
Lost and Found: Wealthy Son Comeback

In three months, Jack's life changed drastically. He found out that his parents weren't his. Then the true family found him. Because of pure luck. Will they accept him? How his sisters and parents will react to his comeback? What future is in front of him? Will he be with his crush? How his school life will change? All is in front of him. Will he grab all or pass? Who knows? -------------------- Cover not mine Upload 1 or 2 chapters a day (1POV)

poziomowiec · Urban
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473 Chs

Watch out next time

When everyone started coming out, boys had football while girls were gymnasts. This should be close to me. I could look at her, but seeing looks from girls, I got up and then started looking for a better place to sit.

They could kill me. Not only had my class had PE. During them, they connected us with two others from my year.

As I could see that I was alone and not exercising, I found a good place, and then sat there. With a book from English in my hand, I started doing homework and checking what was in the past month.

Time slowly passed, and then unexpectedly, the ball hit my face. I could feel the pain coming from my nose. Then in the book blood shows up. Nobody reacted.

'Fuck' I said while moving my t-shirt up, and then getting up.

The hit, which I received, has not let me stand well. As I started moving to the side, I touched the wall while trying to stop the bleeding. I could hear some laughs coming.

"Like always. They haven't billed me too much," I said, quietly, and then I strolled to the doors. After coming to the toilet, I looked in the mirror. As blood still was going, I grabbed toilet paper and then blocked it.

Nurse. I need to go to her.

Show up in my mind. When I started walking, I could feel that someone touched me. I wanted to move to the side, but then a surprise came to me. Paula voices, "I will help you. They did this especially."

"No. It was an accident," I said, and when she looked at me she said, "I saw this."

"I am telling you, this was an accident. Come back to the lesson. I will handle it," I said. I do not want to be close to her. When she heard me, she said, "I will."

"No. For my good don't," I said, quietly. When she stopped, I started walking to the nurse.

After I came there, I knocked and then walked inside. When she looked at me, she said, "Ball."

"Yes," I said, and when she nodded, I lay, and then she checked me. When she was done with this, she said, "nothing happened. All should end soon."

"Ok," I said, and then she added, "stay here for ten minutes."

"Ok" I added, and when I lay I waited for her agreement for me to go back. I will need to clean blood from the floor in the gym.

"You can go," the nurse said.

"Thank you," I said while getting up. I could feel that I was not alright. As I shook my head, she said, "If something will happen. Come here."

"Ok," I said, and when she nodded, I strolled out. When I came to the gym, I looked at the place where I sat. I could see that someone was cleaning it all.

When I looked at it, the teacher said, "Finally you have come. Where you were."

"Nurse," I said, and when he looked at me he added, "Watch out next time."

"Ok," I said, and then I stayed close to the doors. I need to focus on where the ball is. Probably someone might kick it, especially me. As I kept staying there a few times, the ball went to me. I blocked it successfully.

When the bell rang telling that the lesson had ended, the teacher said, "Clean everything."

"Ok," I said, and then I started cleaning from the game, which happened there. When I had done this, I cleaned the blood, and then I looked at my shirt.

Dried in blood. I should be ok.

As I kept thinking about this, I did all there, and then I went to grab my things.

When I had it, I went outside. I should meet with Joanna soon.

Knowing it, I moved all to my side, and then I started walking to my destination. I could see many sports cars driving away. I could see a few Ferraris, Lamborghinis, and Porsche.

Mostly rich families. Like most students in my school. As I looked at it, a few times I needed to move to the side. Some moved on bikes and tried to ride me over. All of them from my year.

Seeing it, I did not know why they were doing it. They bullied me about being from a poor family. Now everything has become harsh.

As I looked around, lights had changed on the sidewalk, and then I went there and started going to the park. Walking there took me twenty minutes, and when I looked around I could see Joanna BMW.

When I came closer, I sat inside, and then she looked at me. "Oh my god," she said and grabbed my face. When she had done this, she said, "We are going to the hospital."

"Don't worry. All is ok now," I said.

"No, it is not. Look at your face. Clothes. All is in the blood. What had happened?" she started saying fast.

"Someone kicked the ball, and it hit my face. I wasn't looking," I said, a half-truth. When she heard me she said, "we are going back home. You will change, and then go shopping."

"Ok," I said, and when she nodded, she drove back home. After being inside, I changed and then washed my face fully.

Now nothing shows on it, so I come out, and when Joanna looked at me she said, "We can go."

"Ok," I said, and when she smiled, I walked after her back to the car.

"Here is your new phone. My number is inside" she passed me one. When I saw it, I said, "It is expensive."

"Don't worry," she said while smiling.

Seeing it, I nodded, and then I looked at it. As I could see one number I looked at it, and then she added, "unlimited transfer. You have their card too. Do not worry about anything. Buy what you want."

"Ok," I said, and then I looked at what I had here. When I found the bank app, Joanna said, "Four zeros."

"Ok," I said, and when I put it on, she said, "I hope you know how to use it."

"Yes," I said, and when I looked at it, I smiled, and then I hid the phone in my pocket. When I finished, the music started playing.

Hearing it, I looked outside, and then I waited to see which mall we would go to.

As I could see the 'RICH' mall, I looked at Joanna, and she said, "Come. We have shopping for you to make."

"Wait. You mean here. Mall only for the rich" I asked, and when she nodded she parked, and then said, "Come after me."

"Ok," I said, and when she smiled I came out, and then I followed her.

The first shop where we come with clothes. I took a few shirts, hoodies, and jeans. Joanna wanted to buy more, but I stopped her. Seeing me, she nodded, and when she paid I could see that stuff here was talking nice to her.

When she said, "Pack and put it into the car. Many things will come there."

"Ok," the staff said, and when I looked at her she said, "I will go to one shop. Buy yourselves something to eat. Dinner we will have back home."

"Ok," I said, and when she nodded, she walked somewhere. Seeing it, I came out and then started looking around. When I found fast food, I did not want to go there. So I looked around, and when I found the bakery I went inside.

When I bought two sweets rolls I could not believe the price. Twenty for small two rolls. When I paid, I came out, and then sat on the closest bench, and started eating.

When I was doing it, security came, and then one said, "Might I see your card?"

"I don't have any," I said.

"Please come out," he said while showing the doors. When I heard him, I asked, "For which reason?"

"Customer complaints," he said while showing one. I could recognise my classmates. They probably come here to have some fun. Seeing it, I nodded, and then I came out.

Seeing it, I grabbed the phone, and then I texted Joanna, 'I am outside.'

When I did this, I found a bench and then looked at the doors. I keep waiting for her to come out. Maybe she has not read my message.

Ten minutes passed, and as she had not come out, I got up, and then I could see Paula walking slowly. Seeing her, I moved to the side, and then she said, "oh Jack. Do not run. We are outside of school."

"Yes. You want something from me?" I asked. When she heard me she said, "Maybe I can buy something for you. Dinner or something."

"No. All is ok," I said, as I know what she means. When she heard me, she said, "It took me a lot of courage to ask you something."

"Oh, you know," I said, and then I could see Joanna coming out. When she looked at me, and then Paula, she said, "oh your classmate."

"Yes. He is" Paula said. When I looked at Joanna, she smiled, and then said, "Good to hear. I never saw it at any banquets."

"Oh, he is not in our circle. I heard that your company is rising. Maybe I will ask dad to help you," Paula said.

"No, thank you. I will handle it myself. Williams never asks for help. You should know," Joanna said. Hearing her surname for the first time, I looked at Joanna and said, "I will go now. See you tomorrow at school."

"Jack. How can I help you?" Paula asked. When I heard her I said, "All should be like it was. Nothing should change what happened three months ago."

"But," she said, and then I smiled and walked to the side. As I looked at the sky, I remembered what had happened three months ago. As I had this back in my mind, creeps went around my body.

"Never again. I want to remember this." I hummed, and then Joanna's voice said "what."

"Nothing," I said, and when she smiled she added, "Tell me, little brother. Why do you not want to have anything from her? She asked you. I never saw Evans like that."

"She has a name," I said. Hearing my words, Joanna looked at me, and she said, "oh Paula. I know this. So you are interested in her."

"We are from different words. Let us not talk about this. We can go now," I said.

"Ok. I bought all that I had in my mind. You want something from here?"

"No," I said, and when Joanna nodded, we went back to where the car was.