
Lost in Honkai, Starting the Gentleman Simulator (continuation)

Traversing into the world of Honkai Impact 3rd, Lu Yu activated his own simulator. [Simulator Activated] [As a host, please act as a gentleman and guide the heroines towards a healthy path in the simulation!] "Miss Kiana Kaslana, I am enchanted by your beauty." "Bishop Theresa, I'll be waiting for you at the church tonight." "Mei Raiden, you don't want your father to go to jail, do you?" "Queen Cecilia, tonight I am your dog!" Lu Yu: "The dog system took a bite out of me, where's the gentleman you promised?" (Note: This book is fanfiction with numerous alternative character developments. If you dislike it, please avoid reading.) This is a Chinese Translated Fanfic Author: 一只鸽子(A Pigeon) Link: https://trxs.cc/tongren/7875.html (so I decided to continue where the last translator left off, if you want to read this from the start check out: https://www.webnovel.com/book/lost-in-honkai-starting-the-gentleman-simulator_26981270505945205) also my knowledge of chinese and Honkai impact is abysmal so point out any errors and just me being a dumbass about the lore

ashenlight · Anime und Comics
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191 Chs

Chapter 75 - Rejecting the Minotaur (4K)

"These options ... Let me think about it."

"It's hard to say ah ..."

Looking at the several options provided by the system, Lu Yu was really a bit unsure of how to choose at this point.

The main reason for not being able to choose wasn't anything else, but the fact that Lu Yu couldn't even confirm who the female protagonist was this time around.

There were so many female protagonists in The Honkai World, and the simulation system this time didn't say much about the appearance of the female protagonist, so the result was that Lu Yu really didn't dare to say who the simulated female protagonist this time was.

"Let's use the method of elimination."

The first thing to do was to rule out the several girls who had recently reached their endings.

Kiana, Raiden Mei, Seele, and Bronya, these four were bound to be impossible.

Lu Yu remembered very clearly that if he was conducting a second-weekend strategy, then the system would give extra hints at the beginning of the simulation, so that meant that this simulation would definitely not be these girls.

The next thing is, this simulation must also have nothing to do with Fu Hua, otherwise this simulation should be the same as the simulation three days ago would be the Fu Hua special simulation.

"Let's see ..."

After eliminating these girls by elimination, what are the remaining ones?

Xiel, Natasha, Elysia, Himeko, Rita, Dull Goose ...

{I... don't know the rest}

"How come none of them feel like that?"

Is it hard to believe it's Carol or Carlene?

{same as this one, not a clue}

"Don't, dog system I can tell you clearly, I'm not a minotaur lover, Carleen absolutely must not ah ..."

Lu Yu said he is absolutely pure love warrior! NTR what look at the book got, really do this thing that Lu Yu is certainly not do!

"Forget it, one step at a time, here I choose the second option."

Thinking about the plot just now, the little girl since she likes her own song, then the whole concert for her.

[In order to make the little girl happy, you opened a concert in your home specially prepared for her, after seeing this event you prepared for her which belongs only to her alone the little girl was so happy that the appearance of you singing to your heart's content was deeply reflected in her mind, after the end of this concert the little girl opened her heart to you, she regarded you as her idol, and she told you that she also wanted to become a singer.

In the face of the little girl who is no longer depressed, you seem to realize that your life is not meaningless, and you decide to help the little girl fulfill her dream, and you want her to become the world's most popular idol songstress.

[Age 24: The little girl who is no longer depressed agrees to go to school under your persuasion, and you start the systematic singing training for the little girl. The little girl has great ambitions, but she doesn't seem to have much talent to be a singer, and as she gradually recovers her true nature, you discover that the little girl is actually a little troublemaker!

[Age 26: The little girl is at the bottom of her class at school, and you're invited to the school for tea every three days for that reason.

[Age 27: As you live with the little girl, you finally realize what it means to be a single father. The little girl, who has grown up a bit, is mischievous at school, and the teacher's complaint to you has become a common occurrence. Moreover, the little girl's path to becoming a singer is not going too well, and you realize that she is completely different from you who is gifted and talented, and that she is just a simple idiot.

Looking at this plot Lu Yu was directly speechless, he already knew who the protagonist of this simulation was.

Wanting to become a singer, mischievous, and a fool, there wouldn't be anyone else within the crumbling girl other than a certain little pinkie who had endured the impact of an emperor-level honkai beast.

"That said, are the Arlene sisters' simulations actually separate? I remember the last Materia simulation was a complete orphanage episode, how come in this simulation it's Rozaliya alone?"

[Age 29: After several years of training, you've taught the girl everything you can, and seeing that you've learned almost everything, the girl decides to sign up for the talent show, in the face of this choice of the girl, what is your decision?"]

[Persuade the girl not to participate: My stupid daughter, give up, the stage is all full, you can't beat them!

[Bribe the program with money: Master I have plenty of money, I said let my adopted daughter take the first place she must be first place today.]

[Not caring about anything and letting the little girl participate in the program: there are times when it's time to let a child break in on their own.]

"I'll take the second option."

Lu Yu remembers that Rozaliya has always had a dream of becoming an idol, but in Rozaliya's case, this dream will not be realized in all probability.

Today was a rare opportunity, and it was also in the simulator, Lu Yu felt that he could simply bribe the program team to fulfill this girl's dream.

You contacted the show through the phone, after learning of your identity, the show's executives specifically and you had a meeting, you generously threw each other a check with several zeros, the other side understood what you meant, in view of your identity as a world-class singer, the other side agreed to your request.

A few days later, the talent show started, the show team used high-tech means to conceal from your adopted daughter to replace the audio source during her competition, you guys managed to fool the audience and your adopted daughter, so your adopted daughter unsurprisingly got the first place."]

"Alright, the tactics were a bit nasty, but the result was alright."

[30: Your adopted daughter gradually started to become a little famous with the last show as well, along with her increased fame, quite a few program groups also found her hoping that she could participate in some shows, however, you know your adopted daughter's weight and you refused the invitations of those program groups instead of her.

Your adopted daughter was very confused about what you did, she had a big fight with you, you were forced to tell her the truth about the talent show, the girl couldn't accept the truth, she felt that you cheated her dream, she ran away from home.

After learning that the girl ran away from home, you rushed to find her first time, you found your adopted daughter on a beach, coincidentally the crash suddenly broke out at this moment, and several honkai beasts surrounded you and your adopted daughter, at this time you plan to do?

[Escape: What's the best time to run away?

[Bloody Battle of honkai Beasts: Five kills for a rock singer to understand?]

"Run! What's there to think about?"

This simulation didn't have any fighting talent, staying here to kill the Honkai Beast was simply a death wish.

[You hugged your adopted daughter and started to run wildly, however, you can't outrun the Wrecking Critter, seeing that the Wrecking Critter is about to catch up with you, what are you going to do in this emergency situation?]

[Throw your adopted daughter out as bait: Dead Taoist friends don't die of poverty, girl, just bet that Gray Snake will come to save you!

[Leave yourself behind as bait for the girl to escape: this is as far as I can help you as a father!

"I'll stay."

[Seeing that you couldn't escape from the honkai Beasts, you decided to sacrifice yourself to protect your adopted daughter, on a steep slope you pushed your adopted daughter away, then you turned back to face the honkai Beasts' siege straight on, and you died.]]

[Age of Death: 30 years old]

[Cause of death: You chose to face death in order to save your adopted daughter!

[End of simulation.]

[This simulation is over. The audience will begin rating. Please wait.]

[Rating complete, this simulation scored 100, host scored 20, get system evaluation, why don't you spend some points to brush up on your combat talent?]

[Audience evaluation: What is this?]

[This reward 10 points has been issued, please check.]]


"Blanch, this is gone?"

Lu Yu had thought that this simulation might end because the talent was too drawn out, but he didn't expect it to end so quickly.

"This simulation is also too dog watery, right?"

Thinking carefully, Lu Yu remembered that the last time he had engaged in such a trashy simulation was last time!

Already being the one who had hit the ending several times in a row, Lu Yu had almost forgotten what it was like to flip a car.

"Ugh... It's better to use some points the next time you encounter this kind of battle-less combination."

Although the result of the simulation was a bit of a pity, Lu Yu felt that it wasn't that big of a deal, after all, now that his basic attributes had risen, the things he did inside the simulator were at least personal, and in terms of this time's plot, even Rozaliya as a spectator shouldn't have any major problems.

Considering it from this perspective, this simulation wasn't a success, but at least it wasn't too much of a failure.


"Wow! Wow wow wow wow wow wow!!!"

"What was that just now? So awesome!"

Sitting paralyzed on the ground, Rozaliya slowed down for a while before reacting afterwards.

Did she just seem to have entered a strange space? In the space, she seemed to have become an idol!

Well, although the means of becoming an idol was not very honorable, it didn't matter at all!

"Stupid Rozaliya, what are you doing?"

Just as Rozaliya was still surprised by what had just happened, Lilya in her pajamas pushed open the door to her room and walked in.

"Ughhhh, Lilya, Lilya, sister just encountered something awesome!"

Bouncing up from the floor with a swish, Rozaliya hurriedly grabbed Lilya's hand.

Lilya had a bemused look on her face, "Oh? What could be more awesome than Rozaliya being an idiot?"

Seeing that her sister didn't believe her, Rozaliya got anxious.

" Lilya, it's true, just now I encountered something super super super super awesome!"

Seeing her stupid sister in this state, Lilya could only go along with Rozaliya's nature, Lilya sighed, "Then what exactly did Elysia encounter?"

"Sister I ah, just encountered ..."

Rozaliya told Lilya about how she had just entered a different dimension and then lived a new life.

However after Rozaliya finished speaking, Lilya just shook her head helplessly.

"Alas ... Foolish Rozaliya is finally no longer a normal fool, Elysia has gone from being a fool to a moron."

Rozaliya glanced at the covers on her bed as she thought about how her sister had been sitting paralyzed on the floor when she had just entered the room.

"Stupid Rozaliya, have you been sleeping silly?"

Rozaliya was very excited, "No no, it's true, Lilya you have to believe me!"

Looking at her sister's anxious appearance, Lilya let out a long sigh, "Fine, fine, I believe you, then can we go to sleep now?"

Elysia looked disappointed, "Ugh? I was hoping to tell Lilya more about what I just saw."

"Stupid Rozaliya, Lilya's already sleepy, let's talk about what we have tomorrow!"

"Okay ..."

A short while later, lying on her bed, Rozaliya tossed and turned, she really couldn't sleep, what she had just experienced was really amazing, the feeling was the same as if she was watching a movie with her as the main character.


Changkong City.

As a city that had been favored by natural disasters twice, the people of Long Hollow were considered to have abundant means of dealing with natural disasters, after all, there were some things that would be much easier to do a second time once they had experienced them once.

For example, some of the hotels in Changkong City, compared to the first time after several days to resume business, this time these hotels to resume business time is much faster.

Changkong City had originally been affected by a small-scale natural disaster of collapse, and not the entire city had been affected, and in those areas that had been less affected, most of the stores chose to resume business on the third day after the disaster.

After all, the disaster to come or not does not affect people to make money to eat, for most people, no money may be considered the biggest disaster.


Hearing the knock on the door, Su Mei, who was lying in the hotel resting, sat up from the bed.

"Third Senior Sister, Second Senior Sister asked us to go to her room."

Before Su Mei could open the door, Jiang Wanxi's voice came in through the door.


Opening the door to her room, the two sisters Jiang Wanxi and Jiang Wanru were currently standing at the door waiting for her.

After arriving in Changkong City during the day today, the four of them decided to split up to look for clues in Changkong City, and the four of them also made an appointment to exchange information with each other after gathering at the hotel in the evening.

However, Su Mei didn't find any useful information after searching for the whole day today, so she returned to the hotel early, Su Mei still planned to use the power of the internet to find relevant clues, after all, the Changkong is so big, it's too difficult to find a person just by relying on a video.

"Fourth Senior Sister, Fifth Senior Sister, did you guys find anything today?"

Hearing Su Mei's question, Jiang Wanru and Jiang Wanxi shook their heads at the same time, their sisters had similarly found nothing today.

Su Mei and the Jiang sisters looked at each other for a moment, then the three of them came to the door of Lin Zhaoyu's room, the door of the room was hidden, Su Mei gently pushed the door and it opened.

As soon as they entered the door, a white pole-shaped object on the floor attracted the trio's attention.

And Lin Zhaoyu was also sitting on the bed searching for something on his cell phone at this time.

Su Mae was a bit curious, "Senior sister, what's this?"

Lin Zhaoyu looked up at Su Mei before she continued to stare down at her cell phone, "Lightning rod."

"Lightning rod?"

Su Mae was a bit puzzled, so she walked over to Lin Chaoyu's side then sat down against her.

Only after getting close to Lin Chaoyu did Su Mae understand what Lin Zhaoyu was looking at, Lin Chaoyu was looking at that video.

Su Mae still didn't understand, "Senior sister, what's wrong with this lightning rod?"

Lin Zhaoyu glanced at Su Mae, "This lightning rod is what I found around that location in the video today, third senior sister, take a closer look, that's what the person in the video is holding in his hand!"