
Am I Safe? Or not?

The door is locked, I have no idea why. "James! Open the door!" I bang the door so somebody would notice. Time passes and I gave up, my hand hurts. I lean at the door and took a sigh, I began to tear up.

"I want to go home. I'm scared. Why did I come he in the first place?" (sobbing*)Are the only word I have in my head, I was shaking, I'm scared of what will happen to me, I have no escape.

Then the door opened and I fell to my back looking up, I saw James, his covered in dirt and blood. (Gasp*) I'm scared, I don't want to die yet. My tears overflowed by the thought. He then reached his hand, "Sorry, the door can only be opened from outside, I was out so I couldn't get you. I'll fix it." He said patted me who is covered in tears. From his tone, I reckon that he was genuine. I got up and went to the kitchen to drink some water.

It took some time to settle myself and just stayed in the bathroom for an hour. I came out remembering I have to man the kitchen or he will have that face that scares me. "I have to make use of myself."

He came up to me leaning at the kitchen door. "W-what?" I said stuttering, still in fear. "I bought some groceries with me. Get it, it's still outside." 'H-huh?" I didn't quite get it, I was in a daze. "Are you dumb?" "Yes?" Then he looked away, trembling in anger. I didn't want to get him anger more so I went to get it.

I fetched it and found a bunch of veggies and some other things. I cooked up something, still, with him staring t me from the door. Still, it's awkward. I've made a meal and ate together.

"James--" I said out of nothing. "What?" he said in an icy tone. "N-nothing..." "If you want to say something, say it." He looks kinda pissed and said the only thing I have on my mind. "Why did you save me?" I said to him first, I want to ask him many things but first I want to know if I could trust him, he's a killer after all. "You couldn't trust me huh? Understandable," He said calmly eating his meal. "How?" Is the only word inside my head. "I saved you cause I have my reason. I won't do things that will hurt you, so be in mind that I am not those guys. You understand?"

"Well, he said that to me with a straight face, I think being here is a good thing for me, for a fact, I don't really have anywhere to go. Besides, there is still hope of me getting home, I am not dead. I just have to deal with this for now."

After that, he treated me as a servant, "How messy is this house?!" I spoke under my breath. "You have nothing to do. This is the price of being here." He said to me preparing his things. I agree with that since everything has a price in return. "Well, I have somewhere to go and be back at dusk, don't wander out of the house if you value your life." "Y-yeah got it." "I leave this place in your care, be sure this place is in one piece," He said sarcastically. "What is he thinking?" I said out loud after his gone.

I looked around and started in the room I stayed in. "Why is there too much dust!" I said out of frustration. The room was all dusty and I cannot open the window. After that I move to the kitchen, the bathroom was surprisingly very clean. The kitchen is fully clean and it was already noon and took a rest. One thing I notice there were too many alcohol bottles everywhere, so he must be an alcoholic.

Fell asleep on the table and I woke up back in the bedroom. "Huh? It's already night?!" I got up and realized something. "Waait! why am I here?" The door then opened "You woke up?" From what I see he looks like he just came out from a bath, his hair was wet. "Did you carry here?" "Yeah, you fell on the floor, I thought you're dead, you were just asleep." "Ah um, I'm gonna go make dinner." "yeah"

From the look of it, he was a bit concern.

Days passed he hasn't done anything. He always goes out early and returns late. And I kinda getting a hang of it. He did bring me extra clothing and a comfy stay. Sometimes I thought to myself "Am I going to stay like this? I still need to go home, or just gather some info to get home at least." I wrote my directive on a journal he gave, it was supposed to be to write my to-do in.

A week later.

These days I noticed something new, "Why is he home?! Isn't he have somewhere to go to?! This feels awkward." I thought to myself while sweeping the house like a servant in front of my boss whose just sitting there reading a book. To think of it, he seems like a lazy guy of someone who is just always tired.

"What are you looking at?" "N-nothing..."

And days continue to be like this.

Another thing is that looking around the property, of course with him tending, the house is a bit larger from outside. The place is also located near the edge of a cliff, with a field of wild plants and flowers. This place looks relaxing to think of it, ignoring the fence with lots of barb wires out there in the woods.

Sunsets here is a beauty with its own danger, the place just becomes red all of the sudden and it agitates that guy to the point he just always annoyed.

The night here is amazing, this is where the moonlight illuminates the most. It's just beautiful.

James kinda loves the night, I once seen him on the balcony while I was getting a cup of water, he was drinking on his own and looking like he had a deep thought. He is just mysterious that it's dangerous, who knows what he's thinking. I sometimes hope we could get along but that thought just fades when I see him.

I have been living here for 2 weeks and 4 days now, I'm kinda worried.

It's night now. Maybe if I drink some water, I could just sleep this worry off.

On my way to the kitchen, I notice a woman out the window, she was beautiful but in full black, "Found you." She said. I just walked away and pretend I didn't notice. "T-that was a bit scary." with my heart palpitating. I then go back to my room and lay on the bed, "Let's just forget and go to sleep." I closed my eyes and I heard some knocking noises at the window. "Just ignore it. Maybe just the wind." I said over and over in my head. I got concerned and went to that guy. Even though waking him up is likely to be the death of me.

I slowly walked and tapped his face. "Hey, wake up. Someone is creeping me out." I said to him. "What?" he said to me annoyed. "But someone is outside." He got up and rubbed his eyes. "Fine." I think he was a bit alarmed and went to see. I was scared to be left alone and came along. And found no one.

That's weird, there is someone, He frowned and looked at me. I just looked away doubting myself too. I mean she just said, "found you" and knocked on me.

I went back to sleep and bundle myself in fear.