
Love?! Huh

This is a very short story about how men see and acknowledge love.

imadramdani · realistisch
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Another January has passed, today is the 14th of February, the valentine's day, everyone is in their perfect shape, wearing their favorite outfit and their most expensive perfumes, now it is 22h45 the coffee-shop I am heading to is probably full of couples, I can see that they put red flowers in the door, wait those are real red flowers.

Sweet, anyway, let's hope that my favorite corner is empty today, I want to sit in it and try to get inspired.

Once Mike entered the coffee-shop a big smile was drawn in his face, the corner that he likes the most is empty, he heads to it with slow steps, looking at the right to find seven couples, then looks to his right and finds many more couples before he reaches his corner he recognizes a face, a 27 years old looking gentleman, 189 centimetres tall, well-shaped, nice haircut and a shiny smile, the gentleman was wearing a black tux and having a dinner with a beautiful 26 years old lady, she was wearing a nice red dress and some jewelries, while checking the lade our friend mike remembered who that guy was, that guy is a play boy that has brought too many women to that coffee-shop that his face became familiar not just to the waiters, even to the clients themselves.

"Ah, that is the familiar face, and this lady is beautiful I want to know how he does that? I am genuinely curious, anyway" Mike said to himself before he speaks with the waiter "Can I have just the usual?" the waiter nods with his head before walking away.

Mike brings out a notebook and a pen as he starts writing random sentences waiting for inspiration for fifteen minutes, but nothing comes to his head.

Mike then gives up and closes the notebook before he starts to look at the people in the coffee-shop as a last try to get inspired by someone's action.

"Damn, I miss going on dates like these, in fact it has been quite a while since I met someone like this, aww look at our man trying to touch the lady's face, interesting how he manages to do that without getting slapped!" Mike said to himself before an angry looking 25 years old lady makes an entering with a scream "You piece of sh*t I trusted you!" while pointing at our play boy.

"Aww, that is going to be interesting, let's watch it" Mike spoke to himself as he looked at the play boy, the man didn't show any sign of regret, surprise nor fear, he just looked at her for a second then looked back at the lady he was talking to, then looked back again and he tried to look at the lady in the red dress but before he manages to do so he receives a slap from her.

"Ouch!" Mike said to himself after seeing the slap, the man receives the slap as if it is nothing, stands up and heads to the waiter he pays for his lunch and whispers in the waiter's ears, he then leaves the coffee-shop followed by both of the ladies cursing him for being a cheater.

Right after they left everyone in the coffee-shop started talking about what they have witnessed, Mike was hearing things such as "On Valentine's Day? Like really?!" "I can't believe that he did that!" "Guys like this one don't represent us babe" what Mike said to himself during that was "This is very interesting how he dealt with the issue, I wouldn't be surprised if he convinced to forget about it all and..." and he stops the moment he sees the same guy entering the coffee-shop with red cheeks and a cigarette in his hand, the guy walks towards Mike and speaks to him "Hello, are you waiting for anyone?" Mike answers "No, not really?" with a questioning face, the guy then sits facing Mike and says "My name is George, your name is Mike, right? A writer?" Mike with more confusion clear on his face "Yes, I am a Mike and I am a writer, what are you doing?" Mike finally dears to ask while thinking to himself "What the hell is this guy trying to do?" George has just finished his cigarette, he tries to bring another one out of his pocket but the box is empty, he just throws in on the table and says "I am a writer also, and I know that you come to this place for inspiration I do it too, so I thought that I may inspire you with my story" Mike nods for George to continue so he does "Well, I will start with what happened today, both of those girls are friends and I went with both of them, I didn't date any of them or make any kind of statements, anyway I know that your impression on me is that I am a bad guy that uses ladies, but here is the thing that you don't know, I was in three serious relationships in my whole life, the first one was during college, the second one was about five years ago and the last one was three years ago, in all of those relationships I did my best to be the best man they could possibly ever have, in all of those relationships I didn't cheat, treat them bad nor harm them, all what I did was just being a nice caring man, but what they did was breaking my heart in the most hurtful ways, the first one told me to end our relationship after I caught her cheating, the second one broke up with me through a text message, and the third one was seeing my friend behind my back, after those three break ups I gave myself a two years period of time to heal up or to reconsider my view on things, as a result I realized that seeing women and being good to them will only bring me misery, so instead of that I will start to see so many women at once and spend my time with the one that I like, it sounds like harem doesn't it, but hear me out! Spending time with many girls at the same time without being committed to them taught me a lot of things, they like the one that doesn't want them, they get attracted to guys that don't wish to be with them, the more you tell them that you don't want to be committed, the more that they want you, the more girls you see at a time, the more girls that try to get you, the more hearts you break through being honest, the more girls you get, that is statistically proven, I have written four dairies in the past two years and they will show you how many women said to me that they love me" George was speaking enthusiastically when the waiter came to their table and poured a cup of coffee to George, he thanked the waiter sniffed from the cup and continued "Look Mike, what I am saying here is that being honest and loyal gets you hurt, gets you pain and unnecessary drama, but being a playful careless person gets you laid, I know, I know, what I do is wrong from your perspective, you are a respected man Mr Mike, I have noticed that, but tell me have you ever been a truly honest and loyal man to a woman?" George asked eventually, Mike sniffed from his cup of coffee before he spoke with grief shown on his eyes "Yea, I did, for once, only once!" George got excited, Mike is cooperating him, he doesn't let Mike to continue talking and drops the question "And what happened? Did she cheat on you, did she hurt you? What did she do to you?" George asked with an intense feeling of victory, Mike stares into George's eyes before looking away and answering "She left me, she died two years ago to cancer, she never cheated on me, she has never lied to me, she has never made me feel bad about anything, I started dating her in college, and now she is gone, I know that there are a lot of bad people, but my ex, the love of my life was not one of them." George gets shocked as he was drinking coffee, he spends five seconds trying to process what he has heard before he starts trembling "I don't know what to say Mr Mike, I am shocked, I'm sorry about your loss I really am" then George gets up and says "Good bye Mike, till we meet again" and leaves the coffee-shop, Mike then as he sits alone in that corner he thinks to himself "Wow, maybe, just maybe love is not a thing that we will have forever, maybe it is just a thing that we have for a short period of time and lose it, whether like me or George, in both cases we've lived love for a short period of time.