
Love: A Twisted Curse

Love is a gift, at the same time it is also a curse... "From this day on prince of darkness, I curse you with the six stars of David..." At this point, Lucian had to cough to prevent himself from laughing out loud at Nikel's ridiculous curse. "The day you find love in the hands of a human maiden, the day your destruction begins." Lucian, demon prince of wrath had been cursed to die by love by the great archangel Nikel during a bloody battle. Four thousand years later, the curse manifests and Lucian, who had avoided women found himself falling in love with a young human maiden. The secret about his curse also gets out and his enemies seek for a way to kill him by using the curse. Love is a wonderful feeling, and Lucian knowing that his love for her would lead to his death still tries to fight for his love and fight for his life. Will Lucian conquer the curse and manage to live happily with his love or will the curse manifest and lead to his death in the end?

Chukwuemeka_101 · Fantasie
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25 Chs

Cedric's Visit

'What does he want here?' Lucian seethed, 'and when did he return from the forest of a thousand demons?'

"Send him in." Lucian said calmly and Razor left the room to usher in Lucian's brother.

Cedric, Lucian's brother had been in the forest of a thousand demons for the past 300 years looking for what no one knew. The forest of a thousand demons was a forest in the demon realm that housed more than one million different races of demons, it was a dangerous place to be, even for a demon prince.

Lucian was surprised and angry when he heard that it was Cedric who wanted to see him. Surprised because he didn't know that Cedric had returned and angry because he wasn't on good terms with him, in fact none of the demon princes were on good terms with each other apart from Lucifer who was their Lord.

Shortly after, Razor opened the door and Cedric walked in with a big smile on his face. Cedric in his human form was a brown haired, white skinned handsome young man who looked like he was in his mid twenties with cunning black eyes that twinkled as he smiled. He was of average height, around solid 6.

"Lucian my brother!" Cedric's voice boomed across the room to Lucian who was sitting leisurely on his dining chair with his hand placed under his chin.

"It's been awhile, how do you do?" He was still speaking loudly as he sat on the chair opposite Lucian on the dining table.

"I'm doing great as you can see," Lucian replied coldly, "what brings you here?"

"Easy brother, I'm not here to fight." Cedric chuckled, "I'm just here to see my big brother, is that a bad thing?"

"..." Lucian closed his eyes briefly and rubbed his temple. "I'm not in the mood for games Cedric, and the both of us know pretty well that you never mean what you say so tell me now, what brings you here?"

"Ah... Is this how to treat your brother who just returned from a long journey, you didn't even ask me how my quest was." Cedric asked, feigning hurt.

"I don't need to ask you, you were the one who went there by yourself so you should be responsible for your welfare there, you don't need anyone to ask you how it went." Lucian said coldly,

"Sheesh! No need to be so harsh about it, even if you don't want to ask me about it, you should've at least offered me a drink as a guest." Cedric said with a childish grin on his face,

Before Lucian could reply, Cedric grabbed a bottle of red wine (which was actually blood) on the table and lifted it to pour into a cup but the bottle suddenly exploded and the red liquid splashed everywhere. Cedric didn't need anyone to tell him that it was Lucian who did it. Lucian's eyes were already glowing red and his eyebrows were furrowed in annoyance.

"Oh! What was that for?" Cedric asked in feigned surprise,

"Don't act naive Cedric." Lucian growled, his voice had already begun to rumble like that of his demon form's.

"Okay okay I get it! I'm not welcome here." Cedric said and raised his hands up in the air,

"Thank you."

"I'll be taking my leave now." Cedric said and stood up, there was a weird grin on his face.

"Why are you smiling?" Lucian asked,

"Nothing, I'm just glad to see my big bro again." He said and left after winking at him.

'Suspicious...' Lucian thought as he watched his brother's receding figure exit the room. None of the demon princes ever visited each other and if they did, they were certain that it would most likely end in an all out war. What Lucian didn't understand was why Cedric had come to visit him in his personal home.

As he was still thinking about it, his mind flashed to Elora and he began to think about her, it was then that he remembered that he had her contact card, before he could realize what he was doing, he fished it out and dialed the number.

It rang once and the person on the other end picked it immediately.

"Hello." Lucian said,

"Hello please who am I speaking with?" Elora's sweet voice came from the other end,

"It's Lucian."

"Luci... Oh! Lucian! How are you?!" The elation in her voice was undeniable, she was obviously glad to hear from him.

"I'm fine." He replied,

"Okay, that's great. How did you get my number?"

"Well, I think you left your contact card inside my car."

"Really? Did I?" Elora asked and laughed awkwardly, Lucian then knew that she had left it on purpose.

"Yeah, so are you free now?" He asked,

"Um...." She started, "not really, I'm on a date now. Why asking?"

"Nothing, never mind." He said, obviously disappointed.


He hung up before she even began her sentence and clenched his fists in anger, what was wrong with him? This was obviously the effect of the curse, he was falling in love with this human woman and it was making him feel weak, just like a human.

'I have to see Methe about this, now!'

As Lucian thought, he opened a portal to the Realm of Oblivion and stepped inside to meet the demon priest, Methe.



Derek and Elora were having lunch of sandwiches and smoothies when an unknown call came in on Elora's phone, she picked it and blushed several times during the call that Derek couldn't help but get jealous.

"Who was that?" Derek asked as Elora dropped the phone.

She suddenly got a bit annoyed because he was being a poke noser but when she saw the jealous expression on his face, she understood that he was just trying to fight for her in his own weird way.

"Just a friend." Elora replied briefly and concentrated on her meal,

When she didn't hear any reply from Derek, she looked up and saw him frowning while looking away in another direction. She suddenly burst into laughter and he turned sharply to look at her.

"Why are you laughing?"

"Nothing..." She replied amidst giggles, "it's just that you look so cute when you're jealous."

Derek had been expecting to hear something actually funny from Elora but when he heard her reason, he couldn't help but sigh.

"But honestly, why do you get jealous so easily?" Elora asked him,

He sighed again and held her hands from across the table, "Babe.... I really care about you and I don't wanna lose you, that's why I always get jealous whenever I see another man making you smile, I want you to be mine and mine alone forever."

"I'm yours forever babe, don't mind the other men." Elora replied as she blushed deeply because of his love confession for her, if this guy really loved her like this then how on Earth did Nadine expect her to believe that Elora would believe her lies about him, it was just impossible.

As Elora was thinking about Nadine's matter, she sighed and Derek looked at her in worry. "What's the matter?"

"Nothing." Elora said because even though she was no longer on good terms with Nadine, she didn't want to spoil her name with Derek.

"Come on babe, I know that something's bothering you." Derek said as he massaged Elora's hands softly as if he was petting her,

"Okay..." She sighed....

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