
Lost and Found: Wealthy Son Comeback

In three months, Jack's life changed drastically. He found out that his parents weren't his. Then the true family found him. Because of pure luck. Will they accept him? How his sisters and parents will react to his comeback? What future is in front of him? Will he be with his crush? How his school life will change? All is in front of him. Will he grab all or pass? Who knows? -------------------- Cover not mine Upload 1 or 2 chapters a day (1POV)

poziomowiec · Urban
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473 Chs

Where are mommy and daddy?

It took us some time, but finally, we came to the gates. Seeing them, I looked at JJ, and not long after, they opened.

"Thank god."

Hearing his words, I nodded and looked outside not long after he parked. Seeing it, I smiled, and after coming out, I said, "probably after lunch, I will come out."

"Ok. Call me. I will be on the side having one, too."

"Got it," I said, and after he nodded, I walked to the doors. After coming to them, I smiled and tried to open them.

I could not.

Seeing it, I shook my head, and after ringing them not long after, someone opened them.

Seeing it, I waited, and while seeing Megan, she smiled and said, "Oh, little brother, you had come."

"Yes. I would like to talk with you about something later."

"Ok," she said. Hearing it, I nodded, and while looking at Megan, she smiled, and we came inside.

After coming there, I looked at her, and while I looked at her, as Megan smiled, I could hear Sophia's voice. "Joanna, give this back to me."

"Calm down. Let's see who you keep texting."

Hearing it, we came to the table, and I could see Joanna running away from Sophia. Seeing it, I looked at them, and Megan said, "Stop this now. You should grow up."

"Joanna is childish," Sophia said. Hearing her words, I looked at them, and as Sophia came closer to me, she hugged me and said, "little brother helps me."

"Who is childish now?" Megan said. Hearing her words, I shook my head. As Sophia looked at me, she said, "Joanna gave me back my phone."

"Oh, sis. Who is Greg?" Joanna asked. This probably broke Sophia as she rushed to Joanna and took back her phone.

Seeing it, I looked at them, and Megan said, "Can you calm down finally? Where are mommy and daddy?"

"Checking if all is good with food," Joanna said.

Hearing it, I nodded, and as I looked at them, Megan said, "Grandparents stay there with Evans."


Hearing me, she nodded, and when we sat not long after mom, and dad came here. Looking at them, I smiled, and when the food came, we started eating while the talks kept on going.

Mostly about Megan and Adam.

I started thinking if he made a move. Based on the ring on Megan's finger, I am sure he had done this.

Knowing it, I smiled, and while I kept eating, they did me at one point. As mostly, I have not talked here at all.

When I looked at everyone while sipping apple juice. Talks kept going on. Slowly, they moved on me.

School, and plans for later.

I keep answering the same. Like before.

I hope now all will be ok at school. Thinking about this, Sophia said, "oh Jack, about mayor son, I deal with all. He will for sure not come closer."


"No problem," Sophia said, and dad's voice came. "We help him."

"Oh, this broke when Jack was attacked by his son. Sorry, I will not follow talks when my little brother is hurt," Sophia said. Hearing her, dad nodded, and mom said, "Oh, that is why you had a bandage on your forehead."

"Oh, I told this to you," Sophia said.

"Right, I forgot. I keep thinking about you and Evans, girl," mom said. Hearing her words, I nodded and said, "So we have done it all here."

"Oh, you can say this," dad said.

"So I will be going. I need to be prepared for tomorrow."

"Oh right, the school has come back," mom said. Hearing her words, I nodded, and when I had juice, I walked to the bathroom.

After ending all there, I came out, and while I looked at everyone, I said, "Megan, can we talk?"

"Coming," Megan said.

"About what?" mom asked.

"I want to ask her about one thing."

"Ok," mom said. Hearing her words, I nodded, and when Megan and I came out, I closed the doors.

She said, "So, little brother. About what you wanted to talk about now."

"You know someone who can help me with taxes? I know nothing about them."

"Oh, if you earn less than ten thousand, you need to," she said. Hearing her words, I said, "I earn much more."

"Oh, so I will make an appointment with one for tomorrow after school?" she asked.

"Ok. Can you pass it to JJ, where I will have this all? Oh, within an hour too."

"Got it. I will make calls soon. Therefore, you earn good money from stocks. I hope you don't lose too much," she said while looking into my eyes.

Hearing her, I smiled and said, "In a month, I can make a few millions."

Hearing me, she looked into my eyes. Seeing it, I smiled, and as I texted JJ that I had done, Megan said, "So you took this from dad."

"Yes. I keep going with my feelings. Only a few times when I know that they will go down. Thanks to Joanna, and your plans, I sold stocks. So I haven't lost."

"Good boy. Maybe I should ask you to invest some of my money," she said. Hearing it, I smiled and said a few companies' names.

Hearing me, Megan looked at me and said, "Ok. I will check them and buy some."

"Ok. Not too much. I keep with them, to let stocks rise too much, and I will sell them," I said.

"Sneaky boy. Therefore, you keep earning a lot from it. So that is why you had the money for gifts," she said. Hearing her words, I nodded. Seeing it, Megan smiled and said, "Got it. I will go inside. It is cold."

"Ok," I said. Hearing me, Megan nodded, and as I smiled, she walked inside. I waited only a few minutes, and when JJ finally showed up, I sat inside. Looking at him, he said, "So you ate."

"Yes. Now we can go to the flat."

"Ok," he said. Hearing his words, I texted Paula that I am going there. After sending a message to her, I smiled and kept looking away.

It took JJ some time, but after stopping close, I came out, and as he drove away, I walked there.

Coming inside, I looked around. As Paula had not answered me, I smiled, and when I looked around, I sat on the couch. While I was there, I took the console, and while putting my phone on the side, I started playing.

While I kept doing it for some time, she finally texted me back, 'I will be there in forty.'

Seeing it, I smiled, and after sending her a few emojis, I smiled and kept playing.

It truly took me. I never expected that game could take me so much.

Thinking about this, I shook my head, and while I kept playing, I lost as time passed.

At one point, I could feel a hug.

After moving my head, Paula kissed my cheek and said, "So, the game took you."

"Oh, I keep waiting for you. So I started playing," I said. Hearing me, Paula nodded, and after I save and turned it all off. She smiled and said, "I have all that we need to learn."

"Ok. So let's do this," I said. Hearing me, Paula nodded, and as I smiled, I kept an eye on her. While she looked at me, she smiled, and after talking.

While we kept doing it for a long time, I smiled and kept teaching Paula about many things. While this all kept happening, we had done around half of this.

Seeing it, Paula smiled and said, "I will order dinner."

"Oh, I can cook."

"No. Let's order pizza. What one do you want" she asked.

Hearing her words, I said, "Choose yourself. No pineapple for sure."

"Good choice," she said while kissing me. After doing it, I smiled, and while looking at her, she kept an eye on her phone.

Seeing it, I smiled, and after she finally ordered, she said, "So I had done this. Now we can learn. It should be in forty minutes."

"Ok," I said. Hearing me, Paula nodded, and while looking at her, I smiled, and we kept learning. While we kept doing it, Paula smiled and said, "It should be here soon."

"Ok. I will prepare plates and tables."

"Ok," she said. Hearing her words, I nodded, and while looking at her, I smiled and asked, "What to drink?"

"Oh, I ordered coke too. So you don't need to prepare anything."

"Ok," I said. Hearing me, Paula nodded, and while looking at her, I smiled and walked to the kitchen. After taking plates and glasses, I come out.

As I could hear ringing doors, Paula walked to them, and after taking food, she came back to me. Seeing it, I smiled, and as she looked at me, she said, "So now we can eat."

"Yes," I said shortly, and not long after. We started eating it.