
Lost and Found: Wealthy Son Comeback

In three months, Jack's life changed drastically. He found out that his parents weren't his. Then the true family found him. Because of pure luck. Will they accept him? How his sisters and parents will react to his comeback? What future is in front of him? Will he be with his crush? How his school life will change? All is in front of him. Will he grab all or pass? Who knows? -------------------- Cover not mine Upload 1 or 2 chapters a day (1POV)

poziomowiec · Urban
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473 Chs

Three thousand eight hundred fifty-seven

I have no idea how long I will spend here. 


Thinking about it all, I finally got up. Looking around, I could shake my head slightly and finally started my walk inside.


When I opened the doors, I could see that everyone was around Paula. Seeing them, I smiled and could hear comments about Simon.


While doing it, I kept standing not far away. While doing it, I could hear doors opening. As I looked at Joanna, Mom turned and said, "Quiet. He just fell asleep."


"I am an aunt," Joanna said. As I could see tears coming from her eyes, she came closer. Looking into her, I could smile, and not long after, she came closer. Seeing her observing Simon, I smiled.


While looking into her reactions, I smiled. While doing it, Sophia and Megan came here. Seeing them, Paula's and my dad walked out.


While seeing them looking at me. I followed them. Seeing Adam looking at us, we came closer and started talking about everything.


While doing it, all at one point, we had done as sisters were kicked out. They were too loud based on Mom's words.


We all here busted in laughter.


As they looked at us, Joanna asked, "So, Simon?"


"Yes. We will stay with this name."


"Oh, little Simon. Your aunt needs to go shopping," Joanna said. Hearing her words, Sophia said, "We are buying what we talked about."


"I know, sis. Just adding a few more stuff."


Hearing Joanna's words, I could shake my head. Seeing her smiling Megan, Sophia walked out. They probably will talk to her. While thinking about this, Dad said, "We will go now. Around eight, we will be back."


"You know it; it will be hard to take them from there."


"I know. We need to try," Dad said. Hearing his words, I shook my head, and they walked inside. It took them some time but finally, they came out with moms.


Seeing them walking away, only Ann and JJ had left. Looking at them, JJ said, "We will stay here. Few people are around. So do not worry about safety."


"I know," I said. Hearing my words, he nodded, and I came inside. While looking into Paula. As she is having Simon on her chest, she asks, "You know how much he weighs?"


"Oh, three thousand eight hundred fifty-seven."


"Big boy," she said. As I smiled, I came closer, and I took him into my hands. While holding him like that, I could see him moving his hand.


Looking at him, I smiled, and while having Paula on my side, we came to his bed here. As I put him slowly in it, she kissed my cheek.


When she had done this, I said, "Go sleep. I will wait here."


"Ok," she said. As she turned the lights off, I sat in my place not far away from him.


While being like that, I could see that Paula had fallen asleep.


While thinking about this all, I had no idea how long I kept thinking about it all. As he woke up.


Hearing his cry, I took him up. Seeing tears, I moved him to a place to change, and while struggling with it, Paula helped me.


When we had done all this, she took him closer to her chest and started feeding.


While doing it, all she had done. Seeing his look, she had done all, and the signing had become.


While all this was happening, I joined her.


We walked around, and not long after, finally put him in his bed.


After doing it, Paula said, "Come lay on my side."


"Ok my love" only escaped from my lips. Looking at her smiling, I kissed her cheek, and we lay in bed. While being like that, not long after, she fell asleep.


As time passed, I could see that the day had come. Knowing that seven had come as doctors and nurses came.


Looking at them checking Simon and talking about all, we nodded. He will be later moved for more checks, and other things.


I will follow him.


Knowing it, I smiled, and he once again ate and was changed.


When all came to an end, I could see Mom come inside. Seeing her look at us, she said, "Here is breakfast for both of you. No aromatic smells."




Hearing us, Mom smiled and walked to Simon's bed. Seeing her there, Paula said, "What is Mom?"


"We talked. She will come for lunch. We have dinner, and then we have supper."


Hearing Mom's words, I nodded, and not long after, we started eating. After ending all here, I looked at Paula, and said, "I will come out. I need to make a few calls."


"Oh professor"


Hearing Paula's question, I nodded. Seeing her smiling, I came out. While moving to the side, I chose Professor Anderson's number. After a few seconds, he answered, and said, "Yes."


"Hello, professor."


"Hi, Jack. Something happened," he asked. Hearing his words, I said, "I will miss tomorrow's lessons, probably for the entire week. I will be out of university."


"Oh, what happened?"


"Simon comes to this world. So I will spend some time with him, and Paula," I said. Hearing my words, he said, "Oh, I will come. Which hospital."


Hearing his words, I told him where we were. When I hung out, I could see my grandparents coming inside. Seeing them, Grandma Cole asked, "Which room?"


"It's nice to don't wake him up."


Hearing my words, she shook her head and came inside. Seeing it, I need to take a few deeper breaths and come inside.