

Clara watched as Vin and Daniella were walking off. She stood by her locker wondering.

"Riff-raff?" She asked herself going slowly down to the floor.

She held her head in her hand trying to recall Daniella's words from their conversation.

Clara and Daniella have been friends ever since they were in grade five when Clara moved into town and they became friends. They attended each others birthday parties, went to parks together. In their whole time of friendship till now when they are about to graduate high school, they have been solid. Helping each other out. Joining the cheerleaders' squad, doing music and hanging out during their holidays.

Today, Daniella coming back and calling her names, treating her like trash in front of her boyfriend. The same man beats Daniella up and she is always the first to respond to her cries. But who is she to her today,  RIFF-RAFF?

Clara picked herself up and walked towards her classroom for her lessons.


Breakfast was served and everyone was eating silently with Mr Black browsing through the business magazine looking checking after everything that is taking place in the market.

Davids was busy with her pancakes and a glass of juice while Mrs Blacks were busy also munching her food quietly like a queen she always is.

After finishing his breakfast, Mr Black cleared his throat and the other two pairs of eyes looked up at him.

"Seriously dad, have you eaten Or the stick market has left you appetiteless?" Asked David's wiping her mouth with a towel.

Mrs Blacks laughed heartily and placed her fork neatly beside the plate.

"Come on guys, am full and No! the stock market will never leave me appetite loss." He replied winking at his wife.

"Dad, Davids call out sounding rather serious.

" mmm," 

Davids: I was thinking about the avocado business. It will be a good thing to invest in.

Mr Black; Mmmh, I don't know you think this big and wise?

Mrs Black: baby, that is a nice idea, I know your dad here is willing to invest in it. What do you think honey?

Mr Black: You know baby, I was thinking, what if our sweetheart here starts her Agri-business? 

Mrs Black: Even a bright idea. When do you want to start it, baby?

Davids:  Are you guys serious? It was just an idea, am still in high school student graduating in six months.

Mr Davids: Make your plan within those six months, you will even have a chance to tour the world best avocado producers and get some tips and after your graduation, you will have a farm to work on.

David was very happy with this information that she stood up to hug her parents.

"Mom, thanks,"

"Dad, thank you again," 

"Thanks, guys, I promise I won't let you down," she happily told them before making her sit at the table.

Finishing their breakfast, they both head out of the house. Mr and Mrs Black takes a different vehicle as Mr Andrew and David's takes another vehicle. David waves by to her parents who in turn honks their car back.

"Babe," Victoria turns to face her husband who was trying to fasten his safety belt.

"Yes honey," he replies while igniting the engine to their vehicle before speeding out of the highway.

Victoria extends her hands slowly and caresses her husband's thighs so softly. Mike intern groans to the effect that the caressing does to his body. He calmly places his hands on top of her wife's palm and looks at her.

"Do you me to cause an accident babe? You know we can just go back inside the house and finish this up." He tells Victoria Cheekily as he extends his hands to her cheeks.

"Really?" Victoria asks excitedly.

"No babe, I have a meeting in one hour," chuckles Mike before he takes the corner towards their building.

Victoria frowns and places her hands on her chest and looks out of the window.

"Not even a quickie?" She asks in her sad voice.

Mike looks at her wife and is sorry for making her feel this way. Ever since he came back from China, office work has been so hard on him that he had no time to entertain his wife. They are always close and she was his weakness. That's why he had preferred to stay in the office for long hours because if he comes home she will be possessive and Mike will end up doing nothing.

He stationed the car carefully beside the road and hold his wife on the cheeks.

"Am sorry baby," he tells Vicky sincerely looking into her eyes.

"You know to me, you are more than a quickie, and that doesn't work for us. What about I pay for this after lunch, you will be all mine anything you want I will do it. Okay, baby?" 

Vicky happily smiled at him and sweetly kisses his lips before wiping the lipstick play the corner of his lips. 

"Thanks, babe, I missed you. Am sorry if I demand too much," she says as she fixes Mike's collar.

Mike doesn't talk much, he grabs her and hugs her tightly before letting her go. 

"Do you think we are giving Davids too much?" Asks Mike as he ignites the vehicle again.

"No babe, she is a capable person, she contributed to the architectural design when she was only ten, she has helped you with the business since she was twelve and look at her now, all grown, she manages her App well and soon we will be launching a new fashion design app with her as a corporate.," said Victoria as she looks at her reflection in the mirror compact.

Mike looks forward as he takes the last corner for their ride.

"Is everything okay babe?" Asks Vicky after noticing Mike has been silent for a while without adding any statement to her words. Looking at him, he looked like he was in some deep thoughts and it bothered Vicky a little.

"I hope someone won't take advantage of her the same way Rita did," Mike suddenly talked while parking their car at the entrance. 

"She can handle herself, you know I don't get how she got through it without telling us," Vicky added while they prepared to get out of their car.

"She maybe thought we would stop her from working and never pay her, so she acted strong and independent," Mike replied while picking his suitcase.

Vicky inturn nodded and agreed with Mike. Mike stretched his hands for Vicky and they entered the building with guards bowing with respect and the workers greeting them with smiles on their faces.

Mike's office was below Vicky's so he helped her wife settle in first and arranged some of her stuff neatly with her before kissing her goodbye and promised to see her at lunch. Though they both knew that they might be in each other's offices even before lunch.

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