
A Tease, of new Book

Bianca was the second born daughter to Mr and Mrs Jones. At 5wentu, she had already graduated from University with bachelor in Education teaching literature in junior secondary school. She lives music despite having a bad voice but she loves writing music and poems during her tree time. Unlike other girls who are fascinated about flamboyant lifestyle, Bianca doesn't care about her parents wealth, she is focused on being herself. 

She is engaged to Dylan, she met him at a poetry gala, when she was twenty and their love escalated fast and he proposed to her. They are supposed I be married next year because Bianca agreed to Dylan's just schedule making it hard for the to settle down this year.

Her sister who unlike her is obsessed with being a celebrity but doesn't want to work hard for it. Most of the time she jas found herself on the wrong side of Kim Kardashian and her family and even tried to seduce Jay-z making Beyonce to sue her but luckily for her, her parents always comes to her rescue.

It's hard to know who is the oldest between Bianca and her sister because behaviour wise, Bianca is older but what do they say about age?

"Mum, where are they taking me?" Cried Bianca as she was lif6ed by same two vascular men. She couldn't see where they were taking her, all she heard were big feet thumping on the floor as they walked.

She heard her dad's voice, "daddy, daddy please help me, where am I being taken?" 

Her dad was helpless though it hurt him that he jas to sell his daughter. Though they are not going to get money, they are going to get their company back instead but larger percentage of ownership is going to fall under somebody else.

"Baby, its going to be alright, okay?" Asked her father. 

He knew that was the stupid thing to say to your own blood. Selling her because of materialistic thing, it's not making any sense. 

Bianca is his favourite child. She had been of great help, given her an easy time while growing up, unlike The other sister who is always in trouble if not for pinching a minister's child nose, then for snatching someone's food. 

Bianca managed to keep it cool, no one bullied her because she told for herself on school. She was not violent, but she was social and easy to make friend with.

Though Bianca will re you, "I only know a lot of people but no friends," she didn't believe that the people around her we're her friends. She was cautious about everyone.

That's why, if not for her fiancee who decided to throw her a surprise birthdays and propose to her, no one would have guessed she has a boyfriend.

When no one was saying anything, Bianca started struggling, throwing his legs, while using his little fist to hit the guys who were carrying her.

They didn't stop though, they carried her and threw her inside the car and it sped off.

After some twenty minutes, the car stopped and she felt the vascular hands lifting her up against. She tried to protest but they were not heeding to her words. She was placed on the sit.

She started shouting, call g her parents but none of them come to her rescue.

"Where are you taking me, I don't want to be here 0lease," she creod trying to stretch her hands but she could lnt feel anything upfront of her just an empty space.

"Who are and why have you brought me in here?" Shouted Bianca as she stood from her sot but was unable because her legs tied to the chair making it hard for her to move.

"Please I beg you, remove me from this place, please, I do t even 2ant to be here," she went on cry but there was no nobody inside the room. 

The room was empty and no one was around her. 

From the mirror outksde 5he room, a tall man was grinning with a devilish smirk as he watched the you t girl try to free herself from the straints but was unsuccessful. 

"She is a fighter," said the guy beside him.

"And I just live that, the way she is struggling to free herself," said the man. 

He didn't want to move in there and help her because he was not interested.

What he was interested was to keep her as a slave, until her parents pay the debt that they owe him.  

He didn't see anything fun in the girl that could make him happy, 'she is just like other girls, my one time and I will done with her.'

"Sir, the parents are already here," said one of the men who brought the young girl inside the room.

"Wait!" Said the man as he looked at the girl carefully. 

Removing his phone, he scrolled through his phone and tried to match the picture in the phone with the girl sitted on the other room.

"This is not the girl, the girl I was aiming for has no curves like her and her hair is not that ginger," said the man as he noticed the ginger hair from the girl who was to rf on the sit.

"That's not the girl, she is not the one! Where is the girl that I had asked for?" Shouted the man in an angry voice. 

"She is the one, or did you want another one?" Asked Mrs Jones. 

"No! It's not her, tell me why you chose her instead of the other girl, do you have two girls?" He asked walking around in circle.

Mr Jones was panicking, he had heard clearly that thean wanted Tracy, Bianca's elder sister. He didn't know why he needed Tracy but maybe they had crossed paths one time.

"I promise you sir, Tracy is pregnant with a child and she is suffering from high blood pressure, imagine giving someone like that in your life, caring for her, wasting another money to take her to the hospital, yjatd why we picked Bianca, she is young, alive and very educated that's why we felt sure will be a netyer choice than Tracy," said Mr Jones.

He knew if Tracu was asked to be the one who sacrifices herself for the family, she would have even hanged herself or ran to the media to claim that her parents wants to sell her to the millionaire, but Bianca was something else, you will never find her showing off her face to the media for such drama.

"That's for me to decide, if I feel like your daughter Bianca is not for, then I will sell him to the North. Meanwhile she will have to suffer on behalf of her sister," retorted the man.

"Can we at least say our goodbye to her, she at least needs to know why she is here," said Mr Jones.

The you can laughed very loudly at he two, Mr Jone liked like he one who is almost crying but for Mrs Jones, she we okay and the deal was not even affecting her. 

"After s3lli g something, do you go back and ask to be show so that you can give it your last view?" Asked the youg man.

"Sir, we are so sorry about that, we will be going, after we are done with our payment, we will come to tale the girl back," said Mrs Jobes before drafhing Mr Jones with her.

"What the hell, you tho k he can do that? We have already sold her and that's done, SOLD OUT! Keep that in mind. You can't go back and look at it not even a glimpse. Stop embarrassing me please," said Mrs Jones to her husband.

Mr Jones didn't know what to say, tears dropped down his cheeks as he thought all the miserable things her daughter is going to be subjected to under the rude man who had taken her. 

He tried to think of all the ways he could have changed things but he didn't know. He hated having going into a deal with the man in the first place, because without him then things will have been ok for both of them and her daughter would have gone on with her life as if nothing happened, got married and maybe give him some grandchildren before tho gs turned worst.

Back in the hidden location, The youngan looked at the girl, he wasn't walk inside to take a close glimpseee at her, he was not interested. He wanted the other girl who was rude to him and had cost him his you g company while growing up. He could t imagine he was goo g to up ish her sister for doing that.

Anger built in him as ye tnpugjt of how the opportunity escaped from him. The more he thought about Tracy, the angrier he became and the more he wanted to pu ish her sister because of her sister's mistakes.

"Bring her to the mansion, sure is going to have it tough today, I have already given Ann some instructions on how to prepare her, if I come back make sure she is ready, plus, knock her out, I am tored of her noises," the other men looked at thr ypu g man. 

They never nkicm out women, they didn't know why their bosses wanted them to knock out this young girl who had done nothing to them.

They decided to just inject her with some sleeping pills and she became drowsy and slept off. She was the n transported into the house.

The young man left the two guys and was driven else where. 

"Sir, she is waiting for you," said his driver.

He walked into the elevator and pressed the last floor, he adjusted his tie and brushed his hair using his hands.

Walking inside the penthouse, he was met by a woman in his late fpities but her well but bodybwiuld confuse you to think she is in her early thirties. 

"We have talked about this Amanda, you are not supposed to be wallk8ng inside my house without my permission!" growled the young man as he looked at the woman who was dressed in bra and a matching panties.

She licked her lips and walked towards the young man. "Alexander darling, come one, you know it has been long and the teacher misses the student, don't be so mean with the teacher who taught you what you know."

"Just not now Amanda, I am grateful, I always am, bit today it's just a bad timing, come another day or when I calm you," said Alex.

The woman started touching his body as she stretched her hands down on his chest. Alexander didn't understand why he was not enjoying her today. 

She always comes in when he has not invited her and everyday it was like a new session, but today, he didn't feel like a new session, he felt bored with this, the game, the touching. He felt himer hands were rough and her naiks were poking him painfully something he has never  of.