
Lost and Found: Wealthy Son Comeback

In three months, Jack's life changed drastically. He found out that his parents weren't his. Then the true family found him. Because of pure luck. Will they accept him? How his sisters and parents will react to his comeback? What future is in front of him? Will he be with his crush? How his school life will change? All is in front of him. Will he grab all or pass? Who knows? -------------------- Cover not mine Upload 1 or 2 chapters a day (1POV)

poziomowiec · Urban
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473 Chs

You worked?

As we kept driving, I looked outside. It didn't take long before we came back to my place. While looking at JJ, I smiled and said, "Thanks. I will probably need to go for bigger shopping."

"OK. I will wait here, so when you know all come here."

"OK," I said shortly. Hearing my words, JJ nodded, and I came out. After coming inside, I hang out and wash clothes. When I put another part and started it once again, I smiled and looked around. While thinking about this, I shook my head.

When I had done this all, I smiled and checked the fridge. After making quick notes on what I will buy.

When I knew this all, I smiled and walked slowly downstairs. While I was there, I looked at JJ in the car.

After coming inside, he looked at me and asked, "Big one."


Hearing my words, he nodded, and as I smiled, we drove to the mall. When he stopped close, I came out, and when I walked into the shop, I took a trolley. While having it with me, I smiled and started buying things.

While I keep doing it, all for who knows how long I managed to do this. While having it all with me, I smiled and strolled to buy it all.

As I waited in the queue for some time, I finally came to my time. When I had bought it, I smiled and moved slowly outside.

When I came outside, I packed everything into the car. After I had done this all, I smiled and drifted with the trolley back. When I had done this all, I smiled and looked around. When I sat back in the car, JJ drove back to my place.

When we had come there, I smiled, and when JJ helped me with it all, I smiled, and we started moving all the shopping into my place. When we had done this all, I smiled and said, "Thanks."

"No problem."

"I know," I said. Hearing my words, JJ nodded, and when he walked slowly outside, I smiled and started unpacking everything. While I keep doing it, for who knows how long, I had done this at one point. After doing it, I smiled and crawled to the PC.

When I started it, I logged into my account.

When I looked at everything here, I smiled and started selling some stocks.

While I kept doing it, for some time, I had done this all at one point. When I had done this, I could see a lot of money which had come from sold stocks.

Based on my hunch, they will go down. Sooner or later. So I don't want to hold them.

When I knew this all, I started moving around and thinking about what I should buy. While finding some, I bought stocks from them.

After doing it, I have nothing to do now. While thinking about this, all I could hear was ringing at my door. Hearing it, I came closer, and after opening it, I could see Paula. Seeing her, I smiled, and after she came inside, she asked, "Did you eat?"

"Not yet. It is lunchtime now."

"Yes. So that is why I come with food," Paula said. Hearing her words, I nodded, and as she kissed me, she asked, "You worked?"

"Yes. I needed to do something."

"Great. I hope you will earn a lot," she said while hugging me.

Feeling it, I nodded, and as I smiled, I looked at her. While looking at Paula, she smiled and said, "So, let's eat lunch."

"OK," I said. Hearing my words, Paula sat on the couch. When she had done this, I smiled and looked at her. While looking at her, I took forks, and as I smiled, I came to Paula.

While looking at her, I smiled, and we started eating.

While we kept doing it, for some time, we had done it at one point. After doing it, I smiled and looked at her.

As Paula smiled, I cleaned her lips.

When I had done this all, I smiled, and when I kissed Paula, she looked at me. Seeing her look, I nodded and said, "So we can move to watch."

"Oh, OK."

Hearing my words, she nodded, and as I smiled, we started watching it after all. While we kept doing it, for some time, Paula lay on my shoulder.

When she had done this, I smiled, and we continued watching it after all.

With time passing, I had no idea when we had finished watching the movie. I could see that Paula didn't have any plans to make a move. Knowing it, I smiled slightly. I know that she doesn't want to make any move.

Knowing it, I smiled, and as we had a break, I took juice and glasses. While having them, I smiled, and we continued watching. Now another movie.

When we kept watching it, we had done this all. After the second movie today, I looked at Paula. Seeing my look, she said, "Oh, now. You have something on your mind."

"Oh, a few things. I'm slowly missing the pool."

"Not only you. We need to wait here until they will accept us into university," Paula said. Hearing her words, I nodded, and as she smiled, she kissed me and asked, "So what will you say about cooking dinner?"

"Oh, we can. So I will show you what I have here," I said.

Hearing my words, she nodded, and I smiled. I looked at her. While seeing Paula's look. She smiled, and we walked to the kitchen. When I showed her all that I have here, she looked at me.

Seeing her look, she kept thinking, and after telling me what she wanted, I nodded and said, "So let's cook it all now."


Hearing her words, I nodded, and we started cooking it all. Good that she didn't want something hard for me. So I could cook it all easily. While having it all in my eyes, I smiled, and with quick calculations, I knew when we would do it, and in what order.