

Gold Collins and Frederick Majesty meet in college. Frederick a typical playboy and Gold a girl who only cares about her studies meet Frederick a typical playboy who refuses to admit his ability to love and only toys with girls. will Gold be different from other girls? will he fall in love with her? find out in the novel LOVE'S SCANDAL BY MELZY_907 PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE, DO NOT JOB DGE ME FOR THE BOOK COVER, IT'S SOMETHING THAT I DID BY MYSELF WITH SOME PICTURES THAT I GOT FROM GOOGLE. I hope you guys like my book. please don't forget to vote,rate and comment on my book. it gives me a whole lot of joy. I love you all from MELZY_907.

MELZY_907 · Urban
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They prayed and asked for forgiveness of sins, then the ushers had a little meeting and when they were done Frederick and Gold were walking hand in hand "so let's go" Gold said excitedly

"go where exactly" Frederick asked "to meet your mum, you said that you would take me there today" Gold whined like a baby

 " you want to go now" Frederick asked

 "yes" she said and folded her hands questioningly,

"fine lets go " he said and opened the car door for Gold to get in, and they started going. In the car Gold removed her tag and beret and placed them in her bag

 "baby when is your birthday" Frederick asked sweetly

"why do you ask, do you want to throw me a party" Gold asked

 "maybe, maybe not" Frederick replied

 "it's passed already, it was on February 14th, valentines day, what about you" Gold asked. "It's August 3rd" Frederick replied

"that's in about three months time right" Gold asked

 "mn, what do you plan to do" he asked "I'll get you the perfect gift" she replied

 "as you wish love" he said.

" stop here, let me get something for your mum" she said signaling for Frederick to pull over

" why?" he asked

" is that even a question, I'm going to see your mum for the first time and you're asking me why I need to get her something" Gold said in a nagging like manner

 "there's no need for that, flowers will do " he said and stopped at the front of a flower shop that was run by an elderly woman

" if you say so " Gold muttered.

 "I'll take a bunch of roses ma'am" Frederick said and paid the woman and as she was about to give him his change Frederick refused to take it and said to the woman "that's okay, you can keep the change." Frederick said and gave the woman a full smile. The woman thanked him and handed him the flowers.

"you are a good son, and you will be a good husband and father in the future, that I know" Gold said and smiled

 "I could be a good husband to you and a good father to our children In the future" he said and winked at Gold "if God wants it" she replied. Soon they arrived at the front of a cemetery "uhmm Frederick what are we doing here" Gold asked "when you asked about my mother, I didn't tell you that …. She died long ago" Frederick said and Gold gasped.