
Lost and Found: Wealthy Son Comeback

In three months, Jack's life changed drastically. He found out that his parents weren't his. Then the true family found him. Because of pure luck. Will they accept him? How his sisters and parents will react to his comeback? What future is in front of him? Will he be with his crush? How his school life will change? All is in front of him. Will he grab all or pass? Who knows? -------------------- Cover not mine Upload 1 or 2 chapters a day (1POV)

poziomowiec · Urban
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473 Chs

Started feeling bad about this all

They keep talking about this for some time. When I kept listening, Dad finally asked, "Jack, how much money can you invest in this?"

"Oh, depends on how much you want. I can have around ten or twenty million," I said while calculating how much I can sell and have in my bank account.

"Really?" Paula's Dad asked. Hearing his words, I said, "I would need to sell a few company stocks, but I will have a lot of money. I will need to see."

"Oh, son. So, can you join us?"

Hearing Dad's words, I nodded. I might lose some of this money. When he looked at me. He asked, "I haven't asked you for some time. How much do you have now?"

"Over a half more than I had previously when I told you."

"Good. You keep going in a good direction," Dad said. Hearing his words, I nodded, and as I smiled, I joined more in the talk.

When plans are clear about how it will all go, I smiled. So I know it all now. Probably I will need to have some signed paper. If I lose money, they should give me back twenty percent or something like that.

While thinking about this, Mom's voice came, "What are you planning?"

"Making the three of us do some side projects."

Hearing Dad's words, Mom shook her head and said, "Remember, Jack needs to study."

"That is why he is coming as an investor. We will deal with the rest. Do not worry. All will go smoothly."

When Paula's dad nodded, I smiled, and Mom said, "OK. We will be going. Remember, tomorrow."

"I know. You don't need to remind me about this."

Hearing Dad's words, I looked at him, and when Mom looked at me, she said, "So, son, we will be going."

"Going," I said, and after goodbye with Paula and her parents, we came out.

While seeing that driver show up in another car.

Seeing it, we came in, and while I looked at Mom, she finally said, "Son. Contact us more."

"I will."

Hearing me, she hugged me and added, "You know I needed to ask JJ about your pictures and how you are doing."

"You could always call me."

Hearing me, Mom looked into my eyes, and Dad said, "She keeps staring in her hand for who knows how long. She kept waiting for your call."

"Oh," I said. I started feeling bad about this all. When Mom hugged me once again, she smiled, and we started talking.

While we kept doing it, at one point we had done it all. When we had done this as we came into my place.

As I looked at Dad, I said, "I will call you after I calculate how much I have."


When Mom hugged me and kissed my forehead, I smiled and came out.

As I smiled, I walked directly to the shop. When I got there, I looked around and went shopping. While having them, I came out and moved slowly back home.

As I looked around, I smiled and unpacked all of my shopping. When I did this, I moved to the PC room.

After starting it, I looked around, and when all started my checking had begun. Good, that I keep calculating on my phone.

When I keep doing it, I can see how much I can invest. I will still have around two hundred for investments and living.

Knowing it, I called Dad. When he answered, I said, "How much can I invest?" Hearing my words, he said, "OK, son. You have everything in your account."

"I will have it tomorrow. When all will sell what I put."

"OK. I will meet with you tomorrow about everything," Dad said.

"I will see when I am done," I said.

"OK. We will know all soon," Dad said.

"Oh, after I come back tomorrow, I will check, and we can talk," I said.

"OK," he said. Hearing his words, I smiled and hung out. When I did this, I looked at the money which had left, smiled, and started buying stocks. I need to earn money.

While thinking about this.

Still, only a few months left before tax payment. So I need to have money to pay for them.

So my checking has started. With time passing, I go deeper into the cheapest companies. While I kept checking, I bought some. While having some money left, I started having feelings about one company.

As I looked at it, I started checking it deeper. While doing it, I decided to buy from the remainder of my money how much I could.

Leaving only five thousand money in my account, I smiled.

I can live with this for a month or two. It all depends on my spending. Thinking about this, I smiled, and from this. I moved to learn.

When I was done there, I smiled and moved to learn.

This time passed. As I spent time on this, all time passed, and when I smiled, I moved to eat.

When I finished eating, I sat on the couch, and with cartoons, I started watching it.

After ending it all, I went to the bathroom, and when I was done, I lay in bed and fell asleep.

When the next day came, I woke up at one point. While looking around, I turned off the alarm and did my morning routine.

When I did this, I ate breakfast and checked if I had it all packed. Seeing all in my bag, I smiled and came out. While looking around, I could see JJ waiting in the car. Seeing his look, I sat in and said, "So uni."

"OK," JJ said. While seeing him passing some bags, he added, "Here you have something like always."

"Thanks," I said while looking at what he had bought. Seeing it, I nodded and drove to the university. When he parked in place, I came out and walked in. Like that, once again, my busy day at university had become.