
Lost and Found: Wealthy Son Comeback

In three months, Jack's life changed drastically. He found out that his parents weren't his. Then the true family found him. Because of pure luck. Will they accept him? How his sisters and parents will react to his comeback? What future is in front of him? Will he be with his crush? How his school life will change? All is in front of him. Will he grab all or pass? Who knows? -------------------- Cover not mine Upload 1 or 2 chapters a day (1POV)

poziomowiec · Urban
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473 Chs


We kept waiting until the food had come. 

Seeing Paula's smiling face, she looked at me and said, "So when will we do this, and what will you say about shopping?"

"Ok," I said shortly. As Paula looked at me, she smiled, and we kept eating. After ending it, all we had done was this, and as she smiled, she lay on my shoulder and said, "One more episode."

I only nodded. As Paula smiled and looked at me, we started watching it all. After ending it, Paula looked at me and said, "So change, and we can go."


Hearing my words, she smiled, and we crawled out. After coming slowly outside, we sat in the car. As she looked at me, I asked, "Did you inform them?"

"Yes," Paula said. Hearing her words, I smiled, and our drive had become. While we kept doing it, we came into the mall.

As I looked at her, I smiled, and when we looked at her, I smiled, and shopping had become. I didn't let Paula use her car. All went into mine.

As we kept going around, Paula started buying a lot. While doing it, all the time passed. 

After ending it, Paula looked at me, and as she smiled, we crawled out. Seeing her looking at me, I said, "So you had wonderful shopping."


As she looked at me, she smiled, and after a quick kiss, she looked at me, and we started driving slowly back home. When we had come there, I looked at her, and she smiled after coming slowly back home.

When we came back home, she looked at me. Seeing her, I smiled, and while looking at Paula, she said, "So time to hide it all."

I could only nod. As she smiled and looked at me, Paula looked at me, and when she walked to hide, I prepared tea. When I had done this, I came back, and while looking at Paula coming back she said, "Oh Jack."

"Yes," I said shortly. As Paula smiled and looked at me, she said, "I kept thinking about buying a new phone."

"You have one of the latest models. Why do you need to have a new one?"

Hearing my words, she looked at me and said, "To go what everyone is doing."

Hearing Paula's words, I shook my head and said, "I will go with this one. Until it breaks down."

"Oh," she only said. Hearing Paula's words, I smiled, and after a quick kiss I said, "You should decide about your phone."

"I will. We will see how it goes."

Hearing her words, I nodded, and as she smiled, we once again started watching. With time passing, we ate dinner. Which I had made and continued watching.

After ending it, all as night had come Paula looked at me and said, "So time to go to sleep."

"Yes. Especially as I have an exam tomorrow, too."

Hearing me, she nodded, and as I smiled, we had a quick shower together, and after changing, we lay in bed. Seeing her look at me, she kissed me, and not long after, Paula fell asleep. 

Seeing it, I observed her, and I fell asleep too.

When the next day came, I woke up when my alarm started ringing. Hearing it, I turned it all on, and after getting up, I did my morning routine. As Paula is still sleeping, the time for breakfast has come.

Simple, and a good one. I could have made something fancy, but I dropped this idea. 

Thinking about this, when I was almost done, I could hear that Paula was using the bathroom. Hearing it, I smiled and moved everything to the table.

When she showed up, I looked at Paula. Seeing my look, she said, "So breakfast, and we are going out."


Hearing her words, I smiled, and when we did it, not long after, we changed and checked if we had it all. While thinking about it all, I looked at Paula.

Seeing my look, she said, "All should go well for you."

"I know."

When she kissed me once again, we walked out and drove to the university. After coming there, I looked where she had parked.

As it is a much different place where she is normally parking. Seeing it, she said, "Daddy bought a shop there. So I have a place to park."


As she smiled, I nodded, and we walked slowly into the university. After being there, we walked in different directions. When I came into the building where I would have my exam. I calmed down.

It should be good for me. Thinking about this not long after all had begun. 

After writing it, I came out and started thinking about something. While looking around, I walked to the side and made a call to JJ. When he answered, he said, "So, Jack, had you done?"

"Yes. I have a question for you."

"Yes," JJ asked. Hearing his words, I said, "Do you know someone where I can learn how to get a driver's license?"

"Yep. Come to the normal gate. We will go there."

"Ok," I said. After I made my call with JJ, I walked to the gates. Seeing him waiting for me, I sat inside, and not long after our drive had begun.