
Lost and Found: Wealthy Son Comeback

In three months, Jack's life changed drastically. He found out that his parents weren't his. Then the true family found him. Because of pure luck. Will they accept him? How his sisters and parents will react to his comeback? What future is in front of him? Will he be with his crush? How his school life will change? All is in front of him. Will he grab all or pass? Who knows? -------------------- Cover not mine Upload 1 or 2 chapters a day (1POV)

poziomowiec · Urban
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473 Chs

So see you soon. Don't burn it

As I was sleeping, I woke up at one point. After moving slowly from the bed, I looked at Paula. Seeing her, I smiled and walked to the bathroom. When I was done, I returned and took the phone with me.


The alarm had not rung, so I turned it off. When I had this time to make breakfast. 

While thinking about what I could make, I checked one recipe on the net.


After making sure how to make it, I smiled and started preparations. After ending them, I looked around.


When I smiled and walked slowly with all to cook. When I smiled and looked around. Seeing Paula walking slowly towards me, I said, "Bathroom."


"Going. Just checking what you are making."


When she looked at what I have here, she smiled, and said, "So see you soon. Don't burn it."


"I will try," I said while smiling. Seeing Paula's look, I smiled and came back to do it after all. When I had done this, I smiled, and after putting food on the plate, I walked to the table.


Seeing Paula coming, she looked at me. Seeing her look, I smiled, and we started eating it all.


While doing it, all at one point, we had done eating. As Paula looked at me, she said, "Only one sauce would be good here."


"Oh, spicy one?" I asked. As she smiled and nodded, I smiled and walked to the kitchen. 

After coming there, I looked at her, and as I smiled, we walked to the bedroom. As I looked at Paula, I said, "I will go soon."


"Ok. I have plans for a little later with Emily and Lucy."


"Ok," I said and kissed her. When I had done this, she smiled and lay in bed. Seeing it, I changed, and after one more kiss, I walked outside.


Good, that I texted yesterday to JJ about this. While knowing it, I smiled and, seeing him ready. I came closer. After being inside, I looked at him and said, "Thanks."


"No problem. This is my job. Do you know how long it will all take?"


"No idea. I have plans to go to a driving lesson later. If this will be possible," I said. Hearing my words, JJ said, "I will contact him."


"Ok," I said, and while sipping coffee, I texted Paula, 'I will be late today. Driving lessons.'


After sending it, she answered with many emojis. Seeing it, I smiled, and while seeing it, I texted her for some time.


While doing it, all I had done as time to go out had come.


When I did this with coffee, I walked out and walked into the building. Today I am late. Not too much, but still a little. Knowing it, I smiled and walked inside.


While I was there, I looked around. After checking the doors, they are closed.


Seeing it, I sat and came back to sipping coffee. When I had done this professor showed up. Seeing him, I smiled, and after a quick handshake, we came inside. After being inside, I looked at him, and we started checking exams.


While doing it, Fred shows up. Seeing him, I smiled, and he helped us. After ending it, I came out and walked back to the car.


Now it's time to learn how to drive. Knowing it, I smiled, and not long after, we came to our destination. Seeing everything, I smiled, and when I could see the person who was teaching me, I nodded, and we started it all.


First, here, and later we go on route. While driving for who knows how long we had ended it.


After parking, he looked at me and said, "Great driving."


"Thanks," I said. When he nodded, I came out. Seeing his look at me, I nodded, and I walked back to JJ's car. While I was there, I looked at him.


As JJ smiled, he said, "So we can go now."


"Yes. Home sweet home" I said. Hearing my words, he nodded, and we kept driving. After finally coming home, I came out and strolled inside. While being there, I could not see Paula.


Seeing it, I smiled, and when I used bathroom time to work.


Knowing it, I smiled and walked into the PC. After being there, I started a PC and had time to work.


While doing it, all I could hear were the doors opening. Hearing it, I smiled, and after turning it all off, I came out.


Seeing Paula walking closer with some bags, I came closer.


"Thanks, Jack," she said when I took them. While having everything in my hands, I put them in the bedroom, and we started unpacking what Paula had bought.


Seeing it a few times, I looked at her.


As she smiled, I said, "So wonderful shopping was."


"Yes," she said, shortly. As I smiled, she hid all, and after hugging me, I asked, "Had you eaten your lunch?"


"Yes," she said. Hearing her words, I forgot about mine. Knowing it, I smiled, and as Paula looked at me, she said, "So watching."

  "Yes. For dinner" I asked.


"Oh, we will have delivery today."


"I forgot about this," I said. Hearing my words, she smiled, and after a quick kiss Paula said, "So let's go."


"Ok," I said, and when we walked to the couch, I looked at her. Seeing Paula's smile, I kissed her, and said, "So serious."


"Yes," she said while starting it. Seeing it, I smiled, and we started watching it, after all. While waiting for dinner. I could feel a little hungry, but I tried not to show this. I will wait for what the chef will make and eat it.