
Lost and Found: Wealthy Son Comeback

In three months, Jack's life changed drastically. He found out that his parents weren't his. Then the true family found him. Because of pure luck. Will they accept him? How his sisters and parents will react to his comeback? What future is in front of him? Will he be with his crush? How his school life will change? All is in front of him. Will he grab all or pass? Who knows? -------------------- Cover not mine Upload 1 or 2 chapters a day (1POV)

poziomowiec · Urban
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473 Chs

Talk about school

As I kept waiting, I started coughing like crazy.

When I was finally done, I walked to the kitchen. While refilling the glass with water, I drank it.

Feeling that it has not helped, I shook my head. After grabbing the ham, I cut a piece of it. While having it, I started eating it. While doing it, Paula shows up.

Seeing her looking at me, she smiled and asked, "Are you OK?"

"Yes. I am good," I said.

"Good to know. Where is it?"

"Oh, I'm probably still going for food. So we need to wait more," I said. Hearing me, Paula nodded. Seeing Paula look at me, she smiled and came closer. As she kissed my cheek. She added, "Wish we were alone."

"Not only you."

Hearing me, she nodded, and while looking at her, Emily and Lucy showed up. Seeing them looking at us, Emir shook her head and said, "Leave her alone."

"Keep calm, Emily," Lucy said while grabbing Emily's arm. Seeing it, I smiled, and as Emily shook her head, she added, "Leave her."

"I am leaving," I said. Hearing me, Emily nodded, but Paula kept hugging me.

Seeing it, I said, "Not my fault."


"What. I am hugging my fiancé," Paula said while smiling, and as she kissed my cheek, Lucy said, "Sick one. So leave him."

"Oh, right," Paula said. Hearing her words, I nodded, and while looking at them, I said, "I will be back soon."

"Ok," Paula said while smiling. Seeing her look at me, I smiled too and strolled to the bathroom first. While there, I had done all that I needed. After coming out, I walked to the bedroom and changed there.

When I had done this, all smiles showed up on my face. While having it, I strolled to the living room.

After sitting in my place, Paula lay on my shoulder. Seeing her look at me, I smiled, and it almost immediately disappeared as Emily and Lucy looked at me.

Seeing them, I smiled, and when we spent time like that while Paula took control of the controller, she played some series. No idea what season or episode, but we keep watching it.

With it, playing time passed, and as JJ and Ann came, Paula took all of them. As she gave us food while what I wanted from JJ, she left it on the table.

Seeing it, I nodded, and while looking at what she ordered. I started eating.

As I kept doing it, at one point, I smiled and grabbed all that JJ bought.

After having it hidden in place. I came back and looked at Paula. Seeing her look, she was done eating. I said, "You took the spicy one."

"Yes. How do you know?"

"Your lips become bigger," I said. Hearing me, Paula moved her tongue around them and said, "Good to know. So, Emily and Lucy, you can go now."

"Why?" Lucy asked.

"I will start talking with Jack about school."

"Got it. We are going," Emily said while getting up. As I looked at her ending her food, she looked at Lucy. Seeing that Lucy is eating much faster, she has done it, too.

After ending it, they waved and walked away. Seeing it, Paula smiled, and while closing the doors, she said, "Finally alone."

"You lie to them."

"A little," she said while coming closer. Seeing her look, she sat on my lap, and while taking my hand and moving her tummy, I looked at her.

As I left it, she moved back. As her ear touched my cheek, I kissed her there.

"Oh, come on."

"I like it," I said, and after kissing her there once again, she moved a little, and we stayed like that. While we kept doing it, Paula started telling me what was at school.

As I kept listening to her, time passed nicely. While knowing it, I smiled, and after ending it, I looked at her and said, "Oh, harsh English."

"Yes. It was. He comes back."

"I can hear," I said. Hearing me, Paula nodded, and as she moved to my side, she asked, "So, something on your mind now, Jack?"

"Oh, I have many things."

"Good to know," she said while smiling. Seeing this, I said, "No. We will not do this."

"Ok," she said, and as I nodded, we spent some time together like that. While doing it, time passed. While hearing that someone was ringing doors, Paula got up, and as she walked to the doors, she opened them.

"Oh hello," Mom's voice came.

"Hello, Miss Williams," Paula said. Hearing her, I smiled, and as Mom came inside, she looked at me and asked, "Did you take your medicine?"

"I wanted to take them."

"Ok. Remember about them. I brought you something sweet," Mom said. Hearing her, I nodded. Seeing her look, I smiled, and when Mom left the box on the table, she looked at Paula and said, "Oh, I can see you will spend some time with Jack."

"This is a big possibility."

"Good. Remember that he needs to take medicines," Mom said, and as she checked my forehead and kissed it, she smiled and said, "I blocked any of your sisters from coming here."

"Thank you."

"No problem. I will go now. Paula takes care of Jack," Mom said while walking to the doors.

"Ok," Paula said. Hearing her words, Mom nodded, and she walked away. Seeing it, I smiled, and as Paula closed the doors, she said, "Maybe from Friday to Saturday, I will sleep here."


"So tomorrow," Paula said. Hearing her words, I smiled, and as she kissed me, she said, "So let's watch something. I need to check what you have here."

"Ok," I said. Hearing me, Paula nodded, and I started looking at the TV. While she keeps going, she logs into a few pages. While seeing it, I smiled, and when she had done this all, I looked at Paula.

After ending it all, she smiled, and as she got up, she walked to check on what Mom had bought. Seeing her checking, I smiled, and she said, "Cake and cookies. What should I take?"

"Oh cookies."

"Ok," Paula said. Hearing it, I looked at her. When she came to me. I smiled, and we started eating it. After I ate, I got up and walked to take medicine. When I do this, I come back, and we keep watching and eating.

While doing it, at one point, I started sweating. Feeling it, I said, "Break."

"Oh, what?"

"Shower. I need to take it," I said.

"Oh, do you need help?" she asked. Hearing Paula's words, I shook my head. Seeing it, I smiled, and she said, "I will take one too. Time to check what you have there."


"This is my name. I will help you with all," she said, and as I smiled, she grabbed my hand.

'Why is she like that?' I asked myself. While looking at her, she kept smiling, and we strolled into the bathroom. There, we took our clothes and walked to have a quick shower.

It happened to be a long one. When we had done this without any problems, we came out, and after drying, we changed back into clothes and strolled back to the couch. After being there, Paula lay on my shoulder, and we continued watching.