
Love: A Twisted Curse

Love is a gift, at the same time it is also a curse... "From this day on prince of darkness, I curse you with the six stars of David..." At this point, Lucian had to cough to prevent himself from laughing out loud at Nikel's ridiculous curse. "The day you find love in the hands of a human maiden, the day your destruction begins." Lucian, demon prince of wrath had been cursed to die by love by the great archangel Nikel during a bloody battle. Four thousand years later, the curse manifests and Lucian, who had avoided women found himself falling in love with a young human maiden. The secret about his curse also gets out and his enemies seek for a way to kill him by using the curse. Love is a wonderful feeling, and Lucian knowing that his love for her would lead to his death still tries to fight for his love and fight for his life. Will Lucian conquer the curse and manage to live happily with his love or will the curse manifest and lead to his death in the end?

Chukwuemeka_101 · Fantasie
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25 Chs

Lucian's Wrath



Standing at an impressive 6'3, dressed in a white bath robe in front of a full wall window in his room, with a glass of white wine twirling comfortably in his hand, Lucian admired the beauty of the night city.

'This sight...' he took a satisfactory sip, 'never gets old.' Lucian was the thirty four year old CEO of Lucian Technologies, and in addition, his fat bank accounts had earned him a spot in the top 500 richest men in the world, he had strikingly good looks that could drive most women crazy.

His jet black hair shone lusciously in the room's dim lighting, a dead giveaway that this man groomed himself as well as every wealthy person did– if not more. He had tanned skin on his face that housed a pair of perfect sized, calculating eyes and a pointed nose that sat comfortably above his lush, kissable lips. His shoulders and legs were sinewy, hinting that he worked out regularly but no one would believe him when he said that he had never entered a gym in his entire life. Would you blame them? His body stature was absolutely impossible to achieve with genes alone.

He was thinking about a deal that involved him buying some property in Saudi Arabia when he received a call on his mobile.


He wanted to ignore it but on second thought, he walked back to his king sized bed where it lay and picked it up. It was his P.A.

"Lucian here..."

"Did they bring the girl?"

"I see... I'm coming down."

* * * *

Team Chaos couldn't find the liver to raise their heads to face the stallion of a man who towered above them. Their mission had been simple– retrieve a simple barmaid and take her to the Abyss alive, but since they weren't able to retrieve her, they were here, in Lucian's condo with torn suits, bruises, broken bones and dented egos. They were also about to get their asses chewed out for a job not well done.

"What happened?" Lucian's hard and steely voice reached their ears and they all flinched in fear at the coldness and malice it carried. They had failed– they knew that.

"Sh..she.. she was stronger than we thought," the leader said with his head still faced down. Unable to stop his trembling fingers, he resorted to clasping his two sweaty palms together.

"Didn't I tell you that she has the strength of a thousand men?" Lucian barked, "didn't I tell you to attack her using your demon forms?"

"I'm sorry sir but I thought that we would scare her away if we attacked using our demon forms."

"Oh... So you thought you knew better than me?" Lucian sneered,

"N...no..no, that's not it sir."

"So I'm a liar then."

"That's not..." The leader managed to raise his head and look at Lucian with pleading eyes. 'The bastard... He's playing with me.' he thought,

"I'm sorry sir!" He said finally and knelt on the floor, placing his head to the ground.

The others followed suit.

"It was a simple job," Lucian said and stood up from the red sofa that he had been sitting on, "but you failed, Chaos, you failed!!! You all should've known by now that in this fraternity, failure is not an option."

They all flinched as he raised his voice at them.

"Forgive us sire, it'll never happen again." The leader said in a desperate bid to appeal to a sense of sympathy that he knew very well that his boss did not have. "Just give us another chance, one more chance!!"

"It won't happen again..." Lucian said, "because you'll never live to get the chance to do it again."

"No!!!!" The leader screamed but he was too late because the word, 'Die' had already left Lucian's lips and him and his team were already crumbling away into black ashes. All the demons under Lucian were sired to him, so he had power over their lives, which he could choose to expend at any moment.

"Another useless team down the drain!!!" Lucian yelled and looked around the room, everyone's gaze was on the floor, each one scared to annoy Lucian to avoid suffering the same fate as team Chaos.

"Can't I get one person, or one team that can do this thing right?" He asked and no one stirred.

He clicked his tongue in disgust, six months ago when he had raised the idea of the mission, his minions were jumping after it like hungry dogs but they had all failed, one after the other and he had killed them all. He still had enough demons to spare for the mission but no one was suddenly interested in the mission again, it was as if everyone had developed cold feet for the mission.

"Cowards... I guess if you want something right, you bloody well have to do it yourself!" He sat back down on the sofa and glared at the various men and women who were actually demons in disguise that filled his reception hall. "You're all dismissed."

As everyone turned to leave, he added, "Not you, Razor, Andy and Lilian."

Everyone left except the three that Lucian ordered not to.

Razor, a brown haired white young man who stood at around 5'11 was Lucian's second battalion commander, the most loyal of all the battalion commanders, he took his job so serious that the other battalion commanders found him boring to be with because he wouldn't talk about anything apart from battle and loyalty to Lucian.

Andy, a black haired white young man who stood at around 5'9 was Lucian's third battalion commander, the laziest of all the battalion commanders. Rumor had it that Andy had once slept throughout a raging battle during which all of Lucian's five battalion commanders had participated actively in. People couldn't fathom why Lucian still kept him as a battalion commander despite his laziness and apathy towards his duties.

Lilian, a pink haired white young lady who stood at 5'7 was Lucian's fifth battalion commander, she was the boldest and the most crass of all the battalion commanders, she always tried to seduce Lucian but it never worked– and would never work.

"What do you think guys?" Lucian asked them as he leaned back on the sofa and drummed his hands on the sides.

There was a brief silence amongst the four after Lucian's question till Razor spoke up,

"Well... We already know it's Xella so there's no reason to delay any longer."

"Do you want us to go get her?" Lilian asked,

"I want the three of you to come with me to retrieve Xella." Lucian said,

"Oh!" Lilian squealed in delight, "I'll be glad to come with you!"

"Yes sir, we're always at your service." Razor said with a very low bow and he had to slap Andy on his rump to wake him up from his doze so that he would bow with them.

"Okay then, we'll go tomorrow night."

Suddenly Lucian jerked forward and yelled, "Ow!"

Oh thank you for reading up to the third chapter. how's your journey so far? Do you like it?

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