it was always having to wear it everyday. Thank god I passed all my classes there early....That's why they don't know that I came a day early...And I don't plan on wanting to tell them" She said.

"You should tell the Sultan and Rosaleena at least, they're your family" I told her.

"I told Rosa and made her promise not to tell anyone But what about the new Royal Advisor" She asked. The very mention of Ichigo being called the Royal Advisor from her lips made my blood boil.

"I don't give a damn rat's ass about Ichigo after the shit he's planning for you! I would suggest finding a new advisor and firing him at the first chance you get! I don't even know why a royal family needs an advisor!" I told her as I tried to keep my anger level down to where she wouldn't notice it. She stopped in her tracks. I look at her as she stares at me with wide eyes.

"What do you mean...'The shit he's planning for me'" She asked.

My eyes widened as I realized my mistake. Dammit! What have I done?! I don't want her to know about Ichigo's proposal just yet! "N-nevermind It's n-nothing Let's keep going" I told her as I avoided her gaze.

As I tried to walk away, my eyes widened again as I felt her hand grab mine and I heard her call me by a name I haven't heard for a very long time. "Sado Yasutora...Please tell me...What are you hiding from me?" She asked. She was the only person that ever asked me what my real name was. I looked behind me as I saw her stare at me with worry in her beautiful brown eyes.

I turned away again as I held her hand tightly in mine. "Let's go...I'll tell you on the way to the city" I said sadly. As we walked away from the village, I explained to her about how her grandfather wants to help her find a husband by tonight. And if she doesn't then he would give her to Ichigo. I also told her that as her friend, I was also helping her find a husband, but on my own terms. "So far there isn't a single man that's right for your hand in marriage...I can see by the look in their eyes that all they want is wealth and power and Ichigo is no different than any other man out there...They won't love and treat you the way you deserve to be" I said, avoiding eye contact when I said the last part to her. I held her hand the whole time and to be honest, holding her hand in mine just feels...right somehow.

"Of course he would want my hand in marriage, that's all he ever talked about when we were kids and there's no way in hell that I would ever marry a boy like him...He's better off marrying that dumb love bird of his anyway" She said. I chuckled at her comment about Ichigo's bird. "I'm glad that you're trying to help me find a husband and all but I don't want to marry someone that I don't know Let alone love...Besides My heart has already been taken by someone long ago"

"Is it someone that you met overseas?" I asked. Who could she have met and fallen in love with in five years? I crossed my arms and raised an eyebrow as I loomed over her "It better be someone that your grandfather and I will BOTH approve of"

She giggled. "No, I didn't meet him overseas and I don't think Papa will approve of him. He would say that the love I have for him is forbidden and that he's way too old for me...But you might approve" She said as she looked towards me.

A forbidden love? What would be forbidden about it? Wait. Did she just say "Way too old" for her?! "If he's way too old for you then we definitely won't approve especially if he would be old enough to be your father or even your grandfather...But...Humans don't get to choose who we-...they fall in love with...It is their hearts that choose who they fall in love with" I said. I sometimes forget that I am no longer a human whenever I'm with her. I am a genie now and have always been for the past two hundred years...And that will never change.

She giggled. "I mean physically he's actually my age so you'd never know how old he really is....Hey I remember where we are now. We're close to our secret hideout. I haven't been there for five years. Let's go there and take a break" She said as she smiled. I looked at her and smiled back, once again, feeling my heart skip a beat.

I've never felt this way towards anyone before. Especially not Momo. Am I really falling in love with Angel? But I shouldn't be, she's supposed to be my Master and I her servant, just as it's always been for two hundred years! Plus I watched her grow and age until she was thirteen! I can't fall in love with her! It's against the laws of a genie for one of us to fall in love with a human. Especially a princess!

"Hey Big Blue Are you okay You're crying" I hear her say as I feel her hands on my shoulders. I come back to reality as I see her stare at me with worry in her eyes. Have I been crying? I placed my finger on my face as I felt something wet on it.

I rub my tears away as I cleared my throat. "Y-Yeah I'm fine...Just thinking to myself" I said. When we arrived at our secret place, I looked around as I saw vines and moss growing along the walls of the cave. I looked down at the pond as I noticed that it had shrunk in the past five years. Sure the place looks different, but the sight is still as stunning as it's always been every time we come here. I looked over as I saw her sit down by the pond and take off her shoes. She puts her bare feet into the water.

I floated down and sat beside her. "A lot has changed since I've been away...Do you remember the day Papa forbade you from coming out of your lamp?" She asked as she gently kicked her feet in the water. How could I forget that day, I remember it like it was yesterday. "I didn't want him to punish you so cruelly...So just before I snuck out with you for that talk we had all those years ago...I talked to him and told him how he shouldn't treat you like just an object or a possession of property. I told him that you are a creature with emotions and a mind of your own...If we both had known about what you really were sooner, then he and I both would have tried to find a way to turn you back to your original HUMAN self" She said as she looked at me.

"But he didn't believe you...If he did then he would have summoned me and asked me to explain everything to him" I said as I looked away. I heard her make a noise of pain and I looked at her again as I saw her looking down at her arm, hiding it from me. "Are you alright?" I asked.

"Y-yeah I'm fine" She said as she smiled at me.

"Are you sure you're okay? It sounded like you got hurt." I asked with worry in my voice.

"I-I'm fine R-Really" She stuttered. She has never stuttered before. What is up with her?

I glare at her, obviously not convinced of her bluff. "Let me see it." I said.

"See what?" She asked.

"Let me see where you got hurt." I said.

"I didn't get hurt. Who said I got hurt?" She said as she hid her arm farther from me to see.

I sighed then looked at her again. "If you keep refusing to let me see your injury then I'll have no choice but to tickle it out of you" I said.

"Oh come on Big Blue I'm eighteen now I'm not a little girl anymore" She said.

"But right now you're acting like a child and since you won't show me where you got hurt Then I'll treat you like a child until you show me" I said.

She stands up and points to me, still hiding her other arm from me. "If you want me to show you then you'll have to catch me first" She said before she ran off.

So she wants to play hard to get huh...Alright then If this is how you want to play then I shall amuse you. I smiled and floated after her, closely following the smoke from the lamp in her hands. After a while of letting her have her fun, I noticed that she was starting to breathe heavily and there were many times where she almost ran into the walls of the cave. There have also been times where I would see where when I do see her arm that it looked to be swollen and red. That's when I knew that enough was enough. I disappear then reappear in front of her, gently taking her bad arm in my hand while wrapping my other arm around her waist. "Sweetheart, this has to stop. Whatever hurt you earlier is clearly affecting your body. And if I don't know what it is then I won't be able to know how to help you." I said as I held her close.

I hear her breathe more heavily than usual as she slowly starts to go down. The smoke disconnected from the lamp as my legs started to form. I helped her sit down on my lap and allowed her to lay her head on my chest. "You're right" She breathed. I examined her arm as I saw four small holes in her arm that appeared to be bite marks.

"Angel....Sweetheart, you should have shown me this sooner. Do you know how bad this is? If we don't get this healed soon you could...." I said. I didn't even want to think about what would happen.

"She could die. Is that what you were trying to say? It took a while for my snake venom to finally take effect, but now that it is, she will die in a matter of a couple short hours." My eyes widened as we heard a voice both of us recognized but wish we could forget.

"And watching you fly around chasing after her for the past five minutes made us sick to our stomachs. It's as if you're in love with her or something" I hear Orihime Squak from behind us. We see Ichigo come out of the shadows from deep within the cave. Have they been here this whole time and we didn't even know? How did they even find this place? No one knows about our secret hideout but Angel and I.

"That's not possible Orihime....I am nothing more than a friend to him" Angel said weakly as she laid her head on my shoulder. I held her protectively in my arms.

"If she wants the antivenom to live, Then she'll have to agree to be my wife and give me your lamp thus making me your new master" He said as he held up a bottle of the antivenom. He tossed it up in the air as Orihime caught it in her beak. "I will give you five minutes to decide. I do hope, dear princess, that you will make the right decision and become my bride." He turned and left, back into the shadows of the cave, followed by Orihime.

"Like I'll ever marry that narcissistic psychopath" I hear her say. I looked down at her as I saw her stick her tongue out at where Ichigo once stood. I held her close, gently laying my head on hers, hiding my new forming tears from her. Getting really impatient and worried, I took a deep breath, gently grabbed her hand, and started sucking the venomous poison out from her wrist. "H-Hey. B-Big blue? W-What are you doing? S-Stop that or else you'll be poisoned!" I hear her stutter.

Once I had sucked out all the poison from her, I looked at her wrist as I gently brushed my thumb over the wound. "If you would have just told me about this sooner, you wouldn't have been to this point....And no I won't get poisoned. To be honest I know a lot more about these sorts of things than you think" I explained. I looked at her as I saw her staring at the lamp in her other arm. Then I remembered what Ichigo said earlier.

'She'll have to agree to be my wife and give me your lamp thus making me your new master' His words echoed in my head.

I smiled and held her close once again. "Don't worry about me, Sweetheart. I'll be alright" I said as I kissed the top of her head.

There was a short silence until…. "I'd like to make my final wish now, Big Blue" She said sadly.

Her final wish....When a genie grants their master's final wish, it means that the genie will no longer be that master's servant and they will be sealed in their lamp until a new master rubs the lamp. If she makes her final wish now then after I grant it, I won't be able to talk to her ever again! I won't be able to hold her in my arms! That very thought made my heart sink to my stomach. I can't imagine not being able to see her again. Why would she want to make her final wish now?! "A-Alright" I muttered as I tried not to cry. I hug her tightly in my arms, not wanting to let her go.

"I wish....for you to be free of your bindings as a genie, to live your life however you choose it to be, without being bossed around and treated like an object for others selfish pleasures, but most importantly....Never change who you really are if someone tries to change you in their image" I hear her say before I felt her lips gently but quickly press against mine. My eyes widened. D-did she just….kiss me? It was quick but it was definitely a kiss.

I feel the magic swirl around us as my navy blue skin turns brown and the rest of the smoke disappears from the lamp. The silver bands around my wrists start to glow with a bright light then split in half as they fall to the ground before disappearing into silver sparkles. The magic lamp that once held me captive for so many years, is now just a regular lamp. "A-Angel....Why did you choose to set me free?" I asked as I looked at her.

She was laying her head on my chest with her eyes closed. I'm not surprised that she's exhausted from our journey here. "I would rather see the love of my life roaming around as a free man than to see him serving the wannabe Sultan I'm forced to marry. And because of my wish you no longer have to deal with the laws of a Genie which means you are free to do as you please" She said, not opening her eyes.

My eyes widened. I-I'm the love of her life?! If so then that must mean-....that the man she was talking about earlier....Was me. I smiled down at her as she slept before I set her down gently, leaning her up against a nearby rock. I kissed her forehead before I stood up as I saw Ichigo and Orihime emerge from the cave. I may appear to be human again but I still have my magic. There are some laws that are made to be broken and I will not let Ichigo or anyone else steal Angel away from me. She belongs to no one. "So, Genie. What has she decided" He chuckles. "As if she had any other choices"

"Give me the Antivenom and I will give you my lamp" I said as I held the lamp in my hand.

"A wise choice Genie" He said before signaling his parrot, Orihime, to fly over to me and drop the vile of antivenom into my other hand. I handed her my lamp and she flew back to Ichigo, dropping it into his hands. "I will give you a minute to give her the antivenom before making my first wish, and before you say anything I am already very aware of all your genie laws and honestly, I don't give a shit about them or whoever even created your stupid genie laws. So if I wished for more wishes then you're going to grant me more wishes and if I wished for someone to be brought back from the dead then you're going to resurrect them for me. Is that clear Genie?"

Doesn't he know that the Genies have those as two of the top four laws for a reason? The last time someone wished for someone to be brought back from the dead we almost had a zombie apocalypse, and if he ever wanted to bring back someone like Aizen, then we would be in some major trouble. "As you wish, Master" Ugh! I almost threw up just calling him that!

I walked over to Angel to give her the antivenom. I see her yawn as she tries to stay awake. "What's going on Sa-" She tries to say before I gently cover her mouth and put my finger to my mouth.

"I gave Ichigo my lamp in return for the antivenom" I whisper to her.

"But I thought I freed you" She whispered back.

I smiled as I gave her the antivenom. "You did but he doesn't know that yet so I thought I'd let him think that he's my new master for a little while. I may be human again but I still have my Genie magic for now" I said.

"My wish was for you to be free from this whole Genie stuff" She said sadly. I kissed her forehead and whispered in her ear.

"For now Just stay here and rest, Sweetheart....I have something planned for him" I whispered. I winked at her. "And don't worry. You won't marry that birdbrain. Not while I have something to say about it."

My plan was to disguise myself as my old Genie self and make him think that I was still a Genie of the lamp. But because of my (Chronological) age I would make him think that my magic is out of whack, Meaning every wish I would grant him would go haywire. When we arrived back at the Palace he used his last wish to turn Orihime into a human. But instead of turning her into a human, I used my magic to turn him into a bird.

"Wha- What the hell have you done to me Genie I Wished for Orihime to become human not turn me into a bird" He yelled.

"I'm so sorry master I thought your wish was to become a bird" I lied as Angel giggled. "Unfortunately that was your last wish, which means you and I must part ways and bid farewell" I bowed and disappeared behind a pillar as Angel picked up Orihime's cage and placed Ichigo inside with her.

"Hmm Now what shall I do with the two of you" Angel said as she looked up in thought.

"Angeleena What is the meaning of this Where have you been You were supposed to be back at the palace by noon today" I hear Yamamoto say from his throne. He sounds angry.

She explained everything that had happened the past twenty-four hours to the Sultan....Minus her love for me and using her last wish to set me free. "That's why I am back so late Papa" She explained.

"And where is the Genie now?" He asked.

"I don't know where Big Blue is....I am no longer his master" She said sadly. I look down at my hand. I feel like I have just enough magic to show the Sultan just who the Genie really was.

I used my magic to make the throne room turn into a black abyss, only leaving Angel, Yamamoto, and everyone in the throne room untouched. I showed them as I explained the story of how a man who just turned eighteen was turned into one of the most powerful beings in the world, then forced to grant every wish the four Sultans I was enslaved to had. Then showing the kindness and all of the nice things Angel has done for me over the years. "Impossible There's no way that the Genie was once human" Yamamoto said.

"Yet it is true papa I have known about this for years yet when I tried to explain it to you You wouldn't listen So now you are refusing to believe the Genie even though he is the one that's telling us, SHOWING us his past" She explains. She walks over to the Illusion of me in the cell. "Look at this man Papa and tell me that he doesn't look like Big Blue Because I know that this human and Big Blue are one in the same"

"So Would this mean that my Royal advisor used the same spell Aizen used to turn Retsu into a Genie" He asked.

"That's correct, Yamamoto" I said. I walked out from behind the pillar. It was time that I finally revealed myself to him and the others. "Isshin's father used the same spell Aizen used on me to turn her into a Genie"

"It's you But how" Yamamoto said as his eyes widened.

"I have been free from my bindings as a Genie thanks to someone's selfless final wish Now I've returned to show you how I was before I became a genie" I said.

"How are you still alive and How do you know if my Grandfather turned a girl into a Genie? I've never heard anything about this" Ichigo asked.

"Yes I am very curious about that as well" Yamamoto said.

"When I was turned into a Genie, it's as if time froze on my body....Basically speaking I'm two hundred eighteen years old but for my body I'm still only eighteen....As for the child" I explained.

"It was a means to try and replace the Genie with a younger one" Yamamoto said.

"Let alone one that wouldn't fully understand the laws As to why he would use a child We don't know" I said as I crossed my arms as I showed them the memory of that day.

"She looked so young" Angel said.

"She was only ten at the time" I said.

"What happened to her after this" Ichigo asked.

"I offered her a place to stay and a job as a kitchen maid while I had my best cook at the time teach her how to cook and even though she's retired she is teaching the new employees of the kitchen her recipes" Yamamoto said.

The room went back to normal as I fell to one knee holding my head in my hand. "Big Blue Are you alright" Angel asked as she ran towards me.

"Y-Yeah I'm fine....Just getting light headed is all I'm okay" I said as I sat down. I looked at her and smiled. "And I'm not Blue anymore You know that"

"Oh Y-Yeah I guess I can't call you Big Blue anymore Can I....But are you sure you're okay" She said as she blushed but then looked at me with worry in her eyes.

"I'm fine Really I just over exerted myself with my magic is all" I said.

"You should lay down and rest" She said.

"I'm alright princess Really Besides I was a genie for the past two hundred years That's all I ever did when you weren't around for me to talk to" I said as I smiled at her.

We hear Orihime and Ichigo gagging. "Get a room you two No one wants to see an old man flirting with a girl" Ichigo said.

"That reminds me....What shall we do with these two" Angel said as she sat down across from me, the birdcage between us.

"Hmmm Not sure what to do with her She may have been a cherished pet to the Royal Advisor but all in all She's not a bad bird Maybe you could keep her as a pet" I explained.

"Maybe but what about the other one" She asked as we looked at Orihime and Ichigo.

I looked at Ichigo in thought for a moment then snapped my finger and smiled. "Princess might I suggest we pull out his feathers, slowly cook him, then stuff him with all the fixings and serve him at the next banquet" I suggested. She looked at me with a raised eyebrow before we started laughing.

"Sado Why on earth would we eat him" She said as she calmed down.

"Dunno but I bet he might taste like Chicken. We would just need to fatten him up a bit" I said, making her giggle.

"You, my friend, are crazy" She said. Only for you, my princess. I smiled at her as she tried to hide a yawn from me.

"It's getting late princess and you've had a pretty eventful day" I said as I stood up then held my hand out for hers. She grabbed my hand and I helped her up.

"But what are we going to do about Ichigo and Orihime" She asked.

"As I said before Keep Orihime as a pet and we cook Ichigo into a good meal for the banquet"I said. She looked at me seriously as she crossed her arms. I chuckled. "Okay okay I'll think of something to do with them while you get some rest alright" I picked up Ichigo and Orihime's cage.

"But what about you Sado You need a room to stay in as well" She asked.

"I will personally escort him to one of our guest rooms for now you go to your room and get some rest" We hear Yamamoto say from behind me.

"If you say so Papa....Goodnight Sado....Sweet dreams" She said shyly before she turned to leave the throne room.

"Until the morrow my princess" I said as I bowed towards her.

Once when Angel left the room, Yamamoto started walking around me. "To think that this whole time you were really a human How very interesting"He said to himself. He stands in front of me, staring straight into my eyes. "Tell me Sado Was it What exactly happened today between the two of you during your little adventure" He asked.

I explained to him everything that had happened in the past twenty-four hours. When I explained everything about Ichigo's little plan he glared at him. Lastly I told him about how I was trying to look for a suitable husband for Angel. "There wasn't a single man around that would love or treat her the way she deserves to be....I could see it in their eyes that all they really wanted was wealth and power" And something else that I'd rather not mention here. "She told me that someone has already stolen her heart long ago but we would never approve because he is far too old for her"

"What do you mean 'we' would never approve" He asked.

"She's my best friend so I would have to approve of who she marries just as much as you would"I said.

"Well then How do you feel about her marrying a complete stranger" He asked as he turned to me.

I looked at him before I smiled sadly and sat down beside his throne. "It's funny....Marcello asked me the same thing a long time ago....He once told me that if he had to walk his little girl down the aisle on her wedding day....He would want her to marry the person she loves Not some complete stranger that she'll meet at the altar....At first I didn't understand what he meant by that....but now....I don't want to see her marry a complete stranger that will never love her the way I do" I explained, not realizing that I was starting to cry as I was speaking.

There was a short pause until…."What if you were the one that married her" He asked. W-wait. What did he just say?

I looked at him in confusion. "W-what" I asked.

"I've seen the interactions between the two of you and it appears that you and Angeleena are very close considering the fact that you were present the day she was born And though you have lived for over two hundred years You are the only one she's known the longest that the two of you have formed an unbreakable bond...…In my opinion weather I like it or not you are the only option I can think of that would be a good enough suitor for her....And I can clearly see that the two of you are in love....So What do you say Sado Will you marry Angeleena and rule beside her I imagine that you've been through years worth of Sultan training that you would be able to handle yourself in ruling a kingdom" He explained.

My eyes widened as I let everything Yamamoto had said sink in. I bow towards him, hiding my smile, and my excitement from him. "I would be honored to marry the fair princess" I said calmly.

"Then it's settled The two of you shall be married As soon as humanly possible" He said as the two of us stood up.

"If I may Sire There was a question that she had asked me a long while ago and I have yet to answer her I was thinking about proposing to her by answering that question" I said.

"Of course Do whatever you need to" He asked.

Later that night I used my magic to sneak into Angel's room. When I arrived at her door I heard her quietly sobbing. Why would she be crying?

"Honestly I say it would be a good thing if he left....Look I may not know much about him but from what little I do know about him I doubt that he would leave because he's human again" I hear Orihime say. Is she talking about me? Angel and I decided to have Ichigo and Orihime be our messenger birds.

"Yet I feel like he will" I hear her say as she sniffles.

"Why would you think that" Orihime asks.

"I don't know it's just....Something I've been thinking about for a while now" She said. Does she think that I'm going to leave her?

"Let me tell you something Princess....You know how Ichigo had raised me since I was an egg Right....There was a time where he and I used to fight a lot....the last fight we had I ended up flying away I was still just a baby back then so I hadn't completely mastered flying yet...I was out for hours and sure enough He was looking for me all that time He didn't find me until late that night unconscious with a broken wing and about to be eaten by a snake but I woke up the next morning with my wing patched up and laying on his pillow beside him He was crying when he told me to never leave his side again So ever since that day he's kept his eyes on me like a hawk to make sure I didn't fly away from him again" She explained. "Point is if Ichigo didn't want me to leave him then I doubt that the Genie will leave you"

"You think so" Angel asks.

I looked towards Ichigo to see if that was true. He nodded his head yes as he looked away in sadness. I lightly tapped on the door with my knuckle. "Princess it's me May I come in" I asked.

"Uh Y-Yeah sure J-Just a minute" She said before I heard some rustling beyond the door. When she told me it was okay for me to come in I opened the door. She was sitting on her bed braiding her hair. At least....trying to.

I sighed as I smiled at her. "Want me to help with your hair Sweetheart" I asked.

"Do you remember how to braid hair" She asks. I nod my head.

"You used to ask me to braid your hair everyday when you were little Remember" I said as I sat down behind her and started to unbraid her hair

"I don't remember that" She said.

"Well you were only three years old at the time" I said as I rebraided her hair. As I braided her hair I pulled her towards me and whispered in her ear. "Don't worry Sweetheart I'll never leave you Meet me in the garden at midnight I'll be waiting for you"

When midnight came I was sitting on the bench waiting for Angel. She arrived just as the moon was at its highest. "Sado Why ask me to meet you here" She said as she sat beside me.

I looked at her and smiled before I wrapped my arm around her shoulders and pulled her to me. "You once asked me what I would wish for besides being free from my bindings....At the time I didn't know how to answer that question but I've had a lot of time to think it over....and now I know just what I would wish for" I explained.

"R-Really W-What are they then" She asked as she looked at me. I smiled as I gently grabbed her hand and laid my head on top of hers.

"For two hundred years I was forced to grant the wishes of anyone who summoned me, including this very garden believe it or not....Over time I began to realize how people take everything for granted from day to day....Watching the children run and play in the sand made me wish I had my own legs back so that I could walk and feel the sand between my toes again....Then after seeing the old captain of the guard finally man up and propose to his girlfriend of twenty years made me remember how much I always wanted to truly fall in love, get married, and raise a family when I was in my mid teens....But the one thing that I would wish for most of all....Is to have you by my side for the rest of my life" I explained.

I look at her as she moves away to the edge of the bench. The look on her face was that of surprisement with a red blush crossing her beautiful cheeks. I smiled as the blush on her cheeks grew darker. "Y-you're telling the truth R-right And you're not j-just pulling my leg Are you Sado Yasutora C-cause if you are I-I'll never forgive you" She stutters as I see tears lining her eyes.

I gently grabbed her hands and wiped her falling tears. "Sweetheart I've never lied to you before and I'm not going to start now" I said before I kissed her lips gently. We broke our kiss mere seconds later, though I wish it had lasted longer. I gazed into her deep, brown eyes. I could tell she was a bit dazed from our first kiss, but when she realized that I was starring, she blushed and hid her face into my bare chest. I chuckled.

"I was afraid....so afraid that you were going to tell me that you were leaving me to travel the world" I heard her start to cry with her voice muffled in my chest.

I sighed as I smiled and wrapped my arm around her lower back and placed my other hand on her head. "Angel....It's not that I don't WANT to travel the world someday....But if I ever do then you're coming with me because from now on you aren't ever leaving my side" I said as I hugged her.

"I take it you're still a little salty at Papa for not telling you about me being overseas for a long time" She asked as she laid her head on my chest.

"Five! Years! Baby! Five LONG years of waiting and worrying HOPING that you were alright and HOPING that you were safe Not to mention wondering when or IF you were even coming home" I explained. I looked at her as she giggled. Apparently I didn't know that I was expressing how I felt about the whole situation.

"Awww was my big blueberry worried about me" She asked with a sweet tone in her voice.

"Of course I was No one ever told me when my future fiancé was coming home" I said.

"W-wait f-future f-fiancé" She asked as she looked at me, her face beginning to redden from a blush. I smiled and nodded my head.

"Telling you my wishes was my way of proposing to you....At least the second and third wishes were....The more we traveled together coming back here and the more I saw man after man try to seduce you....The more I realized that I was falling in love with you....And my oblivious ass never realizing that you were talking about me when you said that someone older than you had stolen your heart" I explained as I chuckled.

"And you said you didn't approve of who I fell in love with and I know that Papa would never approve" She said as she giggled.

"Actually It was he who suggested that I'd be the one to marry you He may not really approve of it (Seeing is how I'm Chronologically 218 years old) he has seen our interactions throughout the years we've been together and could tell by how you always hung around me that I was the only one that truly made you happy and your father once told us that he and your mother would rather see you marry someone that you love and would be happy with for the rest of your life Rather than someone that you would meet at the altar and I was the only candidate to fit that role" I said as I looked into her eyes. I smiled as I see her blush darken. "So weather you like it or not Sweetheart You're stuck with me for the rest of yo-" I tried to say before she jumps into my arms with her arms around my neck as she kisses me tenderly.

"I wouldn't have it any other way Tora" She said when we broke the kiss. Tora huh. I could get used to that nickname. We were happily married a month later and eight months later, The twins Princess Torahime and Prince Yasuokami were born. It's difficult to manage a whole kingdom as the Sultan, but Angel is helping me every step of the way. I'm just glad our kids don't have to deal with getting a Genie once they turn eighteen. It would be a sibling war if that were to happen. Speaking of Genie, I still have my magic, but I don't let Angel know. She thinks I don't have my magic anymore,even though I never told her I lost it all, but there will be times where the kids and I would prank her with it. She is the one woman that truly makes me happy.