
Lotus Space: Passerby’s Road To Immortality

LianHua just finished reading the NP Mary Sue cultivation novel. Unexpectedly, her soul transmigrated into the body of a passer-by character in the book. Her role is not even as good as a supporting character. Looking at the peach blossoms luck of the heroine, the beautiful male protagonists and male supporting roles, the golden fingers of the lovely heroine, unlucky cannon fodders who goes against the heroine, LianHua decided to stay away from every character. By any chance, she got a mysterious lotus space. From then on, she stepped into the road of cultivation. Having the lotus space is liked having a carry-on portable small world. She could plant the spiritual plants, practice in the space , store things and many more. She tried to learn alchemy, beast contracting, drawing spiritual rune, and learning martial art to protect herself and her loved one. She was minding her own business, not involving with anyone, but the plot seemed to be wrong...no what's happening? Why are these protagonists acting so weird? Ugh...strange...something seemed to be off! Who is she? What is the secret behind everything? Can she cultivate the immortality quietly after the she discovered many secret behind the scene? Will everything goes to the way as she planned? Note: Ending Np, reverse harem. One woman Vs many men Covered from Pinterest. Discord: Littlecarrot#6510 Patreon: patreon.com/Littlecarrot

Littlecarrot · Fantasie
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49 Chs

Soul Contract 

"Is HuaHua worries about us?" Yan smiled tenderly.

Lianhua looks at the two men who act like nothing happen, and her heart was complicated. She was planning to leave them and depart from this forest alone after everything was done.

She would rather not have more entanglement with male leads anymore. But after she knew that they dare to do this for her, she didn't know what to feel.

She tried every possible way to escape from them, but they tried their best to get the best thing in the world for her.

She knows now, this was not only their way to repay back her life-saving grace but more than that. Furthermore, she didn't remember the plot where Yan and Caifeng do something like this to Ouyang Beier in the book.

"HuaHua, are you leaving now?" Caifeng asked while walking to her and keep a close distance. He was satisfied not to see her panicked and distanced look.

"I…yes!" she had to move on. No matter how complicated her feeling now, she will not stop just because of this. One day, they'll find their beloved woman and forget about her. She and them will be separated.

If possible, she really wants to take back the small world of flower valley and return it to them. But doing this will hurt their feelings more.

"Can we follow you?" Yan asked, expectantly as he walks closer to her. His sea blue eyes were sparkling like the most beautiful and priceless crystal gem. The white hair danced slowly as the breeze blew.

"No!" she turned her back to them and replied coldly, pretending not to see the men pale face. She had many secrets in her and many things to accomplish. She couldn't be with them.

She couldn't guarantee that one day they'll turn against her because of heroin. She didn't want to be hurt by her soft feelings. Furthermore, she was afraid that she was unable to bear the blow in the future. Her feeling and them shouldn't be involved any deeper.

The two equally gorgeous and feminine men look at the girl slander back darkly. They couldn't hide the disappointment and gloom in their heart. Is Huahua still not accept them?

Does she still distant herself from them? What makes her think so? She obviously cared so much about them, but she suddenly turned cold like this!

"Huahua…." Yan came behind her. His body attached to her back, his pair of slender but well-built hands circled her shoulder from behind because Lianhua was shorter than him.

"Let go!" Lianhua body shook and she couldn't break free. How could he hug her? Didn't he have a cleaning fetish habit? The girl didn't seem to know that the two men had done more than hugging her when she fainted that day.

"Huahua… we have decided!" Yan spoke firmly. He didn't want to lose her anymore. Since he was sure about his feeling for her, he will not hesitate to do anything to get her.

Although this feeling came too fast, but he didn't feel new. He and Caifeng already discussed with each other.

They both felt the same. They felt as their love for her was not unfamiliar, but they felt like they should have loved her like this. This feeling was not only from their hearts but liked a chain that tied their heart and soul to her.

Did they use to be lovers with her in the previous life? If not, why are they so familiar with her the longer they stay with her. It sounded ridiculous and unbelievable, but how to explain this?

For thousands of years, no one could make them feel like this. They don't want to miss this feeling. They were eager to know more about her.

"What?" Lianhua frowned. She couldn't see the two men's expressions behind her. She was unable to move now.

"With my heart and soul, I wish to follow Lianhua as my master, life, and death never be separated. Please heaven and earth witness our sincerely heart and complete our wishes" Two gentle but charming voices sounded together as the two exquisite ancient contract's circle appeared under three people's legs. There were countless small and beautiful ancient patterns in the purple circle.

The empty space (flower valley now was gone, so this place was empty like a bare land) shines brightly with purple-light.

Lianhua opened her eyes widely. Are these two men forcing her to contract with them??? Moreover, she couldn't move and reject now when the contract from heaven is progressing!!!

The contracts were done, she felt like her realm was about to advance, but she was unable to advance now, as if there was a barrier was preventing her from breaking. She could only suppress this abundant spiritual power in her Dantian first.

"Now we could follow HuaHua!" Caifeng and Yan smiled satisfyingly. If they couldn't ask her normally, then forcing her was the only way.

They knew this was despicable, but they got no choice. The girl was too ruthless and cold to them. Their fragile hearts was unable to bear at all.

"...…" Lianhua twitched her lips. She felt like this was a marriage proposal, not contracting at all. Did ancient people have this habit?

She could move now. Lianhua then turns her face to look at the two men. She was extremely soft - minded. That's why, she pretended to be cold and cut all of her feeling to them before everything goes worst in the future.

She was cruel to them, but she was even more merciless to herself. Short pain is better than long pain.

But now… they have done this to her. This was an ancient soul contract which could not be canceled back at all! She looked at the sky speechlessly as she lay down the protective formation around them. She and their relationship couldn't go back as a stranger now.

"HuaHua, what are you doing?" Yan asked curiously. Caifeng also stared at her every movement, puzzling. What is the Huahua doing? She is not planning to trap them here and escape, is she? Did she think this level of formation could trap them?

If Lianhua knew their thought, she might have rolled her eyes speechlessly.

Men, your imagination was too unrealistic! How insecure your heart is? She, of course, wouldn't be foolish to do this trick to them. Their life tied together now!

"Come with me!" she took the initiative to hold their hand and with a thought, three figures disappeared from the place.

[Inside Lotus space]

Looking at the colorful and beautiful landscape, the two men were surprised and amazed. The aura here was extremely strong and pure.

This massive world was even more like paradise in fairy land! Spiritual springs, spiritual plants, small bamboo houses, spiritual stone veins….. How did HuaHua find this anti sky space?

"This is my Lotus space!" she introduced them as she showed them around. The space was too big, she just shows them some important areas.

Two men looked at each other bitterly. They thought they might help her a lot when giving her small world, but they never thought that she already had another anti sky world inside of her. Compared to her space, their gift was nothing whatsoever.

"Your gift was priceless to me, am happy!" As if sensing their lonely feelings through the contracted soul channel, Lianhua spoke seriously. She was very happy. Even if they gave her small thing, she was also glad to accept, not to mention the whole flower valley which contained countless natural treasures that she hadn't explored yet!

" .... " Yan and Caifeng felt warm. Their eyes were a little wet. Men will not shed tears , not to mention their identity was not low, but when they are, it means something touched their heart deeply!

"I love flower valley, look!" she moved them to the flower valley.

"Little master!" MiFeng flapped his wings excitedly as he sensed his master's breath. He has been flying around the space for a long time while he was waiting for his master to come in.

He loved it here. His home and his master home now combined with each other. He could live with his master while enjoying the beautiful scenery in master's space with his kids. The kids he means was the hundred of holy bees.

With the master's space, pure and abundant spiritual aura, his kids could evolve faster and produce the honey faster. The quality will be the best!!! The master's space was full of strange flowers, plants, and fruits.

He could even soak in spiritual spring, bubble with the hot spring under the pink tree and drink the spiritual juicy fruit endlessly!

The master's handmade fruit juice was extremely delicious, and the meat of the fish in the river was tender! He should have followed master sooner.

Looking at the soulless MiFeng, Lianhua and the two men were speechless. This guy truly enjoys the leisurely of life while they were suffering.

"Do you love it here, MiFeng?" Yan asked jokingly .

"Yes, your highne… yes, master!" Mifeng who was zooming out, almost subconsciously called out his highness identity. His highness told him not to reveal theirs identity to little master Lianhua.

Yan and Caifeng didn't want Lianhua to be afraid of them. Then he was dumbfounded when he saw this two highness were willing to follow Lianhua.

"I'll introduce you to my family, he is Honglian the spirit of this lotus space and Mifeng, you knew him" beside Lianhua, didn't know when a devilishly beautiful man appeared.

The man's long red robe was swinging as the fresh breeze blows by. His pale blue long hair was scattered mesmerizing on his back. The man was now looking at the girl in his embrace tenderly.

"LianLian, this was Yan and this was Caifeng." Lianhua continued to introduce them together.

The men looked at each other. Mifeng suddenly felt a little cold. He looked around but found nothing. Lianhua didn't seem to notice the men feeling.

Three equally gorgeous and seductive men were observing each other quietly. But their hearts had the same idea: Master/HuaHua peach blossoms were strong. Each of the men beauty was simply not a beauty that human being should have at all!

Lianhua secretly lowered her eyelashes to cover the emotion in her red eyes. She didn't know what will happen in the future. Since the things had turned into this, she could only accept her fate.

Thinking too much won't help her anything. She only had to focus on the strength now since she might encounter heroine and heroine's males harem soon.

"I will prepare for the upcoming sect registration now." she had to leave the core area of this forest now. This forest was colossal. She isn't sure if she will arrive at the sect in time. She was a road idiot, don't forget.

In modern time, beside staying at home, watching anime, reading manga, novel, and going to supermarket sometime, she rarely went out. Her friends even came to her home to drag her to see the outside world, but she always refused the invitation.

Thinking of her friends, she was upset. How are they doing now? Knowing that she had vanished from earth, how sad they would be?

The people in space sensed her depressed mood, but no one asks anything. They were waiting, waiting for the day that she would open her heart and tells them her past.

"Let me show HuaHua the way." Caifeng took the initiative to come forward as his slander hand touched her hair tenderly like she was his most precious person.

Yan had to stay in space to sort out their belonging and new home. This is their home with her now. Their things were hers, including their body, soul, and heart. Thinking of this, they felt warm.

"Little master, need Xiao Mifeng help?" Mifeng flapped his wings excitedly as he was chewing the black berry fruits.

"A'Feng, you stay in space and recuperate. You and A'Yan wound hasn't healed yet." she shook her head. Their faces were still pale and weak. She didn't want them to get hurt or get tired because of her.

"I could go with Xiao Mifeng, LianLian please help me take care of A'yan and A'Feng" She turned her head to the man who was embracing her.

"Ok master." Honglian bowed his head to suck her red lips. He missed her so much these days.

Lianhua helplessly let him kiss. She couldn't struggle any way. Her body was not strong as others. Her strength was even lower. Likewise, her struggling was in vain every-time. Not only that, but her ears were a little red.

Caifeng and Yan felt warm. They knew she was such a soft-hearted and kind girl. She was just trying to act cold to let them leave her, but now her real nature is revealed. She cares about her people more than she cares about herself. The way she treats her people and strangers is too different.

They were extremely thankful that they had made the right decision. They couldn't imagine if they missed her in this life, who will be responsible for their missing?

At the same time, their eyes went red with jealousy. They could only kiss her when she was asleep, this man was kissing her in broad daylight!

Mifeng opened his big golden eyes and stared at the hot scene shyly. He never knew the man of little master was extremely hot.

"Let's go, Xiao Mifeng!" For a long time, after Honglian lets her go, her lips were swollen. He smiled temptingly at the red - face girl and secretly cast a provocation glance at the two men.

Two men's aura was icy. Lianhua didn't notice their spark and she immediately flashed out of space with Mifeng.

[Outside of Lotus space]

"Master, how about summoning the holy bees to help us?" Mifeng suggested as he flapped his wings outside. He looked around and saw nothing here now except an empty land. The whole flower valley has been moved into a little master space.

"Great idea!" she almost forgot she had helpers now. She used to act alone, so she never really thought of getting help.

Lianhua summoned a hundred of holy bee and let them explore the way ahead for her. She needs to hurry now. She had delayed the time after she encountered many things unexpected.

Author: Littlecarrot