
Lost Royals of Supernaturals

Imagine you lost all your family only to find out that you are lost royalty. Well that's what happened to me. Now I'm on a voyage to find out who I am and what really happened. What went wrong? Meeting new people that I've never seen before and new races I never new existed. Hold on tight its going to be a bumpy ride. This is an original work made up of fiction not facts or real anything. Some might sound real but it's not. Please treat it as such! New writer, please be kind! Thank you hope you like it!

Rashael_Worrell · Fantasie
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3 Chs

3. school

I never thought I'd have to go back to school. I already graduated from hight school when I was 12 and college when I was 14. With an IQ of 185 why would I be going back to hight school you might ask, well it's because of 3 dumb boys. They said I'm a part of there community now and I have to change schools to learn about what I am. What I am is a hybrid of some kind. I now know I'm part Carithan, Mage, and something else depending on what mom was. The worst part is the boys didn't even listen to me when I said I'm a college graduate and could they just teach me the other parts that I don't know about there or should I say our community. No, they said I had to go to school an hr away form home which means I can't take the twins to and from school. I can't even go to work in the mornings. This is going to be so much fun, not! I don't even have a week to get everything in order, I have 1 day. The twins are easy I just told them the bodyguards will take them to and from school. Work I haven't goon to sleep yet because I'm getting every thing in order. I have huge stacks of paperwork that my managers are going to have to take over. Everything that I need to sign will have to wait till 6pm when I get out of school. Shot me now, I don't know how this is going to work. Im going to have to take time off school for surgeries i have comming up. Fingers crossed hopefully I can figure it out at school in an hour.

I'm off to Misfit Academy no that's really the name of the school I'm so impressed, not lol. Misfit Academy is really big, it's 5 different buildings. One is just a library, another is the cafeteria, the other 3 are teaching buildings. All the buildings but the library are 4 stories high. The library is 6 stories high. Think about how many book are in it! I'm already drooling over the chance to read all those books! I can't wait, maybe they will let just stay in the library while I'm here.? I can dream right!

In the office I try explaining that I don't need the regular classes just the supernatural ones but no one believes me. All they see is a 16 year old girl trying to get out of classes not a college graduate with 3-5 degrees under her belt plus a few companies that are up and running. Who would believe someone like that? There lose and a waste of my time is coming oh joy I can't wait. In the office I get my schedule and books for class. I'm not even going to open any of them. They told me I'm behind on the supernatural classes and I'll have to get caught up on my own time. In the morning +

X from 7am to 12pm is regular classes from 1-4 is the supernatural classes. We get a 1 hr lunch break that the older kids can leave for but not the freshman. We have to stay on campus the entire time just incase we skip. My first class is reading/language arts. Let's see if I can get out of classes in the first one. Here's to hoping. After I have algebra, world history and last English. Then lunch which is always the best class of the day. After lunch is powers, history, and last shifting 101. Should be a fun day.

In reading/language arts I get there before anyone so I can try to convince the teacher I don't need this. Tomorrow I'm bring my degrees! The talk with the teacher goes as I expected it to no one believes me shocker. So I sit through 4 hr of boring classes that I have already learned. One hour of peace at lunch then on to the new classes. Powers class they asked everyone what power they have. I have no clue what my powers are and I tell them. The rest of class I'm looked at like I'm a zoo animal. The teacher says we will meet after school. History is interesting they are teaching about the first shifter. What power showed and the first lineages. What became of the different branches. Some people can trace all the way back to the first branch. Shifting 101 was so much fun again I'm theq odd one out as everyone shifts into a bear, wolf, dragon, dolphin, well you get the picture. Everyone but me yay. The teacher holds me after class to talk. I explain that I had no clue about supernatural till this Monday and I had no clue I was one or what I even am. The teacher says they will talk to the other teachers and get back to me tomorrow and that I didn't have to visit the other teacher. Finally I can go home.

At home I ask who's the twins day was and tell them about my weird day. I'm so glad I have time to figure this all out before the twins shift. Can you imagine me trying to deal with that. I bet they are going to be crazy strong because they are twins. I try and think about what I was like around 13 but that was a hard year mom and dad died the year before I was in college. I don't really remember anything weird happening at 13. 12 after the accident I was able to here people's thoughts and animals. I guess those are powers right? I'll ask tomorrow. Time to make dinner and then time to do some work. It's 11pm before I'm done with work I have more to do but can't keep my eyes open anymore.

Today is Thursday. I'm bring my degrees to school today and getting out of am classes. I get to school and go right to the principals office and hand him my degrees and say I'm not doing am classes anymore. He has a dumb look on his face as he goes though them. Finally he looks at me and says sorry for not believing me but it's not everyday that a kid tells the truth about school. Yay I'm excused from am classes or so I thought. Instead they have me doing more classes to get caught up on being a supernatural.

A month passes in the same way I'm beyond exhausted at this point it's all I can do to keep up with everything if not for weekends I'd be screwed. It's the only way my company's haven't tanked yet. Good news I now know all my power and don't need am classes anymore. Oh my powers are amazing. I have like all of them and best of all I have a dragon inside me or my other me is a dragon. However you say it you get the point. Mine showed up after some people started a fight with me because I didn't have a shifter side. It was shortly after I found out I have like all the elements even the off side ones like lightning, healing, and light exc. I think they were jealous of me and that's why they started the fight. It was fine when we were using our power but as soon as they shifted and came at me I started to scream in pain as my dragon burst though me to protect me. Ever since no one has messed with me and they all bowed down to me which was bazaar. I still haven't figured that one out. A new semester starts tomorrow. In the new semester we learn to fight with our powers and in our shifted forms.