
Lost and Found: Wealthy Son Comeback

In three months, Jack's life changed drastically. He found out that his parents weren't his. Then the true family found him. Because of pure luck. Will they accept him? How his sisters and parents will react to his comeback? What future is in front of him? Will he be with his crush? How his school life will change? All is in front of him. Will he grab all or pass? Who knows? -------------------- Cover not mine Upload 1 or 2 chapters a day (1POV)

poziomowiec · Urban
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473 Chs

Why are you hiding this?

As we keep doing it, I monitor her.

Paula moved a few times, but mostly she keeps being fully focused on TV.

Seeing it, I smiled and kept watching it. While I keep doing it, for some time, no idea when time started passing.

The episode ended. Who knows when?

Seeing it, I looked at her. Seeing my look, Paula said, "oh no. We will wait for food."

Hearing her, I nodded, and when she moved closer, she sat on my lap. While there, I looked at her, and she said, "Oh, many things I have on my mind."

"Good to know," I said. Hearing me, Paula smiled, and when she hugged me, we stayed like that for some time.

While we keep doing it, knocking comes. Hearing them, I said, "I will go."

"Ok," Paula said while smiling. Seeing her look, I nodded, and after coming to the doors first, I checked them. Seeing Ann there, I opened the doors.

Seeing me, she said, "So you who can only walk."

Hearing Paula's voice comes, "you will need to find a guy. Really. Give food and go, look for someone. I don't need you."

"Come on."

"Will you keep arguing so loud that everyone will hear it, or you will come in and talk like a human?" I said. Hearing me, Ann nodded, and after she came inside, I followed her.

Seeing her, Paula said, "So you come in."

"Yes. Stop with this screaming."

"I will not. You sometimes go overboard. Today is your worst day," Paula said. Hearing it, Ann looked at Paula.

Seeing this, I put food on the table and walked to the kitchen, asking, "something to drink?"

"No, I will go now," Ann said.

"Tea," Paula said. Hearing it, I nodded while despairing there. After looking around, I smiled, and as the kettle started working, I prepared everything.

While having it, a smile shows up on my face. Having it, I waited for the kettle to finish.

During it, I could hear Ann walking away. Probably now, all should be ok with her and Paula.

Thinking about this, I looked at all, and not long after it had finished working. Seeing it, time to fill glasses.

When I did this, I came out, and while seeing Paula looking at me, I said, "Forks. I will come with them soon."

"Ok," she said. I walked back to the kitchen, and after taking them, I came back to her.

Seeing me, she nodded. While looking at her, I sat in my place, and we started eating.

It is spicy for me. At one point, I could feel sweat going on my forehead.

While feeling it, I clean it and come back to eating.

When I have done this, all smiles showed up on my face.

Seeing Paula smiling, she said, "oh, this was a good one."

"Yes," I said, and when she smiled, I started packing everything while her phone started ringing.

Hearing it, she answered. I heard nothing as I started throwing it all away.

While I keep doing it, I have done it, and after coming back, she is still on her phone.

Seeing it, I tried not to move. As Paula kept listening, she said, "ok. I will go back soon."

Hearing it, I looked at her, and when she hung out, she said, "I need to go. Mommy called."

"Ok," I said. Hearing me, Paula smiled, and as I looked at the backpack, she said, "Oh, take all with you. The beer you can leave, or you will drink it."

"I will not."

"So leave here. Snacks you can take," she said. Hearing it, I took them out. Seeing them, she smiled and walked to hide them.

When she had done this, I looked at her coming back.

Seeing my look, she said, "Your shirt is dirty."

"Oh, I will clean after coming back. Good, that rest isn't."

"Yes," she said. Hearing it, I nodded, and when once again she kissed me, I said, "So I will go now. See you tomorrow."

"Oh yes. I do not know if we can come here. Lucy and Emily are planning a party."

"Ok," I said. Hearing me, Paula smiled and once again kissed me. When she had done this, I smiled, and we walked slowly out.

After being outside, she walked to the car while I walked to the bus stop. I could see JJ there.

Seeing it, I nodded and started waiting for the bus to come.

While I keep doing it, one not long after shows up. Seeing it, I sat inside and started driving back home.

While travelling back, I keep looking at the photos which I took. Having it in front of me, I smiled while seeing my stop.

After coming out, I looked at the shop and walked inside.

I will need to buy some rolls. While knowing it, I bought them, and after coming out, I looked at JJ. Seeing my look, he said, "Change, and we will go to one place."

"Ok," I said. Hearing me, JJ nodded, and after I smiled, I came back home. While there, I changed and came out. Seeing him waiting, I sat inside, and he said, "So we will go now."

"Ok," I said. Hear it. JJ nodded, and when he started, he asked, "so how many?"

"Full," I said.

"Wait. You mean."

"Yes. Full score. No idea how much Megan had?" I said.

"She loses one point. From what I know, this was the best score until you come," he said.

"Oh well. If they agreed for me to come there after my ban. It would be a bad idea for them," I said. Hearing me, JJ said, "Ban."

"Long story short. Once I won a math competition. They banned me, but time passed so I could take part in it," I said.

"It wasn't in your papers."

"Old story. Now six years. Maybe six and a half. Few people were interested in a young genius who didn't go to uni but stayed in middle school," I said, looking outside.

"Ok. So I will not go deeper into it," he said, and when I nodded, music kept playing, and we started driving.

I could see that we were driving home.

Seeing it, I looked at JJ.

No idea if my grandparents will want me there.

After coming to the gate JJ said to security, "can we come in?"

"No. Orders."

"Fuck," only escaped from his lips. Hearing it, I said, "Who told you to take me here?"

"Miss," he said.

"So mom. Ok," I said, and after taking the phone, I called mom. As we kept staying there. Mom answered and said, "Yes Jack."


"Yes. What do you want?" she asked.

"You wanted me to come home. I am right," I asked.

"Yes. Something is happening. You cannot. Too exhausted?" she asked. I could hear her voice change. Hearing it, I said, "No. Just we can't pass the gate."

"Put me on speaker."

"Ok," I said, and when I did this, I said, "Done."

"Let them in." Mom's voice came. She screams. Hearing it, security said, "Yes, ma'am."

Hearing it, I said, "I will see you soon."

"Ok," mom said, and after I hung out, I looked at the gate. Not long after it opened, I said, "You need to check him."

"I will," JJ said. I could hear his voice change. He is not nice now. Knowing it, I looked at him.

When he parked, I smiled and came out.

Looking at him, I said, "So I will go now. See you in an hour. Or less."

"Ok," he said. Hearing it, I nodded, and when I came slowly to the doors, I opened them. After leaving my shoes there, I strolled.

Seeing mom showing up, she looked at me and said, "So how it was. What place you had."


"Oh," mom said. Hearing it, I smiled and said, "Yes. Full, how I thought. Might I ask why I came here?"

"Oh, to celebrate. Joanna, Megan, and Sophia should be here soon. Honey comes here. Jack had come," mom voiced come.

"Going," dad's voice came. He shows up not long after. Seeing it, I smiled and once again asked how this competition goes.

Hearing it, I said the same, and when I followed them, we came to the table. Seeing food there not long after sisters show up. Seeing them, I smiled, and Megan asked, "I heard you beat my score."

"From Fred," I asked.


"Oh, right. You know the professor who is following?" I asked.

"Yep. You should know him too. Why are you hiding this?" she said.

"Oh, just past. I gain nothing from it. So why should I tell everyone about this?"

"You should. This is much better than what mommy did," Megan said.

"Megan, you are much smarter than I am," mom said.

"Still. Ending uni at age, which you did, is great. Now you moved to the side with all, even so. Jack should know a lot about who his family is," Megan said.

"You know. I found a new passion. Math is not so interesting to me now. Let us not talk about this. So Jack did something years ago."

"Yes. Let us not talk about the past. Let's talk about what is here," I said. Hearing me, Megan nodded.

Seeing it, I smiled and could see more food and drink coming.

Seeing it, I looked for juice, and when I grabbed it and filled it, I smiled, and we started talking while eating. I have not eaten too much but tried to eat some.

While doing it, I could see that grandparents had come. Seeing them, I started waiting for what they will do now.