
Chapter 1 : The Missing Maiden

A long time ago, there was a country named 'Segril' where all the citizens lived in a harmony and love the elf tribe and the humans worked together and they make wonderful magic together. But one day, they made magic so powerful that they sealed anyone who comes in contact with the dark magic, which was called 'Epra'


"Get her!" a man shouts. The girl ran through the forest. She then found herself on the edge of the cliff and nowhere to run, "Why don't you just follow us back to town and will make sure to keep you safe, doesn't that sound better than jumping down the cliff?". She immediately shook her head in fear, the guy then took her hand and forced her to follow him back to the town. But, another guy in a hood step in and said "Let go of her, have you ever learn how to handle a girl?", "How dare you speak to him in a tone to this royal guard," the guard said. "And I don't think the guy has the right to have it," the guy in a hood said. The royal guard let go of the girl with full force making her fall down the cliff.


"Oh my god..... is there anymore fishy in this lake?" the guy said in a sigh while waiting for the fish to get caught. " I'm gonna give up soon just take the-" the guy got pulled to the lake making him jump in shock, "FINALLY" he then forced himself to get the fish, "Woah! This fish is hella strong!" he uses all of his strength and pull the fishing rod and saw something nothing like a fish "A-a girl?!" the girl glared in anger "I'm so sorry to disturb your shower, please don't kill me!" the girl landed on her feet crawling toward the guy like a cat "I-i think you need to wear a cloth..." the guy looks away, "Why do you want fish?" the girl said in a soft tone. "I... was hungry... I didn't mean to disturb your lake" the guy said. "People never lived in this lake, that's why... they don't know how sea creatures feel like..."

"What do you mean?"

"There used to be a lot of sea creatures, but people kill sea creatures to survive their hunger"

a long awkward silence them "Humans are evil" the girl mumbles "Wait! Aren't you a human too-" the guy looks at her and saw something that he never knew that would ever exist "(she had long hair... half black and white hair, she had horns but I can't identify what horn, red eyes with no pupils or light on her eyes...? and wings like ears...)"


Originally made by ZeroAnu

Typer by Izumi

Thank you for reading this and ty for Izumi to collab together without that collab the story would have never come out please hold on ur shoes and wait for the next episode

next episode: Metting you again

ClaySulvcreators' thoughts