
Lost and Found: Wealthy Son Comeback

In three months, Jack's life changed drastically. He found out that his parents weren't his. Then the true family found him. Because of pure luck. Will they accept him? How his sisters and parents will react to his comeback? What future is in front of him? Will he be with his crush? How his school life will change? All is in front of him. Will he grab all or pass? Who knows? -------------------- Cover not mine Upload 1 or 2 chapters a day (1POV)

poziomowiec · Urban
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473 Chs

Time to pack gifts

With time passing, I kept an eye on Paula. Seeing my look, she said, "So we will be ending for now. Time to go to bed."

"Oh, shower and bed."

Hearing my words, she nodded, and when she turned it all off, she smiled, and after a quick kiss, she said, "So let's go."

I could only nod. As Paula grabbed my hand, we started walking to the bedroom. I have no idea what she has with this, having showered together. While looking at her, I smiled, and not long after, we had it.

After ending it, we all moved to bed, and while looking at Paula, I could see her surfing on the net.

As she kept checking the news, one person caught my attention. Seeing it, I got up, and she asked, "Where are you going?"

"Oh, check on this," I said while pointing at one. Seeing it, Paula looked at me, and after nodding, she said, "Oh."

After hearing her, I smiled and walked to where the PC was. When I started it and logged into my account, I looked at stocks, which I own. Seeing that one which rose, I smiled. I own some.

While thinking about this, Paula hugged me from behind and asked, "Oh, so you own some?"

"Yes. I bought them like two months ago."

Hearing me, she kissed my cheek and said, "Great to hear. So you will leave them."

Hearing her words, I shook my head, and while seeing that they rise a little, I sold them.

"Why are you doing it?"

"Oh, I earned enough that after taxes few grand will be in my hand. I need to think about money," I said.

"Oh, why?" Paula asked me. Hearing her words, I looked into her eyes and said, "Wedding rings aren't cheap. Therefore, I need to have some money. Remember that I invested in a project which our fathers are doing. I will not see money for some time."

"Oh right," she said while kissing me, and when she sat on my lap, she said, "So you know what type of ring you want to have?"

"Oh, all will depend on you."

Hearing me, she hugged me and said, "We will slowly need to start checking on them. Maybe we will see one soon, which will be perfect."

"Oh, this after New Year. Probably we will need to wait for some time for it to be made."

Hearing me, she nodded. Seeing Paula look, I smiled, and when I turned it all off, I looked at her and took it into my hands.

It surprised her at first, but not long after Paula moved her hands around my neck.

Feeling it, I looked at her, and we walked to the bedroom. While observing her, I put her in bed, and after lying on her side, she said, "I thought you will start doing something."

"Oh, I haven't thought about this. We can move this to the future. Time to sleep," I said while kissing her, and as she nodded, she hugged me and not long after fell asleep.

When the next day came, I woke up at one point.

Seeing Paula sleeping on my side, I smiled, and while observing her for some time, I smiled and finally got up. Good, that I have not woken her up.

While observing her, I smiled and walked to the bathroom. When I was done, I came out and strolled to the kitchen. Time to make breakfast. While knowing what I want to make, I started creating it.

While doing it, Paula hugged me, and after a quick kiss on the cheek, she said, "I will use the bathroom, and come help you."

"Oh, when you're done, everything will be ready," I said.

Hearing my words, she smiled and walked to the bathroom. Seeing it, I smiled and continued creating food.

When I had done this, all I put on plates, and while walking to the table Paula had come back.

Seeing her walking into the kitchen, she asked, "One spoon?"

"Yes," I said, and not long after the kettle started working. Hearing it, I put food on the table, and when I turned, I observed Paula for some time. When she had done all there, I smiled, and when she came to me, she smiled, and we started eating breakfast.

While we were doing it, she said, "So news, and packing all the gifts."

Hearing her, I nodded. Seeing my look, she smiled, and after cleaning, we moved to the couch and started watching the news.

After it, we watched one episode of the series and we moved to packing all the gifts.

As we have a lot of them. First, we all moved to the living room. While looking at what we had here, we started packing it all.

While doing it, ringing doors come. Hearing them, I walked closer, and after opening, I could hear, "delivery."

"Oh, thanks," I said while taking two boxes. Seeing them, the guy nodded and walked away. Seeing that one is for me and the second for Paula, I looked at her. After seeing my look, she said, "For Ann."

"Oh, this is for JJ," I said while moving my box. Seeing it, she nodded. Seeing her look, I smiled, and when we opened what we had bought.

Seeing it, Paula looked at me and said, "Oh really?"

"Yes. It is rare. I checked on the net. He will like it," I said. Hearing me, she nodded, and while seeing what Paula bought for Ann, I nodded and said, "This will be good for her."

"I know."

Hearing her words, I smiled, and when she kissed me, she said, "We will not have enough paper."

"Oh, I will go buy one."

"Ok," she said while smiling. As she kissed me, I smiled and walked to change. When I had done this, I walked outside. While JJ was looking at me, I came closer and said, "For paper."

"Ok," he said, and I walked to the closest mall. After buying what I needed there, I came back home. While seeing Paula looking at me, I smiled, and we came back to packing everything. Still, a lot to pack, so it will take us some time to finish it all.

While doing it, I need to think about what to make for lunch too.