
Lost in this World

After his master was wronged and exiled to a faraway land, Jin seeks to clear his master's name, despite knowing that the end of this path is revenge. Along the way, he takes several unexpected turns, which make him question himself and his place in the world.

_lostMan_ · Fantasie
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21 Chs

Chapter 12 : First day in the guild

(I have to find a place to stay.)

I was thinking about that as I wandered in the forest surrounding the city, looking for a place where I can stay for a while while I earn some money from the guild. (I think about the first job that I will do tomorrow.)

And after a long search, I found a green spot in a part of the forest, surrounded by trees, and it seemed that no one passed by it, because the trees were too dense in this area.

(Happy that Johan gave me this cloak, it is better than the one I was wearing before.)

I slept lying on my back, contemplating the stars shining in the sky, while I think about those I left behind, and about my many unforgivable mistakes. (How is Nina doing? I hope she is well, and I wish she reaches her goals someday.)

The next morning, I woke up to the pain of my wounds that had not healed yet, and decided to go to the guild. As I walk in the crowded city, full of people of all shapes and races, I even saw many of the human-like creatures, so I tried to take side roads, because I do not like places full of people. And although I was lost, I did not ask anyone for directions, and preferred to find the place by myself, until I found it. The guild was a distinctive place, a huge stone building and in front of it a large square where many adventurers gather.

I hesitated to enter at first, but I finally gathered my courage and crossed the huge door. The place was a large hall full of people sitting, some talking, and some eating. Each table had several people together, and in the back there was a long desk behind which, apparently, the workers here sat. The place was more like a restaurant, not as I imagined it at all. I stood still, not knowing where to go, until I saw that girl whom I met on my first day in this city, so I encouraged myself and went to her.

She was medium height, her hair long and silky, and her eyes were the same color as her hair brown, while she wore glasses and wore a uniform like the rest of the workers here.

She was medium height, her hair long and silky, and her eyes were the same color as her hair brown, while she wore glasses and wore a uniform like the rest of the workers here I approached slowly then said: "Hello."

She was busy with some papers, then replied to me after a while: "Hello sir, I'm sorry, how can I help you?"

"Actually, I wanted to register in the guild."

When I said that, she looked at me with surprise, then said: "I feel like I've seen you before, and this style too. Have we met before?"

I hesitated because I did not want her to ask me more about why I did not come to the guild on the next day when I met her, so I preferred not to tell her.

"You might be imagining things."

"I don't believe you. You look confused. It's okay I'll find out myself."

(Damn. What is this girl? Why is she interested in this trivial matter?)

She asked me: "Is this your first time?"


She sighed a little then said: "There's no help for it. I'll explain to you now how the guild works, and after that you make your decision if you still want to join."

She took off her glasses then continued: "First of all, being an adventurer is dangerous and unstable. Sometimes you face dangers in one of the missions that you did not expect, and sometimes you do not find quests that suit your abilities. Anyway, the guild is a mediator between the client and the adventurer. Where the client submits a quest, such as getting rid of one of the monsters that threaten his animals or finding a rare plant or animal that is difficult to obtain because of its presence in a dangerous place. Then the client pays for the service he requested. And here the adventurer takes the quest from the guild and executes it, then gets his reward equal to what the client paid but with a deduction of a percentage taken by the guild for mediation."

"I understand. So how can I register?"

She said with frustration: "Didn't you listen to what I said? It's a dangerous job and you don't look competent for this job. You might die at any moment."

"I want to try anyway."

"Fine. You've been warned. You can read this paper. It contains information about the contract between you and the guild. The most important thing is to avoid exposing other adventurers or trying to sabotage their missions. And you have to complete one job at least every month or else the contract will be voided."

I signed the contract then took a bundle of papers from her and gave them to me and said: "These are quests that we received today. You can take a look at them and choose one that suits you before I go to hang them."

I took the papers and flipped them, then pulled one and said: "This one looks good in terms of reward."

She said: "Let me see it." After she looked at it, she said angrily: "You fool! Didn't you read the conditions? It's for the gold rank, and as it is written, the giant wasps have made a nest near one of the villages in the north, and they attack the young children. Do you really think you can handle this matter on your first day? Also, your rank is bronze. That's why we classify the missions according to the danger and importance. They are divided into five ranks: bronze, copper, silver, gold, and finally platinum."

She took the papers from my hand, then chose one: "This one is suitable. It says that ten pieces of golden crescent mushroom are required. It is a rare mushroom that is used in some luxury foods. And its reward is a hundred copper pieces for each mushroom, which equals one silver piece in total."

"Where do I find this mushroom?"

"I'll give you a map of the places where it grows, but it's rare. You may not be able to find all the required quantity. Actually, I'm not obliged to give you this map, but I pity you, so I decided to help you."

I said gratefully: "Thank you."

I went to do this mission. I did not imagine that I would do these things, but I was nervous, because I had no money, and I was very frustrated.

I searched in the places on the map one by one, but I did not find anything. So I decided to go deeper into the forest and go to the farthest place indicated.

"The sun is about to set. Should I go back now?"

After a short while I decided to return. And on the way, I heard someone walking among the bushes, so I hid thinking that it was a monster, because I did not feel anything walking in the dark.

"A girl?!"

I was surprised when I saw a girl with long silver hair like silk, and eyes like green emeralds, and she was carrying a bow and wearing a green outfit that looked like it was made of plants. But what really distinguished her was her ears. They were long and pointed. Then I knew she was not human (I feel like I heard about people with these features before). My anxiety increased when I saw her clearly, and I felt something strange whenever she approached. Suddenly she looked towards the tree that I was hiding behind, then headed towards it, I did not want to get involved in something else that I did not know, so I used the shadow gate and moved to another shadow quickly.

"It's a problem! I don't know where I am now, and it's really dark!"

"Wait! What is this?!"

I saw something shining among the bushes, and when I examined it, it was something like a necklace with a gemstone on it.

I went back to the city, and frustration haunted me because I did not complete the mission. When I was about to arrive, it was too late, so I preferred to stay in the place where I slept last night and go to the guild tomorrow.

The next morning, I went to the guild. I arrived quickly this time because I memorized the way leading to it.

"Hello! How was the work yesterday? Did you get lucky?"

I said with frustration: "I could not find even one."

The girl smiled and said: "That's normal. It's your first job, and this mushroom is rare and hard to find easily."

"I found this while searching yesterday."

She said with interest: "Let me see."

She examined it a little then said in astonishment: "It's a precious stone that may cost up to a hundred and fifty silver coins".

"Really! Because I thought it was fake. I did not expect to find something like that there."

"No, it's not fake. I learned from my grandfather how to distinguish them when I was a little girl."

I said: "Thank you ma'am".

She said smiling: "Just call me Lily. As I remembered that you are the one who came before some time before the storm".

I was embarrassed a little and did not say anything.

Then she continued: "Don't worry. I won't ask you about anything, but don't lie to me again".

I felt ashamed then said: "Sorry for that".

She said: "Ah, remember. Can you drive carts?"

"Yes, I can".

"The driver is absent today and we want to deliver this cargo cart to a store in the market and unload the goods there. Can you do that?"

I said: "But I don't know the way well in this city".

She said: "The store owner will guide you. He is waiting outside. He will pay two silvers for this job".

I left and delivered the cart with goods then thanked me by the store owner and gave me money.

(This was an easy job, I decided not to sell this necklace now).

I was walking in a crowded way in the market. The weather was very hot, the sun was bright, and the noise was everywhere. But I heard among them a distinctive sound.

(It sounds like someone crying)