
38. Mr Cuddles

Zachlor16: We're back! After several weeks of being gone we have returned for SEASON TWO! Now before we start i just gotta say that this chapter will be a little different and you'll see why in a second. Also stay tuned til the end where there will be a shocking reveal. Now back to your regularly scheduled program.

Charles was in the backward digging a hole in the backyard as he was looking for something. "Where is it?" Charles growled. "It should be here." He kept on digging deeper until he hit something. "Gotcha my precious bone." He brushed the dirt to discover that it wasn't his bone but a box. "Wonder what this is?" He exanines the box and sees that is chained shut. "I gotta show this to everyone! But how do I get it out of here?" He then starts barking which brings over the pets to his hole.

"Charles what are you doing down there?" Cliff asked.

"Digging and I found this box, but I need your help to get me out of this hole!" Charles explained.

"Alright hold on we'll get you out." Hops said.

"So how do we get both Charles and the box out?" Gep asked.

"Maybe Hops could use his tongue." Walt suggested.

"Pass. Not strong enough." Hops tells them. "But i do have an idea." He hops back inside and few minutes later returns with El Diablo the snake.

"Hello my friendsssss." El Diablo greets. "I hear you need ssssome help."

"Charles is stuck down that hole while digging and found that box." said Geo.

"What'ssss in that box?" El Diablo asked.

"I don't know? But I need you to be a rope and get me out of this hole." Charles said.

"Of coursssse." El Diablo says. "But for a price."

"You can't eat Geo." Fangs tells him.

"No no. What I want is to be included in your nexxxxt card game." El Diablo explains.

"How can you play you don't have hands?" Cliff asked.

"I have my wayssss." El Diablo answers. "Sssso do we have a deal?"

"Yeah we got a deal." Cliff tells him.

"Good. Now pleasssse hold my tail." El Diablo requests.

"Ok!" Charles said and grabs the snake's tail.

"Alright. Now i need you five to help me pull him and the box out of the hole." El Diablo ordered.

"You got it." said Cliff as he, Walt and Fangs grab hold the snake and pull him, Charles and the box out of the hole.

"Thanks El Diablo." said Charles.

"Don't mention it." said El Diablo. "When issss the card game?"

"Tomorrow night after everyone goes to bed." Charles answered. "Bring something to bet and meet us at the table in the dining room."

"I'll be there." El Diablo tells them. "Now I must go and sssee if Izzy will bandage my tail. I think you broke ssskin." He then slithered off.

"I can see why you hang out with him." Walt says to Hops.

"He's alright." Hops says with a shrug."

"I don't trust him." Geo grumbled.

"That's because he tried to eat you last month." Fangs points out.

"Thanks for bringing up that nightmare." Geo glared. "I'm staying in my ball for the game."

"Whatever man. Maybe El Diablo will be able to end Cliff's winning streak." Hops says.

"Doubt it." Cliff scoffs. "Anyways, what do you think is in the box?"

"Don't know. It looks old." Charles answers.

"Whatever it is, whoever buried it really wanted to make sure nobody could open it." Fangs points out. "Look at those chains."

"Maybe it's a different ending to a bad movie!" Geo said. "Like the original cut of Batman and Robin?"

"I don't think so. I think this family lived in this house when that movie came out." said Walt.

"Maybe it's information on weather or not the president's hair is real." Fangs suggested.

"I don't think so." Cliff says. "Maybe we should take it to the kids."

"Good idea let's go." said Charles as they ran back to the house.

When they got into the house, the pets ran into the living room to find Lori, Leni, Lola and Lily sitting on the couch watching the Fashion Files.

"OMG! Look at that dress!" Leni exclaimed.

"I would literally do anything for that dress!" Lori shouted.

"Meh, I give it a 3 out of ten." Lola said.

"What!?" Leni and Lori exclaimed.

"I mean look at it." Lola says. "They put in too many ruffles and don't get me started on the color. Who makes a dress brown? It looks disgusting!"

"Poo poo." Lily babbled.

"Yeah. It looks like poo poo." Lola said with a disgusted tone.

"It's not brown. It's gray." Charles said confused.

"Charles you're color blind." Lori reminds him. "Anyways, what's up with the box?"

"I found it in the backyard and it could be something important in here." Charles said.

"Please let it be money!" Lola squealed.

"Maybe it's a screenplay that never saw the light of day." said Leni.

"Or maybe a time capsule." Lori guessed.

"Well let's open and find out." Cliff said.

"On it." Leni said before taking a pin from out of her hair and unlocking the lock.

"Still don't know how you learned to do that." Lori said.

"It's best you don't know." said Leni.

"Let's see what's in the box." Lola said.

Lori opens the box and the three sisters look what's in the box, but sadly they're disappointed at what is in the box.

"Well what is it?" Hops asks. Lori reaches into the box and pulls out a brown teddy bear with a red bow tie which immediately catches Lily's attention.

"I bit a snakes butt just for a teddy bear?" Charles growled.

"What a ripoff." Cliff complained.

"Teddy! Teddy!" Lily babbled while reaching out towards the bear in Lori's hand.

"I think Lily wants it?" Leni said.

"Here keep it Lily!" Lori groaned as she gave the bear to Lily.

Lily takes the bear and hugs it close.

"That's tores adorbs." Leni says before snapping a picture. "Well time for a nap Lily."

Leni picks up Lily and carries her upstairs to Lisa and Lily's room.

Lily sat in her crib with her new teddy bear and introducing him to her other teddy bear.

"Teddy, this is teddy." Lily said. She then leans close to his ear. "Isn't he dreamy? Don't worry you'll get along fine." She then hears someone approaching her crib. She looks up and sees Rita.

"Hey sweetie." Rita cooed. "Did you enjoy your nap?" Lily babbles and giggles. Rita laughs and picks up her baby. "I'll take that as a yes." She then sees the new teddy bear. "Oh what's this? A new teddy bear?" She picks it up and reads the label. "Mr. Cuddles? This is an old bear Lily. Back as far as when your Great Grandma Harriet was a little girl. I haven't seen this bear in years. Well c'mon. Your brother has something he wants to show us."

The Loud family sat in the living room with Lincoln standing in front of them with his easel set up next to him with a tarp on it.

"Ladies and dad." Lincoln said. "I present to you my masterpiece. Luna, drum roll please."

Luna performed the drumroll and presented Lincoln'a Masterpiece. The family was impressed at what the only Loud boy has painted. It was a painting of a eleven headed dragon.

"So what do you think?" Lincoln asked.

"Wow Lincoln it's so cool!" Lana exclaimed.

"Why are the heads different colors?" Lucy asked.

"The heads represents each of us." Lincoln answered. "Eleven heads. Eleven colors. And I'm defenantly entering this in the art contest this week."

"Well sport it's really good." Lynn Sr. tells him.

"Thanks dad." Lincoln says. He then sees Lily approaching the painting and starts to raise her hands to touch it but Lincoln stops her. "Whoa there Lily. Sorry but i don't want anyone to touch this. The comtest is in a couple days and it took me three weeks to make this."

Well I think this is has first prize written all over it." said Rita.

"It does? But all I see is the dragon." Leni said and everyone facepalmed at Leni's reply.

"Yeah bro. That painting is gonna win." Luna tells him.

"Thanks guys. Well I'm gonna put this in my room." Lincoln says before heading upstairs. After he left the rest of the family followed leaving Lily in the living room with Mr. Cuddles.

"Did you see that Mr. Cuddles?" Lily asked her bear. She moved his head to make it look like he was nodding. "Linky is so talented. I hope he wins that weird cup thing."

Later that night, Lincoln was getting ready for bed and giving Charles some instructions.

"Ok Charles. I need you to protect my painting tonight." Lincoln was telling him.

"You can count on me Lincoln." said Charles. "I'll stay up late like Ace the Bathound."

"I don't want anything bad to happen to this painting." said Lincoln.

"Yeah I know and try not to burn the house down." Charles said.

"Deal." Lincoln said.

Later that evening, a shadowy figure peeked into Lincoln's room to see Lincoln fast asleep with Charles laying down next him also asleep. The figure then takes a paint brush and sticks it in red paint. The figure then faces Lincoln's painting a let out a small chuckle.

The next morning, the Loud family was woken by the sound of Lincoln screaming. The family quickly ran to his room to see him clutching his painting.

"Lincoln what's wrong?" Lynn Sr. asked.

"My painting it's destroyed!" Lincoln exclaimed and showed the painting, they gasped at the sight of it, the painting was covered with scribbles and crud drawings.

"Who would do such a thing?" Leni asked.

"I don't know I trust Charles to guard it but he fell asleep." Lincoln said and Charles whimpered in sadness.

"Don't be upset Linc." Lynn soothed. "Can't you redo it?"

"No. It took me weeks to finish it." Lincoln answered sadly. "I really wanted to win too. First prize got a vacation to Disneyland."

"Aw Man I wanted to go Disney castle." Lola whined.

"I'm sorry guys." Lincoln said sadly.

"It's not your fault sweetie." Rita soothed. "There's always the next contest."

"I guess." Lincoln sighed.

"Well moping around won't get today started." Rita said. "Let's get some breakfast and go to Dairyland to cheer up Lincoln. Now can someone get Lily?"

"I'm on it." Lynn volunteered.

Lynn walks to Lisa and Lily's room and opens the door and sees Lily in her crib with her two teddy bears. "Hey Lily. Wake up time for breakfast." Lynn said.

Lily woke up and yawned but something was beside her blanket.

"A black marker?" Lynn asked and then it came to her. "Linc I found out who messed up your painting."

"Who?" Lincoln asked. He came into the room and saw Lily with a marker in her crib. "No way. The drawings were done in red paint." Lynn looks at Lily's hands and saw that they were red.

"Like that?" Lynn asks. Lincoln gasps.

"Lily how could you?" Lincoln asked.

"How could she what?" Rita asked.

"Lily ruined my painting!" Lincoln told her.

"Looks like she's caught red headed." Lynn said.

"Lily how could you?" Lincoln asked but Lily shook her head.

"Oh really how come your hands are red lady?" Rita asked, but Lily shrugged.

"What's going on?" Lynn Sr. asks.

"Lily ruined my painting!" Lincoln told him.

"What? No way." Lynn Sr. protested. He then approaches his youngest and saw that her hands were red. "But the proof is right there." He then sighs. "Well we can't let this go unpunished."

"If we ground her one of us would have to stay home." said Rita.

"Well we can't really ground her because she is a baby." Lynn Sr. points out. "I say it's time for her first timeout."

"Agreed." Rita sighed. "Alright Lily, you are gonna sit in timeout until you learn not to destroy other people's stuff." She takes Lily from Lynn and puts her back in her crib. "Now sit there and think about what you did." They then walk out if the room leaving Lily alone.

"I don't get it." Lily whined. "I didn't ruin Linky's picture. But they don't believe me." She turns to Mr. Cuddles. "You believe me don't you?" She shakes his head making him nod. "Well at least you do." She then grabs her other teddy bear. "What about you?" Her other bear nods. "At least you believe me. But who ruined Linky's picture? And who blamed me?"

Lincoln is sitting at the table with his family minus Lily and stirs his cereal in sadness. "Sorry about your painting bro, but don't be mad at Lily. She's just a baby." said Luna.

"I know Luna, all that hard work for nothing." Lincoln sighed.

"Once we get to Dairyland that frown will be upside down." said Luan.

"I hope." Lincoln sighs. Rita then comes down with Lily and Mr. Cuddles.

"Lincoln. Someone wants to apologize to you." Rita says. She then holds Lily in front of Lincoln. "Now what do you say Lily?"

"I sowwy Inky." Lily babbles.

"Aw isn't that sweet." Lori cooed.

"Aw I forgive you Lily." Lincoln said. He then gives Lily a hug.

"Isn't this sweet?" Luan said. "What do you think Mr. Coconuts?" She then pulls out her puppet.

"It's sweeter than powdered candy." Me. Coconuts said with Luan controlling him.

Lily giggled at the puppet while Lincoln rolled his.

"Alright gang. Let's get moving." Lynn Sr. announced. "We gotta leave soon if we want to beat the traffic."

The Louds all get into Vanzilla and the van drives away.

Vanzilla pulls into the Loud house and Lincoln steps out of the van with a cow utter hat on his head. "Thanks for taking me to Dairyland." Lincoln said.

"Anything to cheer you up kiddo." Lynn Sr said.

Lincoln heads upstairs where he sees Charles on his bed.

"Hey Linc." Charles greets. "You still mad at me for falling asleep on watch?"

"No. I get that you must've been tired so i can forgive you buddy." Lincoln tells him.

"Thanks pal." Charles said. "Now if you excuse me, I have to get ready for tonight."

"What's tonight?" Lincoln asks.

"Me and the other pets are having a card game tonight." Charles answered.

"Oh well have fun." Lincoln says.

"Will do." Charles says.

Later that night at the Loud house, a figure moves through the hallway on the second floor towards Luna and Luan's room.

Downstairs, Charles, Cliff, Walt, Geo, Fangs, Hops, Gary, Bitey, Izzy and El Diablo are sat around the table playing cards.

"Hope you guys are ready to go down." Cliff says.

"Guess again Tom!" Gary shouted.

"What no doc?" Fangs asked.

"I hope you have the keys to the Batcave because I'm taking the batmobile for a joyride." Gary said.

"Best part about being a rat is there are no famous rats on T.V." Bitey says.

"Whatever you say Pinky." Charles said.

"Damn. Forgot that one." Bitey cursed. "By the way thanks for inviting me to the card game."

"No problem." Geo says. "We're all pets here."

"Alright boys read them and weep." Cliff gloated. "Full house. Looks like i win again." The rest of the pets groan except for El Diablo.

"I don't think ssso my friend." El Diablo says. He then lays down his cards. "A royal flusssh. I win."

"Looks like you lose Cliff." Izzy said.

"Yeah it looks like it." Cliff sighs. "Who wants to play again?" Everyone agrees. "Alright Walt shuffle them up."

"On it." Walt says. As he watches Walt shuffle the cards, Charles hears something coming from upstairs.

"I'll be right back I need to check on something." Charles said Charles as he got off his seat and walked upstairs.

"Well hurry back because I'm going to wipe the floor with you Snoopie." Cliff said.

"Keep trying Catwoman's cat." Gary said.

Charles is upstairs and hears something in Luna and Luan's room. "Must be coming from Luna and Luan's room."

He slowly creeps up on the room and peeks inside. He looks around but can't see anything. He then creeps into the room and sniffs the floor but he finds nothing.

"Could've sworn I heard something." Charles growled. His paw hits something and he growls. "They really need to clean up in here." He then heads back downstairs to rejoin the card game.

The next morning, Luan woke up with a stretch. "What a nice night." She says. She turns and sees Luna crouched on the floor. "Morning Luna." Luna doesn't respond. "Um Luna? Earth to Luna." No response. "Are you alright?" Luna stands up and turns around with a damaged Mr. Coconuts in her arms. "Mr. Coconuts! What happened?"

"I don't know. I woke up and saw him on the floor." Luna explains.

"Mr. Coconuts no!" Luan cried and hugged and the damaged puppet.

"Don't worry sis we'll fix him up." said Luna.

"What's going on?" Lincoln asks. The two girls turn to see the rest ofthe family upstairs.

"Mr. Coconuts is destroyed." said Luna.

"Aw I'm sorry honey." Rita soothed as she hugged her daughter. "Luckily for you i know a place that can repair him."

"Thanks Mom. But who could of done this?" Luan asked.

"Um guys? I think I found something." Lola tells them. They turn and see Lola holding none other than a rattle.

"A rattle!?" Luan exclaimed. "Lily is in so much trouble!"

"Now hold on a minute." Lori says. "Before we jump to conclusions, are we sure it was Lily? I mean how would she literally get out of her crib? Same goes for when Lincoln's painting was destroyed. How would she get out of her crib?"

"Lori, I know you mean well but right now the evidence that we have is leading us to Lily." Lynn Sr. says. "As much as I hate to admit it, Lily is so far looking pretty guilty."

"Agreed. Even though it pains me to think that my minor sibling is capable of such destruction." Lisa ageees.

"What's gotten into Lily?" Luna asked.

"Maybe it's the bad T.V.?" Leni suggested

"Well whatever it is, she is in a lot of trouble." Rita said. "Leni can you please go get her."

Lily wakes up and yawns. "Morning Teddies!" Lily said.

Then Leni walks in the room and walks up to Lily's crib. "Morning Lily. Mom wants to see." Leni picks up Lily and walks to the rest of the family.

Leni and Lily approach the family where Lily sees the destroyed Mr. Coconuts.

"Coco?" Lily asked.

"Yeah. You broke him!" Luan accused. Lily shakes her head.

"No!" Lily babbles.

"Oh really? Then what's this?" Rita asks holding up the rattle. "Lily do you know what this is?"

"Ra ra." Lily babbles.

"Yeah What was your rattle doing in my room?" Luan asked and Lily shrugged. "Oh really?"

"Well I guess you need to go into another time out." Rita said and walked back to Lisa and Lily's room and places Lily in her crib, once Rita leaves the infant alone in her , Lily pouts.

"Now I'm framed for destroying Mr. Coconuts?" Lily questioned. "Who's framing me?"

Lily sat with her teddy bears in her crib trying to figure out what was going on. "First Linky's picture is ruined. Then Luan's puppet is broken. But i didn't do either. Someone is blaming me. But who?" She turns to Mr. Cuddles. "You have any ideas?" She turns Mr. Cuddles head left and right. "I thought so." She then sees Luan walk into her room.

"Ok Lily I think you had enough." Luan said. "But the repair costed me a mouth's allowance. Don't you have anything to say sis?"

"I sowwy Uan." Lily babbles. Luan sighs and picks her up.

"That's ok. I'm just upset that Mr. Coconuts was destroyed." Luan says. "C'mon. Let's go watch T.V."

"Yay!" Lily cheered. Luan picks up Lily and they walk downstairs.

Later that night, Lily sat in her crib waiting for the lights to go out. She then put her head and pretended to go sleep. A few minutes later she heard movenent in the hallway. She then uses her powers to have one of Lisa's plants help her out of her crib. She crawls to the door and then into the hallway where she sees a shadowed figure run into Lynn and Lucy's room.

"Got you." Lily whispered. She then crawls to the room and peeks in to try and see the perpatrator. "Where are you?" She enters the room and looks up at Lucy's dresser where she sees the perpatrator.

"Well Ms. Lucy. Let's see how you like having a few less poems in your notebook." The perpatrator said. A car goes by the house and Lily is able to clearly see who it is.

Lily gasped and sees the real crook. "Mr. Cuddles!"

"Besides no one reads poems anymore." Mr. Cuddles said and began to rip the pages out.

"He's behind all this?" Lily whispers. "Wait he's alive?"

"Well I'm done here." Mr. Cuddles says as he jumps off the dresser. He goes to walk out when he sees Lily. "Uh oh." The two stare at each other in silence. "Wow this is awkward. So how are you?"

"You're the one that's been ruining my older siblings stuff." Lily said.

"So what?" Mr. Cuddles scoffed.

"Well you've been getting me in trouble for stuff that you've been doing!" Lily yells.

"And you can't stop me because all evidence points to you and not me!" Mr. Cuddles says as he presses his chest. "I love you." Mr. Cuddles's eyes widen in embarrassment. "I forgot that was there." He hears groaning and sees Lynn starting to wake up. "And now for some fun." He throws the poem towards Lily and hands her a page from the book. "Hold this." He then drops to the ground.

Lily is confused by what Mr. Cuddles said. Lynn wakes up and turns on the lamp. "Lily?" Lynn gasped. "How did you get out your crib? Wait is that Lucy's poem book?"

Lucy wakes up and gasped. "My poem book!" Lucy gasped.

Lily shook her head and pointed at Mr. Cuddles. "Blaming a teddy bear? That's low." Lynn said.

Lucy gets out of bed and picks up the book and a small tear falls from her eye.

"I spent years writing these poems and you ruined them Lily!" Lucy lamented. "You are a bad baby!"

Lily gasped at this as Lucy picks up the pieces of her destroyed book. "Sigh." said Lucy.

"I'll take her back to her room." Lynn said and picked up her baby sister and Mr. Cuddles and take them back to her room.

Lynn placed Lily and her teddy bear back in her crib.

After Lynn leaves, Mr. Cuddles gets up.

"That was a close one." Mr. Cuddles says in relief.

"Ok what is your problem?" Lily angrily asks. "Why are you trying to get me in trouble?"

"It's What I was meant to do." said Mr. Cuddles. "Harriet brought me to life and so we can have some fun but something happened. She said I gotten out of hand."

"Wait. Great Grandma Harriet brought you too life?" Lily asked.

"That's right." Mr. Cuddles answers. "Right now phase one of my plan is working."

"Which is what?" Lily asked.

"Turn your siblings against you so i can have you all to my self." Mr. Cuddles answered. "And so far I'm succeeding."

"You won't get away with this!" Lily exclaims.

"I think I will." Mr. Cuddles taunts. "Nobody believes you."

"I'm getting rid of you!" Lily glared.

"I like to see you try." said Mr. Cuddles.

The next morning, Lucy and Lynn told their parents what Lily had supposedly done and was put in another timeout. During this timeout, Lily was trying to figure out how to deal with Mr. Cuddles. He had made several points that she sadly knew were true.

"What do I do?" Lily whispered. "He's going to keep getting me in trouble with my family. But he said that was phase one. What's phase two? I have to do something but nobody believes me." She then realizes something. "Wait. My family doesn't believe. But maybe Charles and the others will. It's gonna be tough but they have to believe me."

"We don't believe you." Charles said. He and the other pets sat in front of Lily's crib and she had just told them everything.

"C'mon guys." Lily whines. "You guys are the only other members of this family that understands me and you don't believe me?"

"Sorry Lilster but that seems a little unbelievable." Walt says.

"Yeah right. The only movement I seen is when you hug him and move his head." said Cliff.

"That and how would Mr. Cuddles escape your crib and open doors?" Geo asked.

"He found a way." said Lily. "Even I can't get out of my crib and open the door!" Lily said,

"Lily are you sure that your not just upset?" Hops asked.

"Guys I'm innocent." Lily cried.

"But Lucy saw you with her destroyed book!" Fangs reminds her.

"That wasn't me!" Lily protested.

"Sorry Lily." Geo says before the pets walk out.

"But I'm innocent." Lily whines. Mr. Cuddles then sits up.

"Aw did the wittle animals not believe you?" Mr. Cuddles taunted. "Face it Lily. Nobody believes you!"

"Wanna bet?" A voice shouted. Mr. Cuddles turns and sees the pets. Charles was the one who called out. "None of us believed Lily would do any of this! And we knew that you would come alive if you were alone so that's why we left!"

"You're going to regret destroying Lucy's poems." said Fangs.

"We'll see about that." Mr. Cuddles retorts. "Now it's time for phase two of my plan and it involves going to the base."

"Yeah right." Cliff scoffs. "Like we're going to the base right now." Lori then comes into the room.

"Aright Lily. Mom said your done with your timeout. Again." Lori tells her before picking her and the two teddy bears up. "Now we gotta head to base because we haven't been there for a couple days and we need to make sure there hasn't been any trouble."

"Go point it's like you gets were on a break." said Cliff.

"Yep. C'mon trouble." Lori says to Lily. "Let's get going." Lori and Lily head downstairs with the pets not far behind. When they get to the bottom of the steps, Lily notices Lincoln, Luan and Lucy giving her the stink eye while Luna, Lynn, Lana and Lola weren't even looking at her. Seeing this Lily looked at the ground sad.

"Don't be upset Lily." Lori assures her. "They'll get over it."

When the Louds arrived at the base, they saw that Clyde, Bobby, Ronnie Anne and Sam were already there.

"There you guys are." Ronnie Anne says. "Where have you guys been the past two days?"

"At home." Luna said.

"Just doing our thing and not our thing." Luan replied.

"Lily has been a bad girl." Lincoln said with a glare at Lily. "She ruined my painting."

"She broke Mr. Coconuts." Luan shouted.

"And she ruined my poem book." Lucy finished.

"C'mon guys you can't seriously be angry at a baby." Sam said.

"Yeah they can." Lynn argued. "I saw Lily with the destroyed book."

"By the way is Soothsayer back from visiting Paris to see if they did that as he put it 'tower idea'?"

"I haven't seen him." said Bobby.

"I just got here." Sam said.

"Ah! Friends welcome all!" Soothsayer said.

"S'up Soothsayer." Ronnie Anne said.

"Oh I know that phrase now." Soothsayer says. "I have just returned from France with exciting news. They did go through with the tower idea. They call it the Eiffel tower! Isn't it great?"

"Totally dude." Luna agreed.

"Now I must head to my chambers." Soothsayer says. He starts to walk off when he stops. "I sense a dark presence."

"Is it me?" Lucy asks.

"No. It's something else." Soothsayer answers. "I must meditate." He then heads to his chambers.

"Alright guys. Time for training." Ronnie Anne says. "Why don't you guys head to the training area while I see what we're doing."

"Ok." Lori says before placing Lily her playpen. "I think you should sit this one out." She and the rest of her siblings walk to the training area.

"I need this." Lincoln says.

"Same here." Luan agrees. As soon as they walk out, the door suddenly slams down.

Mr. Cuddles gets up and chuckles. "Finally! Some alone time." said Mr. Cuddles.

"Guess again you Ted ripoff!" Charles growled.

"What my doggy said!" Lily nodded.

"Did that bear just talk?" Clyde asked.

"Indeed I did." Mr. Cuddles answers. "And I think it's time to go into lockdown." He runs to a lever and pulls it.

"Lockdown protocol commenced." Martha announced. Suddenly multiple doors and shudders slam down locking the base down.

"What gives?" Lynn shouts from outside.

"Sorry kiddies but I'm afraid that I can't allow you to interfere in my plan." Mr. Cuddles shouts. He then turns to Clyde, Ronnie Anne, Sam and Bobby. "That goes for you too." He pulls out a can and fires super strong silly string at them, thing them up.

"Silly string!?" Ronnie Anne exclaimed.

"Actually this is super strong silly string." Clyde corrected.

"Now that I locked the base. The Loser crew won't interfere with my plans." said Mr. Cuddles. "Mr. Cuddles will be victorious!" He pressed his chest. "I love you." The voice in his chest said.

"Our villain." Sam said and bursted into laughter.

"It's not funny!" Mr. Cuddles shouts.

"Let us in you evil teddy bear!" Lori shouts.

"Not happening." Mr. Cuddles shouts back. "Now Lucy, where is your spell book?"

"I'll never tell you!" Lucy says.

"Oh I think you will." Mr. Cuddles retorts. "Might I remind you that I have four hostages in here and unless you want them to stay alive, I suggest that you cooperate."

"What you going you going to do stuff them?" Lana asked.

"No that's stupid!" Mr. Cuddles Said.

"I want to become powerful until when that old hag locked me in a box and buried me for as long I can remember." Mr. Cuddles said. "But now that I'm free nothing can stop me!"

"I'll burn you to ashes!" Lincoln shouted.

"Yeah no you won't." Mr. Cuddles said. "Now there are a lot of weapons in here and if you don't want anything bad to happen to your four friends, i suggest you tell me where the book is."

"What should we do?" Lynn asked.

"I don't want anything bad to happen to Sam." said Luna.

"The book is in my trunk in the dark corner of the base." Lucy tells him.

"Good girl." Mr. Cuddles says. He heads to the trunk and grabs the book from inside. "Now I can finally accomplish my goal. Harriet never understood. She brought me to life so we could have fun forever. She didn't understand that I wanted more. I was going to use this book to make a army of toys to take over this city and Harriet would've been my queen. I would've thought she would've been ecstatic. But when i told her, she was horrified. So she trapped me in that box for all these years. Now that I'm finally free, I can accomplish my dream! And you Lily will be my queen."

"That's gross!" said Ronnie Anne.

"Hey don't judge me!" Mr. Cuddles shouted. "What do you say Lily?"

Lily glared at the evil Teddy bear. "No!"

"Well then. That's a shame." Mr. Cuddles says. "Let's see if your friend will cooperate." He turns to Lily's other bear and opens the book to the spell. "Warriors of stuffed, come forth with new life within you!" The teddy bear begins to float and spin. And when he lands, he yawn and stretches.

"Ahh. What a nice nap." Teddy says with a stretch. He looks around and sees Lily. "Lily? Is that you? Lily my love! We can finally officially meet!"

"Hey Teddy!" Mr. Cuddles shouted.

"Oh hey Mr. Cuddles." said Teddy.

"How does it feel to be alive?" Mr. Cuddles asks.

"It feels delightful!" Teddy exclaims. "Now Lily and I can have fun together forever."

"What?" Mr. Cuddles asked. "Don't you want to take over city?"

"Why would I want to do that?" Teddy asked. "That isn't why we were created. We were created to be a child's first friend and to be there while they grow up. We weren't ment to conquer."

"Oh really let me tell you what will happen to you. She'll abandon you. She'll be making friends while you're collecting dust." Mr. Cuddles explained. "You'll be forgotten like other toys."

"Ok this is weirdest day of my life." said Ronnie Anne.

"But that is where you are wrong." Teddy argues. "It is true that one day Lily will grow up and make friends but that's what I'm preparing her for. And as for forgetting us, well some toys are too special to forget. I mean a eleven year old still has a stuffed rabbit."

"Wait. Lame-o has a stuffed rabbit?" Ronnie Anne asks with a laugh.

"So?" Lincoln called from outside. "You have a stuffed hippo!"

"How did you find out?" Ronnie Anne asks.

"Your mom told me." Lincoln answered.

"See even she still keeps her stuffed Hippo." said Teddy.

"I liked you better when you didn't talk." Ronnie Anne said.

"You make a good point, but still you won't join me I guess that makes you a traitor." said Mr. Cuddles.

"No it doesn't." Teddy argued.

"Yes it does." Mr. Cuddles says. "And now you will die!"

"No!" Lily shouted before raising her hands to summon vines to smack Mr. Cuddles away from Teddy. "Leave him alone!" She then uses her vines to help her get out ofthe playpen.

"Fine. I'll kill you first." Mr. Cuddles growls. He then leaps forward and tackles Lily to the ground and starts hitting her. Lily pushes him off her and uses a vine to hit him towards the kitchen.

"Kick his butt Lily!" Sam shouted.

"So that's how you want to play huh!" Mr. Cuddles said and took out a tenderizer from the drawer.

"Uh oh." Lily says. She looks around for a weapon and sees her rattle. "This should work."

Both Lily and Mr. Cuddles both dueled with the tenderizer and rattle while the four hostages watch. "This is not good at all." said Teddy.

"Get use to it." Sam said.

"We need to get out of here." Clyde said. "Maybe if we move enough we can loosen the string."

"That sounds stupid." Ronnie Anne says.

"I like that idea." Bobby tells her.

"Better than nothing." Sam agrees. The three then start moving around while Ronnie Anne groans. She then gets an idea.

"It's worth a shot." Ronnie Anne whispers. She then gets one if her fingers out and fires a small laser slowly cutting the string. "This might take awhile. Wonder how the Louds are doing?"

Outside, Lana as a rhino was ramming the base door trying to break it down.

"Come on!" Lana groaned.

"Can't believe Lily was telling the truth." said Luan.

"Sigh, we've been fooled by a heartless toy." said Lucy.

"This is a new low for us." Lincoln groaned. "I blame the writers."

"The who?" Lola asked. Lincoln looks up and sees his sisters looking at him funny.

"Never mind. But we need to get in there and help Lily." Lincoln says.

"I'm trying." Lana grunted as she goes pachycephalosaurus and again rams the door.

"Knock it down Lana." Lori said.

"I'm trying." Lana grunted turning back to human. "This is some tough stuff."

"Let me try melting the door." Lincoln glared and used a flame beam on the door.

"Sadly that is futile." Lisa said. "I made the doors powers proof and the only way to deactivate the lockdown sequence is to pull the lever."

"Which is inside." Lori said while rubbing her temples. "This is literally just great."

"I wonder how Lily is doing." Leni says.

Lily is dodging all of the attacks Mr. Cuddles is throwing at her. "I'm having baby back ribs tonight!" Me. Cuddles shouted.

"Boo!" Luan shouted from outside.

"Hey shut up braceface!" Mr. Cuddles replied.

While he was distracted, Lily hits Mr. Cuddles with rattle, stunning him.

"That a girl Lily!" Charles shouted.

"Kick his stuffed butt!" Cliff meowed.

"Guys maybe we should help out and shut off the lockdown sequence." Walt suggested.

"Good idea." Charles agreed. The pets run towards the lever only to be intercepted by Mr. Cuddles.

"I don't think so." Mr. Cuddles growled with the Tenderizer in his paws. "If you all think the vet and the pound was scary think again."

"My mother always said, stuffed animals should be chewed, not heard." Charles growled. Mr. Cuddles begins to charge when he is grabbed with a vine.

Lily glares angrily at Mr. Cuddles and drags him over to him. "Go!" She shouted.

The pets nodded and head to the lever. Charles bit on the lever but it wasn't budging. "We need to add some more weight." Cliff said.

Why are we so light!?" Hops shouted.

Meanwhile, Ronnie Anne almost finished cutting through the silly string.

"Almost through." Ronnie whispers.

"I feel it getting looser." Bobby exclaims.

Outside, the Louds were still trying to break down the door now using Lola as a battering ram.

"One, two, three!" Lynn counted before she and Lincoln rammed Lola into the door.

"You two owe me a lot of tea parties." Lola growled.

Back inside, the pets were still struggling with the lever.

"It's stuck!" Cliff meowed.

"Perhaps I can be of assistance." The pets turn and see Soothsayer has made his way out.

"Soothsayer! The evil teddy bear is trying to kill Lily and he locked the Louds out of the base!" Clyde shouted.

"Yeah now give us a hand!" Sam shouted. Soothsayer nods and pulls the lever up, shutting down the lockdown sequence. As the door opens Lynn and Lincoln ran full speed into the base still using Lola as a battering ram and they crash into the wall.

"We got in." Lincoln groaned. The rest of the Louds come in and Lori quickly frees everyone.

"You guys ok?" Lori asks.

"We're fine babe." Bobby said. "But Lily needs your help."

"Right." Lori says before running to where Lily was fighting Mr. Cuddles.

"Give up Lily! You can't win!" Mr. Cuddles shouts.

"Yes I can!" Lily shouted back.

Mr. Cuddles is about to attack but Lori grabs Lily out of the way. "What the?!" He exclaimed.

"Hey Cuddles!" Lynn shouted and he turns and see the rest of the Louds standing there. "You messes with the wrong family."

"Um, can't we talk about this?" Mr. Cuddles asks nervously.

"No we can't." Lincoln answers.

"Well that doesn't matter! I'll still finish you all!" Mr. Cuddles shouts.

"No you shall not." Soothsayer says as he walks up. "Magic is what gave you life, and it will be magic that takes away your life." He points his staff at Mr. Cuddles. "Cora de tomaiche!" His staff glows and and Mr. Cuddles starts floating.

"No! No! NO!" Mr. Cuddles shouts before landing on the ground, lifeless.

"He will cause no more harm." Soothsayer says.

"Huh so I guess that teddy bear came to life." said Luan. "I guess we owe you apology Lily."

"Sorry for blaming you Lily." said Lincoln.

"I'm sorry for what i said to you." Lucy laments. Lily raises her arms as in asking for a hug which the three accept.

"Glad that this is all settled but what do we do with Teddy over here?" Sam asked.

"Simple. You turn me back to what i was." Teddy answers which surprises everyone.

"You want to go back to normal? Why?" Lola asked.

"Well, as much as I would like to be alive and truely be with Lily forever, that's not why I was created." Teddy explains. "I was created to be a child's first friend. But that doesn't mean I wasn't alive. When she took her first steps, I cheered her on. When she said her first word I applauded her. I was made to be someone who protects her from monsters under the bed and help calm her down when she's frightened by a storm. And yes she will grow up one day and make friends, but that is a day i look forward to. If I stayed alive, she would always gravitate towards me and not children her own age. That's why I'm ok with being stuffed." Teddy then grabs Lily's hands and smiles. "Lily my love. Let's grow up together."

"That's so sweet." Leni said.

Lily hugs Teddy and then he walks to Soothsayer. "Do your thing." said Teddy.

"Cora de romaiche!" Soothsayer shouted. The staff flowed as Teddy was lifted up And then dropped to the ground back to a lifeless toy.

"Who would've thought that Teddy would be so wise?" Lynn says as she handed Lily her bear.

"Indeed. Now I gave Lily a small gift." Soothsayer announces. "I put an enchantment on the teddy bear so that it can truely last forever."

"Wow. That's nice of you Soothsayer." Lori compliments. "So what do we do with Mr. Cuddles?"

"I'll hang on to him." Soothsayer answers. "I can use someone to keep me company. As much as i enjoy my talks with Martha, i would prefer to have someone physical to talk to."

"Sure you can keep it." said Lincoln.

"Perfect!" Soothsayer shouted.

"Hey guys, I think we owe Lily a day of fun after what she's been through." Lori says.

"Good idea Lori." said Lincoln. "Our way of saying we're Sorry and thanks."

"Yeah dudette." Luna agrees. "We owe you that much."

"How about the park?" Lincoln suggested.

Lily giggled at Lincoln's idea. "I take that as a yes." said Luan.

Ronnie Anne stood in her room looking at herself in the mirror. As she looked at herself, she thought back to the base when she cut the silly string with a finger laser and thought back even further when she killed that fly with a finger blast.

"So far I've fired a blast and a mini laser from just my fingers." Ronnie Anne whispers. "And this all happened after i was hit by one of Nuke's energy blasts. But so far I've only been able to do small things. I wonder if I can go bigger?" She looks outside her door for any member from her family. She then heads back inside and takes a deep breath. She then holds her hands out and concentrates. She looks at her hands and sees a ball of energy start to form in her hands. "Whoa. This is so weird." As she watched the ball of energy grow she didn't notice Bobby walk by her door.

Bobby's eyes widened and gasped quietly. But quickly gets out of the doorway and moves to the hallway. "Did I saw a ball of energy around my little sister?" Bobby whispered to himself.

"Whoa this is amazing." Ronnie Anne exclaims.

"Nei Nei?" Bobby says getting Ronnie Anne's attention.

"Bobby? How long have you been standing there?" Ronnie Anne asks nervously.

"You have powers." Bobby says.

"Bobby I can explain. Sorta." Ronnie Anne says.

"You have powers." Bobby repeats.

"Ok i know its weird." Ronnie Anne stammers.

"You have powers." Bobby repeats again.

"Why do you keep repeating that?" Ronnie Anne asks.

"Sorry. It's just that well." Bobby starts.

"Just what?" Ronnie Anne asks.

"I thought I was the only one."

"Only one? What do you mean?" Ronnie Anne asked.

"Remember when you were trying care of me after the Beserker was gone?" Bobby asked.

"What does this have to do with me?" Ronnie Anne asked.

"Let me show you." Bobby said and turned and touched the doorknob and his hand turns metal and shows it to his little sister.

"What the hell?!" Ronnie Anne exclaimed.

"Crazy thing is that it doesn't even hurt." Bobby tells her. "So far I can only do my hand."

"Bobby? I'm scared." Ronnie Anne tells him.

"I know. Me too." Bobby admits. "But right now we need to get control of these powers."

"Yeah." Ronnie Anne agrees. "And I think I know just the place."

Smoking Wrecker: Hey guys! Smoking Wrecker here it's great to be back after doing some updating on my stories. But I will never forget this story or it's fans. Anyway I like to thank my buddy Star Saber21 for giving us the name Mr. Cuddles. Thanks me and Zach had a really hard time on that evil Teddy bear name. Anyway don't forget to fav, follow and review.