
Lost and Found: Wealthy Son Comeback

In three months, Jack's life changed drastically. He found out that his parents weren't his. Then the true family found him. Because of pure luck. Will they accept him? How his sisters and parents will react to his comeback? What future is in front of him? Will he be with his crush? How his school life will change? All is in front of him. Will he grab all or pass? Who knows? -------------------- Cover not mine Upload 1 or 2 chapters a day (1POV)

poziomowiec · Urban
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473 Chs

This is enough for me

While watching cartoons, my phone started ringing. Seeing that it was Megan, I answered and said, "Yes."

"Little brother, what are you doing now?"

"Lying in bed watching TV. Soon I have plans to go and learn," I said.

"Oh, so I will not disturb you. Have a good time," she said.

Hearing it, I smiled, and after Megan hung out, I looked at my phone. Seeing that all is going well and kept an eye on the TV. While doing it, time passed. Who knows when?

Paula has not called me. Therefore, she might be busy at home. Thinking about this, I shook my head, and when I came out of the bedroom, I walked to check the food in the fridge.

After opening it and checking, I could see one thing. A lot is going into the trash. Knowing it, I did this after changing and taking the trash. I came out.

Time to throw it away. I might wash the fridge soon. It isn't smelly, but just in case. I might do this.

After coming outside, I threw it away, and while walking to the shop, I could see JJ.

He looked at me. Seeing him there, I smiled, and after coming to the shop, I bought what I needed.

After having all with me, I came out and stopped close to his car. Seeing it, he opened the window, and I said, "Here you have."

"Thanks, Jack. So tomorrow you have plans."

"Oh, maybe I will go to meet Paula. Are you alone?" I asked.

"Yes. The night shift will change me. So I have few hours of being here," he said.

"Oh, I can see you play a new game," I said.

"Yes. Thanks for it."

"No problem," I said, and as he nodded, he continued playing. Seeing it, I smiled and came back home.

After being there, I unpacked all, that I had bought and started cooking. While I kept doing it, I was almost done cooking my food.

As my phone started ringing. Seeing who is calling, I answered, "yes."

"Oh, Jack. What are you doing?"

"Cooking," I said shortly. I could see that Paula wanted the face to come to activate.

Seeing it, I shook my head, and when I did this, I said, "you will see the ceiling."

"Oh, this is enough for me," she said while giggling. Hearing it, I looked at her.

Seeing me, Paula smiled, and we started talking.

Thanks to her, I almost burned my meat, but somehow I managed to not do this. A few more seconds and it will be black. Now it has a small crispy cover.

While looking at her, I kept answering, but mostly focused on cooking.

After ending it all and moving all to the bowl, I looked at Paula.

Seeing my look, she said, "Oh, I ate."

"So you will watch me doing it."

When she heard me, she nodded, and when I sat and moved the phone, I could look into her. I started eating.

She keeps asking me many questions. Mostly from history and some from maths.

Thanks to this, I ate a lot slower. As I looked at it all empty, Paula started laughing.

Seeing it, I looked at her and grabbed all the plates.

"Come back," she said.

"Soon," I said, and after leaving plates and washing my mouth, I came back. Seeing me, Paula smiled and said, "So we can keep talking."

"Oh yes. For the next two hours or so. All depends on the battery."

"Oh, come on. Put it into charge, and we can talk much longer," she said. Hearing it, I nodded, and after walking to the bedroom, I lay while putting the phone to charge.

Good that I have my laptop close, so after taking it and starting it. I keep an eye on Paula.

I will probably need to check a few things if she keeps asking me more questions from history.

While having it, we all keep talking.

Time passed, who knows when. While looking at Paula, she said, "I will hang out now. Time to sleep."

"Oh, it is early."

"I have some girl's stuff to do," she said. Hearing it, I nodded, and while she smiled, she sent me a kiss and hung out.

Seeing it, I moved onto the bed. Being in the same position for a long is bad.

Looking at my laptop, I took it and walked to where I had a PC.

After sitting there and starting PC time to work for some time.

I need to check stocks and other stuff. Knowing it, I fully focused on it after all.

I checked all that I had. Some I sold, and some I bought in place of them.

For now, I earn more than I lose. Knowing it, I smiled, and after closing the laptop, learning time began.

This started hard, but fully focused on it. I need to know more.

Half a year left until exams, but some teachers will be happy to stop me from ending school. Therefore, I need to learn.

While I kept doing it, I took a quick break to make supper and use the bathroom.

When I finished both of them, I slowly came back to the PC and continued learning.

I have no idea how long I keep doing it, but seeing that it is dark and my eyes, started closing on their own. I shook my head. "Time to sleep," escaped from my lips.

As I looked around, I could see that midnight had come. Looking at the screen, I cleaned my face and turned it all off.

Now I can only wish to go to sleep. Thinking about this, I only changed and lay in bed.

While there, it is not long after I fell asleep.

After the next day had come, I woke up normally. Looking around, I smiled, and when I got up, I knew I had slept for over eight hours.

Knowing it, I smiled, and after doing my morning routine and a quick shower to refresh. I came to the kitchen. Time to make breakfast and tea.

While I kept doing it, my phone started ringing. Hearing it, I came to it, and after answering, I said, "yes."

"Jack, can you come," mom's voice came.

"You come back to your country?" I asked.

"Yes. We landed three hours ago," she said. Hearing it, I said, "ok. I will be there."

"Oh, come in two or three hours. For lunch," mom said.

"Ok. Got it," I said, and after mom hung out, I texted Paula, 'no idea at what hour we can meet today.'

After sending it, I came back to finish creating my breakfast. When I did it, Paula called me.

Seeing it, I answered and said, "Yes."

"Why?" she asked.

"Mom and dad come back. They want me to come back home. So I have no idea how long I will be there."

"Got it. When you come out, contact me. Right, go directly there," she said.

"Ok. I will think about some excuse that I need to focus on learning or something," I said.

"Good point. So see you later," she said and hung out. Hearing it, I put my phone to the side, and after grabbing a plate of food, I sat on the couch.

After starting the TV with the news, I keep listening to them while eating. It all took me some time, but when I was finally done with my food, I could watch until they would end.

When all was done, I changed to cartoons.

Good that they are still going.

Seeing it, I smiled and started watching. Before going deep into it, I set an alarm to know when I will need to prepare to change.

While watching it, and the ads had come, I texted JJ where I will be going and when.

He only answered me with one emoji. Seeing it, I smiled and went back to watching. When all was done, as the phone started ringing, I changed and strolled out.

While looking around, I knew that the time had come to go there. So, after coming out of the building, I could see JJ waiting for me.

When I sat inside, he said, "so main home."

"Yes. After this, we will go to the flat. No idea how long I will be with my parents," I said.

"Got it," he said and started driving to the destination. I only hope I will not spend a long time there and no arguments will come.