
Lost and Found: Wealthy Son Comeback

In three months, Jack's life changed drastically. He found out that his parents weren't his. Then the true family found him. Because of pure luck. Will they accept him? How his sisters and parents will react to his comeback? What future is in front of him? Will he be with his crush? How his school life will change? All is in front of him. Will he grab all or pass? Who knows? -------------------- Cover not mine Upload 1 or 2 chapters a day (1POV)

poziomowiec · Urban
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473 Chs

You can come back home today

As we spend time like that, time passes. Who knows when?

No idea when I had a nap.

After waking up due to the nurse coming in, I took medicine, which once again made me sleepy.

Why does it happen?

Previously, it hasn't happened. So something there is to make me on.

After once again waking up, I could not see Paula there.

Seeing it, I shook my head. When I smiled and looked around, I used the bathroom and came back to bed.

As I had nothing else to do here, I shook my head. After smiling, I lay better, and with my phone in my hand, I started reading the news. Time to see what is happening around us.

Secondly. Maybe more important if my feeling was good. I was right about it. I haven't lost money.

While doing it, I had done, and after all this, I moved to reading for what I would need for university. While doing it, all the professors, Anderson, and Fred, had come.

Seeing them, I smiled and talked with them for some time.

While doing it, Paula came in. Seeing her look at us, she joined, and we spent time talking.

While doing it, they walked out with her.

Seeing it, I smiled, and after Paula came back, I smiled, and we spent time until night had come. She walked back home while leaving me alone here.

Knowing it, I smiled, and while lying alone here not long after. I fell asleep.

The next three days passed almost the same for me.

Sleep, medicine, food, and more sleep.

No idea what is with my body, but I become sleepier with each passing day.

As I woke up, as the time for medicine had come, I looked at Mom on my side. Seeing her look, I asked, "Something happened?"

"Jack, you can come back home today."

"Great," I said while looking at her. As Mom nodded, she said, "I will help you pack."

"Oh, I have everything in my bags. I can go home now," I said. Hearing my words, Mom nodded, and as I smiled not long after, I changed and strolled out.

After coming outside, I sat in the car and drove back home.

I started thinking about where we were going. Not long after, I knew. We are going to my place.

While knowing it all, I smiled and kept looking outside. After coming to the destination, I smiled, and when Mom helped me with the bags, we moved inside.

After coming in, I looked around, and while seeing Mom look at me, I said, "Thank you."

"Jack does not worry. You can't come out from home for next week."

"Ok," I said. As Mom smiled and kissed my forehead, I looked at her.

As Mom walked out, I closed the doors, and not long after, I lay on the couch.

No idea what is happening to me. I am feeling good, but the tests, That I had in the hospital, show something else.

While thinking about this, I shook my head.

After starting the TV, I watched what I was playing. Seeing that Paula had not changed here, a smile showed on my face, and I started watching cartoons.

While doing it, all I could hear was ringing doors. Hearing it, I walked to check on them.

Seeing JJ waiting there, I opened the doors, and when he came inside, I could see bags in his hands. Seeing it, I asked, "For?"

"Food," he said. Hearing it, I nodded, and as he smiled, he unpacked everything. When he had done this, I nodded and added, "Thanks."

"No problem. When you will do something to make the call."

"Ok," I said, and after he walked out, I once again lied and went back to watching. While not hungry, all the time passed.

I could only see when time passed for dinner when I used the bathroom. After knowing it, I smiled, and after checking what JJ had bought, I smiled and started creating for Paula and me.

While doing it, she had come back home at one point. Seeing me in the kitchen, she came closer and said, "You should stay in bed.."

"I will after ending all here."

"Ok," she said, and I realized me. Seeing it, I smiled, and when I had done all that I had in plans, I smiled, and as she looked at what we would have, she nodded and said, "Bed now."

"Ok," I said while moving my hands up. Seeing it, Paula smiled, and I walked to the bed.

After lying, I smiled and kept waiting for her. When she came here, finally I could see that dinner was ready. After sitting, we started eating while talks had begun.

While doing it, all the time passed. After ending it all, I smiled, and when Paula looked at me, I said, "I will have a nap"

"Ok," she said, and when I smiled, I lay, and after closing my eyes not long after I fell asleep.