
LOTP Angel Summons! SI

This is kinda an Lord Of The People: I Recruited a Mutant Succubus self insert. If you haven't read the original then you probably won't understand what is going on as I'm not going into to much detail on the explanations. Sue me I was bored as crap. Also since original doesn't really go into world detail as far as I read such as other countries surviving or rebuilding something different, mine will be based in the United States or what's left of it though it will be in the same universe as the original story, all New Lords Spaces will be transported to the same black fog area, im just expanding the world as the original pretends only Asian countries, maybe only China, survived basically or so it seems to the point I read. ——————————— It has been many years since the old world has been destroyed, there were no longer any of the old countries left standing though new territories arose in their places. The whole world mutated. Mysterious resurrections happened in real life. The Tribulation descended. Everyone would awaken the ability to rule over beasts at the age of 18 and obtain a Lord Space of their own. After one month, their Lord Space would materialize and they would become a Lord. When they awakened, each Lord would obtain a summoning pool to summon their own troops a month before their 18th birthday. They had to plunder resources, strengthen their troops, expand their territory and defend themselves against the invasion of demons!

Westley86 · Bücher und Literatur
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7 Chs

Chapter 5

The next day in my Lords Space I was checking in on everything, to see how everything was going and how my Angels were progressing.

Several had managed to increase their levels by a fair margin but had yet to break through to the next tiers and only a few of them had even hit level 10 anyways.

I also noticed that my Recruitment Pool and the Angelic statue in front of it had slightly changed when I had upgraded my recruitment pool. My pool had become less dark and slightly more clearer and the Statue also had the black fog that was shrouding it clear slightly as well. It was barely noticeable the first increase in level but it would be slightly more obvious as time passes im sure, though I still have no clue what it really means.

All my angels so far aside from the ones recruited this morning were so far level 8 minimum. I was trying to increase the lower tiered soldiers levels first at this point because they level up with less resources at a lower tier with the chance to increase tiers every 10 levels. It makes sense in my own head anyways.

If my soldiers lost their levels every time they increased tier that would be different though. But since they don't it doesn't matter really. Honestly for me right now increasing the tier to my pool giving me higher tiered troops might actually be a double edged sword as a tier 7-8-9 would level up drastically slower than a tier 5 would even if a tier 8-9 would trounce a tier 5, a tier5 can become a tier 9 eventually with luck.

I'm currently simply staring at my poor Recruitment Pool that's basically telling me to get fucked. Not really but to increase its level again requires 2 Magic Crystals and 100 Energy Crystals, and while I can probably scrounge up the Energy Crystals, well I have plenty of those, there was simply no way I was getting more Magic Crystals, at least not enough to matter until after I enter the black fog.

As I was lost in my own thoughts in my mind space, Irina managed to sneak up on me intentionally or not and I may have slightly jumped a bit as she said my name.

"Master Alex, I am glad you are here!" She really did seem excited for some reason.

"Did something happen? Is anything wrong?" My mind already thinking of anything bad that could have happened while I was away, not that anything should have. "No master but I thought you might want to observe the others training?" She had the kind of mischief twinkling in her eyes that had me slightly nervous. But how could I refuse?

"Ok let's see what they got Iri!" She looked at me curiously for a second probably at the new nickname but shrugged slightly and walked to where the others were training. I immediately understood what she did now after I observed my soldiers for a moment. They were all fairly busty with curves in all the right places and they were currently moving around in fairly skimpy outfits.

If this was an anime, my nose would probably be gushing blood right now but as it stands all I could do was watch paradise sway in the wind, they were moving so fast and erratically making my pants became uncomfortably tight. With that done, not quite ready to take advantage of my beautiful soldiers perfect bodies I quickly fled my own lords space to go relieve myself.

It wasn't until around noon that same day that my last reward arrived. I wasn't expecting anything legendary or anything because number 5 spot most certainly isn't number 1 but I was hoping for something that would help.

The crate that arrived was only 3x5 feet long and tall, so there could be something interesting stuffed in there.

The first thing I notice is the gleam of polished and shining silver armor. I had to use an handheld identification mirror or see what it does.

[Resplendent Armor - Tier- 5 - Can only be worn by an Lord. Abilities - Can tank attacks from Tier-4 easily and can withstand Tier-5 attacks. Flash- ability to flash away up to 100 meters. Can only be used once every 3 hours unless feed a Energy Crystal.

Not too bad at all, it should keep me safe in the beginning at least and be good for the first demon wave as well.

The next item was even more shocking to me I think. It kinda fit my soldier race perfectly though.

[Holy Tower blueprint - increases the power of Angels by 10% while in a 500 meter radius.

PS - Faster recover when in the radius of tower.

PSS- other light based beings will look at your lands more favorably.]

Requirement - 4 tons of wood, 8 tons of stone, 1 ton of refined iron, 10 Energy Crystals.]

That's not too bad over all I'm glad I got something like this as it can only help! There was only one more item in the box. It was a white staff with a small purple crystal at the top.

[Holy Light Staff - Focuses the power of the wielder. Can only be used light or holy based soldiers. Magnifies the power used through the focusing crystal greatly.]

That staff might actually be better than everything else this box contained combined if I'm being honest. The armor for my protection is good and all but if my soldiers die then I die as well anyways so it's best to focus on their development the most when possible while making myself stronger over time.

That was it, everything in the box was laying before me and I couldn't help but slightly rub my hands in glee. I simply had to hope I didn't get instantly smited by a bunch of Tier 8 monsters as soon as I landed as that would be tragic. For me anyways.

Well I didn't get any more resources but I did get things that should ensure my survival at the beginning and into the first demon wave if nothing else.

I at least have 750 Energy Crystals to barter with as well as 15million Energy coins which would not do anything for me when my space materializes as the only thing that will matter at that point is surviving. I also have a single precious Magic Crystal which I would never sell or trade unless it was life or death.

So with that I continued to buy Tier-0 Demonic Meat by the metric shit ton as it was dirt cheap because it didn't do anything for your soldier besides actually feed them and kept their loyalty from dropping, thankfully humans could eat it as well so I was also not in danger of going hungry.

The one positive thing about demonic meat besides leveling up your troops is that it never really goes bad, it can lose potency, meaning tier4 demonic meat can eventually only give the results of tier 3, but that takes a good long while to happen.