
Lost God(PJO fanfic)

Percy Jackson was a normal kid until he was thrust into a world of myths and monster. Now facing off against monsters that want to eat him and gods that mess with his life. At least he has help from the insanely powerful voice in his head.

Mustangs_fire · Anime und Comics
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7 Chs

Chapter 6

(Percy's POV)

My eyes felt incredibly heavy. My body was having trouble responding. My mind was plagued by dreams. Looks at the personal life of the god that lived in my head. Many were just brief glimpses that didn't mean anything as I kept drifting in and out of consciousness. Only one dream was complete.

(flashback dream) imagine a star wipe sequence or something

It was warm out. The sun was sparing no one with the heat it was giving off, even though I was sitting under a tree the shade provided little comfort. I felt groggy and lucid, but I could still focus on the scene in front of me. I looked down at the boy sitting under the tree with me and see that he was wearing a metal breast plate over a chiton, a bronze dagger strapped to his waist. his body was small, like the body of an eight-year-old but seemed athletic. I take in his features, the Greek nose, high cheek bones, and the messy raven hair that seemed to briefly shimmer with a few silver strands in the light. This was Adamos, but even younger than when I had last seen him.

"Helios must be in a pissed mood." I hear him mutter.

He turns back to what he was doing. He held an old-fashioned scroll that was written in a language that I couldn't understand. He sat there for a few more minutes alone before a rustle in the bushes causes him to look up, his hand going to the hilt of his dagger.

Out of the bushes walks two figures in cloaks. One was a head and a half taller than Adamos and even myself. The second figure was smaller than the both of us, but only smaller than him by a few inches at most. Both were surveying the area, as if they were looking for something before their hooded gazes locked in our direction. I could see the Adamos's muscles loosen before he broke off into a sprint at the larger hooded figure.

I had expected for him to attack the two mystery travelers—and I was sort of right. He tackled the larger figure into an intense hug.

"MOM!" He shouts with no shortage of glee.

"Oh Adamos, my little baby how have you been?" The woman I now know as Adamos's mother—Asteria I think it was—embrace him in a hug.

"Moomm! I'm not a baby, I'm a man. Dad says so." Adamos replies with a whine and a puff of his chest. This is met by giggles coming from the smaller cloaked figure next the Asteria.

"And what are you laughing at?" Adamos gives the smaller figure glare that doesn't look at all threatening from the eight-year-old god.

"Oh nothing." The small figure says pulling down the cloak, revealing a young girl with long raven hair and the same regal facial features as Adamos. "Just wondering how in Gaia's name I have such a childish older brother." She says in a playful tone.

"Well we can't all be sticks in the mud little sister. Some of us like to make friends." Adamos retorts back.

Adamos's sister's face turns a slight red. "I too have many friends, you've just never met them."

"Oh, really what are their names? Where do they live?" Adamos starts his barrage of questions. Trying to catch the younger girl of guard.

"I don't need to tell you, you'll probably infect them with your immaturity." She says with a huff, crossing her arms over her chest.

"Who are you calling—" Adamos growls out at his sister before being cut off.

"ADAMOS, HECATE!" Both kids flinch at the sound of their mother raising her voice—I flinched as well, I don't know why, but all moms have that power—before turning to her. "Honestly I don't know why you two always argue whenever you first meet yet get along so well afterwards."

Adamos's sister—Hecate—responds to their mother first. "At this point it's a game. Whoever breaks first loses." Adamos only nods at the statement.

Asteria only shakes her head at the antics of her two children. "Well if your little game is over then I guess we can eat."

Asteria walks over to the tree that Adamos was sitting under originally before snapping her fingers. Then a basket of various food and drinks appear under the shade.

"Come now I want know all about what my baby's been up to." She says with a smile. Adamos only responds with another whine before going to sit with his mother. Hecate again giggles at her brother being treated like a small child before joining them, only earning a playful glare from Adamos this time.

The trio sat beneath the tree and just ate and talked. It reminded me of the times I had spent with my mom. The thought made me sad. My mom was gone and there was nothing I could do about it.

I looked back at the family beneath me, listening in on their conversations. Adamos was going on about how he was learning to use a bow but had to learn from his aunt Hestia and Demeter because of how hopeless his father was with the weapon.

Asteria was listening to her son while comparing a scroll that Hecate had brought with her with the one that Adamos had. She was writing more things in his than Hecate's. Apparently, it had something to do with magic and she was correcting their writing and spells, and at the amount of time Hecate saw Adamos's being corrected she began to tease him about helping him learn. Adamos did the only mature thing that he could think of—he stuck his tongue out at her.

The sun was setting on the three. They had sat under the tree for most of the day simply talking and enjoying each other's company. Adamos and Hecate were talking about magic and drawing a bunch of things on the ground and writing in scrolls on what was drawn. Asteria only watched with a smile while her children played and goofed around with each other. Even though the two young gods seemed to fight every now and then, a battle of pride vs. stubbornness, they never meant anything bad by it and they seemed to know it.

"Hecate." Asteria called out. "Say goodbye to your brother it's time we head back before the others wonder why we're gone for so long."

Hecate looks back at her mother with a sad smile. "Yes mother." She then turns to Adamos "Good bye brother." She says, the sad smile never leaving her face.

"Adamos." Asteria calls to her son.

"Yes mom." Adamos says, but the look on his face clearly showed he didn't want them to leave.

"Adamos—" Asteria says nervously, refusing to meet her son's eyes. "This—this might be the l—last time we see each other…for a while!" she adds on hastily.

"Wha—what do you mean?" Adamos asks, the hurt in his voice evident. "Did I do something wrong? Is it because Hecate and I fight? Am I not doing well enough in magic? I'll try harder. I'll be—" He starts rambling, tears starting to form in his eyes.

"No! No, no, no my sweet boy that's not it. That will never be it." She says wrapping her near crying son in an embrace. "I love you no matter what. You and your sister both will always make me proud, don't you ever forget that."

"But why then?" he asks, tears still forming.

"It's because it's becoming to dangerous for us to see each other. The war is starting to get worse. The other titans are starting to choose sides, and many are starting to be kept under watch. I can't keep seeing you or else the other titans will start to become suspicious and I don't want them to do anything to you."

"I don't care! I'll protect you and Hecate from any one who comes. I've gotten better at fighting, I can take care of you two."

"Oh, my sweet boy, you will become someone great, I have foreseen it, but not now. You are still just a child, but there will be a day where you will be held as one of the greatest of the gods."

"Then we can be together?"

Asteria only smiles at the question before leaning down and giving her son a kiss on the forehead. Turning she lets Hecate a few last words with Adamos.

"So, I guess we won't be seeing each other for a while?" Hecate says, it was more a statement than a question.

"I guess I'll have to find some one else to show off my magic to." Adamos says giving a hollow laugh.

"Hah please, like you could those scribbles magic." Hecate mocks him playfully.

"Sure they are, your just not smart enough to understand them." Hecate only responds with a half-heated glare before her features break into a smile.

"I'm going to miss you big brother. Try not to do anything too stupid."

"Now where is the fun in that." They both chuckle at this before embracing into a hug and then Hecate moves to her mother's side.

"We'll see each other in the future Adamos. I don't know how long it'll be, but I know we will." Asteria says before disappearing into the brush with Hecate behind her.

"I hope it's soon." Adamos mutters after a while before following his mother and sisters lead and disappearing into brush on the other side of the clearing.

(Dream flashback complete)

I had no idea as to why I kept receiving dreams about Adamos. I doubt that he's sharing them with me as he has never really talked bout his past that openly. Whenever he does open up it's usually just facts instead of giving me stories of when he was younger. The only way I could think of why I was seeing this was when Adamos was first explaining the whole possession thing to me the morning after he first showed up.

(flash back)

"So Percy I know you have questions so just ask."

"Uh… I'm not going to go evil right?" I asked nervously.

"Why would you go evil?"

"Because I remember watching those ghost horror movies and the possessed people are like climbing walls and have their heads on backwards and stuff."

"Your trying to solve this with movie logic?" he asked in an amused tone.

"Yeah well common logic went out the window when you controlled the wind and then my body."

"Fair enough. But no Percy I promise that I won't control your body unless absolutely necessary. Think of me as a copilot that takes over when you can't handle things."

"How do I know I can trust you?" I asked suspiciously.

"What, you want me to pinkie promise, give you a promise ring?"

"I don't know? I just don't like the idea of something living in my head."

"Yeah well get used to it. I'm not leaving."

"Ugh," I groan aloud. "Are there at least things that I should know about?"

"Weeellll." Adamos draws out. "Since were two entities in the same body I'm going to be allowing my skills to assimilate with your soul. It'll be like the matrix but a slower process. You know, a bleed effect."

"A what effect?"

"A bleed effect. It is basically the process by which a subject has an impact on a separate subject due to the close proximity of the two subjects allowing it to cross over."

"Uh… could you say that in English please?"

"An EXAMPLE," he says, not really happy about having to dumb it down more. "would have to be our emotions. If I feel angry at something you can feel a bit angry to even if you hold no feelings for the person of thing."

"Oh, that makes much more sense. Is there any thing else that will carry over?"

"You'll be able to use some of my powers but some will take longer to learn because some are less compatible with your soul than others so don't expect much from them.

"So, I'll have super powers? That sounds awesome!"

"Yes, you'll have super powers." I feel the eye rolls in my head. "Now I think that's enough questions because your late for class. Again."


(flash back end)

These dreams must have been apart of that bleed effect thing that he told me about. Maybe seeing me lose my mom brought out some memories or something. I'll probably bring this up with him later. It felt wrong looking into his memories when he doesn't feel like sharing, even if he looked through mine. However, those dreams made more sense than what I was seeing during the several occasions that I managed to regain consciousness.

Every time I woke my head felt fuzzy. I remember lying in a soft bed, being spoon fed something that tasted like buttered popcorn, but felt like pudding in my mouth. The girl with the curly blonde hair was standing over me, a smirk on her face as she kept scooping bits of the pudding stuff off my face with a spoon.

"What will happen at the summer solstice?" she asks as soon as I begin to open my eyes.

"What?" But it came out as a croak more than an actual word.

She began to look around. As if trying to find anyone that might over hear. "What's going on? What was stolen? We've only got a few weeks!"

"What? I don't…" She quickly shoves the spoon in my mouth as someone knocks on the door. I blink only to open my eyes and see that she's gone, and a husky surfer looking guy is sitting in the corner of the room. Except that this guy has blonde hair and dozens of eyes all over his body. I then pass out again.

Line Break

"Percy. Wake up" I hear Adamos's voice call out in my head soothingly.

"Adamos stop it." I say aloud even though it was barely whisper. I still wanted to sleep some more.

"Shhh careful Percy don't say my name so carelessly. Any ways it's time to wake up."

I slowly open my eyes. Everything around me was much nicer than I was normally used to. I was sitting in a deck chair on a large porch that had a nice view of green hills in the distance. There was even the smell of strawberries in the air. Everything would have been perfect if it weren't for the fact that mouth was dryer than a desert and I had a headache that split harder than a Las Vegas quick marriage. Right next to me was an iced gold colored drink.

"I recommend you drink that stuff Perce it'll make you feel a lot better." Adamos says eagerly like a kid waiting for Christmas.

I reach out for it, hoping he was right about it making me feel better, but my strength wasn't there and I almost dropped the glass.

"Careful." A familiar voice said to my left.

Grover was leaning against the rail of the porch, he looked as if he hadn't slept in weeks. The bags under his sunken eyes reminding me of the homeless drug users that I've seen in old alleys. Under one arm he held a shoe box. He was wearing blue jeans, converse hi-tops, and an orange shirt that reads CAMP HALF-BLOOD. He looked normal.

"Adamos. Did what happened really…?" I ask, leaving the question hanging.

"Yeah Perce. Everything, the chase, the goat boy, the fight with the minotaur. Everything."

"So my mom's…" I choke out in my mind.

"No Percy she's not dead."

"She's not? But I saw her—"

"Dissolve away in a golden light?" I only nod at his statement.

"She was taken away before the minotaur could kill her. She's not dead but she's no longer here."

"But you can find her right? You're a god so you should be able to." I ask, hoping he could help.

"Perce, I've told you before. While I'm in you're body my powers are limited. At most I can sense things within half a mile maybe more if I push it, but she's no longer here."

"Oh," I tried not to sound disappointed. "But she's at least alive?"

"Yes, that much I know."

"Good. That means I can find her."

"Sure Perce, but you might want to talk to the satyr, he's been staring at you for a while."

I turn back to Grover. "Yo Percy, you ok I've been calling you for a couple minutes." Grover asks worriedly.

"Uh yeah. Just—just spaced out a bit trying to process what happened."

Grover only nods at me understandingly. "You saved my life." Grover said. "I…well this was the least I could do… I went back to the hill. And brought these. I thought you would want them." He handed me the shoe box. Opening it I see inside that there were two bull horns, both with jagged bases, the only difference between the two was a large crack on one of the horns from when I threw Adamos's apparently explosive spear at the minotaur.

"How long have I been out?"

"About two days. But Percy—" I cut him off with a wave. I didn't want to hear his excuses.

I stared across the meadow. There was a winding stream, large tree groves, acres of strawberry fields, and a bright blue sky. The valley we were in was surrounded by hills, and the tallest one, which was directly in front of the house, had a huge pine tree on the top of it. Overall the scene looked like one of those gorgeous paintings you'd find in a museum. I expected everything to be bleak and grey, but my mother was still alive, she was out there, and I was going to get her back.

"It wasn't your fault." I said after a while, trying to ease his guilt.

"Yes, it was. I was supposed to protect you."

"Against what? The giant rampaging bull monster that threw our car fifty yards down the road?" I ask in disbelief.

"Yes! It was my job. I'm a keeper. At least … I was." He looked down as he said it.

"What do you…" I suddenly felt dizzy as I try to stand.

"Woah don't try to move to fast. Here drink a little of this." He says as he puts the glass to my lips. I recoil at the taste, not expecting the golden liquid to taste like my mother's homemade cookies.

"Oh, gods yes. Down the entire thing Percy. It has been too damn long." Adamos sighs in relief at the golden liquid. He controls my arms and makes me down the golden liquid in on go.

"Percy, I think that you should slow—" Grover tries to take the drink from my—Adamos's—grasp only to be stopped by Adamos giving him the universal 'one moment' sign.

Drinking it, my whole body felt a nice warmth and a huge boost of energy. Like today was going to be great. As soon as I drain the last of it and set the glass down Grover rushes to me putting his hand on my forehead.

"Uh G-man what are you doing."

"You feeling alright, you're not burning up, anything?" He begins to question with a worried tone.

"Uh yeah. I feel pretty good actually. Why do you ask?" I ask him skeptically.

"That was a big glass. You were supposed to drink a little bit at a time. Drinking all that at once could have killed you." He says as he pulls his hand away, seeing nothing wrong but still looking worriedly.

"What do you mean that could have killed me!? What did you give me!?"

"Nectar. The drink of the gods. Demi gods can drink small amounts of it, but mortals and nature spirits would be killed instantly if they tried."

I visibly froze. "ADAMOS!"

"Yeah yeah I'm sorry. It's just been decades since I've been able to have any large quantity of the stuff. I got kinda excited." He explains sheepishly.

"So you nearly kill me for it!"

"No. I'm drawing from it as well. You'd probably have to down a pitcher of the stuff before it even begins to harm you. So you got nothing to worry about."

"You know you have a horrible habit of explaining things after they happen." I growl in my head.

He doesn't even retort back.

"Percy?" Grover says snapping me out of my thoughts.


"You were zoning out again. Are you sure you're good?"

"Yeah. Yeah I'm fine."

"Good. We should get going. Chiron and Mr. D are waiting."

We walked the length of the porch, which stretched all the way around the farm house. My legs felt weaker than before as I walked. Grover offered to help me walk, but I said I was fine and just stayed close to the rail. As we came to the opposite end of the farmhouse, a breath caught in my throat.

A long stretch of beach went across the valley a mile from the farmhouse. Between here and the beach the landscape was dotted with buildings that looked like ancient Greek architecture—an open-air pavilion, an amphitheater, and an arena—that all looked in brand new conditions, their white marble structures glinting in the sun. In a sand pit a dozen kids were playing volleyball, canoes were gliding across the lake. Everywhere there were kids in bright orange shirts shooting arrows at a range, riding horses down trails, and some horses were even flying.

"Welcome to camp Percy."


"I think they broke him." He chuckles to himself.

"This place looks so cool!"

Adamos chuckles more. "We can explore later. Right now, some people are waiting for you."

I turn my head to look down the other end of the porch, there two men sat at a card table. The blonde girl who was spoon feeding me was leaning on the porch rail next to them.

The man facing me was short and chubby, he had a red nose, blood shot eyes and curly black hair. He reminded me of those chubby baby angels except he was trashy and middle-aged trailer park person.

"Hahahahahaha oh that is a perfect description. He's also as useful as one of those trashy trailer park people." Adamos breaks out into uncontrolled laughter. One of these days I'm going to have to ask him about these inside jokes of his.

"That's Mr. D—that's Dionysus—He's the camp director. The girl, that's Annabeth Chase, she's one of the campers that's been here the longest. And you already know Chiron."

"Mr. Brunner?" I cried out.

My Latin teacher turned, he was smiling at me. His eyes held a mischievous glint in them.

"Ah, good, Percy," he said, "Now we have four for pinochle." He said offering me a seat to the right of Mr. D, who looked at me with his blood shot eyes and just sighed.

"Oh, I suppose I must say it. Welcome to Camp Half-Blood. There, I said it. Don't expect me to be happy about it.

"Wouldn't expect you to." Adamos said taking control. "This is a god Percy let me handle talking to him." He told me in my mind. I was having trouble believing that the short chubby man next to me was a god.

"Annabeth?" Mr. Brunner said to the girl. She came forward and Mr. Brunner introduced us. "This young lady nursed you back to health, Percy. Annabeth, why don't you go check on Percy's bunk? We'll be putting him in cabin eleven for now."

Annabeth said, "Sure Chiron."

She was probably my age, maybe a couple of inches taller, and looked athletic. With her deep tan and curly blonde hair, she was almost exactly what I pictured a California girl to look like, except her ruined the image. They were a stormy grey, the kept looking me over like they were trying to find any weakness I had. She looked at the minotaur horn in my hand and back at me and I expected a compliment of some kind.

Instead she said, "You drool in your sleep."

"Yeah well you have horrible bed side manners." Adamos said while still in control, holding a neutral expression.

She glared back at Adamos with a faint red in her cheeks. "I helped you and that's what you have to say."

"Don't think I don't remember you trying to interrogate me about whatever the summer solstice is and then trying to choke me with a spoon." He replied coolly. I had totally forgot about that, but he must have been more awake while I was out of it.

"Annabeth." Mr. Brunner said with a warning tone.

"But Chiron he could—"

"Enough," He cuts her off. "I'm putting an end to this. Just… please go do as I ask." He says in a calm tone.

She looks at him for a moment before nodding and taking off down lawn, but not before throwing a glare our way.

"I'm sorry that that happened Percy, she has always been a curious child." He says turning back to me.

"It's alright, I got better in the end so it's fine." Adamos said.

Mr. D just belched loudly while shuffling his cards. "Girl snoops around against her own good, honestly she's a pest. It's a wonder I haven't turned her into a dolphin." He says to no one in particular.

"Although I must say Percy," Mr. Brunner—Chiron—broke in, "I'm glad to see you alive. It's been a long time since I've made a house call to a potential camper, I'd hate to think that I'd wasted my time."

"House call?" I ask Adamos.

"Perce, they've been calling Mr. Brunner, Chiron. You know Chiron the eternal trainer of heroes."

"Wasn't he half horse?"

"A centaur and remember what I said about the Mist."


At the same time Adamos was holding a conversation with Chiron as he was with Percy.

"Well I guess I'm glad that I wasn't a waste of time. However, any time after the whole Dodds attack would have been wasted by you wanting me to 'keep my ignorance'." Adamos says with no lack of sarcasm.

"So, you heard that conversation, did you?" He said already knowing the answer. Adamos only nods in response.

"I must admit that it wasn't my best decision, but I wasn't sure of you at first. I had contacted your mother to tell her we were keeping an eye on you since Grover thought that there was something special about you. I wanted to make sure you were ready for Camp Half-Blood. And since you managed to make it to camp alive and killed a monster you surpassed my expectations."

Adamos just gave huff of agreement but kept his face neutral.

"Grover are you playing or not?" Mr. D said impatiently.

"Y-Yes sir," Grover trembled as he sat down at the table.

"You do know how to play pinochle?" Mr. D asked suspiciously to me.

"I know the rules and such." Adamos responds with a shrug.

"What but I've never played this game before, much less heard of it."

"You might not but I do know how to play."

"So, are we playing for fun or are we betting?" Adamos said, not bothering to look up from his cards.

"Percy this game is just for fun. I don't know if I condone betting with minors." Chiron sent a scolding look Adamos's way.

"Adamos what are you doing? We don't have anything to bet anyways."

"Relax I was only kidding." He says to ease both Chiron and Percy.

After a few hands Chiron broke the silence between the players. "Percy about your mother—"

"She's alive."

"Percy, I know it's hard to acc—" Chiron says before being cut off once again.

"She is alive." Adamos repeats in a stern tone finally looking Chiron in the eyes with a determined look. "She was taken in a flash of light. Now I don't know about you, but I don't remember any myth that says that the mino—ehm, the monster," he says catching himself, "having any magical capabilities, unless the monsters can just crush a person into pure light than She. Is. Alive." Adamos's tone leaving no room for argument.

"He has you there my dear centaur." Both figures turn to Mr. D as he finally speaks. Neither expecting the chubby little man to jump in their conversation. "Oh, a royal marriage. Trick! Trick!" he cackles as his attention fully returns to the game at hand. Meanwhile Grover was busy snacking on the empty tin can that Mr. D had on the table.

"All right then Percy, before your mother was 'taken' what did she tell you about this camp?" Chiron questioned, changing the topic.

"She told me enough. That this was a safe haven, that I was different, and from personal experience that I guess the Greek myths that we learned are real?"

"Yes, yes they are all very much real. Though I must say you are taking this very well. Many other campers that we explain this to usually deny it in the beginning."

"Well when you fight a seven-foot-tall bull monster to the death and find out your 'friend'," No one else heard it but Percy who was sharing a body with Adamos could hear, or rather feel, the contempt that he used when referring to Grover. "Is a satyr from myth. Then your horizons tend to broaden."

Chiron just kept staring at Adamos as if he was trying to find any doubts or falsities to his claims, before finally giving a nod to show he agreed with his answer. "If you are sure that you know this much than I guess we won't need to show you our orientation film."

"They have an orientation film for this? Should we watch it anyways it may help." I ask. I was actually hoping that this film would explain a few questions that I still had.

"No, we don't need it. I'm still going to teach you all that you need to know."

"Well lucky us. I guess that saves us the trouble of teaching the brat." Mr. D says. He then waves his hand, causing a goblet to appear. I wasn't in control of my body but if I was then my jaw would have probably dropped at what just happened. Other than Adamos this is the only other time I had seen a god show off.

"Did he just…with the goblet."

"Yes Percy, I told you he was Dionysus, didn't I?"

"Yeah but come look at him, he doesn't even look godly." I had to point out.

"I know, he's kind of useless and doesn't really do much, but he's powerful in his own ways." He thinks with a small chuckle.

"Mr. D," Chiron warned, "Your restrictions."

"Restrictions?" Adamos and I say at the same time. Both clearly confused.

Mr. D just looked at the goblet of wine and feigned innocence (Badly I might add), "Dear me," he said to the sky, "Old habits! Sorry!"

The only response was thunder off in the distance.

Mr. D just waved his hand again and in the place of the goblet was a fresh can of diet coke. He just sighed unhappily as he began to drink the beverage before going back to his cards.

Chiron just winked and chuckled at me and Adamos. "Mr. D offended his father a while back, took a fancy to a wood nymph a while back that was declared off limits."

"I bet ole' sparkle fingers was planning on sleeping with that nymph himself." Adamos chuckles internally.

"He'd really punish his son for something like that?"

"Well I wouldn't put it past him, but I bet he probably hid that fact from the other gods."

"Yes," Mr. D confessed. "Father loves to punish me. The first time he started the prohibition." Mr. D shuttered at the word. "Those were the worst ten years ever! The second time—well she was really pretty, and I couldn't stay away—the second time, he sent me here to this camp for you brats. 'Be a better influence' he said. 'Work with youths' he said. Ha. Torture is more like it."

Mr. D was sounding less and less like a god to me and more like a child every moment that passed.

"Don't you have a wife?" Adamos said clearly meaning it as a blow to the wine god.

Mr. D then turned to Adamos and had a stare down with my resident god. Neither was dropping their gazes as they were having a silent battle of wills. I was looking through my own eyes could see the power in the camp directors' purple eyes. I saw scenes of madness, soldiers in a drunken and crazed bloodlust, nonbelievers being strangled with vines, and people being turned into animals. I felt like groveling, as if this was just a fraction of his power, and if he really wanted to he could do things to me that would land me in a mental hospital talking about pudding and pinwheels. I had to figuratively shut my eyes so I wouldn't have to look. A few moments pass of nothing happening, Chiron had a look on his face, while Grover looked ready to pass out at any moment.

"Humph I guess this one actually has some back bone. Might make things interesting finally." He said, his voice laced with a bit of amusement before turning serious. "But make no mistake brat, give me a good enough reason and I'll turn you into a dolphin."

Adamos just gave him a small smile. "Of course, sir." He says, before showing the winning hand, he has beating everyone else at the table over the course of the game.

"Shit" Mr. D says with a scowl, throwing down his cards.

"Mr. D language please." Chiron chastises him.

"Fine, fine." He said but it didn't look like he cared at all. "Congrats Peter." He began to rise with a sour look on his face. Grover was getting up along with him. "I'm tired, I'm going to take a nap before I have to be at the camp fire tonight." He turns to Grover. "But first, Grover, we need to talk about, again, about your less than satisfactory performance on this assignment."

Grover visibly flinched at the words. "Y—yes sir."

Then he turned to us. "And you. Cabin eleven Percy Jackson. And don't go causing problems for me." He says through slightly narrowed eyes. He walked into the farm house with Grover right on his heels.

"Grover will be fine right? Nothings going to happen to him?" I ask, worrying about my friend.

"So what's up with that?" Adamos ignores me and asks Chiron for me, but from what I know of him I doubt he actually cared about Grover.

Chiron just had a slightly troubled look on his face before he schools his features. "Mr. D isn't really mad. He just hates his job. He isn't allowed back on Olympus and has to live in this camp for, I guess eighty-seven more years if I remember correctly. As for Grover he's only going to give him a report on his job."

"Must have been some nymph to warrant this kind of punishment. But it could have been worse. He should be grateful." Adamos mutters that last bit to himself, but apparently Chiron heard and made a face but didn't say anything about it. I didn't really care as I was just glad Grover wasn't in any real danger. I still thought of him as my friend.

"So, Percy. Do you have any questions that you want to ask?" Chiron asks, his eyes looking like he was expecting me to start exploding with questions. Before rolling off the porch and onto the lawn.

"Ask him if we can leave to find my mom." I ask wanting to start looking right away.

"Nope." Adamos says, responding to both our conversations following him onto the lawn.

"Hmm well if you do have any don't hesitate to ask, but for now we should get you a bunk in cabin eleven. You'll make new friends and there will be plenty of time tomorrow for lessons. Besides, there will be smores tonight and I absolutely adore chocolate." As he finished, he began to rise from his wheel chair. If Adamos wasn't in control I once again would have probably had a 'WTF just happened' look on my face. As he rose the blanket that he had over his legs fell off to reveal fake legs. As he kept rising his real 'legs' touched the grass. They were a pure white and looked like velvet fur over strong muscle and sinew. More had come out revealing the full body of a horse beneath his waist. "What a relief, if I had stayed in their much longer, I'm afraid my joints would have locked into place. Come now Percy it's time we showed you around camp" He says then starts walking towards the camp below. Adamos matching pace next to him.