
Lotus Space: Passerby’s Road To Immortality

LianHua just finished reading the NP Mary Sue cultivation novel. Unexpectedly, her soul transmigrated into the body of a passer-by character in the book. Her role is not even as good as a supporting character. Looking at the peach blossoms luck of the heroine, the beautiful male protagonists and male supporting roles, the golden fingers of the lovely heroine, unlucky cannon fodders who goes against the heroine, LianHua decided to stay away from every character. By any chance, she got a mysterious lotus space. From then on, she stepped into the road of cultivation. Having the lotus space is liked having a carry-on portable small world. She could plant the spiritual plants, practice in the space , store things and many more. She tried to learn alchemy, beast contracting, drawing spiritual rune, and learning martial art to protect herself and her loved one. She was minding her own business, not involving with anyone, but the plot seemed to be wrong...no what's happening? Why are these protagonists acting so weird? Ugh...strange...something seemed to be off! Who is she? What is the secret behind everything? Can she cultivate the immortality quietly after the she discovered many secret behind the scene? Will everything goes to the way as she planned? Note: Ending Np, reverse harem. One woman Vs many men Covered from Pinterest. Discord: Littlecarrot#6510 Patreon: patreon.com/Littlecarrot

Littlecarrot · Fantasie
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49 Chs

Heroine’s testing spiritual root

[A month later]

[Domain of Ouyang Clan]

This day is the day to test spiritual root in the Ouyang clan. In every powerful clans , there is always a spiritual root testing ceremony every 15 years, the same time as the sect come and recruit the genius disciples.

The child born in powerful family have to test the spiritual root before the people in the clan send them into sect to learn. They don't have to line up in sect because the clan already has testing stone crystal.

All sects will send some elders represent their sect to every powerful clan to receive the genius child with Heavenly root and mutant spiritual root but the child who has normal spiritual root, the family has to send the child to the sect by themselves. There is no special treatment as a proud son of heaven.

The domain of the Ouyang clan now is very lively and crowded because today is the testing ceremony spiritual root day. Many parents and elders took their children to the back of the mountain where there it was a big platform for ceremony.

[In a corner of Ouyang domain, an small old mansion]

Ouyang Bei looked around in her old room. She had nothing to take from this place. She wore a white moon robe today. The girl opened her door and stepped outside of her old room. She has been practicing in space for a long time and she is now in the peak of Qi refining period. Her heavenly spiritual root was ice after she took the pill.

Because the time was too short, she couldn't continue to practice now. She will not miss the chance to be admitted into the sect today. She was confident in her strength. Sorting out her hair, she walked out of her room and walked to the back of the mountain.

[Back mountain of the Ouyang Clan]

"Everyone! The day that everyone is waiting for finally come, after you test your spiritual root and going to learn in the sect, I hope you will bring back glory to the clan!" A handsome middle - age man in a blue robe, standing the highest position, used his spiritual power to spread his voice.

He is Ouyang Ping the patriarch of the Ouyang clan. Beside him there were ten elders of the Ouyang clan.

In another high platform, there were many elders of the other sects were sitting. There were old men, middle age men and young men from different sects.

Of course, for practitioners, the higher your realm of cultivation, the more your appearance looked beautiful.

(Explain: People who could build foundation before 30 years old age could remain younger. Unfortunately ,for the people who build foundation realm after they were older than 30 years old, their appearance will not stay young.

Example: A man built foundation realm when he is in 17 years old. Even if he was 1700 years old later, his appearance will remain in 17 years old. In special case, he can increase his looks. He can looks like 27 years old or 37 years old.

If a man built foundation when he is 60 years old, his looks will always be 60 years old. In special case, when he advances to Yaun Baby realm, he could turns his white-hair and white-beard to black. The wrinkle on his face will be erased. He might look younger than 60 years old.

But they could make themselves look pleasing and a little younger than their current age if they were in Yuan Baby realm or higher)

Just like these old men, even though they failed to build foundation when they were young, but they could break through Yuan Baby realm when they were older, so their old appearance was not ugly and there were no wrinkles on their faces. They just have white beards and white hair.

The most eyes catching is the man in a purple-red robe. Sitting in the middle, his devilishly stunning face makes all women here lose color. It's not that women here are ugly but because he is too beautiful, not like a human being at all. His beauty is like the poisonous flower that is dangerous but attractive at the same time.

The women cast their glance at him from time to time, but no one dare to come forward to act presumptuously. Are you kidding me? The man in red represented the biggest sect in the world. Only if they didn't want to live longer, do they dare to provoke him.

"Everyone, let's start now!" A voice of an old man sounded. He stood in the middle of the platform to watch the children perform. The parents pushed their children one by one to the platform.

"Put your hand on the crystal and send your aura in here." the old man instructs the child.

The child put his hand and the crystal shine green light.

"Ouyang Bian, single wood element , 70% pure , passed!" The child ran to his parents in joy.

"Ouyang Han, double earth and gold root , 75% pure passed!"

"Ouyang Dao single gold elemental root , 85% percent pure, passed"

"Ouyang Zi, mutant water spiritual root 100% pure passed!" the man bowed down so no one could see his emotion, but everyone stared at him enviously. Ouyang Ping and the elders in Ouyang clan looked pleased and satisfied.

"Good!" they nodded in satisfaction l. They had found a good seedling!

"Ouyang Huan all line spirit root, fail!" The young man's face was pale as he walked down from the platform in a soulless state.

"Ouyang Xing, mutant fire spiritual root , 100% pure, passed"

The beautiful girl with pink robe smiles proudly at her mother and secretly glances at the red robe man on high plate form, but he doesn't even glance at her. She felt depressed and walked down the stage in the envy eyes of the other.

"The third young lady is good!"

"I didn't expect that!"

"She will have a bright future!"

"No wonder, she rare practice but her realm was always higher than us" a young child whispered.

Many people in clan praised as they watched the girl walked down the platforms but most of the people here disliked her arrogance, even so no one dare to speak. This girl always likes to bully the side-line children.

On another lower platform, third lady smiled proudly at her child!

"Look my Xing'er is simply a fairy!" she smiled proudly as she was looking at her beautiful Xing'er. Good appearance, good talents!

"Congratulations third sister" Second lady said gently, no one noticed the light flashed in her eyes. She turned her face to look at the platforms.

"Ouyang Qing, mutant wind spiritual root 100% pure, passed" Another young girl in a yellow robe smiled gently while she was hoping to see the man in red attention.

"The second young lady deserved to be called a genius!"

"She was very gentle and beautiful!"

"She deserved our love and respect!"

Everyone in the clan praised Ouyang Qing. Compared to Ouyang Xing's fierce and arrogance nature, they preferred the gentleness of the second young lady. The owner of the Ouyang clan and the second lady face was smiling. Who wouldn't be happy to have the other praise their child?

"Second sister, Qing'er child is really blessed!" The third concubine smiled while looking at the gentle second concubine. She picked up the tea on the table and takes a sip gracefully.

"Third sister praised, Xing'er child is also good!" second lady smiled, and her heart felt satisfied and proud. Her Qing'er was the best!!! One day, her child will surpass that woman's child!

The second lady's heart was dark as she was thinking about her husband's official wife, the first lady! The first lady is not here now.

That woman's child, the first young lady had been gone to study in the sect for many years, she hasn't coming back. The second lady didn't know if her Qing'er could fight back and surpass that strong girl. That girl's talent was even higher than her Qing'er now.

The owner and elders of the clan smiled satisfyingly. There were 3 children with mutants spiritual root this year. Two of the children are his daughters. Their family future will be brighter and brighter. Not many children born with mutant spiritual roots. It was very rare.

Just as the elders were about to speak, there was a soft voice coming from the entrance of the back mountain.

"Please wait a minute!" the coming figure wore a long white robe . Her innocent and beautiful face added a charm to her. She ran very fast and step on the platform.

Everyone looked at her and frowned. Some people looked curiously. Some young men looked at her intoxicating. Such a pure beauty, when she grew up, her beauty might shake the world.

If Lianhua was here, she will give a thumb up to the heroine!

Deserved to be the darling of heaven. She started to attract everyone's attention since she was 9 years old.

"Stop! Who are you ?" Because she runs too fast, the guards couldn't stop her. They were about to catch her when the owner's voice sounded.

"I'll deal with her!" Ouyang Ping waved his hand to the guards and they retreated.

"Who are you, girl? Do you know it's rude to break in without permission?" He asked coldly .

"I want to ask the patriarch to allow me to test to spiritual root too" She bowed down and spoke softly.

" Who are you? You are Not our family member, you can't come here." He frowned.

"I am Ouyang Bei, Xiniang's child!"

She turned her head up and let everyone see her face clearly and the original quite field immediately noisy.

"What? Is she Ouyang Bei!!"

"How can that be!"

"I remember that ugly waste is not this beautiful!"

"She must be fake!"  everyone spoke noisily after the shock. They couldn't accept this blow. Especially the young men from Ouyang Clan, faces were pale. How could they get attracted by the trash they used to bully?

"Be quiet!" The third elder of the Ouyang Clan released his spiritual pressure. The noisy discussions immediately stopped.

"Do you have proof that you're Xiniang child?" Ouyang Ping stared at her, dare to pretend to be Xiniang child! He knew Ouyang Bei, she was not this beautiful, and she couldn't cultivate. He couldn't connect the two people together.

"Here is the proof, patriarch!" She took a token from her robe and showed him. The token was green like jade carved with a Chinese 'Ping' later on it.

Seeing the token, Ouyang Ping opened his eyes wide. This is the token he gave to Xiniang when she was alive. Even though he did not love her but at least she was his wife, to protect her, he gave her this.

This token couldn't be stolen, it has his breath. If someone forced to get it, he must know immediately. But this token is still fine, and he can't find any violence sign on it, he knows Xiniang must have given this to her daughter after Xiniang died because of illness.

"You've changed too much that I don't recognize you!" He sighed. Maybe he never paid attention to her life from the beginning.

"Since you're here, let's taste your spiritual root!" The first elder in a white robe spoke and everyone nodded in agreement. Of course, most of the children want to see her embarrassment and joke.

"A waste is a waste!"

"How dare you come here and show off!"

"She'll embarrass herself!"

"A waste who couldn't absorb the spiritual aura dare to come and task the spiritual root?Are you dreaming?"

"You fox spirit come here to seduce men?" A girl spitted out her words viciously as she looked at Ouyang Bing's soft and stunning face.

"But she looks so beautiful!"

There were noisy voices sounded, but mostly were girl's voices. They were jealous of her, but some people fell in love with her beauty. The other despise those love idiots. No matter how beauty a person is, without strength, in this world no one gives her any worth and respect!

"Be quiet!" This time it was the second elder who frowned and released his pressure a little. The children immediately shut up.

Ouyang Bei seemed to ignore them and kept bowing her head down.

Let you see what call waste and what call genius.

The small slander white hand touches the crystal, and the pale blue light in the crystal ball shines brightly almost blind people's eyes.

Everyone stood up from their chair in shock, except the red robe man.

"Ouyang Bei, heavenly ice spiritual root, passed" The elder said trembling. These years it was extremely hard to find a child with heavenly spirit root, but today they've seen one. If mutant spiritual root was the best spiritual, then this heavenly spiritual root was extraordinary! How can they did not excited. This is the darling of heaven!!!

"Oh my!!! How can the ugly waste become genius!!"

"Obviously, she couldn't absorb the aura and has no cultivation, how could she change from waste to genius in just one year." A child murmured dully.

If anyone knew Ouyang Bei just started to cultivate and she was now in the peak of Qi refining period, they might be shock.

"If she's a waste and ugly, then what are we!" The child replied to the one who spoke just now, hearing this, everyone stares at the child fiercely, he retreated in fear.

Forgive him, he was too shock and accidentally spits out the truth, so he hurried to close his mouth and lower his head when everyone shot him a fierce look.

"Good good good!!" Ouyang Ping said loudly and walked down to the platform to look at Ouyang Bei.

This is his child, she'll bring endless glory to the family! Although everyone in the clan was puzzled about how a waste could turn into genius, but they were clever not to ask! Look at their owner clan eyes, he seemed to be proud and happy!

Since the appearance of Ouyang Bei, Ouyang Qing and Ouyang Xing looked at each other in disbelief. How could she be that ugly waste?

That waste used to be the object of everyone's bullying, but now she is standing there like the brightest star attracting everyone's attention to her. Two girls stared at her with jealousy and doubt.

"Ouyang Bei, let you be proud for a while, I'll let you die sooner or later" Ouyang Xing bites her lip furiously.

Ouyang Qing stares at Ouyang Bei's soft angelic face in jealousy, but her expression still pretends to be gentle.

(Author note: I changed the setting of the world a bit. Please read this part. It's important.

Mutant spiritual root was a 100% pure spiritual root.

Example: every single elemental with 100% pure single spiritual root called mutant spiritual root, which is two times faster than single spiritual root when absorbing the spiritual aura.

Heavenly spiritual root was twice faster than mutant spiritual root. The elementals of this root were: Thunder, ice, red fire, light, and dark)

Author: Littlecarrot

Littlecarrot: >,< sending flowers and love!!!! It's 5:34Am now(when I edited this chapter). Should I sleep? Nope! I have to finish all the chapters I posted!!! 😛 ....I guess my energy ran out.... I wished I knew magic, sighed....

Also, our HuaHua will soon meet the original heroine! It's getting excited.

Update: Now it's 8:59pm, I just finished chapter 29 on my Patreon :p

So I could post 10 chapters ahead!