
Lost and Found: Wealthy Son Comeback

In three months, Jack's life changed drastically. He found out that his parents weren't his. Then the true family found him. Because of pure luck. Will they accept him? How his sisters and parents will react to his comeback? What future is in front of him? Will he be with his crush? How his school life will change? All is in front of him. Will he grab all or pass? Who knows? -------------------- Cover not mine Upload 1 or 2 chapters a day (1POV)

poziomowiec · Urban
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473 Chs

The weather is getting better

While we kept driving for some time, I asked, "Will we need to go shopping?"


"Yes," Paula said shortly. Hearing her words, I nodded and started thinking about what we could make. 

As I have no idea where we are going now. Last time we went in a very different direction. While driving for like three hours, Paula stopped.


Seeing her look at me, I asked, "So, shopping?"


"Yes. We should have nothing there. So we need to buy food for the entire stay here."


Hearing her words, I nodded, and as she smiled, we walked out. Seeing JJ and Ann leaving their car, I smiled. Therefore, they will stay not far away from us. So shopping for them is needed too.


Seeing it, I smiled, and when I smiled, we strolled into the shop. While being there, I smiled, and while having a trolley, I looked at Paula. 

Seeing her look, I smiled, and we walked slowly for shopping.


While walking around, I kept looking at what Paula wanted to pay. While doing it, all the time passed. 

When we had done this, I paid for all, and while looking at Paula, she smiled, and we walked slowly outside. After packing everything into the car, I looked at Paula.


"We bought enough."


"I hope so. We will see what will come," I said shortly. When she smiled, I looked at her, and as Paula smiled, we walked into the car. While being there, I looked at her, and as I smiled, our drive once again began.


When we finally came to our destination, I looked at Paula. As she smiled and opened the gate, she sat inside and drove in.


Seeing the wooden house in front of us, Paula stopped, and after closing the gates, she opened the doors. When she had done this, I started moving all inside.


When I had done this, I smiled, and while looking at Paula, she smiled and started dealing all here. When she had done this, I could feel the AC working. She looked at me and did something in the kitchen. I smiled and packed food inside.


When I was done, Paula said, "It's such a small place to live."


"Yes. I could see that you bought many things for the grill."


"Yes. We will have one outside. The weather is getting better. Therefore, we can have time to be there. Now let's watch something," Paula said while taking something. Seeing garlic roll. Seeing it, I smiled, and we moved to the couch.


As there are only two room's kitchen and a bathroom.


As Paula looked at me, she smiled and kissed me. When she had done this, I smiled, and we started watching.


While doing it, all I could see was that we were watching the net. So no normal TV if we do not go from Wi-Fi.


Knowing it, I looked at Paula, and as she lay on me, I smiled, and we continued watching.


While doing it, all the time passed. Who knows when?


As she looked at me, she said, "So, preparations."


"Oh, we can have it."


As she nodded, I smiled, and we crept to the kitchen. After preparing everything I smiled, and said, "So as we will go this on fire."


"Oh, you will see what?"


As I looked at Paula, she smiled, and we walked slowly outside. As she showed me all, I looked at her and asked, "Gas."


"Yes. So let's put food and temperature."


"From where you will know all of this?" I asked, and as she smiled, she looked around. After talking from inside some books, she checked what was there and said, "I know it all now."


"Ok. So I will go for food," I said. As she nodded, I smiled and walked inside. After taking it all, I came back, and when Paula was done dealing with everything here, I looked into her eyes. Seeing her look, I smiled, and when Paula smiled, we moved back inside.


While being there, I looked at her, and as she smiled, I looked at her. When we sat, we once again started watching. While doing it, all we had done was, at one point. After ending it all at one point, I looked at Paula.


Seeing her look, I smiled, and while seeing her smile, I asked, "So."

  "Food should be ready. Let's grab it all and be outside."


"Ok," I said. As she smiled, we strolled to the kitchen. While being there, we took all, and as she smiled, we started to walk outside.


When we got there, Paula prepared everything on the table while I checked the meat. Seeing all being ready, I smiled, and while having it with me I came slowly to Paula.


Seeing my look, she smiled, and as I smiled, we started eating. We will see what she has in mind next. Maybe some fun in bed, watching TV or we will stay here for some time.