
3. Chapter 3(1)

Chapter 3: No Holding Back

Disclaimer: I don't own Loud House, all rights are owned by their respective owners and companies.

Important AN at the end of the chapter.

Los Angeles, California

Lincoln was sitting across from Clyde who was typing away on his laptop with a coffee table between them as Clyde was on the suite's couch while Lincoln was on a sofa chair. Penelope, who turned out to be Clyde's personal secretary was standing right behind him. They were all waiting as Clyde was bringing up the info on Lincoln's fight and opponent.

Finally Clyde smiled as he turned his laptop around to show Lincoln what he had on it.

"Here we are, this info cost a bit of money to get but I got more than enough." Clyde smiled slyly. "You can thank my lovely secretary for digging up this info."

Penelope blushed a little as she smiled.

"Anyways, Lincoln you really need to check this out."

Responding with a carefree grin Lincoln simply made himself comfortable in his chair as Clyde got ready to speak.

"As you already now, Nasbro a rival company of mine has been causing trouble for me because I want to expand my operations here. They've agreed to stop but only if I win this odd bet of theirs. A fighter of my choosing versus a fighter of their choosing. Like I said I thought they were nuts but I don't really have a choice. Again that's why I came looking for you, when I saw you fight I thought I was watching a champion at work. I don't doubt your fighting skill at all Lincoln but after getting the info on your opponent has got me a little worried."


That usually went hand in hand with someone like Clyde, even back then Clyde was always a bit of a worrywart. Lincoln didn't really show much concern as Clyde continued to speak.

"Your opponent's name is Cassidy Tsuyoishi, age 40, formerly Cassidy Sullivan but that was changed when he was adopted by The Tsuyoishi Family. A Japanese family who were visiting the states at the time, after formally adopting him they returned home with him. Eventually they managed to conceive a child of their own, fortunately they never neglect Cassidy. From what we've gathered he grew up happily with his adopted family. He was an ace student and was very good in sports, sumo and wrestling being what he excelled at the most. Winning countless trophies and championships."

Sumo and wrestling, now that got Lincoln's attention.

Those who considered sumo nothing more than two people in loincloths simply trying to push and slap their opponent out of a ring were ignorant. A sport which originated from Japan and dating back thousands of years ago, Japan is mostly where sumo is practiced professionally but there are attempts to expand it to other countries. While many consider it a sport only, a sport which is recognized by the International Olympic Committee, sumo is in fact a Gendai Budō. A modern martial art, examples of these are martial arts are aikido, judo, karate, and shorinji kempo. However this is often incorrect as sumo and some of these martial arts are considered ancient arts or have roots going back centuries.

So yeah, sumo was more than two people trying to topple each other off.

"From middle school to high school, Cassidy proved unmatched in sumo and wrestling. Given his tall stature and training from his father who is also a sumo wrestler. A professional one to boot too. No one proved a match for him as he rose up to a high ranking professional sumo after graduating high school. Even then none proved a match for him there either, experienced pros couldn't stop him. A lot of people thought he was going to reach the top but that all changed when an unfortunate accident happened."

Lincoln's interest in this man only grew as Clyde continued.

"Around 8 years ago while Cassidy was rising through the ranks of sumo, he was attacked while out shopping one night. The articles and reports we got said they belonged to one of the Yakuza gangs who weren't happy that a foreigner, an American one at that was undefeated in their national sport. So, 15 guys armed with bats, knives and other nasty stuff ambushed Cassidy. Armed with nothing but his experience and skills Cassidy effortlessly fought off 15 men armed and took each of them down without a single scratch. However something happened as he took down the last guy… he accidently killed him."

A surprised look showed up on Lincoln's face before it subsided as he listened while Clyde went on.

"The authorities called it self defense so Cassidy wasn't brought up on charges, even the Japan Sumo Association Board saw no foul play given the circumstances. Everyone was just happy it wasn't Cassidy who was killed. Unfortunately Cassidy himself did not feel the same way it seems. In an unexpected turn of events, Cassidy formally announced he was retiring. This caused an uproar throughout the sumo community as friends and family scrambled to ask why he was retiring. He offered no real explanation other than that he dishonored himself, his family, and sumo as a whole. Shortly after that he left Japan and mostly kept under the radar, that is until 5 years ago when he opened a small dojo in Los Angeles to teach sumo. Since then he has also partook in some underground matches just like you and has made quite a name for himself. Earning himself the name "The Rouge Sumo". We got some of his fights on video if you want to check them out, what do you think about him?"

All this gave Lincoln a lot to think about but there was one thing he wanted to really know.

"Where can I find this guy?"

An Hour Later, Across Town

At a somewhat shady neighborhood close to Little Tokyo, a decent sized building was located at the corner of the street. The sign above it said "Tsuyoishi's Stable, Learn The Art of Sumo!". Right now it was opened and the owner was hard at work.

Cassidy was still in his off duty clothes sitting while siting on a cushion in the middle of the dojo as he oversaw each of his students doing exercises or drills. Having 29 students, each of them from different backgrounds and ages. The oldest being 28 and the youngest being 13. Most of them lived with Cassidy as it should be given he was a stablemaster. In sumo those wishing to become Rikishi, a sumo wrestler, would live and train with a stablemaster. A current or former Rikishi who was experienced.

The rest lived close by and would always come for training.

At first it many thought it was nuts to open a place where you could learn sumo, not a lot of people were familiar with it. Getting students was slow but eventually Cassidy started to see a steady flow of people coming to his place. Ranging from people who were curious and wanted to try it out but got more then they bargained for. Those who would leave meant little to Cassidy since he didn't mind one bit. If they couldn't handle it then they should quit while they were ahead.

Now for those who stayed, they proved worthy of Cassidy's attention.

Most of his students came from rough backgrounds, former hoodlums, runaways and ones who were lost and trying to find their way. Cassidy welcomed them and did his best to teach them and take care of them. Not only did he just limit himself to them but he also did his best to help his community, the budding sumo movement here in American and those less fortunate. Upon entering the underground fighting scene, Cassidy was unstoppable so far as he won match after match and earned a reputation along with rewards.

Which he used to help those who needed it, his students, their families, many of the homeless and those in need. None of it mattered to Cassidy because he simply wanted to help people even if they were complete strangers. That's just how he was.

"That's it, once you all are done with these drills we will begin one on one bouts!"

"Yes sir!" A collective shout filled the dojo making Cassidy smile.

Cassidy stayed put while overseeing his students progress with a watchful eye. This went on until suddenly the dojo's front door opened and two people entered. When the students started to notice and saw who they were, they all bowed their heads in respect. Cassidy simply looked at the them with a neutral expression.

"Thank you for your hard work!" All the students shouted still bowing their heads.

The two people who entered the dojo were well-known in the sumo world if not considered legends. The first was a large bald Asian man who was large and close to Cassidy's height. The thing about him was that he seemed fat but all that looked to be pure muscle, he had an approachable aura about him however there was also a bit of something else about him. The other was a man with shoulder length hair which was tied in a traditional Japanese ginko leaf topknot, he was Asian just like the other man and was close to his size and mass too. Both of these men were sumo wrestlers, Rikishi.

The first was Ulambayaryn Byambajav, age 35, better known as Byamba or formally Daishōchi Kenta. A Mongolian sumo wrestler and a 4 time Sumo World Champion, who has entered in over countless matches and won much renown and rewards. At age 20 he grew tired of the hard lifestyle of sumo and formally retired but that didn't stop him from still doing and teaching sumo. Just last year he entered the US open Sumo and won. He is also well-known in television, movies, and TV commercials. While not as formidable as he used to be, Byamba was still a force to be reckoned with in and off the Dohyō. He was also a close friend to Cassidy.

The final person was also someone Cassidy knew very well, after all he was Hinogoto Tsuyoishi. His little brother and a high ranking Rikishi. It wasn't strange seeing him here because he was far from home, Cass could only guess he was either here for an unexpected visit or was in the states to check in on what it had to offer for the world of sumo.

"Byamba and Hinogoto… nice to see you two." Cassidy said as he looked up at the both of them as they approached him. "Give me a second and go to my office, I'll be with you both in a moment."

Not seeing a problem with this, both men headed towards the back. Cassidy let out a sigh as he started to give each of his students instructions to keep up the drills and exercises a while longer, he then got up and headed towards his office. When he got there he saw both Byamba and Hinogoto sitting on chairs in front of his desk.

"Before you two say a word let me just tell you I already know why you're both here. You're both here to try and convince me to come back to sumo aren't you?"

Hinogoto was the only one to visibly flinch a little while Byamba kept quiet. Cassidy just let out a chuckle while shaking his head.

"Yep, knew it was something like that."

"Brother please just hear us out."

"No, you listen here Hinogoto I've told you countless times I will never do sumo professionally again. Not even if it was unofficial or something like the US open. You and Byamba aren't the first or are going to be the last to try and talk me into going back… but I just can't. I did a terrible thing and I must face my punishment even if no one thinks I deserve it. I love sumo more than anything, I miss the sound of the crowd, the smell of the salt in the air, the tension between myself and my opponent. There's nothing I miss more than that."

"But what about us?! Your family and friends! You say you miss sumo but what about us, don't we mean anything to you?!"


Hinogoto was taken aback by his older brother's outburst and as he stood up to glare down at him. Combined with size and the aura he was giving out along with that intense glare made Hinogoto shut up. Byamba stayed silent as he watched both brothers and wondered how this would unfold.

"You, our family and my friends are very dear to me. Next to sumo if not even greater, you guys are everything to me." Cassidy proudly stated as he started to calm down. After calming down he sat back down to look back at his little brother and Byamba. "However this is something I must do alone, when I know that my punishment is over then I will return home. That's what I promised mother and father… little brother I must do this."

There was a part of Hinogoto that wanted to argue some more but he knew better. His older brother was a lot of things, a man to go against his word was not one of them. If he promised he was going to come back then he was. Still, he wished he would let the past go. Regret was a strong emotion as it was able to make everything feel worthless. From family to honor.

"God you can be so stubborn, you know that?"

Now smiling and letting out a chuckle, Cassidy gave a nod.

"What can I say, probably that Irish American blood of mine or something. Or perhaps I learned more from father than I expected. While I'm glad we got all this settled, wanna tell me why you're really here for Byamba? Because I know you aren't really foolish enough to waste your time and convince me to go back to sumo. So why come other than checking in on an old friend?"

Byamba chuckled as he shook his head a little, he knew better than to hide anything from his old friend. Cassidy wasn't just a strong and skillful sumo for he was rather smart. Another thing which made him dangerous for anyone if they faced him in the Dohyō.

However that didn't stop him from worrying about him at times.

"Never could get anything past you. You are right as always old friend, I'm here to just check in on you and how much progress you have made with your stable. I have to admit myself and a few of the others were curious to see if this stable of yours would succeed, I'm glad to see you were right. Now before I continue to discuss with you why I truly came, I want you to know that I do not doubt your ability or experience as a Rikishi. You are perhaps the best of us in this day and age, there is no doubt in my mind that you would be a Yokozuna by now if you stayed as a professional. But… I worry about the rumors I've been hearing about you. I always wondered how you required so much money to open this place and keep it running, I simply assumed it was from your past winnings or your family's wealth but I now know the truth. You have been partaking in underground and unsanctioned fights haven't you?"

Things got real quiet really quickly, Hinogoto's eyes grew in shock while Cassidy kept on a neutral face like last time. Byamba sent him a worried look as he went on.

"Old friend, like I said I don't doubt your skills. I know first hand how strong you are. Although you are fierce in the Dohyō I grow worried for you, I don't doubt how strong or effective sumo is as a whole but even I have to admit it has it's limits. Testing those limits against those who don't care about rules or honor and only for money is questionable. Now I am not telling you to stop because I don't have the right and I respect you not only as a friend but also as a fellow Rikishi. I only wish to know that you'll be careful."

Cassidy stayed silent while looking deep in thought, he then looked up at both Byamba and Hinogoto with a dead serious expression.

"Thank you for your concern my friend, I know it may be dangerous and possibly an affront of sumo. But I need a way to earn money, not for my own selfish reasons but for my students and their families. For this neighborhood and community, these people need all the help they can get. It goes against my ways to just stand by and do nothing. Perhaps I am doing it to fill the void of sumo in my life. I will not lie when I say I don't enjoy it, the thrill of a fight and the uncertainty of winning or not. Surprisingly I have been enjoying a winning streak of sorts in the underground fights. In fact I have recently been employed by a wealthy American company to represent them in an upcoming fight. Whether I win or lose I give you my word I'll be careful."

The smile Cassidy gave Byamba and Hinogoto placed them at ease but they were still weary for him. They both knew he could handle himself, if he was having a winning steak then that meant he knew what he was doing. However both couldn't help but have an uneasy feeling.

A sudden knock at Cass's office door got all their attention, they looked and saw one of Cassidy's students enter and gave a bow before addressing them.

"Forgive me for the intrusion, but there is someone here to see you teacher."

"Who is it?"

"I don't know sir, he refuses to say and he won't leave until he speaks with you. Um, he really seems serious sir."

This caused Cassidy to raise an eyebrow as he got up, he gestured for both Byamba and Hinogoto to follow him. Soon all three of them left the office and walked to where the visitor was waiting. He was waiting near the entrance of the dojo.

"Well, I gotta say you pictures do you no justice Cassidy Tsuyoishi."

"I'm afraid I do not know you, may I ask why you've come here? Are you here to sign up for lessons?"

"While I wouldn't mind taking up some lessons from a pro like yourself. Sorry to say I here for something else… I'm just here to scope out my opponent."

Cassidy quickly got really tense, the atmosphere in the room grew heavy. Everyone could feel it, from the students to Byamba and Hinogoto. For Cassidy he only let out a dry chuckle while starting to size up the man in front of him.

"So, you must be this Ace I've heard so about?"

Ace, or rather Lincoln chuckled as well and smirked underneath his orange face mask. Right now he had on his "Ace" clothes as he liked to call them. They were the same clothes he had on when he ran into Clyde.

Speaking of Clyde, he and Penelope were against what he was doing. They thought this was a stupid plan and that it would backfire horribly. Maybe they were right but Lincoln didn't care. He wanted this, no… he needed this.

"Yep, and you are the fighter representing Nasbro in our upcoming bout. I've got to say I didn't think much of you when my boss told me about you, that is until I started to hear more about you. Your past, your exploits as a sumo and a former amateur wrestler when you were in school, your promising career as a pro and how that all fell apart. Even your underground fighting record is incredible, 23 straight wins by knock out or surrender. You are truly an exceptional fighter worthy of praise and recognition."

To those present this caught them by surprise, they thought this was going to end badly but it looks like they were wrong. Cassidy however knew that this wasn't just it.

"Still… all I see in front of me is man who isn't worthy of such praise, because the man in front of me is nothing more than a coward."

That single sentence sent a shockwave of shock and then anger throughout the dojo, the only ones who didn't show any emotion were Lincoln and Cassidy as both just stood there staring at each other.

"How dare you insult our teacher!"

One of Cassidy's students shouted as he got close to Lincoln as did a few of his other fellow students started to surround him.

"Tell your students to keep it down before I make them."

"What the hell did you—ARGHH!"

The student from earlier never got to finish as he suddenly fell to the floor with a bloody nose and clearly knocked out. The other students that had surrounded Lincoln stood in shock as they saw one of their own hit the floor like it was nothing. None of them were prepared for what happened next. Lincoln took a breath and then in a quick flash it was over. With a fast blur of movement from his fist, all the surrounding students all yelled or groaned in pain as each of them fell down to the floor holding onto their faces or were knocked out. For all those saw this it was unbelievable, the remaining students who saw everything from afar couldn't believe what they witnessed. Even Byamba and Hinogoto were at awe by what they saw. The only person who kept their cool was Cassidy who took a look down at his students and then back at Lincoln.

"Hmm… is that why you came? To take down my students in front of me to get a rise out of me? To declare your victory already? To show me that I stand no chance? I admit your jab is the fastest and probably the strongest I've seen. You could give the pros of boxing a run for their money but it will take more than a few jabs to bring me down. When we meet in battle, kid… I will lay you out flat on your back."

Lincoln clenched his fists tighter as he looked up at Cassidy, who glared intently down at him with such intensity it almost sent a shiver down Lincoln's spine but all it did was get Lincoln more fired up, but in a totally unexpected act he let that fire die down as he took a deep breath and bowed in a respectful way catching everyone off guard including Cassidy.

"Forgive me, it was not my intention to hurt your students so badly. They did force my hand but I was too hasty. It's just being around those who spend all their lives in honing their skills for combat whether it be for sport or honor just gets my blood pumping. It's more my fault seeing as I should have used my words better. You see, I don't doubt your skills and I didn't come here to say I'm going to win. All I'm saying is that won't beat me in the state you're in"

The tension in the air got thicker when Cassidy started to scowl and tightened his hands into fists, while he gave Lincoln the nastiest glare he could.

"What was that?"

The remaining students began to quiver under the pressure of it all. None of them had ever seen or felt such anger in their teacher, the man who taught them everything about sumo, who gave them a chance when no one would. A man who was kind and caring as he was strong and larger than life. Now that man was replaced with a slumbering giant who has now awoken. Not even Byamba and Hinogoto have seen Cassidy this way, honestly it frightened them.

None of it affected Lincoln however. The young man in orange just smirked under his mask and gave Cassidy an honest gaze.

"What I mean is that while you are a talented sumo wrestler, that is all you shall remain if you do not change. Just by looking into your eyes I can see a man who has put himself into a crucible and doesn't want to come out because he's scared of what he'll see. I know for a fact you might regret killing that punk who attacked you all those years ago yet I know it's just a poor excuse for you to keep yourself from reaching the next level. Not just as a sumo or a fighter but as a person who has everything a guy like me wishes I had. A family and friends who care for you and want the best for you and yet is so stubborn to keep them away. Sure what you're doing here is admirable, you are doing good work here and there is no doubt you have changed their lives for the better. Yet how can you stand there and deprive yourself of doing the same for yourself?"

Whatever tension there was quickly faded away, a dead silence filled the dojo. The anger Cassidy was feeling was replaced with another feeling. He was in shock hearing all this as he remained still while looking down at Lincoln.

"Whatever you plan to do is your choice, I know you will give me a fight but you won't beat me as you are now. Unless you change you will never beat me… simple as that. That's all I came here to say. Again I apologize for hurting your students, I will be sure to send proper compensation if they need it. I'm also sorry for revealing your private life in front of your students. It was pretty shitty of me. Anyways, I will be seeing you Cassidy Tsuyoishi, next time I hope you are ready to leave that crucible of yours and become the man you are supposed to be."

With all that said, Lincoln gave a slight nod to Cassidy as he began to leave. After he left the dojo and closed the door behind him. Everyone stayed silent, none of them dared say a word as Cassidy let out a sigh. He then turned around and started to head back to his office with a somber expression.

"Please tend to those who are hurt, afterwards you may all leave. Training is canceled for today." Cassidy stated in a gloomy tone just as he was about to enter his office. "Classes may not resume until next week, you are all dismissed."

No one said a word as Cassidy shut himself in his office. The students who were up went to go do as they were told and help their fellow students. While they were doing that both Byamba and Hinogoto stayed where they were. They were processing what just happened but one thing was apparent. Their worry for Cassidy only grew.

"Brother…" Hinogoto muttered softy with a worried expression.

Cassidy was feeling a whirlwind of emotions right now as he sat at his desk in deep thought.

He did expect this when he first woke up in the morning. He felt angry and insulted by the sheer ignorance of this fighter Ace, yet he also felt confused and was caught off guard by what he said. It was strange and unsettling the way he spoke to him, his words seemed to have more affect him than he thought. What was more unsettling was how there was truth in his words as much he hated to admit it. While he did regret killing that man long ago, that was not the only thing that stopped him from quitting sumo. In that fight something had awaken inside him. During that fight he was no longer a Rikishi, no longer Cassidy Tsuyoishi. At that moment he was someone else, someone who frightened him and caused him to give up sumo but also gave him much to think about.

Ever since he was adopted by his parents he has always wondered if he deserved such a chance. Another chance to have loving and supportive parents again when his were taken away. Why him when so many kids weren't as lucky? What made him so special? There was no doubt he loved his parents, he especially grew to love his little brother. They weren't related by blood but DNA isn't everything. His biological father Lucas Sullivan always said that family don't end in blood but it doesn't start there either. All his life he wanted to make his new family proud and prove that he belonged there. That they didn't make a mistake by taking him in. Sometimes it would cost him but he didn't care. Things were normal and Cassidy wanted to keep it that way, sadly that didn't go as plan when those Yakuza punks attacked him.

It was not the first time he was in a fight but that one was different because for the first time in his life he was fighting for his life. Thankfully none of those punks were skilled or experienced so he handle them with ease that is until he accidently killed one of them.

At the time he had no idea he had done it until it was over. In the fight he used sumo techniques like palm strikes and hard slaps however something odd happened, seems like he lost himself in the sheer rush of the fight and he instinctually used a wrestling move which was a German suplex. Apparently he slammed him a lot harder than expected and broke his neck. As the police arrived they couldn't believe the sight before them. When they started to comb through the carnage they found the man Cassidy killed, of course Cassidy was shocked and horrified. So much so that he didn't realized he was being arrested. He wasn't charged seeing as he was only defending himself, the fact they were armed and wanted to seriously hurt or kill him only pushed things in his favor. His family, friends, fans, fellow Rikishi and the whole sumo community supported and stood by him.

He didn't feel like he deserved it, even as his family and friends reassured and comforted him by saying what he did wasn't his fault. Taking a life felt horrible and yet at the same time Cassidy felt something that really terrified him.


How could he felt such a thing he asked himself? When we are young we all grow up to learn killing is wrong, especially killing people. Although we as a species do it all the time. We kill countless animals to feed ourselves everyday like it's nothing, while many only see the final product we haven't changed much as a species. Since the beginning we have killed for a number of things, and an unfortunate one would be for enjoyment and Cassidy was afraid of what kind of person he would be if he let this deep feeling fester while wrestling in the Dohyō. He didn't want to risk his fellow Rikishi and sumo's honor as a whole, so he formally retired quietly and left home to try and discover himself.

Along his travels he discovered that he didn't like killing, no. What he liked was winning and surviving. He discovered this when he first entered an underground match, at the time he was desperate for money and there weren't a lot of jobs for former professional sumo wrestlers. Working outside the law and dealing in the shady underground did not sit well for Cassidy at the time but some things were more important than morals.

In his first match he went against a boxer, the match lasted about a minute.

Turns out he had a knack for fighting people other than sumo wresters. Match after match Cassidy proved he was a force to be reckoned with. Knowing full well he would most likely face tougher opposition in the future, Cassidy trained harder and began rather unorthodox regiments and drills not suitable for a sumo wrestler. However he exceled at them surprisingly and got stronger than ever before. Cassidy kept on winning until he came to the sudden realization that he really didn't want the money but the rush of the fight. That's one of the reasons he liked about sumo, to face off against people who are stronger than him. It's probably why he found himself in this troublesome solution in the first place. The rush of a fight made him careless and got that punk killed. In the end Cassidy tried his best to stay away from fighting, that's why he retired. It is unfortunate that fate had other plans.

This upcoming fight, Cassidy knew he would give it his all but would it be enough? The speed of Ace's jabs were very fast and had a lot of power behind them. While he fought boxers and a few fighters who incorporate all types of jabs and punches. Still, he had a feeling there were more to Ace than meets the eye and honestly?

He was looking forward to it

"Crucible or not… I will win."

Cassidy may have seemed determined on the outside at that moment, but deep down Cassidy felt something else. An ugly feeling that has always troubled him since he began sumo.

'I have to win…'

For better or worst the die was cast.

With Lincoln

After Lincoln had left Cassidy's dojo, leaving in the back of a luxury car which is being driven by a chauffeur. Clyde of course set it all up, well it was all really Penelope who did it given she made the arrangements herself. Though it was coming from Clyde's pocket so in a way it was all his doing but with much needed help. They both thought what Lincoln wanted to do was crazy. Confronting a dangerous underground fighter who wasn't just infamous on the fighting scene but had actually killed someone in the past.

Big deal, believe it or not but Lincoln has faced worst and was actually taught by more dangerous people than Cassidy.

Letting out a chuckle Lincoln kept looking out the passing cars, people, and buildings while sitting comfortably in the back seat as the chauffeur drove back to the hotel Clyde was staying. Apparently he had some people he hired to go and collect Lincoln's things while he was heading out to see Cassidy. Not that Lincoln mind the change of where he was staying, but he really wished Clyde had talked to him first.

Still though, Clyde was his boss so what he says goes. Besides, he was getting the second best room out of the whole hotel.

Lincoln never had a hard time taking orders, half his life was catering to all his sisters needs and wants. He had to do some crazy stuff while under the tutelage of teachers over the years. So none of this was nothing new, the only change was that it was his best friend telling him what to do.

Also he was getting paid.

Naturally he had no idea how much but Lincoln didn't care. As long he was getting something he didn't care, he trusted Clyde.

It didn't take long for Lincoln's thoughts to drift back to his talk with Cassidy. Truthfully he didn't have the faintest idea why he confronted him. From all the stuff Lincoln learned about him at first he thought Cassidy was interesting but nothing special. However that quickly changed when he heard about the incident and his matches in the underground intrigued him. Lincoln knew that there was something wrong with Cassidy, although he was a formidable sumo and very skilled. There was no way he could win. Not unless he leaves that crucible he has put himself in.

A sort of place where we all places ourselves in eventually, some believe two types of people place themselves in this. Those who come out, come out stronger than before and those who don't are broken beyond repair. Long ago Lincoln himself put himself in such a place and came out stronger. It was only thanks to his teachers and the friends he's made along the way are the reason he's still around. Along with one other reason he kept to himself.

However there were some who never leave the crucible. Those who choose to stay and embrace the pain, finding it easier than what caused them to place themselves in the crucible in the first place. Lincoln hoped Cassidy would make a choice soon. This fight was not only just about Clyde's company's future but also Cassidy's future as well.

Even with such stakes on the line, Lincoln managed to smirk under that mask of his. He's never faced a sumo before especially one so skilled. However the outcome may be, Lincoln was going to face the challenge head on.

Some time went by and Lincoln found himself back where he started, at the luxury hotel Clyde was staying at. Now it was where he was staying at now too. Getting out of the car Lincoln walked and enter the large lobby, he went towards the front desk where he was told to go by Clyde to get his room key. After some talking and confirming who he was, Lincoln got the keycard and made his way towards the main elevator. Once inside he pushed the button taking him to the second highest floor. When the elevator reached the floor its doors opened and Lincoln got out. Taking a look around Lincoln saw that it was just like Clyde's floor with only one room it seems. At the end of the short hallway he saw a door with his room number.

Reaching the door Lincoln went on and opened it with his key. After that he walked inside and looked around inside his room. Since it was the second best suite in the entire hotel, Lincoln saw that it wasn't that different from Clyde's room. The room was pretty much the same size, there was a little kitchen along with other stuff a suite would normally have. Didn't take long for Lincoln to see where his bags were placed as they were placed right on top of his new bed. Deciding it was time to get settled in, Lincoln walked over and proceeded to unpack. While he was doing so he heard the door close from behind him and he smiled as he kept on unpacking.

"Hey Clyde."

Safe to say given the look on Clyde's face he didn't expect Lincoln to figure out it was him. Until he realized who else would come into his room unannounced? Quickly Clyde's expression turn to an friendly smile.

"What's up buddy, just came to see if you were settling in okay and… well, just to make sure you were okay overall."

This time it was Lincoln's turn to smile as he stopped unpacking and turned around to see Clyde giving him a worried look.

"Come on Clyde, just because I wanted to meet a fellow fighter doesn't mean I wanted to fight. I mean sure I want to fight him but I can wait until the proper fight goes down. So yeah I'm alright."

The worry on Clyde's face quickly turned into relief. He walked over to his friend and gently slapped him on the back.

"I'm glad to hear that, not that I wasn't worried you Linc but gotta be more careful man." Clyde softy chastised. "It's not just because you're my fighter or employee now, you're my best friend and I don't want you to take unnecessary risks. Why did you want to meet that Cassidy guy anyways?"

"Hmm… I guess you can call it a fighter thing. Really I don't have any idea why I did it." Lincoln admitted honestly. "At the time it just seemed like the right thing to do."

Knowing that was the best answer he was going to get Clyde sighed and left at that.

"Are you okay?" Lincoln asked raising his eyebrow.

"Hehe, yeah its just I got a lot on my plate. Running a multi-billion company isn't as easy as it sounds. Thankfully I have people like Penelope and those on my board to help me but still it takes a load man."

Lincoln saw Clyde start to walk off and head towards where the nearest chairs were which were over by a coffee table. Letting out a sigh, Clyde took a seat and laid his head back. Knowing that something was bothering his buddy, Lincoln walked over to join him.

"What's really wrong dude?"

It took moment but Clyde finally started to open up.

"Maybe it's all this stress with this expansion or just finally seeing you again after so long, but it's got me reminiscing. Making me wish things were like they used to be. You know, before all the drama and crap. Sometimes I miss the old days, hanging out with the guys, messing around and just having fun. Yeah there were the bad times, like real embarrassing, crazy, dangerous, and somewhat painful times. Still, I find myself often missing those times. What about you?"

The young billionaire looked over at his best friend who was sitting across from him. Lincoln was surprised at first but soon became rigid. Seeing his reaction caught Clyde a bit off guard, that is until he remembered something.

The Loud family.

"Ah shit, sorry man." Clyde facepalmed himself softy with a sigh. "I didn't mean to bring up any bad memories."

"Nah, its okay." Lincoln smiled sadly as he let out a sigh. "Funny thing though is that they weren't all bad memories."

"What do you mean?" Clyde asked with a puzzled look.

"What I'm saying is that while my family did treat me like shit a lot until they threw my ass out. There were times they actually treated me right, you know treated me like a son and brother. Times when I was treated with love and attention, small moments that I still remember quite fondly. Memories with all of them… I know I shouldn't but I still do."

Lincoln's smile eventually turned into a sad frown, Clyde shared the same expression. Part of Clyde wanted to stop talking right then and there but another part of him overtook the other. He need to ask something he's been wondering about for a while.

"Do you hate them?"

There were a lot of reactions Clyde expected Lincoln to have when he brought up his family. He sure didn't expect him to have a soft smile while he shook his head.

"You know, I've asked myself that question a lot ever since they kicked me out. At the start of this all I did was wonder why, why did they throw me out? Why didn't they want me? Over time it just got easier to hate them than just keep thinking about it. I held on to that hate for a long time, eventually I moved past it along with whatever else was eating me. Past is the past bro, I don't hate them anymore. I can't say I have love for them anymore though, at least not all of them."

Clyde was smart enough to pick up on that last part, he knew his best friend all too well.

"I want you to know that neither I or anyone else blamed or hate her for what happened. She was just a baby when it all happened, besides we all know she would never hurt a fly. From what I heard her childhood was okay, a bit bumpy given what the rest of her family was going through. She always asked about you from what I heard. Always wanting to know more about her long lost brother that she barely remembered."

Lincoln's lips quivered a little when he heard that, he took a deep breath and recovered his composure.

"Does she know?"

"I don't really know, I stopped checking in on her after I left for college. She was happy though last time I've heard."

"That's good." Lincoln smiled lightheartedly. "I'm glad she at least had the childhood I couldn't have. If anyone deserves it, it's her."

"Do you wanna know what happened with the rest of them?"

"Nah." Lincoln was quick to say with a soften expression. "Best to let the past stay in the past, sure it's nice to remember the good times but you got to keep looking forward to the future. That's what's kept me going so far… while my life isn't what I expected or maybe wanted. It's all I got, besides I wouldn't trade it for anything."

The way Lincoln smiled gave Clyde a moment to pause, his best friend really had changed. It also gave Clyde to think over what he said. While it's nice to look back on the past, you should also have the time to look forward. His business, his employees needed his attention here and now.

"So, what else are you here for Clyde because I got a feeling you didn't just stop to talk about the old days?"

"Heh, yeah you're right." Clyde chuckled, his face then became serious as he met Lincoln's gaze. "We finally got a call from Nasbro, they set up a location and date for the fight. It's in 3 days and will be where there'll be plenty of room and off the grid for this not very legal event. Should give you enough time to prepare and come up with a game plan."

"Game plan?" Lincoln scoffed slightly. "Hate to tell you this buddy but I'm not really the Man with the plan anymore. Besides, I like going in blind when it comes to fights. Makes it more fun that way."

Confusion and shock were Clyde's expression, which then quickly turn into worry and mild irritation.

"Lincoln, this guy is real bad news. I had Penelope take a deeper look into his past fights and we're worried. Cassidy has proven himself in past that he can handle boxers. First guy he ever fought was an ex-pro boxer who won a few championships in the pro circuits. Guy had a mean right hook, Cassidy took all his hits like they were nothing and ended the match in a minute. He's never lost a fight since then, from what we gathered he's only gotten stronger since that fight. Going in blindly against this guy is not smart, you are going to need a plan if you want to stand a chance against guy."

To Clyde surprise and annoyance Lincoln didn't look scared or serious, in fact he was smiling like an idiot.

"Oh don't you worry, I got a plan and that's to win."

Normally Clyde would have let this go given it was Lincoln but that's why he couldn't. Not with his best friend's well-being at stake.

"Lincoln this is serious!"

"I know, that's why you are gonna take my word when I say I know what I'm doing." Lincoln explained ignoring his buddy's outburst just now. "I'm not a one-trick pony, do you really think I've lasted this long by only knowing boxing. No shit I'm better than most when it comes to it in boxing but I do know more than just boxing."

Now Clyde was more confused than ever.

"What do you mean?"

Looking over at his best friend, Lincoln let out a coy smile. Looks like it was time to shed some more light on his past.

"Good thing you're already sitting down because this going to take a while. Okay, first thing is to tell you what happened after I went on my own…"

Great Lake City, Michigan

The sun was shining over the city called Great Lake City, a place that has been rather prosperous since a new company had shown up and breathed new life into the city. That company was Loud Inc. which was founded by none other than Lori Loud.

Who was currently sitting in her office going over some paperwork she needed done. She wanted to get things in order before she, Lisa and Carol would leave for the airport. Everything seemed in order, one of their most trusted employees would keep watch of things here while they were off in Los Angeles, Lisa and Carol had set up the flights for everyone. She had also already contacted everyone and caught them up to speed about Lincoln's whereabouts.

The only ones she haven't told yet were her parents, something that wasn't as easy as it sounds.

'God, what do I do?'

Life for the Louds were not easy after the bad luck incident, it didn't just left a heavy impact on the lives of Lincoln's sisters but also his parents lives. Being arrested and have their children taken away was horrible for them, but not as horrible when they finally realized what they had done. There were no words to express the sheer amount of guilt and shame they felt. They both let their foolish superstitions get the better of them which had cost them not only their only son but entire family as a whole.

It was lucky they had gotten a gotten a good public defender and an fair judge, the deal they got was a blessing but both Lynn. Sr and Rita Loud felt like they should have been given a harsher punishment for what they did. If it wasn't for their lawyer convincing them otherwise they would have probably been given a normal if not harsher sentence. Both Lynn. Sr and Rita Loud accepted the deal, under a year both were released from prison.

Upon their release the both of them came to realize the harsh reality they had put themselves in. The both of them were now convicted felons, were jobless, homeless and found themselves with no friends or family to help them. Whatever friends or family that could help them had made it clear they wanted nothing to do with them. The only thing worse about their situation was that they couldn't see their children.

Still, both went on and tried to recover whatever they could. First thing was to find a place to stay, thankfully that was easy since they had some money saved in the bank and just had enough to get back their old home. Turns out no one wanted the place after word got around who lived there and what happened. It was a good start to try and recover their old normal lives, at least what was normal for them. Returning home was both a bittersweet feeling, no one welcomed them home. The neighbors who saw them shunned them, especially old Mr. Grouse who spat in their direction. For both Lynn. Sr and Rita their home felt cold and empty, a feeling they grew accustomed to since going to prison. Without their children their lives didn't seem to have much meaning to them, that's why both parents quickly made a plan.

They were going to make their family whole again.

Both put this plan in motion by trying to find jobs, which wasn't easy given they were convicted felons. However in time both somehow found jobs, Lynn. Sr became a dishwasher again and Rita with little choice became a clerk for the Super Mart. After finding steady jobs both followed their parole to the letter, after a few months they were now eligible to try and regain custody of their children. At first they wanted to try and get their son back but both Lynn. Sr and Rita realized that wouldn't be smart given what they put him through. So they started slow and got back their youngest and started from there, slowly they finally regained custody of all their girls. Now was the time to get their son back.

Sadly we all know how that went.

Their family would never be whole and that broke all their hearts, no one blamed themselves more than the parents. Both felt like they had not only failed as parents but as human beings. Dealing with Lincoln's disappearance wasn't easy for any of them, they held on hope that he would either be found or return home. Today both still hold on to that hope.

Unfortunately for them as time past they had to watch as their family remain broken and slowly drift more apart. They tried their best to make sure each of their children grew up as normally and peacefully as they could even though they with the exception of Lily were ostracized from friends and loved ones. Life for them went on but that didn't stop for more woes befalling their already broken family. The recent one being Lily, who until recently wanted nothing to do with her family.

Now both Lynn. Sr and Rita were retired, since they didn't have to worry about money with Lori taking care of everything. They spent their golden years being together even after their family had gone through hell, the both of them still loved each other deeply. However they both desperately wished their family was whole again, to them it didn't matter if they had to worry about money or not. If they could, they would trade all the money in the world to just have all their children together again, that all the bad blood was gone and that they can be a family again.

Like what they used to be.

"Everything okay?"

Lori broke away from her thoughts as she looked over and saw Lisa entering her office.

"Uh, yes." Lori sighed as she went back to finishing the last of her paperwork. "Just finishing some much needed paperwork before we leave. Is everything in order?"

"Yes, Carol and I have made all the arrangements. All our siblings flights have been arranged along with our hotel reservations, by my estimates Lynn will be the first to arrive while Luan and Luna shall be the last. All the equipment needed to help us is being packed and will be traveling with us. I also took the liberty of finding out where Lincoln's friend Clyde is staying at and I'm currently monitoring his and Lincoln's movements as we speak. Now, may I ask why you have yet to notify our parental units of Lincoln's whereabouts?"

Now Lori should have surprised but she wasn't, she only smirked at her sister. Lisa was a genius after all. Lori knew better to hide anything from her.

"You sure don't miss a beat do you Lisa?" Lori kept smirking, even though that was replaced with a frown. "I really do want to tell them, but I don't want them to do any unnecessary travels. There's no telling how all this will go down. You should know more than anyone."

Lisa listen to Lori's words and gave it some quick thought before nodding.

Even though they had found Lincoln and intend to reunite with him, some of them having nothing else in mind. There was telling what was going to happen. It didn't take a genius to realize that Lincoln had made it known he wants nothing to do with his family. Him running away was obvious enough. Who could blame him though? After everything they put him through it was only natural. Didn't matter how much they were sorry and how much they loved him. The chances of this going smoothly were very low.

So, it would be best not to involve their parents. No matter how much they hated it or how much they wanted to make their parents wish come true. There was no doubt what was going to happen wasn't going to be easy or pretty. Perhaps it was selfish and wrong but this is how it was going to happen.

"While I don't doubt your decision Lori, I must ask what exactly is the plan? We both aren't naïve to think Lincoln will be happy to see us and just drop whatever he and Clyde are doing to come home with us. I am a genius but I am no miracle worker."

"I know Lisa, we've all have been dreaming about this for years. Our family has been through a lot, we've all paid a price for what we did. Some of us are still perhaps paying for them. Our lives aren't what we've dreamed about but we made our choices no matter how wrong or selfish they are. We lost our brother… now I think I have a plan to get him back. It might backfire but we need to try. Are you with me Lisa?"

"Of course… eldest sibling."

For a moment both women smiled and shared a laugh.

"I forgotten how you used to talk." Lori giggled, she then took a look at her computer to see the time. "Anyways, it's almost time. You better head down and tell Carol to prepare for our ride to the airport."

Giving a slight nod Lisa turned around and began to leave, but not before giving her big sister one last look.

As Lisa left and closed the door, Lori looked down at her paperwork and sighed. She would have to do this once she got back. Right now she had a lot on her mind. After putting her paperwork away something on her desk caught her attention. It was a small photo frame she had placed on her desk ever since she got this office. It held a picture that meant a lot to her, it was an old family photo. It was taken back before their family fell apart. Back when everything seemed normal to them, now it seemed like a lifetime ago.

In the picture was each of the Loud siblings smiling at the camera as they sat or stood on the front porch of their house. This picture was taken 17 years ago. Lori grabbed the photo and began to look at it with a soft smile, her eyes then focused solely on Lincoln. That's when she started to frown sadly.

Up until now Lori had a lot of regrets, some she still thinks about to this day. However if there was one that she regretted the most. It would be not being a better sister to her baby brother, even before they kicked him out of their house. Lori knew she was terrible sister not only to Lincoln but all her siblings. She wanted nothing more than to change who she was back then, but that wasn't possible. Only thing she could do now is make up for what she did. She only hoped that her little brother would let her.

"I'm coming Linky…"

With that said, Lori put the photo back and got up to collect her stuff. Once she did she logged off her computer and started to leave her office. Last thing she did was turn the light off before leaving.

Royal Woods, Michigan

"I'm all packed, I'm leaving now Aunt Ruth. I'll call you when I can."

"Alright, you behave and have a nice camping trip with your sister!"

"Okay, bye and love you!"

Lily let out a sigh as she walked out of her Aunt Ruth's house with a suitcase in hand and a backpack on her back. She looked at the driveway and saw her ride waiting for her. It was Lana's jeep, Lana herself was sitting in the driver's seat texting on her phone. Casually walking over, Lily put her stuff in the back along with whatever Lana packed for herself. She then walked over and entered the front passenger side, taking a seat she buckled herself up.

"Everything is taken care of on my end, are we all set?"

"Yep, Lisa and Lori got everything ready for us. We're gonna take a private jet that's waiting for us at the airport. Should take a couple of hours at best before we arrive in Los Angeles. You ready to hit the road?"

It should have been easy for Lily to answer but she was hesitant. As it should be since all of this was happening so fast. Just this morning she was expecting to have a normal day like always, and here she was with one of her estranged siblings getting ready to take a flight to California to try and find their long lost older brother. Sometimes Lily hated how her life could take such a turn. Guess it's just how being a Loud is.

"Yeah, let's go."

Not wasting any time Lana started her Jeep and began to pull out of the driveway. Their journey had officially begun.

After a few minutes of driving both sisters sat in silence for the longest time. To say it was awkward was the understatement of the damn year. Neither one of them saw this coming nor did they enjoy it, more so Lily than Lana. Eventually Lana grew tired of the tense yet awkward silence, turning on the radio to the nearest station and left it there. It was some cheesy pop song that both sisters didn't know the name of but have heard before.

Letting out a heavy sigh, Lily leaned her head against the car doors window to take in the passing scenery.

"So, how are… things?"

Nothing bothering to turn her head or answer her sister, Lily kept her focus outside her window. Lana frowned and decided to keep her focus on driving. She should have known better to make small talk with her baby sister. She had every right to hate them. Traveling alone with Lily was not really her choice to begin with since it was all Lori and Lisa's doing. It made sense given they were the closest to each other, Luan couldn't do it since she already left to visit Luna. Not seeing any other choice than having her little sister travel alone, Lana agreed to travel with Lily.

"Did anyone tell them?"


"Did you guys tell mom and dad?" Lily asked still not taking her eyes off what was passing by her window. "Pretty sure they should be here too if we're going to find our brother. That is unless you guys haven't told them yet."

This time Lily turned to see her sister's expression and saw that Lana had an uneasy look.

"Figures, you guys sure love keeping secrets." Lily sneered with a chuckle. "It's what you guys do best after all. Only reason I'm not gonna tell them is because I'm still mad at them."

That uneasy look of Lana quickly turned into a frown, her attention going straight back on the road. Part of her wanted to say something but it wouldn't matter. It's been close to a year since Lily found out the truth about Lincoln, and she hasn't even seemed close to forgiving them. Lana wanted nothing more than to earn her little sister's forgiveness, before Lily discovered the truth she was close to everyone in the family. Because of her The Loud family had some sort of normalcy. While it was never same without Lincoln it was Lily who kept everyone together.

It's a shame most of them were too oblivious or stubborn to see that.

The drive was quiet with the exception of the radio, Lana kept her attention while Lily's mind was elsewhere. Los Angeles was a long way and they weren't even on a plane yet. Lily still had a hard time believing this was happening. Ever since she was still a little kid she always dreamed of meeting her brother. Although it could be said they have met before considering Lincoln was there for her first year as a baby, Lily had no clear memories of him. There were glimpses here and there but Lily could never see through them clearly. She often wondered about him a lot.

From all the stories her family have told her, Lincoln was everything she wanted in a big brother. She was told he had a good heart and was well-mannered, he loved his friends and family. He had his faults like always making plans usually that backfire or something worse. Still though, he may end up looking like an idiot at times but he would always try to make things right. No matter how much it hurt or embarrassed him.

Lily wondered if he was still the same person after everything that's happened to him. Going through something as traumatic like what he went through can change some people, and not for the better. Often Lily found it strange to be thinking about someone so much even though you haven't properly met them. Most of the time Lily wondered what Lincoln would look like now. The pictures they've had of him usually helped her make an image of him in her head, he would be 28 years old if what everyone has told her is true. Sometimes she would usually draw about him when she had time. Drawing and painting were one of her favorite things to do.

A lot of people seemed to really like her art and sketches, now Lily wasn't a vain person but hearing people say that and if they were close to her made her feel good. She took whatever she could get considering what her sisters have accomplished. Lori was the CEO of a multi-billion dollar company, Leni was a famous fashion designer, before her fall from grace Luna was a popular rock star and Luan was an accomplished comedian and had an amazing girlfriend. Lynn and Lucy were out there traveling the world going to new and exciting places. Lola was a famous model and Lana was pretty good at anything when it comes to getting dirty or fixing stuff, she was also an experienced animal handler. Lily didn't even want to get started with her former roommate and genius sister Lisa. Compared to them Lily felt like whatever she did was small.

Like none of it mattered.

Even before Lily's fallout with them, she has always felt like the odd one out. Maybe it was because she was the youngest out of everyone. Lily never really did know why but she did her best to ignore it. She loved her family and did her best to be the link to keep them together, sadly whatever she did never felt enough. They always seemed busy doing their own thing or wanted to be out there looking for their brother. Lily would be lying if she didn't feel a little bit envious of her brother when growing up even if she hasn't properly met him. She tried her best to keep her family together, funny that she no longer cares about them.

Well, that was a little bit of a lie.

What Pop-Pop told her before she heard about the news with Lincoln got her thinking. There was no mistake Lily was still feeling angry and betrayed at her family. However there was also a small part of her that still loved them. Now there was no way Lily would be telling any of them that but it was best to be honest with herself.

As Lily's thoughts went back to Lincoln she started to wonder what he was doing in Los Angeles of all places. Lily knew that he could have ended up anywhere but why Los Angeles? She asked Lana the same thing only to be met with the same confusion, all Lana knew was what Lori told her. At first Lily thought Lana could be lying considering what they hid from her before. However Lily somehow sensed Lana was in the dark just like her so she dropped it. That didn't stop her from wondering why though.

Another thing that was bothering Lily was the nervousness she was feeling.

How was all this going to end? Lily had many dreams of how this would go, sadly those were dreams and reality was always harsh. Unfortunately The Loud family knew that better than most families. Deep down she wanted this to end up good for everyone but Lily was smart enough to know that's not what was going to happen. 17 years was a long time, however that doesn't mean time can make up for what happened. She desperately wanted to reunite with Lincoln just like everyone else but she had to be realistic.

Did Lincoln hate them? Most importantly did he hate her?

Hearing that inside her head caused Lily's chest to tightened up. All her life she wanted nothing more than reunite with her brother, to finally know the feeling of having a brother's love. Not that she didn't really know the feeling loved before because growing up she knew that her family loved her even when they were going through their own problems and had their faults. Call her selfish but she wanted all her family's love, that's includes her big brother's. If he hated his family, did that mean he hated her too?

"Hey Lily, we're almost there."

Quickly Lily was brought back to reality when Lana called out to her. Looking around she saw that they were getting close to the airport. Lily simply sighed as she went back to looking outside her window. This made Lana frown some more but she kept quiet. As Lily kept looking out her window whatever fears she had remained but weren't as present as before. Soon she was going to finally reunite with her brother, and then she'll get her answer.

Whether it's the one she wants to hear or not.

Paris, France

"Awww! Why aren't we moving? Shouldn't we have taken off already?"

"Chill out Leni, all our luggage is still being brought in the cargo hold. Don't worry we'll get there soon sis."

"Oh I really hope so Lola, I totes can't wait to finally see everyone again… including Linky."

Leni and Lola were both relaxing in their seats inside their private jet. Well, technically it was one of Loud Inc.'s jets but since they owned a bit of the stocks and we're on the board. It was their jet so to speak, anyways the both of them were ready to start their journey to reunite with their family. Only thing keeping them from doing that was the fact their luggage was still being loaded on. They could only blame themselves since they've packed so much stuff, however that's the life of a famous fashionista and model. Also being very rich does have in ups and downs.

Lola was in her regular outfit, she was on her phone checking on her social media accounts. Leni on the other hand was looked completely different since she was not sparring or working out. Her hair wasn't tied up into a braid and was long and loose reaching down to her waist. She wore a beautiful and stylish seafoam blue dress that she made herself fit her curvy figure well, around her waist was a stylish white belt. Her other clothes consisted of tight black silk leggings and seafoam blue high heels, she had on wrist length pure cotton gloves that hid her rough hands from the last few years of practicing Savate. Only thing that she wore reminiscent of something she used to wear was her small red hoop earrings. Leni looked very anxious as she peered outside the window by her seat, hoping for them to soon take off.

Both girls couldn't believe that this was finally happening, not just that they finally got a solid lead on Lincoln but that all the Loud sisters would be in one place after so much time apart. All of it excited Leni so much that she could barely sit still, Lola on the other hand was a different matter. While being one of the youngest in the family that did not mean Lola was naïve and bratty like she used to be. She knew that having all her siblings in one place was a powder keg waiting to go off rather loudly.

It didn't help things knowing that a few of them were trained in martial arts or some other combat arts. Nope, it only made it worse. She only hoped that they would find Lincoln quickly and avoid all the drama before that. Now what happens after was going to be a pain, Lola knew that for certain. Regardless of what was going to happen she was still excited to see everyone again. Including her twin and Lincoln.

After a few minutes both girls heard the jet's engines roar to life, the voice of their pilot quickly followed.

"Miss Louds, each of your luggage is secured and we're ready to take off. Get comfortable because it will be quite a long flight."

Leni let out a restless sigh and started to pout, causing Lola to smile at her childish antics. At times Leni after more like a child than Lola even though the both of them were now young women.

"Don't worry Leni, we'll be there before you know it."

Leni stayed silent as she kept looking out at her window, her thoughts drifting towards reuniting with her family.

All of her family.

'Oh Linky… I can't wait to see you again.' Leni thought with a look of longing in her eyes. 'This time things will be different.'

At that moment, all the Loud sisters thoughts were of their brother and what was going to happen. From Luna and Luan in the UK to Lucy in Japan, each of them had their own worries and different expectations of what will happen. However all of them had the same someone in their thoughts.

Lincoln Loud.

Three Days Later

Los Angeles, California

It was around late in the evening, the lights of the city were lit up and shining brightly in the night. However our sights were not on the city itself but just outside the city limits, at a random junk yard. A place where broken and useless things go to be reused or forgotten. However tonight it wasn't just some ordinary junkyard, for it was the venue of a very important event.

A fight.

At the front gates of the junkyard which were opened, a black limousine drove up and parked in front of it. The backdoors opened and out came Clyde and Penelope, finally Lincoln came out wearing his normal fighting attire. Only difference was his face mask, it was still orange but had an outline that was white that resembled a sharp tooth smile. It was something you might see on a monster's face, like the Anti-Hero Venom from Marvel Comics.

"So this the place?" Lincoln asked turning to Clyde who nodded. "Can't say it's the worst place I've fought in but I gotta give it to these Nasbro chumps. They sure know how to pick a place for an underground fight."

Clyde was the only one to smile while Penelope sighed with a shake of her head. The odd trio walked over and passed through the gates, as they were walking they suddenly heard sounds. Lincoln immediately recognized these sounds for he knew them well, the sounds of the crowd. Eventually Lincoln and his friends found what was making the sounds, a large crowd of people were gathered in the middle of the junkyard. Both Clyde and Penelope were shocked to see such a large number of people gathered here. Lincoln on the other hand smirked under his mask.

"Don't look so surprised you guys, having this fight away from the public eye was going to draw people whether you wanted it to or not. You really can't have an underground fight without drawing those who just love the odd exotic appeal of it all. Bet a lot of these guys here frequent tons of illegal events just like these."

All of this was still new to both Clyde and Penelope, even though Clyde had witnessed such an event before when he was searching for Lincoln. Neither of them were familiar with that of the underworld fighting scene.

Not wanting to waste anymore time Lincoln made his way towards the crowd, both Clyde and Penelope quickly followed. As they drew closer people started to notice them. The crowd slowly dispersed a little to let them through, soon Lincoln, Clyde and Penelope found themselves in the middle of the crowd facing two people. One was a middle age man with greying brown hair in a business suit with a blue tie and glasses on, while the other was Cassidy Tsuyoishi in nothing but his mawashi.

"Mr. McBride, I'm happy you are here and I must say myself and the higher ups at our company are glad you agreed to this. My name is Tim Courtney and I am the Executive Vice President of Nasbro's Global Operations. This man next to me is Cassidy Tsuyoishi though I think you already know that. Ah, and this must the infamous "Ace" I have heard so much about. I must say the rumors of you don't do much justice."

If he was expecting an reply from Lincoln he wasn't going to get one, all of Lincoln's attention was on Cassidy. Who was giving his straight back at Lincoln. Both men ignored everything and everyone at that moment, only thing that mattered was them. The reason why they were here.

To fight.

"Mr. Courtney if it's all the same to you, I think we should get this underway." Clyde spoke in a clear voice full of confidence and authority, a voice fitting a CEO. "We both know what's at stake here, if you win I'll put my expansion plans on hold and pay the agreed amount of money. If I win you and Nasbro will stop trying to undermine myself and my company. If we are at an agreement I say we shake on it."

"Yes, let us get this underway." Tim Courtney stated with a smile that was somehow arrogant and coy. "May the best man win."

Ever since becoming a CEO, building his company from nothing. Clyde had grown to recognize the arrogance of the rich and powerful. Many have tried to undermine his company before and underestimate him because he came from nothing and is still pretty new to the game of the rich and powerful. Luckily for him he was not some naïve playboy pretending to run a company, he rose to power and riches for a reason. If this man from Nasbro wanted to test him, let him try.

"Good luck to you and your man Mr. Courtney." Clyde forced a smile and offered his hand, which Tim Courtney accepted and shook it. "Something tells me you're going to need it."

Tim Courtney did his best to smile back but Clyde knew he struck a nerve, when both men were done shaking hands they started to slowly turn away and leave. However both Lincoln and Cassidy lingered for a moment, both locking eyes with each other. Finally after a few tense moments both men followed their respective employers.

Now it begins.

Clyde, Penelope and Lincoln stood at one side while Cassidy and his boss stood on the other. A large bit of space was the between them, more than enough room for what was going to happen. The crowd had broken into four sides, one on Lincoln's side and the other on Cassidy's and the last two watching on the sidelines. All of them talking or making bets for the outcome of the right. A lot of them were placing their bets on Cassidy since they have either seen him fought before or have heard his reputation. A few of them were curious to see what this mysterious Ace had to offer or just wanted to get on the dark horse. Either way they were all going to get their moneys worth.

Lincoln began to take off his track jacket and stretch out a little, Cassidy took a deep breath and started to do what he normally does before a match. He lifted his right leg as high and straight as possible and then brought it down with much force as he could. He then did the same with his other leg, this was both a sumo ritual and exercise called Shiko. For exercise sumo wresters may do this over a hundred times in a row, as for a ritual it is used to drive away demons. While Cassidy has moved himself away from the world of sumo, he still uses the style, techniques and rituals on occasion in honor of his father and his teachings.

As both Lincoln and Cassidy were preparing themselves, an older stocky man with a goatee and black hair tied into a ponytail walked in the middle between both opposing parties. He had an average height and built, he was wearing a regular white and black striped referee shirt and black slacks and shoes.

"Hello and welcome, my name Cheetah Hattori and I will be the refereeing tonight's match! The rules are quite standard, no weapons or other foreign objects are allowed to be used between either fighters. Low blows and other such low handed techniques are allowed, the match will be officially over when one of the fighters submits or is incapacitated. Killing is also allowed but I will do my best to cut in and stop the match if needed. Tonight's match is between Clincoln McLoud Entertainment and Nasbro!"

Cheetah pointed towards Lincoln just as he was about done stretching out.

"Ace, The Bad Luck Vagabond! The affiliated fighter for Clincoln McLoud Entertainment!"

After saying that Cheetah pointed off towards the other side at Cassidy, who had finished doing the Shiko.

"Cassidy Tsuyoishi, The Rogue Sumo! The affiliated fighter for Nasbro!"

It was soon about to begin, both the fighters and spectators were getting restless. However Clyde was more worried than anything as he looked over at Lincoln's opponent. No doubt Cassidy had the sheer height and weight advantage over Lincoln, the only thing obviously going for Lincoln was most likely speed and striking power but Cassidy has proven himself against fighters who focus on striking. Lincoln noticed his buddy's worry and sighed.

"It's no use worrying now Clyde, we're way past quitting or postponing this. I gotta admit this guy is tough. Probably tougher than most of the fighters I've fought recently. Can't say I'll be able to walk away from this without a scratch though. Truth be told buddy it's getting me excited."

Both Clyde and Penelope were shocked to hear this, not really putting any of their worries to rest.

"Lincoln, promise me you'll forfeit if things get too dangerous."

There were a number of reactions Clyde was expecting to see from Lincoln after saying that. What he didn't expect was for Lincoln to turn around and give him a small hug and pat on the back.

"Don't worry bud… I got this." Lincoln gave an eye smile since no one could really see through his mask. "Like I said before, I've always have your back."

With that all said, Lincoln turned back around and started to head towards the referee. Leaving a speechless Clyde alone with Penelope, who gave a worried at her employer. When this all started Penelope thought this was a terrible idea. Putting the company's plans and future on line in some crazy bet that made no sense to her. She knew that Lincoln and Clyde were best friends and that Lincoln was an amazing fighter given what Clyde has said but all of this seemed really risky.

Unfortunately no matter how much she lacked faith in this entire deal, Penelope was simply an assistant. She didn't know Lincoln all that well but she knew Clyde very well. If he had faith in Lincoln to win this then she would as well.

On the other side Cassidy saw Lincoln approaching the referee. Taking a look back he gave a simple nod to his boss, who said nothing and nodded back. Cassidy started to walk off towards the referee. It didn't take long for him and Lincoln to finally come face to face, Cheetah the referee began to pat them down checking for weapons. After the pat-down he went off to the side and looked back and forth between both fighters.

Cheetah had been refereeing for about close to 17 years, not only that but he was also once a fighter too.

He could tell at first glance that the two men in front of him were very strong. The question though which one of them is stronger than the other? That's the question going through everyone's mind at the moment, especially through Lincoln and Cassidy's.

It was time to find out.

"Fighters!" Cheetah announced with tone mixed of excitement and nervousness. "Take your stances!"

The crowd started to cheer as both fighters got into their stances, Lincoln broken into an orthodox boxing stance while Cassidy performed a deep squat, without taking his feet of the ground and moved into a head-first crouch position while resting on one fist. A stance like this was common amongst sumo wrestlers, it was very important because it allowed them to adopt a more efficient posture to charge from and also isometrically preloads their muscle to spring up and charge their opponents more powerfully when a referee signals the bout to begin.


Again the crowd cheered as the match officially starting. However that soon stopped as Lincoln and Cassidy did the unexpected, they refused to move an inch as they just stood there sizing each other up. It didn't take long for the crowd to get a bit restless seeing that neither fighter had yet to make a move.

"Why aren't they moving?" Penelope asked not having the faintest idea what was happening. "The fight has started hasn't it?"

"Yes… but look closer Penelope."

Giving her boss a confused look before doing as she was told, Penelope slowly started to realize what was happening.

"They've been studying each other very carefully since before that match had began, focusing on the shifting of their weight, the simple twitch of their muscles tensing up, the subtle shifting of their eyes. They're watching and waiting for the perfect time to strike. Almost like two gunslingers waiting for the right time to draw and pull the trigger, one move could make all the difference in a fight like this. One little mistake could cost them everything."

It all slowly made sense to Penelope, the match her really started. It was just that both fighters were readying for the right moment to attack. Clyde focused his gaze on Lincoln.

'Lincoln… be careful.'

Tim Courtney smirked arrogantly as he watched Cassidy carefully.

'Mr. McBride, this is where your silly plans end.'

Both Lincoln and Cassidy remained still, looking for the right moment to strike. Finally after a full minute a small droplet coming from a nervous Cheetah slowly dropped to the ground. Once it dropped the looks of each fighter lit up.


Lincoln and Cassidy made their long awaited moves and charged towards each other! Oddly enough it was Cassidy who was the fastest as he closed in on Lincoln, Lincoln kept up charging until the last second he performed a quick sidestep and dodged Cassidy's charge. Lincoln then deliver a well placed right hook aimed at Cassidy's face. However Cassidy was quick to stop his charge but instead of dodging or grabbing Lincoln's punch, he let the punch connect!

Everyone except Tim Cortney were shocked and wondered why Cassidy would let himself get hit on purpose. Even Lincoln thought the same until he realized something that everyone else started to notice.

Cassidy had took a direct punch to the face and it looked like it didn't even faze him.

Lincoln shook off this uneasiness he was feeling and kept on his attack. He began by unleashing a barrage of punches and strikes all over Cassidy's face and upper body! The sound of fists hitting flesh caused many in the crowd to either cheer or cringe. When it was over they expected to see Cassidy's face become a bloody mess and his upper body be covered in welts or have tears on his skin. But that's not what they saw, what they saw was Cassidy standing tall without a single sign of injury.

'You got to be shitting me.' Lincoln thought taking a good look at Cassidy. 'Most of the guys I've recently been fighting would be messed up after an onslaught like that. Guess I was right, this guy is really something else.'