
Lost and Found: Wealthy Son Comeback

In three months, Jack's life changed drastically. He found out that his parents weren't his. Then the true family found him. Because of pure luck. Will they accept him? How his sisters and parents will react to his comeback? What future is in front of him? Will he be with his crush? How his school life will change? All is in front of him. Will he grab all or pass? Who knows? -------------------- Cover not mine Upload 1 or 2 chapters a day (1POV)

poziomowiec · Urban
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473 Chs

So time to go

As I kept working on this all the time passed.

When this lesson was done, I smiled, and while looking at it all, I smiled, and continued with the lessons.

While doing it, all the time passed. As lessons had ended, I smiled and looked around to meet with everyone from the group. While thinking about this, I walked to this place.

After being there, I looked around and, while smiling; I looked at everyone. When I said I could hear "Jack, are you OK?"

"Yes. All is good," I said.

After saying it, I smiled, and when I looked at everyone, the time to work with everyone began. While doing it, all the time passed. While thinking about this, I smiled, and all continued.

While doing it, we did it all. Seeing it, I smiled. Seeing what hour it was now, I smiled and strolled outside. While thinking about it, I forgot to text JJ.

As I shook my head as I was outside, I called JJ. When he answered, I said, "I am out."


Hearing his words, I called, and not long after, JJ showed up. Seeing his look, I smiled and sat inside. While being there, I could hear Paula's voice. "We will be there soon."

"Ok," JJ said, and when he made a phone call I smiled. While looking at JJ, he said, "Paula wants to have some dinner with you."

"Ok," I said. When JJ smiled, he started driving. While doing it, we went to a restaurant. Seeing what type of it, I said, "So I will be full."


Hearing JJ's words, I smiled, and when he parked, we came out. Seeing his look, he said, "company paying."

"Oh," I said, shortly. When he nodded, we came inside. While looking around, JJ told me where Paula was. Knowing it, I smiled, and when I smiled and walked there.

Seeing her look at me, I smiled, and when I sat I looked at her, and she said, "So let's make an order."

"Yes," I said. Hearing my words, she smiled, and not long after, she made an order. Hearing what she had ordered, I looked at Paula. Seeing my look, she smiled, and said, "So we will have an excellent supper."

"Yes," I said, shortly, and while seeing her look, I smiled, and we continued our talk. While doing it, all time passes. When we had done this, food had come. Seeing it, I smiled, and while looking at everything, we started eating.

While doing it, at one point I had done somehow all that I had. Seeing it, I looked at Paula as she kept struggling. When she had done all she looked at us, and said, "So time to drink, and we can come back home."

"I am full."

Hearing my words, Paula smiled, and said, "Me too."

As she smiled, we had drinks not long after. As I looked at Paula I said, "So time to go. I will pay."

"Oh, it was paid," Paula said. Hearing her words, I looked into her eyes. As she smiled, she said, "Godmother did this."

"Oh," I said. As she smiled, we got up and strolled out. Seeing JJ and Ann in the car, I smiled, and we sat inside. While there, the drive back had begun.

While doing it, we all came back home. Seeing it, I looked at Paula. As she smiled, we walked slowly back home. While being there, she hugged me.

Feeling it, I looked at her, and she said, "Oh."

"Tea," I asked. As she nodded, I smiled and walked to the kitchen to make it. When I had them I came back, and while looking at her, she smiled and took a sip.

Seeing it, I looked at her and said, "So watching."

"Ok," I said. When she smiled and lay on my side, I looked at her, and we started watching all. While doing it, at one point as the slow time to go to sleep came, I looked at Paula.

Seeing my look, I smiled and said, "So, bath."


Hearing her words, I smiled, and we all did as always.

After changing, I looked at Paula. Seeing my look, she sat on my lap and said, "So, Jack."

"Oh, something on your mind."

"Sleep," she said, and kissed me. When she had done this, she moved to the bed on her side. Seeing it, I smiled, and when I lay not long after, we fell asleep.