
Lost in Memory: Thor

After raiders steal his family, Thor, a boy on fire with vengeance, follows a shadowy figure's whispers, risking his soul to reclaim what's lost. But with his sister's love flickering in the darkness, Thor must choose: consume the world in his rage or rise from the ashes, a beacon against the encroaching shadows.

blackmvs · Fantasie
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22 Chs

Echoes of Dawn

Days bled into weeks as Thor and Elara journeyed south, guided by the whispers of the silver-cloaked woman and the embers of hope rekindled within their hearts. The forest gave way to rolling plains bathed in the warm glow of the nascent sun, a stark contrast to the oppressive shadows they had left behind. Yet, the echoes of Malvus' darkness still clung to them, a cold reminder of the battle they'd barely begun.

Thor, hands clenched around his axe handle, wrestled with the burden of his choices. Rejecting the path of vengeance had been a victory, but the whispers of doubt still gnawed at him. Was he strong enough to fight without succumbing to the seductive lure of power, the intoxicating rage that simmered beneath the surface? He looked at Elara, her small hand nestled in his, her eyes reflecting a steady faith in him that he didn't always deserve. He vowed, once again, to be worthy of that faith.

One evening, as they huddled around a crackling fire, a tremor shook the earth. In the distance, a pillar of crimson light erupted, painting the sky with an ominous glow. Fear, a familiar viper, coiled in Thor's gut. Elara, sensing his unease, squeezed his hand, her own fear masked by a brave smile.

"Remember what she said," she whispered, her voice barely audible over the crackling flames. "The light within you…"

His heart resonated with her words, a beacon against the encroaching shadows. In the distance, a haunting melody drifted on the wind, a mournful chorus that seemed to pull at their souls. Curiosity overriding fear, Thor rose, his axe a steady presence in his grasp.

"Come, Elara," he said, his voice firm. "We need to see what that light means."

They followed the melody, drawn by an invisible force, until they reached a rocky valley bathed in the red glow of the pillar. And there, amidst the jagged boulders, they found the source: a woman, draped in crimson robes, her eyes burning like embers against the pale moonlight.

She turned, her gaze piercing them like arrows. "Children of the fallen village," she spoke, her voice a guttural whisper. "You seek answers, you seek solace?"

Thor, wary but resolute, stepped forward. "Who are you? What is this place?"

She smiled, a cold, predatory curve. "I am Morrigan, guardian of this valley, keeper of whispers and keeper of vengeance."

A chill ran down Thor's spine. Could this be another trickster, another manipulator waiting to prey on his pain? Elara, sensing his doubt, squeezed his hand tighter. He would not falter.

"We seek no vengeance," he declared, his voice ringing with newfound strength. "We seek a path of justice, a way to honor our loved ones without drowning in darkness."

Morrigan's smile faltered, replaced by a flicker of surprise. For a moment, they stood locked in a silent battle, wills clashing in the moonlight. Then, with a sigh that rustled the leaves, Morrigan stepped aside.

"Very well," she said, her voice softer now. "The path you seek… it exists. But it is not paved with ease. It is a path of trials, of choices, of confronting the darkness within. Are you ready, young Thor, to walk such a path?"

Thor knew, in that moment, that this was not the end of the journey, but the beginning. He had glimpsed the light within himself, but the shadows still lurked, waiting in the corners of his heart. With Elara by his side, and the echoes of the silver-cloaked woman's words guiding him, he met Morrigan's gaze, resolve burning in his eyes.

"We are ready," he said, his voice ringing with conviction. "Lead the way."

Morrigan chuckled, a sound like dry leaves rustling in the wind. "Then follow, children of the lost sun," she said, her crimson robes trailing like flames as she walked into the heart of the valley. "The trials await."

As they followed Morrigan into the unknown, a shiver of anticipation ran through Thor. The path of justice, he knew, would be long and perilous. But with the embers of hope burning bright, he was ready to face the darkness, not as a vengeful shadow, but as a beacon of light in a world teetering on the brink.