
Lost But Where Am I?

Cain once ruled the world but then was killed by his left hand man. He’s lived his life and is content with the end of his story, but it seems it’s not quite over yet. Follow Cain in his adventures in doing who knows what!

OppressedBeans · Fantasie
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5 Chs


The wind blew in a crazy manner as though a hurricane were to come, but then it suddenly stopped.  When the wind stopped there was surprisingly a man passed out on top of a tree, the man woke up and asked "Why am I not dead?" My head was throbbing almost like someone was squeezing it, it really hurts. I passed out from the pain, when I woke up I was in the same spot it seems I only passed out for a few seconds since the sun was still in the same place, I got up and dusted myself off.

'Now where am I?' I thought to myself. I tried to remember what had happened to lead me to here.My name is Cain, I am a gangster. Yes that's right, but why am I here? Ah I was betrayed by my very own right hand man honestly though I'm not all that mad, I'm quite old so it's understandable.

I should've lost my position years ago, I'm 56 so my old bones wouldn't have been able to keep up with the young-ins anyway. I pretty much ruled the world, actually I did. I ruled all the country's from Asia to the United States of America, it was hard work I had to start from the bottom and work my way up. But it was worth it, I saved the world I found a different way to generate a lot of electricity, I also found a way to help with the food shortages.

Though I got my position through beating people up on my way to the top, I'd threaten them. Though I never hurt innocent people, most of the people running their country's had some dirt on them so it made things a lot easier.

All the hungry countries were fed and the resources that were running low for electricity were replaced by something more natural, the countries who were using those resources as their main income well I gave them something else they could get money from to keep them afloat. I looked around I seemed to be in a very tall tree, I checked my body for injuries I seemed to be fine, but there was one very concerning thing. Some of my scars that I had seemed to have disappeared, my wounds I got from being shot seemed to have disappeared as well and I seemed to be wearing older clothes. Well I guess I shouldn't dwell on it, and start to look at my surroundings.

The area around me had had trees like Giant sequoia*, and they spread out quite far. I could see a lot from the top of this tree I was on, they reached miles and miles from what I could see. My stomach growled "I need food." I mumbled and started to make my way down the tree.

It wasn't too scary but I still made my heart race with adrenaline, 'It would hurt a lot if I fall' I thought. Luckily I made it down the tree without falling, I needed to eat something so I searched my pockets nothing but a few matches and alcohol canteen I had since I was young. I sighed, this is gonna be a long day. I walked for at least 4 hours, my stomach was starting to hurt I needed to find something to eat and soon. I sat down and looked back at the way I came, I marked trees as I was walking so I was sure I wasn't walking in circles.

I leaned against the tree and then felt something crawling on my hand, It was a bug I picked up the bug and inspected it. It was a maggot and it looked quite plump, my mouth started to water. I set up a fire I picked up wood and started putting it into a pile, and started to put stones around it as to make sure not to start a forest fire.

I lit it with my match, it only took a few seconds for it to start. I started to dig under a tree I dug and dug, until I found some bugs crawling around and grabbed them and stabbed them with a stick. I put them over the fire, and ate them in silence as the wood crackled and popped. The heat from the fire started to lick at my skin making me feel quite hot so I took off my shirt. I was quite a broad man and I was taller than most people, I always kept my body in shape so as to keep my position.

My abs were refined as well as my legs and arms, I was honestly proud of myself to be able to have abs even at the age of 56. I felt a lot cooler than I did earlier so I soon fell asleep with a full belly. I woke up hours earlier the sun was still in the sky and hadn't budged, 'How peculiar' I got up dusted myself off and stomped out the fire. I got dressed and quickly began my walk marking trees along the way, I hummed a tune an older tune called - Jackson 5 ~ Who's loving you?- it was quite a good song. I needed to find a body of water soon, I walked for 6 hours finding nothing. I sighed things really weren't looking up for me, then I heard the sound of trickling.

I ran till I saw a medium sized waterfall, and jumped with joy. Finally. I started to get undressed and hopped in the water, I shivered the water was quite cold. I started rinsing my body though I didn't have soap it was good enough to be able to at least rinse my sweat off. I looked down into the water and almost jumped out of my skin I seemed to have gotten younger, and I don't mean by a little. My wrinkles from old age seemed to have gone away my once gray hairs have now turned back to black.

I had a scar on my right cheek it only reached to my jaw though and was fading with time was now quite fresh. My tanned skin seemed healthier and wasn't worn out with overwork, and the bags under my black eyes had disappeared. I look young and healthy.

I was definitely back in my 20s, seeing how fresh my scar was I was definitely 20. My intricate tattoo I got when I was younger was no longer faded with time. I got out of the water and went to the rocks on the other side of the waterfall to sit and dry off. I laid down and covered my face with my hands, 'this is crazy', that was my only thought.

I was completely dryer off so I walked back to the other side of the waterfall where my clothes laid and put them back on. I searched my pockets once again for anything that could store my water and found my canteen of alcohol, I sighed I guess I gotta dump it out.

I dumped out the alcohol, rinsed my canteen then filled it with water. And once again started my walk in this vast wilderness.