
Chapter 1 Origins

Jaden was surrounded by his family and his two best friends, one of which knew everything by accident.

"Vampires, for years I believed they didn't exist, that they were just a myth, a bed Time story, until one night I was shocked and terrified to find out I was one, that night everything changed and my life became more complicated than it was, but before we get to that night we should start at the beginning"


"My mother, the real one, was a human, but she among others knew that the vampires existed because they were donating there blood for the vampires whenever they were hungry, this would happen once in three months and during this my mother fell in love with a vampire, Halo, my father.

At first it was a crush that she thought she had on him because he was truly a flawless creature and also she was his regular blood supply and sucking blood brings a special attachment and so she ignored her feelings until the night came when she finally admitted it to herself she was in love with him but they would never be together because vampires and humans weren't allowed to fall in love she thought about a way that she could be with the man she loved until she figured it out.

On the next drinking day she made him bite the wrong side of her neck turning her into a vampire. She was happy and so was he because he had fallen in love with her but was afraid of the consequences but now they could be together and being young and impulsive there love led to my birth

Meanwhile fate had another thing coming, at that period was when the Gune, an ancient clan of warlocks challenged the vampire clan also known as the Bloodline to war, they were led by Rashier, vampire turned Gune through the arcane arts that the Gune practiced. Halo being a powerful vampire joined the fighters leaving my mother alone with me on the way.

He never came back and it broke my mother's heart and she died giving birth to me"

Jaden paused for a second, he didn't understand why this hurt when he wasn't even around when all this was happening but he admitted it was a sad story.

"How do you know all this" said Marco, Jaden's best friend.

"I was told"

"By who"

"Be patient I'm getting there"

"So as I was saying"

"The day I was to be born my mother was in great pain, the only one that knew she was pregnant was Eldest, she has no name but she's the eldest vampire hence the name Eldest, anyway she was the only one that knew and so was the only one with my mother during her delivery.


"Just hold on my daughter, give birth to your child"

"Eldest I can't ho.... ho, ahh"

"Shh my daughter, focus on the baby don't say those words"

My mother looked at Eldest, the pain was unbearable, and Eldest knew she wouldn't make it.

After hours of pain, I was born, a tear fell from my mother's eyes as she looked at me before finally breathing her last, I was the cause of her death of her pain and her suffering.

After I was born a man named Davien burst into the delivery room, he had a long white beard and deep black eyes, he came with an instruction, to give me away to a human in London named Juanita Black"

At this point Jaden looked at his mother,

"So that girl was a...."

Goosebumps were all over Juanita and the memory of that night came to her mind.

"That was a year after Davien gave Eldest the instructions to keep me safe, I was still too young to know or understand anything, that night Eldest disguised herself as a young girl and delivered me to the both of you, they also changed my appearance to make me look more human, I was too young to remember your face back then but I could hear your voice and I can still remember how you face me my name, right there on the porch...

"What'll be his name" said Jefferson

You looked at me and smiled and I smiled back.

"Jaden" you said because of my light green eyes.

It was a magical moment, yet something terrible was happening on the other side of the world