
Lost and Found: Wealthy Son Comeback

In three months, Jack's life changed drastically. He found out that his parents weren't his. Then the true family found him. Because of pure luck. Will they accept him? How his sisters and parents will react to his comeback? What future is in front of him? Will he be with his crush? How his school life will change? All is in front of him. Will he grab all or pass? Who knows? -------------------- Cover not mine Upload 1 or 2 chapters a day (1POV)

poziomowiec · Urban
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473 Chs

You look not stressed

After we finally got there, I looked at JJ. Seeing my look, he turned and asked, "Something had happened."

"Oh, I left all my diplomas at home."

"We should come back?" he asked.

"No. Let them have it. I will take what I need soon. I keep thinking about them as my older diplomas are still there," I said.

Hearing me, JJ said, "You think they had thrown it away?"

"Probably. Maybe Grandpa took it. I don't want to ask him as he is now enjoying his time," I said while smiling.

Hearing me, he nodded and asked, "You will go out."

"Probably no. I will stay at home. Paula might come here. Might."

"OK," he said. Hearing his words, I nodded, and when I finally came out, I looked around and walked to the shop. When I bought cookies which I rarely buy, but I like them. As I finished school, it was time to celebrate.

I thought about beer, but I dropped the idea. When I came out, I could see JJ in the car, playing on the console.

Good that he still has something to play. While seeing it, I smiled and came closer.

Seeing how it is all there prepared, I smiled. JJ could easily put the console on the side and drive or run.

Seeing it, I know he thought about this all for a long time. Knowing it, I come slowly into my place.

While there, I changed and texted Paula that I was back at my place.

Not long after, she answered, 'They don't let me go. We might meet tomorrow.'

'OK,' I answered her with some emojis. When I did this, she sent a few. Seeing it, I smiled and crawled to the PC.

When I smiled after starting it, I opened the box with cookies and started eating them.

While I kept doing it for some time without knowing. I moved to stocks.

No idea for how long I keep doing it. I sold some and kept looking for what I could buy.

Time passed.

Who knows when.

I was completely lost in time. As I bought nothing from my normal range, I shook my head. I could drop it, but I moved into higher prices.

Seeing it, I smiled and looked at what I could buy there. As I keep moving to companies which I know at once. I stopped.

Looking at it, I smiled and bought stocks for the money which I had. When I had done this all, I smiled and turned it all off. I could see that I spent almost two hours on this.

Knowing it, I shook my head. After lingering in the living room, I smiled, and when I started, TV cartoons started playing.

Seeing them, I started watching.

Time to relax before Monday and the last exams.

As I keep watching, time passes. Seeing that it is a slow night incoming, I shook my head. Seeing it, I smiled, and when I made one sandwich, I ate it and took a long bath.

After doing it, I watched cartoons for some time and fell asleep.

When morning had come, I shook my head. I wanted to sleep much more. Thinking about this, I closed my eyes once again. I couldn't fall asleep.

As I moved to bed for some time, I shook my head. When I finally moved slowly up, I made breakfast, and as I smiled, I started eating all. While doing it, I let the news play in the background.

While I kept watching them while eating, I had done all of it.

Seeing it, I smiled, and when I cleaned everything, finally it was time to change and turn the TV off.

Maybe I should read some books. With this on my mind, I walked to check if I have something that I hadn't read.

Seeing here that I have all that I read once or more times, I changed and walked out. Good that in a mall not far away is the bookshop. When I smiled and walked out, I texted JJ, 'Going to buy some books.'

After coming out, JJ looked at me. Seeing his look, I nodded and started walking. Once I turned, I could see him walking behind me.

Seeing it, I smiled and when finally I came to the mall. After coming to the bookshop, I keep looking for what I can buy.

When I checked on a few unfamiliar names, I could see one fantasy. Seeing it, I smiled, and when I bought the first two books from this series, I bought them. Having them in my bag, I strolled to the bakery.

After buying cookies and fresh bread, my walk back home began.

As I keep walking slowly back home, I finally come there. After leaving bread in the kitchen, I took the book out and started reading while having juice and cookies on the side.

While doing it, I took one quick break as text messages came.

Seeing that Paula will not come today as she has some beauty sessions with girls.

Knowing it, I shook my head. When I do this, I keep reading.

It took me fully.

No idea when time passed.

Without a quick three breaks for the bathroom.

The whole day had passed.

As I haven't eaten dinner just now, it's time for supper. When I fried meat and made it with rice, I smiled and started eating it while reading. When I did this, I set the alarm for one hour.

For sure, I will need to end it when it rings. As I need to go to sleep.

Knowing it, I smiled, and when I kept reading I had done it, I changed and set the alarm earlier than I normally should.

When I had done this, I smiled and moved to sleep.

I finished reading at a good point. When I smiled, and not long after, I fell asleep.

As Monday had come, I shook my head. When I took a shower and prepared everything, I smiled. After checking if all is working, I eat breakfast and change into a suit.

While having it, I packed into my backpack all that I needed. When I did this all, I smiled and crawled out.

After coming into the car, I looked at JJ. Seeing coffee on the side, he said, "You look not stressed."

"Oh, this will come when I will be close to the results."

"Oh," he said only and started driving. Seeing it, I started drinking.

When we finally got there, I smiled and crawled out. After checking if I have it all with me. I started walking to school.

While seeing it, I smiled, and as I came inside, I smiled and started waiting for it all to start.

As I came an hour before, I sat and started drinking coffee.

While doing it, slowly everyone came. Seeing it, I smiled. They are stressed as hell.

Knowing it, I keep waiting for all to come. While I kept doing it, at one point, everyone had come.

Soon all will come. Knowing it, I smiled, and when I smiled, not long after, we started walking in.

While looking at everything, I smiled, and when I got into my seat, I smiled and looked at everyone.

When the test paper came to me, I smiled and started waiting for everyone to come.

While I kept doing it, at one point, everything had begun.