
Lotus Space: Passerby’s Road To Immortality

LianHua just finished reading the NP Mary Sue cultivation novel. Unexpectedly, her soul transmigrated into the body of a passer-by character in the book. Her role is not even as good as a supporting character. Looking at the peach blossoms luck of the heroine, the beautiful male protagonists and male supporting roles, the golden fingers of the lovely heroine, unlucky cannon fodders who goes against the heroine, LianHua decided to stay away from every character. By any chance, she got a mysterious lotus space. From then on, she stepped into the road of cultivation. Having the lotus space is liked having a carry-on portable small world. She could plant the spiritual plants, practice in the space , store things and many more. She tried to learn alchemy, beast contracting, drawing spiritual rune, and learning martial art to protect herself and her loved one. She was minding her own business, not involving with anyone, but the plot seemed to be wrong...no what's happening? Why are these protagonists acting so weird? Ugh...strange...something seemed to be off! Who is she? What is the secret behind everything? Can she cultivate the immortality quietly after the she discovered many secret behind the scene? Will everything goes to the way as she planned? Note: Ending Np, reverse harem. One woman Vs many men Covered from Pinterest. Discord: Littlecarrot#6510 Patreon: patreon.com/Littlecarrot

Littlecarrot · Fantasie
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49 Chs

The secret of the past

[Inner area of Vermilion Forest]

Shenling Lianxue landed in an open space near a big tree in the forest. His teleportation speeds were extremely fast and impressive. He found a rock to sit down on while he was embracing the small figure. He let the girl sit on his lap.

Inside the Lotus space, three men's faces were a little uncomfortable, but they held up their emotion. The red man who was holding master/Huahua is their future brother-in-law. They couldn't be disrespectful and jealous of him. If Lianhua had known what they were thinking, she might have rolled her eyes.

"Can you put me down?" Lianhua asked uncomfortably, she felt weird because he said he was her blood brother. They had just met, why did he act so intimacy with her! She tried to stand up, but he held her waist like an octopus. She was extremely helpless with her strength compared to the male leads here. Furthermore, she was such a weak chick!

"Don't Hua'er want to know?" he asked while turning her to face him and adjusted her sitting position to let her sits comfortably on his lap.

"Please do tell!" LianHua tried to calm down her mood and looked into the man's charming eyes. Now her top priority is to learn more about her relationship with him, she doesn't have time to complain about their ambiguous position. She was afraid that her story and origin was not that simple.

"We were not from this Cultivation world!" his first sentence shocked her.

Though, she had always been suspicious about her origin. She didn't believe that a parentless child like  was this lucky. The lotus space was enough to make her had a doubt.

She didn't believe that everything was easy to obtain. Nothing good fell from the sky without any background story. The Lotus space was too anti sky!

"Then how can you be so certain that I am your blood sister!" she asked while frowning deeply. She would rather not ask him about the Lotus space now. She was not sure if he was really her brother.

"The lotus between our eyebrows is the symbol of our clan. When we find our blood relative, the symbol will shine and its color changes!"  his face is close to her and their forehead gently touches each other. He took out the mirror from his space and handed it to her.

LianHua looked at her reflection. The purple and red lotus flower between her eyebrows shined as the colored changed from pale red-purple to dark red-purple colored and rotated strangely.

She turned her head and saw the red lotus flower between Shenling Lianxue is also changing the color. From red to dark red, almost like purple.

"Our clan's blood is purple" he used a spell to cut his finger. The purple blood flew out of his slender, long finger.

He then gently cut open her small finger, the purple blood also flows out. He immediately stops the blood on her fair finger and took out an elixir to heal her wound.

"Only the people from our clan have this purple blood. No one in this world has it!" He didn't forget to clarify his meaning.

"What happened? How did you remember, but I don't?" just as she was about to ask him how could he see her purple blood when she was already taking the pill to hide her blood, she remembered an important question!

"It was a very long story. Come with brother" after he finished speaking, he took her into a place. The two figures disappeared from the forest.

[Inside Shenling Lianxue's small world, space]

"This is brother's small world, the space!" he floated around the space as he was holding a small figure in his arm.

Looking around, LianHua was dumbfounded. This space size is huge. There were many small green mountains. The waterfall was flowing down from the high mountain created a mountain stream beautifully as the water made a splashing sound when it hit the rock.

There were countless spiritual strange flowers and plants, as well as spiritual fruit trees. There countless fruits with different color were growing on the trees spectacularly as they were emitting the sweet aroma.

The jade palace was standing mightily in the middle of the space. Lianhua looked at her brother speechlessly. These were treasures!!

How many herbs and plants had been growing here? Her space was not this rich! How come she has never been informed that her brother was this wealthy?

The aura here is extremely strong! She didn't know how strong it was! Her brother lived in a palace while she was living in a bamboo house? (her bamboo house looked like the ancient Chinese building in a fantasy game or ancient Chinese fantasy drama)

"Call me brother!" seeing that the girl was about to speak, he told her. He was secretly funny as he saw her shining eyes.

This girl liked treasures. She had been staring at everything in his space for a long time when she asked the question. Nonsense! Who doesn't love treasure??

"….. Brother, did everyone in our clan has space like this?" she compromised helplessly. She was going to call him with this title eventually. It doesn't make any difference.

Moreover, since he decided to bring her into the space, she felt warm. He was not afraid of her betrayal? Did he trust her? Though they were from the same clan and had the blood related, it didn't mean that he had to share his treasures with her, right? Some human's nature is greedy sometime, isn't it?

"No, only the child born to inheritance the clan creator's will power." he thought for a moment and replied.

"Did the clan members know that we have space?" she asked carefully. She doubted who was clan creator? Sound so mysterious. Well, even if she asks, he might not tell her.

"They didn't know. No one knew this secret except the person who creates our clan. For thousands of years, no one knew this secret" He touched back gently as if to ease her tension.

"Brother, how did you know so much?" since she had transmigrated here, she knew nothing beside her name and the situation she was in.

She suspected that something big happened to this body. She decided to talk about the main point.

"When we reach a certain strength, our memory will return" he then explains everything in detail.

[In Shenling Lianxue's memory]

(8 years ago)

Under the dark sky at night, in a deep forest, there was a small cottage located near a river stream. Inside the cottage, a little boy around five years old was holding the small figure in his arm gently, as if he was afraid of hurting her.

The little girl in his arm was only one year old. Her skin was dried and dark yellow, which was extremely different from the little boy's snow-white skin and beautiful face, but the boy didn't feel disgusted.

He didn't remember anything else beside his name and the girl in his arm. He touched the lotus tattoo between his eyebrows and the girl's eyebrows tenderly.

His name was Lianxue and the little girl in his arm was his blood sister, LianHua. Even though he was a kid, his was extremely intelligent.

He knew now, their situation was extremely dangerously in this place. He didn't know anything about this world. Not only that, but he didn't remember anything else beside their names.

"hehehe" the girl's small voice sounded in the quiet night.

Lianxue looked at the girl on his arm. The girl smiled, giggled happily as her small hand touched his face playfully. Her blood-red eyes looked like the purest fine gem in the world.

Mysterious but attractive and noble. When you look into her eyes, you want to see more about the secret behind those eyes. The girl's smile was so pure. Her laughing small voice was like a voice from heaven to save his lonely life.

Days to days, the boy didn't dare to go far away from his little sister. He has nobody beside her now. From the time he saw her smile, he swore to take care of her for the rest of his life. He always came out of the cottage and found the fish in the river to cook for eating.

He wanted to feed her the fish, but the girl was so small that she couldn't chew it. So, the boy found other possible way to raise her. He found a fruit. As he was tasting the water came out of the fruit, the taste was sweet, like a milk.

After making sure there was no problem with the fruit, he fed the fruit juice to little Lianhua. The sibling has been living the life like this for a year.

(A year later)

One day on a rainy night, as the little boy was playing with his sister, he smelled blood. He frowned. The rain fell down so heavily, it should be no blood smell could float in the air, except the man's injury was severe.

Lianxue was cold and extremely indifferent to anybody except his little sister. He decided to ignore it.

"Hel…help me..pl..please" the weak voice sounded in the rainy night. The man's eyes stared deeply at the cottage as if he knew their existence.

Little Lianxue was vigilant as he knew that the man could see them. He decided to go out and take a look. He saw a bloody figure was lying in blood in the rain. Looking at the man struggling to survive and hopeful eyes, he decided to help.

He would rather not make trouble but if he didn't help this man, if the enemy of this man found this place, they might not survive! He analyzed that the man was injured by the enemy.

Several months later, after the man's injury healed, he introduced his identity and taught little Lianxue everything about the world.

"I could teach you the way to cultivate immortality" he told the little boy. This is his only way to repay the boy's life-saving grace. He was not an ungrateful person.

"learn it, if you want to protect her!" he looked at the little girl who was staring at him curiously. He wanted to play with the little girl, but the boy was too overprotective.

He secretly stretched out his hand to touch the girl's face.

"bang!" a small white hand hit his hand away fiercely as the figure stood in front the little girl, not allowing the man to peep at his sister.

"...….." the man twitched his lip. This boy is so stingy.

"Ok!" the boy nodded. If this was the only way to protect his sister, he will learn.

So, the Lianxue had been learning to cultivate and absorb the spiritual aura since then. His speed of cultivation and the high potential to understand the lessons was extremely fast that the man was stunned.

(Until four years later)

"We have to leave here now!" the man informed the boy, who was practicing his sword outside the cottage near the river stream. The boy pointed the sword's tip to the green grass.

"Why?" Lianxue frowned as he put away his sword.

"If we don't leave, my enemy will find this place. The little HuaHua will be in danger!" These years staying with them, he liked little Lianhua so much that he had changed the way to called her. He really wants to live the life here, unfortunately he can't. He has many things to accomplish.

"Then bring Hua'er with us too" the boy suggested.

"Am afraid that we can't!" he sighed as his eyes stared at the little girl under the shade of the tree sadly. He didn't want to leave her.

"What do you mean?" the boy's aura turned cold as he stared at the man. If the man couldn't give him the satisfaction answer, he will never allow this man to get close to them again.

The man sighed as he sat down on the grass without any noble image.

"I was from Shenling clan. A  very powerful hermit clan. My enemies are powerful. I'm uncertain if my clan was behind my ambush!" four years ago, he got ambushed and lost his power. If he was not lucky to fell into this valley, he might have died. Thinking of those people, his eyes turned cold.

"Unfortunately, I have to go back and investigate everything! It's not an excellent choice to bring little HuaHua into the clan!" he continued as his aura turned chill. He didn't dare to guarantee little Huahua safety.

What if something happened to her when he was not around? He will not forgive himself! He suspected that some of his enemies were from his clan.

"I will not leave Hua'er alone!" Lianxue spoke coldly as he walked to Lianhua who was sleeping and playing with the tree leaf under the tree's shade. Their grudge and resentment has nothing to do with him.

"Only this way, you could get stronger faster! The clan will provide you with rich resources! Are you confident if one day, you meet a powerful figure, then am not around, how could you protect little Huahua? What if they threaten you with Little HuaHua?" the man turned his face and uttered seriously!

Lianxue paused and lowered his head to stare at little Lianhua.

"I'll go with you! But I will not abandon Hua'er!" he had made the decision!

"Good!" the man nodded.

So, the two went back to the clan. The man changed Lianxue's name to Shenling Lianxue. He informed the clan that Lianxue was his son with his beloved woman when he practiced outside.

Countless women's hearts in the clan were broken. From then on, the two men made sure to take turn for checking and taking care of little Lianhua. But the two didn't let Lianhua know their existence.

Until that day, when Shenling Lianxue was around 10 years old, he discovered the secret of the lotus symbol between his eyebrows. He didn't tell the man.

He wanted to put Lianhua into his space to live, unfortunately, when he arrived, he didn't find his little sister in the cottage.

He went crazy, but he didn't dare to destroy this valley. This valley was the place with deep memory between him and Hua'er! His heart surged the blood as his beautiful face twisted like a Ahura from hell.

The white hair turned even whiter, almost like snow because of his outbreak emotion. His skin turned whiter also like a paper! Countless blood vessel showed in his white skin which made him look extremely weird.

"Hua'er!" He roared out desperately, he coughed blood and he passed out!

The man sensed Shenling Lianxue danger. He immediately came to check and was shocked to see Shenling Lianxue current situation. He hurried to look around to find little Huahua figure, but he couldn't sense her breath!

He then took Shenling Lianxue to cure at the clan.

[Shenling Clan Domain]

After Shenling Lianxue awoke, he wanted to leave the clan and find his sister, but the man stopped her.

"Tell me everything!" he looked at the weak Shenling Lianxue motionlessly.

After the man learned everything, his eyes color changed. He immediately called his secret subordinates to search for her secretly without alarming anyone!

"You focus on your injury, leave everything to me." the man spoke as he walked out of the room.

Shenling Lianxue wanted to stand up, but he was powerless, and his eyes turned dark.  He lost consciousness again.

Author: Littlecarrot