
Lost and Found: Wealthy Son Comeback

In three months, Jack's life changed drastically. He found out that his parents weren't his. Then the true family found him. Because of pure luck. Will they accept him? How his sisters and parents will react to his comeback? What future is in front of him? Will he be with his crush? How his school life will change? All is in front of him. Will he grab all or pass? Who knows? -------------------- Cover not mine Upload 1 or 2 chapters a day (1POV)

poziomowiec · Urban
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473 Chs

You can come back home

After ending it, I smiled. Seeing Mom's look at me, she said, "Good boy."

"Thank you. I forced myself to rest."

"Oh. You shouldn't," she said. Hearing her words, I nodded and added, "I had a wonderful cake before, thanks to Paula."

"Good to know."

Hearing her, I nodded, and as she took all of me, she smiled, and while looking to the side, she said, "Oh, I will bring tea here, or you want some juice here."

"Oh, juice can be," I said while looking into her eyes. Hearing me, she nodded, and as she smiled, she walked out. While seeing it, I smiled, and as I lay better, I took the phone.

Seeing that it does not have much battery, I put it into charging and started learning.

While doing it, I could see aunt coming in. Seeing her look at me. She asked, "Young master, are you OK?"


"Good. I hope fresh orange juice will be good," she said. Hear her. I nodded, and as she walked away, I smiled and grabbed a glass with it.

While having it, I drank a little and drifted back to reading. While doing it, time passed.

With Paula, the call to me all passed nicely.

After she hung out, as she needed to go to sleep, I found out what hour it was now. Knowing it, I shook my head.

While looking around, I smiled and crawled up. Looking around, I shook my head and walked to use the bathroom.

After coming out, I lay in bed, and not long after, I fell asleep.

The next day comes almost the same as the previous one. The only thing which has changed is that Paula has not visited me, and my fever goes down. Almost it disappeared.

After waking up, with hopes that today I can come back home. I smiled. Looking around, I used the bathroom and packed all my stuff, which was washed.

Having them with me, I could smile and do nothing now. Just lay, and wait for Mom to say that I can go back home.

Thinking about this, I keep waiting for her to come with breakfast.

It took her some time, but while finally seeing Mom coming in. I smiled, and she said, "So you want to come back home?"

"Yes," I said.

"I will let you know your temperature."

"Ok," I said and started checking it. When all was done, I looked at it and could see thirty-seven and five. Seeing it, I showed it to Mom.

Seeing it, I smiled, and as she nodded, she said, "You can. You will need to take your meds for sure."

"I will. Do not worry," I said. Hearing me, Mom nodded, and as she smiled, she passed me meds. Seeing them, I nodded and took all. Seeing it, Mom smiled and said, "I can go."

"You want to go so much?" Mom asked.

"Oh, work, and learn."

"You could work here," Mom said.

"PC has a bigger screen, and for sure nobody is monitoring me," I said.

Hearing me, she shook her head. Seeing it, I smiled and said, "Just in case. I don't want anyone who doesn't know how much I own go on me or in which company."

"Josh tried to help Joanna with finding her mysterious shareholder."

Hearing Mom's words, I looked at her. I tried to not say anything. Seeing my look, she smiled and said, "Your face told me all. So how much do you own in her company?"

Hearing Mom, I looked at her and whispered, "Eight."

"Oh, Jack," Mom said. Hearing her words, I smiled and said, "During years it grows. I bought it just as it goes on sale."

"So when she was sixteen. You own it for so long and had no plans to sell," Mom asked. Hearing her, I shook my head. Seeing it, she nodded and said, "Good child. Maybe we will buy it from you."

"Sorry, not to sell until I will have feelings about this."

"Are you going on feeling?" Mom asked.

"Feeling, and researcher," I said. Hearing me, she nodded. Seeing her smile, I smiled too, and Mom added, "Good, go with it. As for now, all is going as you are planning. Keep earning."

"I am. Do not worry. All is ok," I said. Hearing me, Mom nodded. Seeing Mom's smile, she looked at me, and as she kissed my forehead, I looked at her, and she added, "I will contact your bodyguard. So be ready."

"Ok," I said. Hearing me, Mom nodded and walked out. I smiled and started packing everything. It took me longer, especially as I took a few more breaks.

At one point, I had done this all. When I changed, I smiled and started waiting for JJ to come.

While I kept doing it, I played on TV to let time pass nicely. While I keep doing it, JJ shows up. Seeing him looking at me, I smiled, and as I shook his hand, he took almost my things. I just let my backpack be with me.

While having it with me, I smiled and trudged after him. When we came downstairs, I looked at Dad. Seeing my look, he said, "You will receive today's package."

"Oh, which is?"

"Food. Therefore, you do not need to go out. Do not worry. All will be ok," Dad said.

Hearing Dad's words, I nodded and walked out. After being outside, I looked at JJ, packing everything. Seeing the car, I asked, "New one."

"Yes. Do you like this Jeep? It is nicer for me and you."

"Ok," I said. Hearing my words, JJ nodded, and I sat inside. I could smell that it was a new one. While looking at JJ, he kept smiling and said, "Yesterday, I took it. So all will be great."

"Ok," I said, and while looking at the side juice and the paper bag, he said, "For you."

"Thanks," I said, and after I checked it, I took a sip and started eating the cookies, which he bought. As I keep looking outside, we finally come back to my place. Seeing it, I smiled, and after coming out. JJ did the same.

Seeing him taking my things, I smiled and trudged to my place. Before coming in, I looked at him.

Seeing my look, he nodded, and after turning, I smiled, opened the doors, and unlocked the alarm. When I could smell that not being here for a few days showed it.

Knowing it, I walked inside, and after opening the window, JJ left my things, and he walked to check on my fridge. Seeing him, he took a few things and threw them into a bin. Seeing him taking it, I nodded, and he said, "I will be here for longer. So when you receive this package, call me if you want something."

"Ok," I said. Hearing me, JJ nodded and walked out. Seeing it, I smiled, and he walked out. Seeing it, I smiled and sat on my couch. While I was there, I started TV while taking the phone out. While having it, I texted Paula, 'I am back in my place.'

When I sent it, I smiled, and after leaving the phone on the side, I took the bag and walked to unpack it. After doing it, I smiled and went back to the couch. When I sat down, I started my laptop, and my work began. I feel that I can buy something good now.