

Ian is a high school dropout and was bullied everywhere he went. His life changed when he met an angel by the name of Luna, but his dreams foreshadow something horrific.

skylerj · Allgemein
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9 Chs

Ch.8 our final days

I don't know what to do. I'm lost and can't seem to pull myself together. I've been sitting outside of my apartment door for the past three hours and the sun has begun to set. Four days isn't enough time. For the first portion of our time together I had thought Luna was a nuisance, but now all I want is to be with her. This is what I get for getting attached to someone. Why is life so unfair? No matter what I do, something bad always happens.


How long has it been since I've thought of her. There's no point in thinking about her now.

I snapped back to the present. It seems like my entire mind is shattered. Has it not always been like that though? I chuckled to myself and that's when I realized there were tears running down my face. I'm sad? These past few days I've felt emotions I haven't felt in so long. I've only known Luna for a couple of days but still. I feel as if I could tell her everything. She'd that one person who could turn my entire life around. I can't just let her go but what can I do? I can't just fight an angel. Especially if that angel is known as one of the seven archangels.

I can't just give her up though. Even if that thing beats me to a bloody pulp, I'll still hold on to her. I attempted to stand up and open the door but a thought crossed my mind. What if Luna sleeps through all of this. What if she doesn't wake up and my last days with her are just filled with me staring at her sleeping body. I pray that doesn't happen. Not like praying would help. I highly doubt God or any angel will answer my prayers.

I opened my door to an untouched apartment and a sleeping angel on my bed. I walked over to Luna and sat next to her sleeping body. What am I going to do with you? Even if our time is limited I couldn't shake the feeling of happiness when I saw her. All my depression was wiped away.

She began to shift and she grabbed my arm as if she were a koala holding onto a tree. Why did I waste so much time thinking you were annoying? Why couldn't I have fallen for you the moment I saw you? Maybe I wouldn't feel this unbearable pain. Maybe I wouldn't have gone outside and I would have just laid next to her. Maybe I wouldn't have encountered the other angel. All I can do is wonder how life would have been if I had done so many things differently. I could feel more tears run down my face.

Her hand wiped away my tears. Her soft voice filled the room, "Don't cry, please. Everything will be alright. Come here, let me hold you and wash away your sadness."

"If only it was that easy." I kept my voice low and soft not wanting to disrupt the peace in the room. Luna gave me a puzzled look.

"They came for me didn't they?" she asked. Her question hurt. She knew this would happen and yet she kept a smile on. "You knew?" I questioned back.

"Yes and no. there was this constant feeling that someone would come down to this world and bring me backup. All my memories of what I've done are gone, yet I know almost everything about how things work up there." She responded.

"Maybe you were born with that knowledge. Hear me out, if you were made in heaven then maybe that type of stuff is just embedded into your mind." She thought about it for a minute and then nodded. "It's possible but I don't want to think about all that right now." I gave her an understanding look and hugged her.

"They told me we have four days to be with each other. After that they'll take you back to where you belong." as I finished my sentence Luna buried her face into my chest. "This is where I belong Ian. with you." Her words made my heart skip a beat. Now I had to find a way to stay with her. "Don't worry, I'll find a way to make that happen. Just give me time." I said with a soft voice hoping that would give her hope. She pulled me down onto the bed and we laid there for hours just hugging each other.

Holding her like that was amazing. I could feel her heartbeat. The rhythm it had to it. It was like a melody and all I wanted to do was sit there and listen to it. I don't want this to end but alas all good things must come to an end.

It was early morning when she started to shift. Was I up all night? I don't remember going to sleep but at the same time I don't remember staying up. Maybe I did pass out and for the first time in awhile I didn't have a nightmare. It was my first peaceful night. I feel as if when I'm with Luna all of my troubles go away. All of the pain I've endured vanishes. Luna's grip around me tightened. I looked down to see her sleeping face. She seems so peaceful almost like the past week never happened. She's acting like a normal human not an angel. Why couldn't have turned out that way? If only she was born human and came into my life in a different way then we'd have a chance to stay together. That's not how things turned out though. I understand she's an angel and belongs in heaven, but what's wrong with staying down here… with me?

I'm starting to think I've become obsessed with her. No, that's not it. She just reminds of someone. Someone who abandoned me a long time ago because I couldn't protect her. I'm sorry… so so sorry…..

There's only three days left. Three days to spend with Luna. The necklace that thing gave me hasn't helped me. What did it mean when it said that I'll know when it's the right time to use it. Maybe it's a key to help save her. I shouldn't get my hopes up. It's probably useless. I sat there just staring at the caged diamond for a few minutes trying to think of what it really is. Luna began to shuffle and her head sluggishly raised up. I let out a soft chuckle, "Morning sleepy head, did you sleep well?" she nodded her head slowly. Seeing her bask in the morning light that seeped through my window was, well, angelic. All my thoughts seem so cheesy when I think about Luna. I wanted to hate her. To not be close with her so that I wouldn't be hurt in the future. Not again. That's what I kept telling myself but being around her made me feel alive. It made me put up the title of reaper for the time being. If it weren't for her there would be a few more corpses in the alleys.

Luna yawned and stretched. "Want me to make us some breakfast?" I asked. She thought about it and nodded. I pulled the covers off my legs and stood up. What should I make? Scrambled eggs? Nah, those are too simple. An omelette? That doesn't sound too good at the moment. Oh I got it. " I'll go into the kitchen and get started cooking. There should be a grey robe in my closet if you want to take a quick shower."

She thought about and looked confused, " a shower?" right she still doesn't understand everything. I grabbed my robe from the closet and led Luna to my small modern bathroom. I turned the knobs to make a comfortable water temperature for her. "This is a shower. You'll get yourself wet and use these two bottles," I pointed to the shampoo and body soap. "The one that says shampoo is used for your hair and the body soap well is used for your body. Once you wash off all the soap turn these knobs and dry off with one of the towels that are hanging. And before you leave the bathroom put on the robe, please." I couldn't stress that last part enough. My heart can't handle seeing Luna naked.

Now, I should start on breakfast. I strapped on my black apron and got started. I pulled out two pans, a pound of sausage, two eggs, butter, and two beagles cut in half. Oh wait, I also need the cheese and seasonings. As I reached for the bag of shredded cheese there was a bang in the bathroom.

I ran over to the door and knocked. "Are you okay? What was that noise?" my voice was rushed. All I could hear was faint panting. "Sorry! I had to let my wing out. It hurts when I keep it in and I think I should wash it off." she explained. "Oh, okay. I just had to make sure you were okay. I'm gonna go back to the kitchen." I said as I began to walk back.

"Wait Ian, can wash my back?" her voice sounded so pure when she said that but my mind was the exact opposite of pure. "Uuuh, no sorry I have the oven on maybe later?"

She sighed, "fine but you better do it later it feels weird not being able to wash back there." I rushed back to the kitchen to take my mind off what she just said. I began to cook. First I set out two smashed patties of sausage on an oil covered pan and set it on the ove top. Then covered the other pan in butter and browned the beagles. After flipping the meat I started on the eggs. I seasoned as I went along and when all was said and done I had the perfect sausage, egg and cheese sandwich. The sausage was the perfect saltiness and the eggs were cooked enough to taste heavenly and still have a runny yolk. I sat one on a plate for Luna and put the other on a paper towel for me.

As if on time she walked out of the bathroom. By some miracle she knew how to wear a robe, but there was a massive hole on the back and her wing was freely out. Her creamy blonde hair was like a golden stream down her back. There were still spots of soap in it. Well at least she tried. I led her to her seat and sat across from her. I gestured to her to eat and that she did. She took one bite and before I knew it she had scarfed it down. I guess she liked it. There was a small line of yolk goin down her mouth and I got up and wiped it off of her. She stared at mine. I sighed and pushed it towards her. I wasn't really hungry anyways. She was a happy child on christmas.

When she finished I took her plate and washed it off. This is peaceful, and I don't want it to end. As I was finishing up I felt the embrace of Luna from behind me. "Is everything okay? Luna?" I asked with a hint of shock in my voice. She buried her face in my back. "I don't want to go back. You've given me feelings Ian. That's something no normal human can do in this world. I've tried to act like a basic human girl but that didn't work and when I just stopped and let you guide me I was shown who I really was. An insignificant girl who has fallen in love with a man who has shut himself off from the world."

"There's a reason I'm not connected to the world."

"Then tell me, please, let me understand the person who makes my imaginable heart race."

"What's there to say? You've seen the news. There is a man out there that kills anyone who he thinks deserves it. Some call him a monster. Some say he's doing this world justice, but I know him personally. He kills the ugly sinners that make him vomit. He is a selfish bastard who only thinks about his own problems. He doesn't think about if the person he just stabbed had a family. If someone would miss them. That motherfucker is me. I was constantly shown how ugly this world is and one day this fucking world stole someone precious to me. She held me back and once she was gone my demon was free. I began to find people who had hurt others and made an example of them. I would mangle their bodies with a mere blade I made myself. My little toy I love so dearly. The moment I saw a higher being in front of me I broke down. I knew I couldn't do anything. Even with all the kills under my belt, I knew that thing could kill me with a look. And yet when you came into my mind my fears went away. I thought I could take on that damned thing but I was wrong. And now we have limited time, all because I couldn't do anything about it. There now you know. I'm a monster that feeds off the pain of others to soothe his own scars."

Go ahead slap me, scream at me, leave out of disgust. I deserve it. Please just don't say you hate me. That's what I expected from her but instead she held onto me tighter. Why? I'm disgusting, someone who doesn't deserve this stuff and yet here you are. Luna, why are you still here. There are tears running down my face now. Dammit why? Why? Why? Why?!?

I don't deserve this and yet you still stand beside me. I yearn for this and you came to my calling. There is a word for what I'm feeling right? Yes, there is but I don't believe it���s something I should say. I turned around and met her embrace with one of my own. "I promise I will find a way to keep us together," that's all I could say. That's how we were for the next two days. Constantly in each other's embrace. I kept my promise and washed her back. It was nerve racking but I did do it. I think me and her both forgot about or limited time together. My dreams had stopped for those few days and we acted like a couple madly in love. God it was like a really cheesy romance novel. At least it was until the final day. Then everything went downhill. And now I don't think I'll climb back up...

sorry again for the longest update ever but hey atleats it's out now right? I hope you all enjoyed it and please leave a comment. have a wonderful day you lovly people

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