

The rushing water of the Frio River wasn't enough to drown out the sound of Paxton's tears. They replayed in my head, and nothing would ever be able to erase them.

Lifting the beer to my lips, I took a long drink. My brother Cord sat next to me. He was the only one who knew the terrible secret that would haunt me forever.

"She hates me," I mumbled.

"Right now she does. She won't always."

I finished the bottle and set it next to me. It was the night of my high school graduation and one of the worst days of my life.

"I left her. She told me she was pregnant, and I freaked out and left her. The only thing I could think of was how our lives would be ruined.

"You came back, Steed."

Letting out a gruff laugh, I shook my head before dragging my hands down my face.

"I came back too late. I'll never forget the look in her eyes when she told me she lost the baby and I breathed out a sigh of relief. I've never seen her so gutted." My head dropped, and I felt the tears build in my eyes. "She told me she never wanted to see me again."

Peering up, I turned to my brother. "What do I do, Cord? I love her more than the air I breathe and she can't stand the sight of me."

He shook his head then shrugged. "Give her time. That's all you can do."

My heart told me to run after her. To pull her into my arms and show her how sorry I was. Beg her to forgive me.

If only I'd listened to my heart and not my head.

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