
Lost , But found love

Relationship requires openess,that brings vulnerability.If you open up ,you risk getting hurt.If you dont ,you may never know the relationship you deserve . Lolu chibuike has always been an introvert. and someone who likes privacy .he finds it difficult to make friends with people,but the whole stroy changes when he enrolled Into Calgary university. I could see her staring at me ,i move closer to her and grabed her closer to my chest.i blushed and whispered into her ear I think i wanna start over i'm giving love a second chance .

Official_Dara · Fantasie
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14 Chs

Chapter Twelve

The sun was just rising over the horizon as Lolu and Jayson made their way to the basketball court. It was a beautiful morning, with a light breeze blowing and the birds singing in the trees. They greeted the security guard at the entrance to the court and headed to the far end, where they set up their equipment. Lolu grabbed a basketball and began to dribble, while Jayson did some stretches and warmed up his muscles. They were both ready to play and have some fun.As they began to play, a few more people arrived at the court, and soon they had enough for a full game. Lolu and Jayson were on the same team, and they quickly got into the flow of the game. Lolu's shots were on point, and Jayson was a force to be reckoned with on defense. They worked well together, communicating with each other and making quick decisions. As the game went on, they could feel their hearts racing and their adrenaline pumping.As the game reached its final minutes, Lolu and Jayson's team was down by two points. They had the ball, and it was time to make a play. Lolu took the ball down the court, weaving through the defenders and passing to Jayson, who was wide open under the basket. Jayson took the shot... and it went in! The crowd went wild, and the game was tied! There was only one minute left on the clock. It was time for one more play to seal the victory.The ball was inbounded to Lolu, who dribbled it across half-court. He passed to Jayson, who drove to the basket and drew a foul. Jayson went to the free-throw line with the chance to take the lead. He took a deep breath and focused on the basket. The ball left his hands and swished through the net. Jayson made the free throw, and his team was now in the lead! They just had to keep the other team from scoring to win the game.With seconds left on the clock, the other team had the ball and was frantically trying to make a play. But Lolu and Jayson's team was determined to hold on to their lead. The other team took a last-ditch shot, but it bounced off the rim, and the buzzer sounded. Lolu and Jayson's team had won! They high-fived each other and the rest of their teammates, relishing in the sweet taste of victory.Exhausted from the game, Lolu and Jayson made their way to the water cooler, where they each grabbed a cold bottle of water. They sat down on a nearby bench, taking deep gulps of the refreshing liquid. The sun was high in the sky now, and the sweat was dripping down their faces. But the feeling of triumph more than made up for the physical exhaustion. They sat there for a few minutes, basking in the afterglow of their victory.As they were about to go back to their hostel Sylvia walked towards them. "Hey, can I steal Lolu away for a bit?" Slyvia asked Jayson, with a sheepish grin. "I need to talk to him about something." Jayson nodded. "Of course!" he said. "I'll see you guys later." Lolu and Slyvia walked away from the court, hand in hand. They found a secluded spot, and Slyvia turned to Lolu with a serious look on her face. "Lolu can we hang out later?", She said."if you want us to , not really busy so I would love to". "Thank you", she said.They finished talking and lolu went back to his friend Jayson they left to their hostel. "How'd it go with Syl?" Jayson asked as they walked back to their hostel. Lolu paused for a moment, and then said, "Well, she told me she wants us to hangout later." Jayson's eyebrows shot up. "Ooh, now you've got me curious," he said. "I would love to join", Jayson said wondering what slyvia us up to this time around. "Sure bro", said lolu. 


While Lolu took a shower, Jayson headed over to the common room and called Hermione on his cell phone. "Hey babe," he said as soon as she picked up. "What's up?" Hermione's voice sounded cheerful on the other end of the line. "Just hanging out at the hostel," Jayson said. "How's your day going?" Hermione laughed. "It's been crazy busy," she said.As Jayson continued chatting with Hermione, Lolu emerged from the shower, feeling refreshed. He dried off and got dressed, and then went to find Jayson in the common room. "Hey man, I'm ready to head out if you are," he said. Jayson looked up from his phone. "Awesome!" he said. "Where should we go?" Lolu thought for a moment. "Let's go get some pizza," he suggested. "I could totally go for a slice right about now!" Jayson agreed. "That sounds amazing," he said. As they headed out the door, Lolu's stomach rumbled with anticipation. "Man, I'm hungry!" he said. Jayson laughed. "You always get so excited about food," he teased. "Hey, don't judge me!" Lolu said. "Some people live to eat, and I am one of them!" Jayson just shook his head, still grinning. "C'mon, let's go get that pizza!" he said, and the two of them headed off.

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It was a warm morning, and Thoneey Clifford was just settling down at home when he heard a car horn blaring at the front gate. He peered out the window and was surprised to see his childhood friend, Ariana, standing in the driveway. Thoneey hadn't seen Ariana in years - since she left to canada. As he opened the gate, Thoneey felt a rush of emotions. He was excited to see his old friend, but also nervous about what she might have to say. Thoneey stood there, dumbfounded, as Ariana ran towards him and threw her arms around him. He could feel her shaking as she hugged him tight, and he slowly raised his arms to return the embrace. He could smell her familiar perfume, and he felt a flood of memories rush back. He couldn't believe she was here, after all this time. He pulled back and looked at her, still speechless. "Thoneey," she said, her voice cracking. "It's so good to see you." "I miss you so much Ariana", said thoneey. "I miss you more booboo". Thoneey took a deep breath, still a bit overwhelmed by the sight of his old friend. He tried to compose himself, and gestured towards the front door. "Let's go inside," he said. "Can I get you a drink or anything?" As they walked towards the house, Thoneey couldn't help but wonder what had brought Ariana to his doorstep after all these years. He led her to the living room and gestured for her to sit down. "So, what brings you here?" he asked, finally finding his voice."Well I will be staying with you guys now, my dad says so". Thoneey's eyes widened in shock. "What?" he said, his voice raised in surprise. "Your dad said what?" He tried to process the news. Ariana's parents had always been very protective, and he couldn't imagine them just sending their daughter to stay with him without any warning. "What happened?" he asked, his mind racing. Ariana took a deep breath. "It's really nothing , our parents just want us to get along together". "So what about your school?"He asked. "I will enroll into your school", said ariana. As Thoneey and Ariana were talking in the living room, the sound of footsteps on the stairs interrupted them. Thoneey's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clifford walked into the room. "Finally my darling is here!" Mrs Clifford said, a big smile on her face. "You're welcome to our home, Ariana!" Mr Clifford added, giving Ariana a warm hug. Thoneey watched the scene unfold, still in a bit of a daze. Mrs. Clifford turned to Thoneey, a serious expression on her face. "We've decided to let Ariana stay with us for the time being," she said. "I hope you guys really get along together again." Thoneey was still in a bit of a daze, but he nodded in understanding. "I'm glad to see her," he said. "We've arranged for Ariana to attend the same secondary school as you, Thoneey," Mrs. Clifford said. "We think it will be good for her to have a familiar face around, and we know you'll be their for her." Thoneey nodded again, the reality of the situation starting to sink in. "When will she start?" he asked. "She'll be starting tomorrow," Mrs. Clifford replied. Just then, Thoneey heard a knock on the door. Mrs. Clifford got up to answer it. She opened the door to reveal Musa thier driver , standing there with a small suitcase and a backpack. "Thank you"said mrs Clifford."Thank so much for letting me stay here," Ariana said, looking at Mrs. Clifford. Mrs Clifford smiled warmly. "Of course, sweetheart," she said. Ariana looked around the house, taking in her new surroundings. "You have a lovely home," she said, turning back to Thoneey's parents. "We're so happy to have you here," Mrs. Clifford replied. "Let me show you to your room." Ariana followed Mrs. Clifford up the stairs, leaving Thoneey alone in the living room. He sat there, his mind racing with thoughts about his new houseguest.

As the minutes passed, Thoneey started to wonder what he should do next. Should he go upstairs and say hello to Ariana? Should he give her some space to settle in? Just then, he heard footsteps coming down the stairs. Ariana appeared in the doorway, a shy smile on her face. "Hi," she said, looking at Thoneey. "Hello," he replied, a little unsure of what to say. They stood there for a moment, neither of them knowing quite how to break the silence. Thoneey and Ariana walked into her new room, and he noticed how she'd already started to make it her own. Her suitcase was open on the bed, and she was in the process of unpacking her things. As he looked around, he saw a few photographs sitting on the dresser. They were photos of Ariana with her family. "These are really nice pictures," he said, nodding at the photos. Ariana smiled, a grateful expression on her face. "Thank you," she said. Thoneey and Ariana got up from the sofa and headed towards the front door. "Let's take a walk around the block," Thoneey suggested. "It's a nice evening, and it'll be good to stretch our legs." Ariana agreed, and they stepped outside into the warm summer air. They walked along the sidewalk, enjoying the fresh air and the sounds of the evening.

While they were talking Ariana asked thoneey if he has a girlfriend and thoneey said yes and started telling her about monife. "Her name is Monife," Thoneey said, his face lighting up as he spoke about her. "She's smart, funny, and just a really great person. We've been dating for a few months now, and I really like her a lot." Ariana could see how happy Thoneey was as he spoke about his girlfriend. "That's so sweet!" she said. "It sounds like you guys have a really great connection." Thoneey nodded, a smile on his face. "Yeah, I really feel lucky to have found her," he said.As they walked along, the sun started to set, painting the sky in brilliant shades of pink and orange. Ariana looked up at the sky and let out a sigh. "The sunset is so beautiful," she said. "It's amazing how the sky can look so different at different times of day." Thoneey looked up too, admiring the colors. "You're right," he said. "It's like a work of art." The two of them continued to walk, taking in the beauty of the sunset. "So what your school like I can't wait to enroll into it",ariana asked. "I go to a really great school," Thoneey said, clearly proud of his alma mater. "It's a really diverse and inclusive environment, with a focus on academic excellence and social responsibility. The teachers are really passionate about what they do, and they really care about their students. It's a really special place." Ariana was impressed. "It sounds like you're really happy with your school," she said. As they continued walking, Thoneey and Ariana saw a park up ahead. "Let's go sit on a bench and just enjoy the evening for a while," Thoneey suggested. They walked over to the park and found a bench in a shady spot under a big tree. "This is really peaceful," Ariana said, taking a deep breath. "I love the sound of the birds and the rustling of the leaves." Thoneey nodded in agreement. "It's like the world slows down a little bit, and we can just relax and enjoy the moment," he said. The sun was now low in the sky, and a gentle breeze blew through the park, ruffling the leaves on the trees. Thoneey and Ariana got up from the bench and started to walk back home, talking and laughing the whole way. As they rounded the corner onto Thoneey's street, they could see the lights from his house glowing in the distance. "What a wonderful evening this has been," Ariana said. "I really enjoyed your company ,it been long we've talked." Thoneey smiled. "Me too," he said. 


As Monife walked up to Desola's front door, she could hear music playing inside the house. She knocked on the door, and Desola's face lit up when she saw her friend standing on the doorstep. "Monife!" she exclaimed, pulling her into a big hug. "Come on in! I'm so glad you're here!" Monife smiled, and stepped into the house. The smell of freshly baked cookies wafted through the air, and Monife's stomach rumbled. "Is that the smell of cookies I detect?" she asked. Desola laughed. "Why yes, it is!. As the smell of cookies filled the air, Monife followed Desola into the kitchen. There on the counter sat a plate of freshly baked chocolate chip cookies, still warm from the oven. "These look amazing!" Monife said, taking in the sight and smell of the cookies. "Would you like one?" Desola asked, offering her the plate. "Oh, I'd love one!" Monife replied, taking a cookie and taking a bite. "Mmm, these are delicious!" she exclaimed. Desola smiled. "I'm glad you like them! I was just in the mood to bake, and I figured you might like to have some, since you're my guest." Monife took another bite of the cookie, savoring the taste. "Well, I'm certainly not complaining!" she said with a grin. "You know, you're quite the baker!" Desola blushed. "Aww, you're too kind! I just like to have fun in the kitchen, that's all." The two friends stood in the kitchen, munching on cookies and chatting about everything and anything. As the conversation continued, Desola pulled out a pot of tea from the cupboard and started brewing a fresh pot. "Would you like some tea to go with your cookie?" she asked Monife. "Ooh, yes please!" Monife replied. As the tea steeped, the two friends continued to chat about their lives and their plans for the future. It was a cozy, comfortable moment, and the smell of cookies and tea filled the kitchen. With their tea ready, Monife and Desola took their mugs and headed to the living room. They sat down on the couch, sipping their tea and munching on cookies. The room was filled with warm, golden light from the lamps, and a soft blanket lay across the back of the couch. It was the perfect setting for a cozy chat. "I've been meaning to ask you," Desola said, taking a sip of her tea. "Let's do it!" Monife exclaimed. "We can make a whole day of it! We can go to the exhibit, grab some lunch, and then go for a walk in the park." Desola smiled. "That sounds like a fantastic plan! And maybe we can stop by the local bookstore too, and browse the shelves for some new books." Monife loved the sound of that. "That would be so much fun! What a perfect day out." Just then, the doorbell rang. Desola set down her mug and got up to answer it. Desola opened the door, and standing on the doorstep was a tall, lanky man in a brown coat and a wool cap. He held a bouquet of flowers in his hand. "Hello, can I help you?" Desola asked the man. The man smiled, and handed her the flowers. "I have a delivery for a Desola Mason," he said. Desola's eyes widened. "That's me!" she exclaimed. The man handed her the bouquet. "There's a note with it," he said, and then turned and left. Desola excitedly brought the bouquet into the living room, where Monife was waiting with a curious look on her face. "Who were those flowers from?" Monife asked. Desola carefully unwrapped the bouquet, revealing a beautiful arrangement of pink roses. Nestled in the flowers was a small envelope. "There's a note," Desola said, opening the envelope and pulling out a card. The card read: "To my dearest Desola, these flowers are a token of my love for you. From your secret admirer." Monife's eyes widened. "Oh my gosh, Desola!. Do you have any idea who your secret admirer might be? Maybe it's someone you know, or maybe it's someone you've never met before. Whoever it is, they obviously think very highly of you! Are you excited to find out who it is?" Monife's question hung in the air, and Desola stood there, a thoughtful expression on her face. "I... I think I might have an idea," she said. "Really? Who is it?" Monife asked. Desola took a deep breath, and looked at Monife. "I don't think I know she said.Monife's eyes lit up. "You know, I think it might be Kingsley from our literature class," she said. Desola looked surprised. "Kingsley? The quiet guy who always sits in the back of the class?" Monife nodded. "Yeah, that's the one. I think he's always been really into you, Desola. I've seen the way he looks at you in class." Desola considered this, trying to remember any times that Kingsley might have been looking at her. "You might be right," she said."I have a crush on him too", said desola."hmmmmmm daisy girl", monife smiled."stop teasing me", desola said.

Desola and Monife decided to put their theory to the test. The next day, in literature class, they both sat near the back, where Kingsley usually sat. Sure enough, Kingsley walked in and sat in his usual spot, not too far away from them. Desola and Monife shared a conspiratorial smile. Throughout the class, they observed Kingsley's behavior. He seemed to fidget and look nervous whenever the professor called on Desola, and he seemed to glance at her often. At the end of class, as students began to gather their things and head out, Monife nudged Desola and nodded toward Kingsley. "I think it's time to find out," she whispered. Desola nodded and took a deep breath, walking over to where Kingsley was gathering his books. "Hey, Kingsley," she said. "I was wondering if you could help me with something? I'm a bit confused about today's reading, and I was hoping you could explain it to me." Kingsley looked up, his eyes wide. "Uh, sure," he said, his voice a bit shaky.Desola smiled and motioned toward the door. "Why don't we step out into the hallway, so we don't disturb anyone else?" she suggested. Kingsley nodded, clearly nervous but also clearly excited. They stepped out of the classroom and into the hallway. "So, what's confusing you about the reading?" Kingsley asked. Desola took a deep breath, and then looked at him. "Nothing, actually. I just wanted to get you alone so I could tell you something." Kingsley's eyebrows shot up in surprise. "What's that?" he asked.Desola took another deep breath and looked Kingsley in the eye. "I think you're really sweet, and I've noticed the way you look at me. I just wanted to let you know that I feel the same way." Kingsley's eyes went wide, and he seemed at a loss for words. Finally, he stammered, "You... you do?" Desola nodded, her cheeks turning pink. "Yes, I do. I think you're a really great guy, and I'd like to get to know you better." Kingsley couldn't believe what he was hearing. "You mean…....like on a date?" he asked, his voice barely above a whisper. Desola smiled and nodded. "Yes, exactly like that. I'd love to go out with you." Kingsley's face lit up, and he grinned. "Really? Wow... that's amazing. I can't believe this is happening." Desola laughed. "Believe it, because it is. So, what do you say? Are you interested?" Kingsley didn't even have to think about it. "Absolutely! I'd love to go out with you. When?" Desola thought for a moment. "How about this Friday?. We could meet up for dinner and maybe a movie afterward. Does that sound good?" Kingsley's face was still beaming. "That sounds perfect! I'll pick you up at 7, if that's okay." Desola smiled. "It's more than okay. I'm really looking forward to it." They stood there for a moment, smiling at each other. Finally, Kingsley spoke again. "Well... I should probably head to the library. But I'll see you on Friday, right?" Desola nodded. "Absolutely. I'll see you then!" With that, they headed their separate ways.


Friday couldn't come fast enough for either of them. Kingsley spent the whole week thinking about their date, wondering what to wear and where they should go. He'd never been on a date before, and he wanted to make sure everything was perfect. Desola, on the other hand, was just as excited but much calmer. She knew that no matter what they did, just being with Kingsley would be wonderful. As the week went by, the anticipation built for both of them. Finally, Friday arrived.Kingsley arrived at Desola's house right on time, dressed in his nicest clothes and carrying a single red rose. Desola opened the door, and he could see that she'd dressed up too. She was wearing a pretty black dress and had her hair done up in a neat bun. "You look amazing," he said, and she blushed. "Thank you, you look pretty great yourself," she replied. He handed her the rose. "I brought you this. I hope you like it." Desola took the rose and smiled. "I love it!.It's so sweet of you to bring me a flower. Shall we get going?" Kingsley nodded, and they headed to the car. They decided to go to a nice restaurant, where they enjoyed a delicious meal and talked about everything and nothing. The conversation flowed easily, and they found themselves laughing and smiling the whole time. After dinner, they decided to go for a walk in the park. The night was cool and clear, and the stars were shining brightly above them.They strolled along the path, enjoying the peaceful atmosphere and each other's company. They reached a secluded area of the park, where they could see the city lights twinkling in the distance. They stopped and stood there for a moment, taking in the view. Suddenly, Kingsley turned to Desola and said, "You know, I've really enjoyed tonight. You're such an amazing person, and I feel so lucky to be here with you." Desola smiled and looked into his eyes. "Thank you," she said. "I feel the same way.This evening has been so perfect, and it's all because of you. Can I be honest with you?" Kingsley nodded, his heart pounding in his chest. Desola took a deep breath. "I think I might be falling for you." Kingsley's eyes widened, and he felt a rush of emotion. "I... I feel the same way," he said, his voice shaking slightly. "I think I might be falling for you too." The two of them stood there, their eyes locked, not knowing what to say next. Finally, Desola leaned in and kissed him.That kiss felt like it lasted forever. When they finally pulled apart, they were both breathless and grinning from ear to ear. "Wow," Kingsley said. "That was... amazing." Desola laughed and nodded. "I know. I've never felt this way before." They stood there for a moment, savoring the moment, and then Kingsley spoke again. "Would you like to do this again sometime?" Desola's smile widened. "Absolutely. In fact, I was hoping you might ask me out again soon." Kingsley grinned. "I definitely will.How about a second date this weekend? We could go see a movie, or go for a walk in the park again. Or maybe there's something else you'd like to do?" Desola thought for a moment. "I think a movie sounds nice. But let's go to the matinee, so we can have the rest of the day to spend together." Kingsley liked the sound of that. "That's a great idea! We could have lunch after the movie, and then maybe find a place to get ice cream." Desola's eyes lit up. "I love ice cream!.It sounds like we're planning a pretty perfect second date! But there's just one more thing that would make it even better - do you mind if we keep it a secret for now? I'm not ready to tell people about us yet." Kingsley nodded. "Of course! I completely understand. We can take things at whatever pace you're comfortable with." Desola smiled and squeezed his hand. "Thank you for being so understanding. I really appreciate it." They stood there, holding hands and enjoying the moment. It felt like they could stand there forever.But eventually, the moment had to end. "I should probably head home," Desola said, reluctantly letting go of Kingsley's hand. "But I'll text you later, okay?" Kingsley nodded. "I'll look forward to it. I'll text you too, just to let you know I got home safe." Desola smiled. "You're such a gentleman. I'll see you soon." With that, they said their goodbyes, and Desola headed home with a smile on her face. As she walked, she couldn't help but feel like she was walking on air.When she got home, she couldn't stop thinking about Kingsley. He was so sweet, and so thoughtful. He really seemed to understand her. She couldn't wait to see him again. As she drifted off to sleep that night, she couldn't help but smile. She had a feeling that this was just the beginning of something special. 


Light shows monife in her room thinking about her boyfriend thoneey and why he didn't came to school she decided to put a call to him .Monife dialed Thoneey's number, her heart racing as the phone rang. After a few moments, Thoneey answered, his voice sounding sleepy. "Hey, Monife," he said, sounding a bit confused. "What's up?" Monife's heart was pounding in her chest. "Hey, Thoneey," she said, trying to keep her voice steady. "I was just wondering if everything was okay. You didn't come to school today, and I was worried." Thoneey's tone shifted, sounding concerned. "Oh no, everything's fine. I'm just feeling a bit under the weather. I didn't want to risk getting other people sick, so I stayed home. I'm really sorry if I worried you. I didn't mean to." Monife breathed a sigh of relief. "Oh, thank goodness! I was so worried something had happened to you. I'm glad you're okay. Are you feeling any better?" Thoneey sighed. "A bit. I just need some rest, I think. I'm sorry again for worrying you. I should have let you know I was staying home." Monife smiled. "Don't worry about it. I'm just glad you're doing okay. Is there anything I can do to help? Do you need anything, like some soup or some medicine?" Thoneey laughed softly. "You're so sweet, Monife. But I think I just need some rest. Thank you though." Monife couldn't help but feel a little disappointed that she couldn't do anything to help him. But she understood. "Alright then. But please, let me know if there's anything I can do. And get lots of rest! I hope you feel better soon." Thoneey's voice sounded a little brighter. "I will. And thank you again for caring so much. It means a lot to me." Monife felt her cheeks flush. "Of course. I just want you to feel better. And hey, don't worry about any schoolwork you missed. We can work on catching you up when you're feeling better. I know how important your grades are to you." Thoneey's voice was warm. "You're such a good girlfriend, Monife. Thank you for being so thoughtful. I'll make sure to let you know when I'm feeling better and we can get to work on schoolwork." Monife couldn't help but smile."I look forward to it. And I'm always here if you need anything. In the meantime, please get some rest. Don't worry about anything else, okay?" Thoneey's voice sounded tired but grateful. "I will. And thanks again, Monife. I really appreciate it." Monife smiled, warmth spreading through her. "Anytime, Thoneey. I'll talk to you soon." "You too. Bye, Monife." "Bye, Thoneey. Take care of yourself." And with that, they hung up.Monife sat there, her phone in her hand, a feeling of contentment washing over her. Even though she couldn't help Thoneey directly, it felt good to know he was doing okay. She knew that when he was feeling better, they would work hard together to catch him up on his schoolwork. For now, though, all she could do was hope that he got the rest he needed. And she felt happy knowing that he knew he had someone who cared about him. She put her phone down and went to get a drink of water, feeling grateful for the relationship she shared with Thoneey.

She decided to call desola and ask her about, how her date went with Kingsley.Desola picked up on the second ring. "Hey Monife! How's it going?" Monife grinned. "It's going well. And how was your date with Kingsley?" Desola squealed, excitement in her voice. "Oh my gosh, Monife, it was amazing! He's such a sweet guy, and we had the best time. I can't wait to see him again!" Monife couldn't help but feel happy for her friend. "Aww, that's so great! I'm glad it went well.So, tell me all the details. Where did you go? What did you do? Spill the beans!" Desola giggled. "Okay, okay! We went to a really nice restaurant for dinner, and then we walked around the park and talked for hours. We just had so much to talk about. I never knew we had so much in common! It was like we'd known each other for years." Monife could practically hear the smile in her friend's voice. "Wow, that's so wonderful!.I'm so happy for you, Desola. It sounds like you really hit it off. So, are you thinking about seeing him again?" Desola's voice was eager. "Definitely! He actually asked me out again for this weekend. We're going to see a movie and then grab some ice cream. I can't wait!" Monife laughed. "It sounds like you two are really hitting it off. I'm happy for you, Desola. I think Kingsley is a lucky guy to have you!" Desola sighed happily. "Aww, that's so sweet of you to say. I think we're both lucky to have each other as friends. And I'm so glad we can share all of these things with each other. It's nice to have someone to talk to about everything." Monife smiled. "I know what you mean. And I'm so glad we're friends, too. You're such a wonderful person, Desola. I'm glad we met." Desola sounded touched. "You're wonderful too, Monife. I'm so glad we met as well. And I know we're going to be friends for a long time." Monife couldn't help but agree.