
Lotus Space: Passerby’s Road To Immortality

LianHua just finished reading the NP Mary Sue cultivation novel. Unexpectedly, her soul transmigrated into the body of a passer-by character in the book. Her role is not even as good as a supporting character. Looking at the peach blossoms luck of the heroine, the beautiful male protagonists and male supporting roles, the golden fingers of the lovely heroine, unlucky cannon fodders who goes against the heroine, LianHua decided to stay away from every character. By any chance, she got a mysterious lotus space. From then on, she stepped into the road of cultivation. Having the lotus space is liked having a carry-on portable small world. She could plant the spiritual plants, practice in the space , store things and many more. She tried to learn alchemy, beast contracting, drawing spiritual rune, and learning martial art to protect herself and her loved one. She was minding her own business, not involving with anyone, but the plot seemed to be wrong...no what's happening? Why are these protagonists acting so weird? Ugh...strange...something seemed to be off! Who is she? What is the secret behind everything? Can she cultivate the immortality quietly after the she discovered many secret behind the scene? Will everything goes to the way as she planned? Note: Ending Np, reverse harem. One woman Vs many men Covered from Pinterest. Discord: Littlecarrot#6510 Patreon: patreon.com/Littlecarrot

Littlecarrot · Fantasie
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49 Chs

The sect’s important figures

[Heavenly Chaos sect]

{Main hall}

Looking around, the shining gems on the wall and pillars almost blind everyone's eyes.

LianHua became speechless as she was looking around. She didn't know how much wealth does this sect carried. If she steals any one of the gems here, she might become rich.

"...." Inside the lotus space, the four beautiful men twitched their lip funnily. Master/HuaHua is not poor, how could her brain always think of the money?

Besides, didn't she have the spiritual stone veins which could produce endless stones? Why would she need to steal? She could just buy anything she wanted, right?

LianHua didn't notice the men's entangle thoughts. She was now looking at everyone, puzzling.

Inside the hall, there were around 10 new rookies who were standing respectfully in the middle of the hall. Judging from their outfit, they might come from different places and clans.

"I've seen the patriarch, three great elders and twelve peaks elders!" Coming to the middle of the hall, the fourth elder, fifth elder and Shenling Lianxue saluted the powerful pressure on the high platform.

LianHua, Ouyang Bei, Ouyang Qing and Ouyang Xing also saluted respectfully.

"Rise!" A majestic voice sounded in a quiet hall.

LianHua looked up at the high platform. In the top position of the high platform there were three chairs. A majestic and handsome man in a long dark purple-golden robe, around 21 years old was sitting on the chair in the middle. He looked so young!

At the lower position, there were three powerful figures sitting. They should be the three great elders. LianHua thought.

At another lower position, there were twelve figures sitting. They should be the twelve peaks elders. Then, on the floor near the platform, there were many figures sitting on the chairs. Mostly they were the old men. LianHua guessed these people are the inner-elders.

Behind every elder, there were one or two disciples standing respectfully. Strangely, behind the patriarch, there was no one.

The disciples bowed their head trembling. The pressure emitted from these figures is deep as the sea and heavy as a mountain. Even though, these figures didn't release theirs pressure, the new and old disciples felt their blood freeze. This is the strength and power of superior beings.

Of course, Lianhua didn't feel much pressure. She only felt a little cold. She was puzzled. Why is everyone trembling? Is the air cold?

How could she know, the cultivation's book she practiced was the ancient chaos root practicing? It's not only allowed her to bear any kind of pressure, it could also reduce most of the pressure when someone releases on her.

"...." Shenling Lianxue looked at his sister concernedly. Seeing the small figure was fine, he felt relieved. He was afraid that she couldn't bear the powerful pressure.

"Lianxue, why are you standing there?" One of the great elders asked confusedly. This child's background and talent is extremely deep. He usually appeared and stand with that figure.

Since that figure isn't here, what is he doing here? More over, he was standing in the lower positions.

The female disciples looked at Shenling Lianxue's face obsessively. He was too beautiful. Moreover, his red pupils and white-hair is extremely attractive.

LianHua twitched her lip. Her brother's charm is exactly liked what the author described in the book. His beauty is extraordinary.

She is eagerly awaiting the time when her brother grows up, what will he look like? How many girls' hearts will be broken by him?

"Back to the great elder, I'm accompanying my sister." Shenling Lianxue replied expressionlessly. Only when he was with LianHua, he was gentle.

"....." Only then, everyone noticed a small figure in a red robe who was standing near Shenling Lianxue.

The girl's smooth white-hair was scattered behind her back. Her red pupils were shining, but no one could guess what's on her mind. This is a beautiful little doll.

"Since when did you have a sister?" The second-great elder asked. He knew that Shenling Lianxue didn't have any siblings. Where did this girl pop up from?

"I separated from her when I was young." He replied shortly. He didn't want everyone to know more about LianHua and him.

"...…" everyone twitched their lip. This child is too cold and rarely communicates with people. This is astonishing that he answered the second-great elder's question.

"How's the result?" The majestic voice of the patriarch sounded again as he was looking at the fourth and fifth elder who were standing near Shenling Lianxue and four girls.

"Back to the patriarch, here is the result." The fourth elder took out a recording jade slip from his space ring. Then he injected his spiritual power.

The jade slip shines as the letters appeared in the air. The letters recorded the information about spiritual roots, cultivation, and the children's result of the sect trail.

"Fourth elder, are you sure you didn't make a mistake?" an elder from the twelve peaks asked trembling as he was pointing at someone's name in the air.

"…Back to the seventh elder of twelve peaks, I declared this result is corrected. I have witnessed everything!" The fourth elder nodded solemnly.

Everyone was speechless.

"Who is LianHua?" The patriarch asked.

"Back to the patriarch, she is." The fifth elder pointed at a small figure in the long red robe.

"Lianhua!" The patriarch called as he was finding LianHua. He is attracted to a white figure in a white-robe.

Seeing the patriarch was looking at herself, Ouyang Bei face was red. The patriarch is extremely handsome.

LianHua looked at everyone who looked at her as if she was a monster.

She twitched her lip. What happened?

"Cough, girl, the patriarch just called you." one of the twelve-peaks elder coughed, calling someone who was in a confusion state and ignored the calling.

"LianHua has seen the patriarch." LianHua hurriedly came in front and bowed down. She was just talking to MiFeng in the space, so she didn't think anyone would call her.

"...…" everyone was voiceless. How dare she was in a daze in front of these powerful figures.

"Rise!" The patriarch nodded.

"Are the amount of crystal cores that recorded in the jade slip, is what you have done by yourself?" The patriarch asked.

"It was me…." LianHua twitched her lip. Did he think that she steal the crystal cores from someone? She secretly lower her head and rolled her eyes.

Perhaps, her emotion showed too much through her red pupils, every who paid close attention to her twitched their face. Is this girl too straightforward? Didn't she learn how to hide her emotion?

The patriarch's magnificent-eyes contained smiling when he saw her action of rolling eyes.

Ouyang Bei secretly looked at LianHua thoughtfully.

"Alright, since everyone is here, I must tell you something." One of the great elders spoke solemnly as his powerful voice spreader throughout the hall.

"To be our sect disciples, you must have the strong will to go through any difficult task and the courage to eliminate any obstacles that hinder your way of practicing, of course, our sect's priority is righteousness." He looked at the rookies who were

listening carefully.

"You might encounter the obstacle that might kill you in the one day. You might lose everything in one night if you meet the powerful enemy. You may die miserable under your enemy's sword or under the beast's claw." He paused then continued.

"Of course, you might die without a corpse if you encounter dangerous situations or when you accept the sect's task one day." Looking at the new rookies' pale faces, the expression of the figures on the high platform are expressionless.

"If you're scared, return to your home. We don't need timid people here. If you yearn for power and strength, we could provide you. But it depends on yourself which way you choose." The great elder's sharp eyes shot to everyone.

The new rookies looked at each other and were in a deep thought. Some of them were from the powerful clans, they were the princes and princess who held in the palm by their parents. When did they ever suffer?

Relying on their clan's resources for cultivation, their talent, and environment is extremely convenient for them to have the more benefits than the children who were from the normal families and clans.

Of course, there were 3 teenagers around 13–15 years old and a child here who were from the normal places. These people were born with mutant spiritual root. Their cultivation is extremely fast.

LianHua was voiceless as she was listening. To her, dead is nothing. What she cared most was the people she loved and the people who loved her. She will not be sad if she's dead, but the one who love her, how painful they are when they lose her?

She is not alone anymore now. Thinking of her parents, her brother, Shenling Lianxue and everyone in the Lotus space, she l smiled gently, and her eyes were firm.

She will not step back no matter what.

The one whose dead is dead. But the one who remains will always be in agony. She will not regret if she had tried, in contrast she will be self-blamed and repentance if she dies without even trying hard to accomplish her wish.

Honglian, Yan, Caifeng and Mifeng who were doing their things in the Lotus space, felt warm, their eyes were red. She is the one who they loved. She cared so much about them, more than anything else. How could they not love her? What have they done to deserve her love?

Seeing her gentle smile, the men's heartbeat accelerates.

Shenling Lianxue looked at her smile and felt something was about to get out of his control. He touched his heart. Why? His puts his hand around LianHua's thin shoulder.

The patriarch looked at the white-hair girl's gentle smile, his heart shook a little. What is she thinking about? Why is she smiling so gentle? Her smile is so pure and her aura seemed to change.

Ouyang Bei lowered her head.

She got her space, how could she still afraid of those dangers? She wants revenge. Without power, how could she get what she wanted?

She looked at Ouyang Qing and Ouyang Xing faces, then she secretly looked at Shenling Lianxue and patriarch's faces.

Ouyang Qing and Ouyang Xing were pale. But they said nothing.

The rookies looked at each other and were voiceless. Who didn't want strength? They tried to practice, isn't it for this moment?

"Of course, opportunities coexist with danger. You might become a phoenix and dragon in just a moment of life and death, if you're lucky. If you want to practice immortality, eliminate your cowardly and weak-will. The opportunity is in front of you, what're you waiting for?." The first elder continued as he waved his sleeve.

"Did you know, how many people wanted to come to our sect, but they were unable to? Imagine how many people want strength, but they can't get. You have the ability to be standing here in front of us! Your journey isn't easy right? Tell us, what is your choice?" As soon as he finished his speech, he released his 5 percentages of pressure.

Everyone felt like they were under a big mountain. Their faces were face, but at the same time, everyone's eyes went from hesitated to firm.

Ouyang Bei's soft face turned pale. She looked like a weak beauty. Unfortunately, everyone's attention was on the high platform.

"We do want to stay!" All of them declared in unison.

"What did you say! Say again, don't you regret it?" The first elder glanced at everyone lightly.

"We do want to stay! We will not retreat! We have no regret!" all of them shout together. Their voice ran throughout the entire hall liked an army who was ready for a war. Everyone's blood boiled!

Although LianHua and Ouyang Bei didn't shout like them, their firm eyes are enough to show their decision. LianHua sensed the pressure, even though she felt nothing, this time just by observing everyone's reactions, she knew how powerful the great elder's strength is. One day, she will be as powerful as him.

"Good good!" The first elder, solemn face finally loosened as he nodded in satisfaction. All the powerful figures who were sitting in the hall nodded.

If these children didn't even dare to move forward, the sect will never welcome them. If children's courage here is not even as good as those who weren't born with the best spiritual root but they tried so hard, then the sect will never give these children the second chance to stand in front of them.

Author: Littlecarrot