
Lost Devoured and Gained

winter_ace · Fantasie
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5 Chs


After a couple of minutes the wolfs of the pack at the bottom of the rock began to kneel.

Later in the day while playing in mothers cave to build-up some strength a big silver wolf came in

with a pup of her own at least i hope.

she called mother for some thing and began walking out with her but i think she forgot some thing because the wolf pup that seemed almost twice my size was still hear and was staring at me

with wat seemed to be curiosity after staring for a while the wolf pup came towards me with a sprint

and tackled me to the ground , it seems someone

also wants to play

After a week of playing with wat i found to be a female wolf pup, drinking mothers milk and running all over the place i have grown like realy grown because im almost the size of the female wolf pup and with the newly acquired strength she doesn't put me on my back nearly as often.

Today i heard mothers call and went back to the cave ss quickly as i could because it sounded urgent

when i got to our cave i saw the silver wolf again

and what had me concerned was that mother looked very serious. I still couldn't understand the wolfish

language but i could sumwhat understand the intentions of the growls and grunts that madeup the language and while mother looked at me and then the silver wolf it seened that she wanted me to stay with

the silver wolf because she was going to be gone for a while so she would have me stay with the strongest wolf left after mother.

As i watched mother leave with some of the strongest wolfs in the pack.

i had a forboding feeling brewing in my chest.