
Lost and Found: Wealthy Son Comeback

In three months, Jack's life changed drastically. He found out that his parents weren't his. Then the true family found him. Because of pure luck. Will they accept him? How his sisters and parents will react to his comeback? What future is in front of him? Will he be with his crush? How his school life will change? All is in front of him. Will he grab all or pass? Who knows? -------------------- Cover not mine Upload 1 or 2 chapters a day (1POV)

poziomowiec · Urban
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473 Chs

You look fine now

As we keep driving, I keep looking outside. Sitting now is much better than walking around. As I kept looking around at one point, JJ stopped.

Seeing JJ coming out, I opened the doors, and when I came out, I looked at him.

Seeing my look, he said, "We had come."

"Oh, clinic."

Hearing me, he nodded, and I could see him walking to my side. Seeing it, I smiled, and when we finally came to our destination, I could see the doctor there.

Seeing me, he said, "Please after me."

"Ok," I said. As the doctor started walking, I could see a few people looking at me. Some from staff and some patients.

Seeing their look, we finally came into his office. When he looked at me, he started checking. I could see JJ being here.

After the doctor had done it and looked at me, he said, "We need to make more."

"Ok," I said, and as I looked at him, I smiled and fully focused on all the tests. When we had done this all, I smiled, and the doctor said, "Here is all for you to take."

"Ok," I said, and as I took the paper from his hand, I could see all the time. Seeing it, I smiled, and when the doctor looked at me, he said, "In the pharmacy here, you can buy everything."

"Ok," I said, and when he looked at me, he added, "In a week, come here. I need to check your health. Sitting at home, don't you dare to come out, young master."

"Got it," I said, and as he nodded, I came out. While looking at JJ, he took the paper and said, "I will go buy all. Jack here has the keys and goes into the car."

"Ok," I said, and as he nodded, I walked back to the car. After sitting inside, I took the phone. Seeing that Paula texted me, I read it and answered, 'Just visited doc. Do not worry. All is ok. Just a week in bed.'

After sending it, I looked outside. While doing it, JJ comes back, and as he looked at me, he said, "We are going."

"Ok," I said, and as he nodded, he started driving once again. While doing it, I smiled and could see that we were going into my place. Seeing it, we had come there. Looking at JJ, he said, "So we had come."

"Home sweet home," I said, only while seeing the car stopping and Mom coming out. She said, "Jack, come into the car."


"You go home. Don't talk back," she said.

"Oh, I will take a few things from my place," I said.

"Ok. I will come with you," Mom said. Seeing JJ looking at me, he nodded. Seeing his look, I just wanted to be here. While thinking about this, I shook my head, and when we came into my place.

I packed my bag with everything. While having it, I took a laptop bag, and when I packed it all into it, I looked at Mom.

Seeing my look, she said, "When you feel better, you can come here."

"Ok," I said. Hearing me, Mom nodded, and when we came out, I locked everything. When I looked at her, we came back downstairs, and after packing everything into JJ's car, we started driving to our destination.

It took us some time. Seeing them coming after Mom's car, I shook my head.

"I haven't informed them."

"Doc probably did this," I said. Hearing me, JJ nodded. Seeing his look, I said, "Oh, do not worry. I will handle being here."

"Have GPS with you."

"I will," I said. Hearing me, JJ nodded and added, "I will have my phone always close. Rest too."

"Ok," he said. Seeing him parking, I could see Mom coming out, and as she came to the car, she started talking to JJ.

Seeing it, I took it all with me and started walking inside. After coming there, I left my shoes, and my walk began into the room here. I stopped in the middle of the stairs.

After sitting, I wanted to feel better.

As I started coughing, I stopped at one point. Looking downstairs, I could see Dad. Seeing me, he said, "What are you doing here?"

"Jack," Mom's voice came, and as she ran to me, she moved her hand into my forehead. Seeing it, I looked at her, and Mom said, "Josh, help bring all the stuff to Jack's room."

"Ok," Dad said. Hearing his words, he looked at me.

After he took it all, Mom helped me to get up. We walked to my room. After lying in bed, Mom said, "Don't you dare to come out. I will cook soup for you."

"Honey, can you tell me what is happening?"

"Jack has a huge fever. He is staying with us until it goes down so that he can be on his own," Mom said. Hearing her words, Dad looked at me and said, "You are overreacting."

"Thirty-nine," Mom said. Hearing her words, Dad looked at me. Seeing my look at him, he said, "Oh shit. Don't you dare to come out!"

"Ok," I said only, and as they came out, I checked what I had brought here.

I took gym shorts and a new t-shirt. I walked to the bathroom. While being there, I have done all that I needed, and after strolling to bed, I lie.

Seeing that I will spend a long time here, I texted Paula, 'main home. Not my place.'

After sending it, I smiled, and as I started TV, my watching of cartoons had begun. As I keep watching them for who knows how long. Mom has come in. Seeing her look, she said, "Jack, move up."

"Ok," I said, and when I did this, she passed me the soup. Seeing it, I nodded and slowly started eating while Mom walked away. I hope she will not come looking for me.

As I keep eating, Mom comes back. Looking at her, she keeps being on the phone. As she kept listening to all she had done. She said, "Josh should bring tea soon."


Hearing me, she nodded, and as she sat on my side, she said, "You haven't eaten too much."

"I am trying," I said while looking into her eyes. Seeing my look, she nodded, and as I continued eating, I had done all. Seeing it, Mom passed medicines to me.

Seeing them, I looked at her.

"Where he is," Mom said while getting up, and I could hear her screaming, "Josh moves your lazy ass here!"

As I looked at Mom, Dad showed up. Seeing him holding a jar with tea and glass for me, I nodded, and as Mom filled the glass for me, I nodded and took the medicines.

Seeing it, I smiled and said, "Thanks."

"Honey, let's go," Dad said. Hearing his words, I looked at him. So probably, my grandparents know that I am here. As his look is not pleasant. Knowing it, I forced my smile.

Seeing it, Mom kissed my forehead and said, "Jack, all will be ok. Do not worry."

"I know."

Hearing me, she nodded, and they walked away. Being once again alone in a room is nice. As the TV kept going, I watched it while sipping tea.

As this all keeps happening, I fell asleep at one point, not knowing when.

As I kept doing it, I could feel someone moving towards me. After opening my eyes, I looked at Grandma Williams. Seeing me, she said, "You had woken up."

"Yes. Something is happening," I asked her. Seeing my look, she said, "You look fine now."

"Oh, good to know," I said while moving, and while looking at her, I said, "Sorry," and walked to the bathroom.

After coming there, I looked at the toilet, and as nothing came of what I felt, I shook my head. After washing my face and looking in the mirror, I shook my head.

After coming out, she said, "I can see that you can go back home."

"Great," I said, and as Mom came inside, she said, "No, Mom. Jack check."

"Ok," I said while looking at the electronic thermometer. Seeing it, I looked at Grandma while starting it. Seeing my look, I hid it under my armpit.

As I looked at her, I could hear that it had done. Hearing it, I took it out. Seeing thirty-eight and a half, I shook my head. Seeing it, Mom caught it and said, "In bed now."

"Going," I said while grabbing my laptop bag. While having it, I looked at Grandma and said, "So."

"You can stay here."

"Ok," I said while looking at her. Seeing my look, she comes out.

"Mom," Mom said. Hearing it, I shook my head. Being once again, alone, I looked at closed doors.

Seeing it, I smiled, and as I have time now, I can learn, but before this, as Grandma changed into news, I needed to check on one company. If I am not at a loss as news about it has come. I remember I have some stock of them.